5,585 products added recently
2nd Grade Games
Enhance your second-grade curriculum with games that encourage active participation and learning. This collection includes math puzzles, reading challenges, and cooperative games. By integrating these games into your lessons, you can support skill development while making learning enjoyable.
Montessori, Special Resources, Resources for Teachers, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables
5 PAGES OF TRACING LINES HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION: 1. Product name: You can use this educational resource in the primary education classroom. 2. Number of pages: This document contains the following number of pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational document is not editable, because this way you can use it better and you will not have any problem with the composition or design undergoing any variation. 4. Theme: This educational resource contains a topic for the primary education of children. 5. Document version: This educational document is available in PDF version, size A4. 6. Color or black/white: This educational product is designed in color because we believe that this will be much more attractive for your children. 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of primary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. SECONDARY INFORMATION: 11. Ways to print: I suggest you print this document in A4 format, and check if your printer has enough ink for the printout to be of quality and so that your students can complete their worksheet without any problem. 12. Ways to apply it in class: You can apply this document both individually and as a group, it all depends on your criteria. 13. Will they need extra items to use this worksheet? Yes, perhaps your students will need a pencil, markers, etc., it all depends on the creativity of the teacher. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.
Reading Comprehension Fiction Set 2 Sample - Chasing Pheasants (Docs)
ELA, Reading, Common Core, Reading Comprehension, ESL, Language Development, Creative Writing, Writing, Resources for Teachers, Grade 2, 3, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Writing Prompts, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Centers, Activities
Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 2 Sample Overview Fascinating reading comprehension passages, each with an array of activities included. Stories are written for the modern classroom and topics are designed to promote enthusiasm from each student. Each lesson contains a mixed questions section to check understanding, a vocabulary or spelling activity to help remember key language introduced, and a writing exercise. Full answer keys are provided. For a more detailed overview, check the section under the links at the bottom of this description. Passages Include 9.Chasing Pheasants: Tony and his father have a great idea...or so they think! Docs Version This is the Docs editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 2/3 Links Fiction Set 1 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Food Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 6 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 7 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Technology Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Nutrition Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 2-3 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of fivecomprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Three of the questions will be MCQs and two will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 2-3 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Additional File One lesson will have an additional file. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.
Author Cored Education
Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing
Free Spanish Interactive Math Graphs Interpretation Center Activity
Math, Graphing, Not Grade Specific, Centers, Activities
Free Spanish Interactive Math Graphs Interpretation Center Activity Practice graph interpretation in Spanish with this interactive math center activity for students. Contains 18 pages of graph problems to interpret, analyze, solve, and discuss. Covers key skills like reasoning, equation writing, and checking answers. Use for independent practice, small groups, or whole class. Print pages on cardstock and laminate for durability. Store in a folder or envelope for easy distribution and collection. Allows flexible implementation - assign particular pages or let students select problems. Aligns to curriculum standards on data analysis and problem solving. From the trusted teacher shop ShapeUp-N-Matematicas y Lenguaje. Other Spanish and bilingual resources available spanning K-12 subjects.
Author ShapeUp-N-Matematicas y Lenguaje
AI Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention/Special Needs
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
This is a pack of 18 phonic worksheets for the Long Vowel AI (as in rain) specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. A pack of 18 AI worksheets with a variety of exercises to help build phonemic awareness and reading fluency. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? 30 worksheets for the sound AI taking pupils from hearing the sounds in words to reading and spelling them at word and sentence level. all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Your phonics lessons are covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! 2 PDF games to send home for extra practice included! Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. ·Have only a little on each pageas these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 18 worksheets: 1. See it!where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out!Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by usingsound-it-out boxesfor reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give the dictation a week after we finish the work on the EA sound to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included of some common AI words. What is included? 1 PDF with flashcards, 2 easy-prep AI games and 30 worksheets
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Phonic Games, Print N Play Phonic Game, Dyslexia, Vowel Teams, Spelling Ai Words, Ai Worksheets, Learn To Read Ai Words, Long A
Old MacDonald's Farm Game
Math, Numbers, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, 3, Activities, Games
How the game works: Each player chooses a different colored pencil. On your turn roll the dice and color the animal that lives at the matching number. If you have already colored that animal miss-a-go. The first player to color one of each animal is the winner. All the illustrations included in my products are lovingly hand-drawn and painted by myself.
