Guided Mindfulness & Meditation Resource | NO PREP Brain Breaks, Social Emotional Learning

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Guided Mindfulness & Meditation Resource | NO PREP Brain Breaks, Social Emotional Learning

An instant, user-friendly resource that supports classroom mindfulness and meditation integration. This comprehensive slide deck includes a range of exercises designed to fit seamlessly into any existing curriculum.

Versatility and Flexibility

Providing maximum flexibility for teachers and homeschoolers alike, these exercises can serve to start the day peacefully or bring tranquility during more stressful periods. The resource is ready-to-project with simple instructions - just press play!

Appropriate Timing

The guided exercises are span from 1-10 minutes, perfect for suiting limited attention spans without disrupting your teaching schedule.

Mindfulness Understanding

This resource goes beyond simply applying mindfulness; it aids students in understanding key concepts such as thought awareness. This is achieved through grounding techniques guided by the teacher as well as self-leaded meditation offerings.
  • Inclusion of Yoga: With yoga poses intent on fostering inner peace.
  • Breathing Exercises: Box breathing methodology to regulate emotional responses amid stressors.
  • Body Scans: Promoting self-awareness among students.
  • Giving Thanks: Gratitude meditations cultivating positivity among learners.

Focusing Concentration: With Sound and Finger-Breathing Practices

A core part of our offering includes sound meditation fused alongside finger-breathing practices—an effective way towards harnessing concentration while mitigating distractions prevalent particularly within dynamic learning environments whether classrooms or homeschooled settings—enclosed within a single versatile tool. Provided in an efficient Google Slide format linked via PDF, the tool bridges flexibility with time efficiency—an invaluable combination in education's pursuit of all-round growth for students across different grades.

What's Included

1 PDF linked to resource

Resource Tags

mindfulness meditation brain breaks social-emotional learning classroom integration

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