3rd Grade Spelling Unit | Spelling Curriculum | Spelling Lists
About This Product
Third grade teachers, this one's for you!
Your third graders will love this spelling curriculum!
There are many activities for each week to help students learn and retain the spelling words. Teach them all or pick and choose the ones that will be most helpful.
Activities are perfect for centers, independent work, homework, or classwork.
Each teacher packet includes a cover page with spelling words and the spelling rule or pattern and a call-out page with example sentences.
Each weekly student packet begins with a coversheet and has a pretest, 5 activity pages, and a final test.
Spelling Rules and Patterns In This Unit:
Short vowels
"Magic E" rule
Doubling the final consonants when adding a suffix
Adding a suffix to a word ending in -y
Commonly misspelled words
Long /a/
Long /e/
Long /i/
Long /o/
Commonly misspelled words
Long /u/
-ie or -ei
Plural nouns
Soft or hard /g/
Commonly misspelled words
Soft or hard /c/
Words with prefixes
Words with suffixes
Commonly misspelled words
-tion ending
Silent letters
"R" controlled vowels
Compound words
Commonly misspelled words
Portmanteau words
Words with contractions
Singular possessives
Irregular plural words
Commonly misspelled words
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