French: Bell ringers (Intermediate to Advanced)
About This Product
A series of 4 Bell-Ringers Powerpoint Presentations to get your students' attention as soon as they enter your classroom!
Monsieur et Madame: Jokes (originally from France) which takes the form of a riddle. It involves providing the surname of a husband and wife and asking for their child's given name, with the answer forming a pun. For example: "Monsieur et Madame Nace ont une fille, comment s'appelle-t-elle?". The answer is Anna (Ananas)
The Powerpoint contains 20 jokes with the answers provided on the next slide.
Devinettes: puzzles, usually on the form of a question, which describes an object, person etc. in a mysterious or misleading way. Example: " Je commence et finis par un 'e' et je contiens une simple lettre. Qui suis-je?". The answer is "une enveloppe".
The Powerpoint contains 40 puzzles with the answers provided on the next slide.
Expressions idiomatiques: French idioms with illustrations and their meaning.
The Powerpoint contains 25 French idioms. Example: "Je donne ma langue au chat"
Travail de détective: Problems to solve in the form of police investigations. Illustrations and clues are provided to find the solution.
The Powerpoint contains 10 investigations and their solution
What is included: A .zip folder with 4 Powerpoint Presentations