Poetry Book Report
About This Product
This resource, Poetry Book Report, provides you with a full lesson plan to teach your 6th to 9th-grade students how to analyze poetry and write a book report based on the poems. For this project, students will be reading a poetry book and analyzing 10 poems in a written report. In addition to the book report, students will also present one poem from their book to the whole class.
The Book Browse Lesson Plan and graphic organizer will be the perfect companion piece for your students to pick out a book to write their report. After your students browse for a book, I provide you with step-by-step directions to teach your students how to write an amazing book report!
This lesson includes:
++Detailed lesson plans on how to choose a poetry book, how to complete the project, and how to present a poem.
++Objectives and Learning Targets, aligned with the Common Core Standards
++Handouts for the following:
--Book Browsing
--Directions for the Book Report
-- Questions designed to guide them in their analysis
-- Directions for the Poem Presentation part of the project.
++A rubric to grade the presentation
Learning Targets:
I can read and analyze a series of poems from a poetry book of my choice.
I can apply my knowledge of poetic terms as I read and analyze the poems.
I can create a project in which I write thoughtful and detailed analyses of the poems I chose.
I can present one of the poems from my book to the class.
I can reflect on my presentation.
I have produced a number of book reports that you might be interested in.
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Email me at gruenwaldy1@gmail.com if you have any questions.
What's Included
1 Word document with 18 ready-to-print pages
--Lesson Plans
--Book Browse
--Project Directions