Bubble Gum Brain And Brick Brain -An SEL Boom Deck With Audio and Handout

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About This Product

In this product, there is a PDF with a paid link to access the Boom Cards along with an extension activity. There are 24 playing cards and 4 instructional/informational cards about bubble gum and brick brain (growth versus fixed mindsets). There is audio on every card so younger students do not need to know how to read. Students will learn about bubble gum and brick brains. This is the perfect extension activity after reading Julia Cook's Bubble Gum Brain. Bubble Gum Brain relates to the growth mindset and Brick Brain relates to the fixed mindset. Students will learn about the importance of a growth mindset and putting forth the effort to get better at skills. There are also 2 PDF handouts (one in color and one in black and white) for students to write down growth mindset phrases and color in the bubble gum characters.

What's Included

A ZIP file with a PDF with the paid link (click on image) and 2 handouts, one in color and one in black and white.

Resource Tags

boom cards printables SEL school counseling growth mindset social emotional learning special education speech therapy brain gum bubble gum activities bubblegum brain read aloud bubble in brain bubble gum brain read aloud bubblegum brain

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