Sentence Building with Visual Structure Task Cards Center 3

About This Product

These interesting and engaging worksheets and activity cards can be a very useful teaching resource tool, if your pupils have trouble grasping sentence structure or constructing whole basic sentences . Starting with short sentence patterns and building length gradually, always centered around essential contrasting words, this material uses visual aids / cues to guide ( instructively and as self check ) while keeping motivation high .

It employs illustrations or symbols together with written words as a visual assistance that can progressively fade and disappear, until only words are left to work with . For every visual subject, there are three ( 3 ) distinct sentence formats . One with more symbols, one with less symbols and finally one with no symbols .
It also provides possibilities to trace the words in sentences and frames to copy the sentences .
Furthermore, empty frames beneath every theme .
Along with being provided separately, the sentences ( all three types plus a tracing type ) can also be used as strip cards to compare, work on your own projects, or cut and paste / hook and loop to task cards that only have the visual theme and blank frames ( missing text ) .
You also get the picture themes in the form of smaller Flash Cards, to use individually or in combination with the sentence strips, mentioned before .

The key words used are : in front of, behind, green, brown, tall, short, metal, wooden, strong, broken .
For students with special education needs, literacy -challenged pupils, and young writers and readers in first and second grade, this sentence writing resource can serve as an organized teaching tool that will improve their ability to build sentences and communicate effectively .

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AAC Reading and Writing Development Task Cards

AAC Sentence to Paragraph READING and WRITING
Informational Text Basic Structure | Nonfiction Simple Passage
Included: A pdf file with 161 pages .

Resource Tags

visual support sentence building center reading writing autism attention structured literacy key words words aside

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