Author Fiddleticks Education
Tags Farm, Game, Numbers, Animals, Mcdonalds Farm Game, Simple Farm Games, Old Mcdonalds Farm Games
EA Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention/Special Needs
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
This is a pack of 30 phonic worksheets for the Long Vowel EA (as in eat) specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. A pack of 30 worksheets with a variety of exercises to help build phonemic awareness and reading fluency. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? 30 worksheets for the sound EA taking pupils from hearing the sounds in words to reading and spelling them at word and sentence level. all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Your phonics lessons covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! 2 PDF games to send home for extra practice included! Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. ·Have only a little on each pageas these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 30 worksheets: 1. See it!where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out!Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by usingsound-it-out boxesfor reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give the dictation a week after we finish the work on the EA sound to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included of some common EA words. What is included? 1 PDF with flashcards, 2 easy-prep games and 30 worksheets
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Phonic Games, Print N Play Phonic Game, Ea Worksheets, Dyslexia, Spelling EA Words, Learn To Read EA Words, Long E, Vowel Teams
Algebra: Memory Match Game - MAC Software
Math, Algebra, Common Core, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games
Algebra: Memory Match Game - MAC Software An interactive educational resource tailored specifically for young learners in preschool, kindergarten, and grades 1 and 2. Ideal for educators such as public school teachers or homeschooling parents, it provides a supportive framework to ensure that even complex ideas are accessible to all students. Outline of the Resource The focus of this resource is a Memory Match Game mini loaded with engaging algebra questions. Hidden within the puzzle are four pairs of matching algebra questions. . This brain-teasing game significantly aids in deeper understanding and comprehension of early algebra concepts tied into the Five Strands of Math curriculum. Possible Implementations This MAC software fits seamlessly within different learning groups: A whole group setting where collective learning can stimulate intelligent discourse among pupils. A smaller setting allowing students to aid one another playing through the game while building their problem-solving abilities together. . . } Error (sm-api):[object Object]>For individualized learning or homework assignments, it helps instill self-confidence among children by using fun and entertainment to convert challenging concepts into something enjoyable. Digital Format Flexibility & CCSS Compliance This Mac compatible software is packed into a user-friendly zip file format so educators can conveniently carry their lessons anywhere. Additionally, every aspect aligns perfectly with Common Core State Standards set by NCTM recommendations. This ensures that only scientifically-backed teaching methods make it into your classrooms, supporting not just fine academic capability, but also readiness for future skills. Incorporate Algebra: Memory Match Game - MAC Software today in your toolkit and watch your student’s grasp over algebra evolve effectively!
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Math Games, Algebra Games, Memory Game, Memory Match, Simple Patterns
More Music Activities for Small Groups: A Collection of Music Games and Activities
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Games, Activities
More Music Activities for Small Groups: A Collection of Music Games and Activities This resource is perfect for educators seeking to integrate music into their teaching. The collection caters to a wide range from kindergarten through grade six, catering to diverse academic requirements. It is ideal for educators with or without formal music training, simplifying the process of teaching basic musical concepts. The resource contains innovative activities such as: Music Sudoku: This activity blends logical reasoning with melodies and sounds. Interactive tasks: These tasks allow pupils to describe or interpret musical objects, making learning experiential. Small group activities The material is suitable for small group activities in both classroom settings and homeschool environments. Smaller gatherings ensure individual attention from the educator while promoting hands-on guidance. Cross-curricular elements This collection has been designed keeping cross-curricular elements in mind, allowing teachers to seamlessly integrate lessons from other subjects using these activity -based methods which nurture interdisciplinary thought processes among students. Digitally friendly format In terms of practicality, this resource's format as a PDF file type makes it easily accessible for educators on-the-go or at home school settings - an eco-friendly approach towards resources that aligns with digitising education trends worldwide. Holistic student development In essence More Music Activities for Small Groups: A Collection of Music Games and Activities underscores holistic student development not only fostering cognitive growth but also emotional intelligence through rhythm patterns thus liberating human expression needed across ages particularly during transitional phases at school levels.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Geometry: Board Game - PC Software
Math, Geometry, Common Core, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games
