SEL Boom Deck-Grateful or Disappointed? With Audio Plus Handout!
Special Resources, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills, Special Education Needs (SEN)
About This Product
In this resource, students will learn the differences between feeling grateful and disappointed. These two feelings are essentially opposite one another. The 28 slide Boom Deck has 3 educational/introduction cards and 25 task playing cards. There is audio on each card so no reading is required. This can be done as a whole class group whereas each student can take a turn coming up to a interactive board and deciding which situation is being presented. Then the directions for the deck ask students to think of things the person in the situation could be grateful for in a disappointing situation. There are many examples of disappointing situations such as; not being able to play a volleyball game because a coach is out of town, not being able to have outdoor recess, a volcano not erupting, having to do homework instead of play with friends, a dog ruining a pair of shoes, a teacher asking a student to rewrite a paragraph, a special art class is being canceled, and not getting to go on a roller coaster at an amusement park, among others. There is a handout to print off for each student and have them reflect on a time they were disappointed and now looking back, what were they grateful for in that situation. This is a great Boom Deck to do during Thanksgiving but also throughout the entire year. This is great for grades two, three, four, five, and six. This will create some good conversations with students on looking for those grateful moments.
Please review the Boom Deck terms of use and the ability to get a free trial. The explanation is on their website and I cannot insert it here due to the AI system recognizing it as duplicate information.
For more products related to gratitude, please check out these: (This is a Boom Deck about gratitude as well).
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