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Fraction Anchor Chart
A Fraction Anchor Chart provides visual representations of fractions, demonstrating how parts make up a whole. It may include equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions, or adding and subtracting fractions. By displaying this chart, you help students grasp abstract concepts and apply them to mathematical problems. It's an essential tool for supporting learners as they navigate fractions.
Representing Fractions Anchor Chart
Math, Fractions, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, Anchor Charts, Teacher Tools
This resource is a Representing Fractions Anchor Chart . It will come with everything you need to develop this math anchor chart with your students. It will cover: - Strip Diagram - Number Line - Parts of a set - Parts of a whole There is a final copy at the end that can be printed for students to keep in their math notebook for reference.
Author Teachers R Us Homeschool
Tags Math Notebook, Representing Fractions, Fractions Anchor Chart, Math Posters, Math Anchor Chart
Introduction to Fractions Anchor Chart
Math, Fractions, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, Anchor Charts, Teacher Tools
This resource is an Introduction to Fractions Anchor Chart . It will come with all the pieces you need to print and assemble the anchor chart for display in your classroom. A study copy is included which works well for their interactive math journals.
Author Teachers R Us Homeschool
Tags Math Clip Art, Math Graphics, Fractions Introduction, Fractions Anchor Chart, Fractions Poster