Geometry: Board Game - PC Software An immersive, instructive tool designed for students from pre-kindergarten to Grade 2; tailored to simplify the complex subject of geometry, facilitating children's exploration of this mathematical discipline in a delightful and stimulating way. The software delivers a zip file format for effortless download. It features an ingenious board game supplemented with 16 variety of geometric expressions, apportioned between two teams. Packaged as multiple-choice inquiries, these questions cultivate young math aficionados' problem-solving capabilities while reinforcing their comprehension of fundamental concepts. The particular joy lies in discovering shapes and spatial relationships by intertwining education with amusement. In harmony with Common Core State Standards', this educational tool fosters thorough understanding of: Key geometric concepts contained in the Five Strands of Math. Ideal for preschoolers through Grade 2 learners. Furthermore, content is built on guidelines delineated by the National Council of Teachers Mathematics (NCTM), asserting efficiency and pertinence; thus providing a versatile platform catering to various teaching techniques! Suitable for whole group instruction in classrooms leveraging team-based approach. Efficacious likewise for small groups or individual learning at home or during tutorial sessions. Promoting STEM education due to its decisive contributions towards imparting critical thinking and problem-solving skills among early year students advancing towards high school graduation, Geometry: Board Game - PC Software considerably aids STEM initiatives too! Download Now . In essence,this ingenious visual tool facilitates intellectual growth while engaging them at their level - making learning both straightforward and enjoyable! Stimulate your class or your child(ren) now with Geometry: The Board Game – PC Software.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Geometry, Geometry Game, Board Game, Math Games, Digital Math
Ice Breakers: Games to Get them Going #2: Social Interaction Activities
, Grade 1, 2, Games, Activities
Ice Breakers: Games to Get them Going #2: Social Interaction Activities This is a highly valuable teaching resource specifically designed for educators. Whether you're based in public school or directing a homeschool program, these activities are applicable and effective. Activity Set Overview The resource features a series of interactive games aimed at strengthening communication skills among students. These have been projected for back-to-school initiations and regular classroom practices too. Engaging Activities: The set carries both physical movement and desk-bound tasks promoting diverse and inclusive participation from all learner types. Holistic Integration: The extension activities further enable daily lesson integration ensuring that the resource goes well beyond mere student engagement. Ease of Usage:The Ice Breakers come enclosed within an easy to use format with just 13 readily printable pages off of a singular PDF file. Versatile Approach:All the games are neatly tiered for elementary level learners spanning Grade 1 to Grade 2 - applicable across virtually any subject area owing to their trans-disciplinary nature. Ideal For Multiple Teaching Scenarios No matter if it's group-based tasks or individual assignments you've in mind, this resource has it all covered. It adds a compelling element towards improving student social interactions while focusing on key educational objectives effectively.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Ice Breakers, Class Games, Small Group Work, Scavenger Hunt, Alphabet Games
Music Activities for Small Groups: A Collection of Music Games and Activities
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Games, Activities
Music Activities for Small Groups: A Collection of Music Games and Activities Music education is a fundamental aspect of the overall learning process. Engaging students in meaningful music activities enhances their creativity, fosters holistic growth, and broadens their cultural understanding. This is where the product 'Music Activities for Small Groups: A Collection of Music Games and Activities' plays a significant role. A Comprehensive Resource This comprehensive collection provides educators with diverse resources to teach basic music concepts efficaciously without necessitating an extensive background in music teaching. Educators can smoothly catalyze student's listening skills while also instigating school spirit via participative songs. Furthermore, recognition of musical items alongside other engaging activities will aid in fostering a lively learning environment. Greatest Advantage "What sets this resource apart is its flexibility to adapt according to educator's needs." The activities incorporated within this package are primarily designed for small groups, promoting cooperative learning while maintaining an individualistic approach towards each learner's growth. The cross-curricular elements inscribed within the set pave the way for reinforcing lessons beyond arts and music discipline into other subject areas if desired by educators. Thus, every activity serves multiple purposes - initiating an inclusive pedagogy that blends fun with learning effectively. Versatility Across Grade Levels This resource fits comfortably across grade levels from Kindergarten through Grade 6 making it possible to weave-in age-appropriate content complementing specific curriculum needs at different stages. It encompasses lesson plans aiming to deliver streamlined instruction applicable in traditional classrooms as well as homeschooling environments. Product Delivery The product comes as a single PDF file providing ease of accessibility with options like printing or electronic use depending upon preference or need opportunity prevents any nuisance regarding file compatibility issues thus ensuring smooth operation throughout one’s teaching journey. Fostering Creativity and Learning Insightful yet simple-to-follow design revamps mundane classes into dynamic ones paving way for uninterrupted musical adventure unleashing creativity along with academic enrichment among students nurturing them holistically year after year!
