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Figuring Out My Emotions, SEL Activities

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Life Skills





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About This Product

Figuring Out My Emotions, SEL Activities

This valuable resource pack is designed to assist educators in addressing emotional literacy and regulation with their students. Primarily suitable for students from Kindergarten up to Grade 5, the material tackles essential life skills that will serve learners beyond the classroom environment.

Main Content of the Product:
  • Activity 1: I.D Emotions and What Makes You Feel That Way - This activity helps students understand their feelings by exploring different emotions they potentially experience and what triggers them.
  • Activity 2: Choose "Cheer Up" Strategies - Students are guided to discover appropriate methods of managing their emotions when feeling down.
  • Activity 3: Choose "Calm Down" Strategies - This activity will teach students about various strategies they can employ during stressful moments for self-soothing.
  • Activity 4: Label and Color Emotions- An interactive task where recognition of emotion is synergised with creativity. 
  • Activity 5: Draw and Color Emotions- This is another opportunity for children to express their feelings creatively.
  • Sad, Mad, Worried - Story (Activity 6), Sad, Mad, Worried - Story Strips(Activity7)-The activities offer engaging storytelling extensions pushing understanding boundaries.
    Bonus/Surprise Activity:
    • "My Happy Place"(Acivity8) :A self management tool where youngsters can visually develop idea about comforting places .
    • )     This teaching resource follows an immersive approach towards common social-emotional learning objectives providing a vital stepping stone in creating empathetic and emotionally intelligent future citizens. The material can be used effectively in whole group settings, small group scenarios or individual assignments. The resource package is available as a downloadable PDF document.  

What's Included

Included Please Find: 61 Pages


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Invitation To The Teacher's Lounge {Free, Weekly Social Skills Resources}

Activity 1: I.D Emotions and What Makes You Feel That Way

Activity 2: Choose "Cheer Up" Strategies

Activity 3: Choose "Calm Down" Strategies

Activity 4: Label and Color Emotions

Activity 5: Draw and Color Emotions

Activity 6: Sad, Mad, Worried ~ Story

Activity 7: Sad, Mad, Worried ~ Story Strips

Bonus ~ Activity 8: My Happy Place

Resource Tags

Emotional literacy Self-regulation SEL activities Feelings exploration Emotion management

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