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Employment & Volunteering: Thriving on the Job Gr. 9-12+

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Grade 9, 10, 11, 12



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About This Product

Employment & Volunteering: Thriving on the Job Gr. 9-12+

A teaching resource designed to provide students with crucial life skills in the employment and volunteering sector. This educational material is part of a larger lesson plan focusing on enhancing their ability to excel academically and professionally.

Job Application navigation

This resource offers guidance on navigating through job application process which includes suggestions for crafting effective resumes, tips for filing job applications successfully, exploring potential interview questions, and advice for interview preparation.

Maintaining Success post Hiring:

The learning continues beyond gaining employment by providing strategies to thrive in a job like communication techniques with colleagues& superiors.

Educating Employee Rights

Furthermore, imparting an understanding of employee rights along with detailing benefits of volunteering as a part of career development process.

  • The teaching approach consists of (a) reading passages (b) graphic organizers (c) real-world activities including crossword puzzles & word searches (d) comprehension quiz designed at varying levels based on Bloom's Taxonomy — ensuring understanding across different depths of knowledge.
  • Learners from grade 9-12+ under life studies focusing career sub-subject would benefit immensely from this teaching tool as it covers comprehensive yet important aspects that every student should understand when preparing for future employment or volunteering opportunities.
  • Besides full group presentations, this can be put to effective use during small group discussions providing personalized learning experience or could even serve as enriching homework assignments enabling better reinforcement of learnt concepts at home.

This reproducible PDF file type adheres strictly to State Standards, maintaining academic integrity while promoting sharing among the academic community.

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

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