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Measurement: Memory Match Game - MAC Software
Math, Measurements, Common Core, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games
Measurement: Memory Match Game - MAC Software A teaching resource tailored for the digital age. This innovative tool turns learning into an exciting game, promoting understanding of measurement concepts from an early age. Primarily designed for students in preschool through second grade, this memory match game deals with key measurement questions reinforced by the Five Strands of Math curriculum . This interactive approach encourages students to engage directly with each task, reinforcing their ability to comprehend and recall core math principles. Features: An alignment with common Core State Standards and STEM initiatives solidifies its place as a valuable asset in boosting learners mathematical competence Written to NCTM standards; assuring educators that it meets top-tier pedagogical guidelines Note: From counting blocks in preschool to understanding lengthier units of measurements in second grade levels-- every component contributes towards creating a robust mathematical foundation for young learners. Ease of use: The software is compatible with MAC systems -- embedded within a downloadable zip file -- hence implementing this resource can be achieved effortlessly across different learning formulations. Deploy it using individual computer stations during study time or incorporate it into small group activities for collaborative educational experiences. Incorporate as fun homework assignments, this tool guarantees informative learning away from traditional textbook translations. Ode Relating Game theory & Maths: "Think beyond classic memory card matches; let your students explore the world of measurements through an engaging digital puzzle that combines fun gameplay and impactful education together!" Motivating Quote for Teachers : "Remember: The magic behind successful teaching is always centered around dynamic resources that infuse enthusiasm into substantive knowledge gains – with Measurement: Memory Match Game - MAC Software certainly setting itself apart as one such supplementary educational enhancer!"
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Math Games, Digital Games, Measurement Game, Memory Game, Matching Game
Number & Operations: Memory Match Game - MAC Software
Math, Numbers, Common Core, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games
Number & Operations: Memory Match Game - MAC Software This valuable teaching resource seeks to help young students grasp the concepts of number and operations. Ideal for preschool, kindergarten, and grade 1-2 teachers who aim to provide an interactive and engaging learning experience. Also invaluable for homeschoolers facilitating their kids' foundational mathematics studies. Game Play & Purpose The game is based on the five strands of math concept, composed of four matched pairs of number and operations questions concealed in a puzzle form. An excellent memory match game that captivates student's recall capability while concurrently reinforcing crucial mathematical principles. Software Compatibility This software comes as a zip file with essential content compatible with MAC devices in classrooms fitted with smart boards or individual computers. Tailor-made for whole group instruction or small group activities. Homeschoolers can integrate this into daily study routines or as assignments to bolster new concept comprehension. A adherence Standards center ">CCSS Aligned:The well-aligned curriculum meets Common Core State Standards (CCSS) giving educators confidence they're providing nationally recognized educational resources. center ">STEM Initiatives: Most suitable for STEM drives intended at equipping students adequately in science, technology, engineering, and math fields. center ">NCTM Principles Alignement:An assurance that it performs up to the required industry standards by The National Council Of Teachers Of Mathematics (NCTM). A quality education tools designed by educators fostering next-generation mathematic strength. The Number & Operations: Memory Match Game - MAC Software is a perfect blend of education and entertainment that effectively bridges the knowledge gap through active and fun engagement.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Math Games, Memory Game, Matching Game, Operations Activity, Counting
Responding To Others BINGO | Positive & Negative Scenarios
Life Studies, Special Resources, Life Skills, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games
Responding To Others BINGO - An Exciting Educational Tool Responding To Others BINGO paves an innovative path to teaching essential social skills in students. Using a fun approach, it aids students in the art of perspective taking, enabling them to make apt responses during both positive and negative scenarios. Differentiated Instruction Compatible with varying levels of understanding among grades 1 through 5. Caters to readers and non-readers with multiple board designs. Versatile Usage Teachers can use this resource: In whole group instruction or small group activities. To assign engaging homework extending learning beyond classrooms. Hence practically useful for public school educators and homeschoolers alike! Focused Scenarios & Editable Variations This game introduces independent boards for: Positive situations, Negative situations, Combined scenarios, Editorial versions to suit unique classroom needs. . The multiplicity of options fosters emotional intelligence by letting students critically think about their reactions in diverse situations. + Game Features:> Repeatable Use: You could reuse thanks to laminatable black & white boards or use them once which will let children color shielded picture-boards after each use. Adapting towards Reusability Reusability is based on playable creativity, it provides students pleasure of mastering skills useful for interpersonal settings. Testimonials: Multiple endorsements from teachers acknowledge the ability of this game to not just captivate but successfully impart wisdom onto their students in an exciting environment.
Author Socially Skilled Kids
Tags Social Skills, Perspective Taking, Responding Appropriately, Positive Scenarios, Negative Scenarios
Name That President Smartboard Game
Social Studies, History, History: USA, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games
Name That President Smartboard Game Using Name That President Smartboard Game, students look at pictures of each president to build their knowledge of our past presidents. What You Get: This is a zip file that includes a PowerPoint and a PDF. The PowerPoint consists of 46 slides. The PDF is a 1-page answer key. How to Implement the Name That President Smartboard Game: This is an exciting game for students to play in the midst of a social studies unit studying presidents. You can play this game at the start of the unit to see how well students know the presidents. When you have spent time introducing and reviewing the presidents, students will be ready to play this game again. You may want to discuss things such as their backgrounds, education, and presidential achievements. This is a game that works well played in small groups. Students will love the friendly competition while racking up points to see who wins the game! Take A Look at Some of My Best Sellers: Ending Blends Pictures Worksheet Making Inferences Worksheet Locating Nonfiction Text Features Worksheet Matching Animal Habitats Worksheet Recognizing Fractions Worksheet Graphing Bugs Worksheet You can find more resources at my storefront here: Have Fun Teaching
Author Have Fun Teaching
Tags Name That President, President Activity, President Game, Small Group Games, Jeopardy, History Game, U.S. History, U.S. Presidents
Data Analysis & Probability: Memory Match Game - PC Software
Math, Patterns, Common Core, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games
Data Analysis & Probability: Memory Match Game - PC Software This teaching resource, the Data Analysis & Probability: Memory Match Game, is a dynamic PC software application designed to equip preschoolers, kindergarteners and first, and second graders with early fundamental data analysis and probability concepts. The game features four pairs of questions based on data analysis and probability intricately concealed within an appealing puzzle layout. This design strategy encourages learners to unlock their problem-solving skills while simultaneously assimilating critical math concepts. The gameplay introduces a subtle yet potent means of teaching students without compromising the fun learning session. Benefits for Educators Easy implementation in various teaching scenarios. Promotes engagement in group activities or during individual student play-time. Transforms ‘boring’ subjects into exciting quests for knowledge! This Memory Match Game aligns perfectly with the Five Strands of Math curriculum for grades PK-2, making it suitable for instructional use across different stages of early learning in schools or homeschooling settings. Aids Transitioning Into Advanced Math Concepts This tool is especially useful as a practical transition from basic mathematical concepts into more advanced calculations through visual representation of patterns. Supporting STEM Initiatives: Teachers aiming at promoting STEM initiatives in their classrooms will find this game particularly useful because its content meets Common Core State Standards (CCSS) requirements as well as those outlined by NCTM guidelines - providing them with assurance that they are offering students top-notch quality education. In terms of technicalities, the Data Analysis & Probability: Memory Match Game is available as a single zip file containing the complete setup required to run the software on PC platforms without restrictions. Conclusion This software serves not only as an effective method for learning but also acts like a cool break from traditional textbook practice problems. Any teacher looking to inject variations into their pedagogical methods would appreciate having this resourceful software at hand.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Math Game, Pattern Game, Probability, Memory Match, Data
Telling Time to the Hour Learning Games with Tom Turkey
Math, Time, Grade 1, 2, Games, Activities
Your grade 1 and grade 2 learners are going to have the time of their lives playing these fun turkey-themed learning games. What’s even better? They’ll be practicing their skills in telling time to the hour. Use these activities in conjunction with the Telling Time to the Hour with Tom Turkey Activities and Worksheets or as stand-alone learning games. Either way, your kiddos are going to be engaged and having fun while learning. When you purchase this product, you will add to your teacher toolbox 4 enjoyable activities. Three of the games focus on identifying both analog and digital times while matching each to their partner. If your learners are still working on identifying color words, they’ll get practice in one of the activities. The fourth game will take your learners outdoors or into the school gym to play a wild game of “What Time is it, Farmer Brown?”. Two of the activities include corresponding PowerPoint slides. These make for great whole class learning. This product is great for getting your learners excited about Fall. They’re perfect for the days leading up to the Thanksgiving holiday break when kids tend to be full of excitement for the upcoming vacation. You could send home a set of “Turkey Time Matching” cards for your learners to play with family members or friends during their time off. Each activity is available in a color version, as well as a black & white version. Use the color version for learning activities that can be used year-over-year. The black & white version allows you to save money on toner or ink. You’ll find an answer key for the worksheet that is part of activity #2. The details of each activity are listed below. PAGES 1-4: “TURKEY TIME MATCHING” – learners can use this card game to practice identifying analog time and digital time. They will match digital time cards to the analog turkey clock cards. Directions for two versions of this game are available. PAGES 5-9: “TELLING TIME WITH TOM” – learners can use this activity to practice identifying analog time and digital time, along with color words. They will use the cards with digital times as a key to color Tom’s feathers which include analog clocks. PowerPoint slides are also available with this game. PAGE 10: “WHAT’S THE TIME, TOM?” – learners will use this activity to identify analog time on turkey clocks and write, or verbally express, the corresponding digital time. PowerPoint slides are needed for this game. PAGE 10: “WHAT TIME IS IT, FARMER BROWN?” – learners will play this game while strengthening this listening and large motor skills. This activity is similar to the game, “What time is it, Mr. Fox?”. ANSWER KEY
Author Quail Trail Products
Tags Telling Time, Hour, Learning Games, Turkey, Thanksgiving, Fall, Analog Clocks, Digital Time, PowerPoint Slides, P.E. Game
Geometry: Memory Match Game - PC Software
Math, Geometry, Common Core, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games
The Geometry: Memory Match Game - PC Software An interactive and educational teaching tool designed to help learn geometry concepts covered in the Five Strands of Math. Specifically tailored for the Preschool through Grade 2 age group, it serves as a resource for public school teachers and homeschooling parents alike. How It Works In this memory match game , four pairs of geometric questions are concealed within a puzzle-format that engages young learners. The interactive platform encourages further exploration into math subjects while bolstering problem-solving skills. The game begins with all cards hidden encouraging students to use their memory skills. The engagement is increased by reinforcing familiarity with shapes and spatial relationships - essential in early grade geometry. Distinguishing Features A key feature of the Geometry: Memory Match Game is its compliance with Common Core State Standards run by NCTM — ensuring learners meet necessary benchmarks as they play. Further adherence includes STEM initiatives considerations for comprehensive and practical math education. Compatibility & Usage This software is compatible with PC platforms; conveniently packaged in one zip file, accessible either for whole class instruction or smaller study groups. Ideal also for individual home usage and homework assignments – perfectly merging learning with playtime activity. Note: The Geometry: Memory Match Game_PC Software is key to linking academics and entertainment in a way that cultivates interest towards math among young learners; linking fun with education simplifies understanding complex shapes while enhancing cognitive skills like memory retention. Add this engaging digital tool to your teaching resources today! Leverage not just its capacity to satisfy classroom requirements but also kindle excitement about learning geometry in students.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Symmetry, Shapes, Digital Math, Digital Games, Geometry
Data Analysis & Probability: Board Game - MAC Software
Math, Graphing, Common Core, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games
Data Analysis & Probability: Board Game - MAC Software This is an exemplary teaching resource that's perfect for educators keen on enhancing the mathematical skills of their learners. It targets preschoolers all the way up to grade 2 level. Unique Features of Our Board Game Software: Fundamentally centers on improving knowledge in data analysis and probability. Interactive format that employs a board game with 16 multiple-choice questions for effective learning. Promotes active participation via friendly competition between two teams using the Eliza's board game method. The learning outcomes are designed to align with recognized educational standards. Specifically, they match up with the Five Strands of Math - meeting Common Core State Standards and NCTM guidelines. Versatility in Implementation: The software provides flexibility in how it's incorporated into classroom instruction, making it suitable for use during grouped activities or small study groups based on teacher preferences. It can also be set as an independent assignment or homework task allowing pupils to apply what they've learned at home. Ease of Installation: The software comes as a simple zip file, making installation onto MAC devices straightforward. This ensures its compatibility with modern tech-inclusive education methods used by teachers favoring MAC over other operating systems. In conclusion, our Data Analysis & Probability: Board Game Mac Software is not only interactive but also aligns well with recognized educational standards providing a versatile and user-friendly experience for both teachers and students alike.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Digital Math, Data, Analysis, Probability, Graphs
u-e Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
This is a pack of 23 phonic worksheets for the Split Vowel U-E (as in true and tune) specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. A pack of 23 worksheets with a variety of exercises to help build phonemic awareness and reading fluency. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? 30 worksheets for the sound EA taking pupils from hearing the sounds in words to reading and spelling them at word and sentence level. all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Your phonics lessons are covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. ·Have only a little on each pageas these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 23 worksheets: 1. See it!where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out!Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by usingsound-it-out boxesfor reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give the dictation a week after we finish the work on the EA sound to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included of some common EA words. What is included? 1 PDF with flashcards and 23 worksheets
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Magic E, Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Phonic Games, Print N Play Phonic Game, Split Digraph U-e, U-e , Long Vowels
Locomotion PE lessons (K-2): Sport Skills & Games - physical education
P.E. & Health, Sports, Health, Physical Education, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, Activities, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Games
The Locomotion PE Lessons (K-2): Sport Skills & Games - Physical Education Toolkit This is a specialized bundle offering educators the options to orchestrate exhilarating physical education activities in their curriculum, focusing on fundamental gross-motor movements. Designed primarily for kindergarten to 2nd grade students, it is perfect for public school teachers, homeschoolers, and other educators interested in extending their sports and health-related activities. This kit includes more than 20 adaptable PE activities aimed at improving various capabilities such as sprinting, dodging, balancing and jumping. No preparation is required – it’s ready-to-teach directly from printing or straight from a digital device like an iPad or a tablet. Rotten eggs Incredible imaginations Jump the crocs Follow the leader Apart from detailed lesson plans with clear coaching points progressions, these resources provide an insightful assessment rationale along with grading sheets to assist report writing about student performance levels. Flexibility is assured for those who wish to infuse creativity into this pack; one isn’t always tied up rigidly within set structures. Note: this mini-pack doesn't stand alone; it's part of larger 'Complete Kindergarten PE Sport Skills Games Pack' fulfilling all your requirements around striking moving bouncing throwing catching and kicking skills! If you're looking out specifically for locomotive skills tailored for grades K-2 this standalone pack will meet your needs perfectly! In conclusion: , Providing fun, challenging and rewarding activities this toolkit is indeed an invaluable addition capable of fostering confidence among students in moving with panache…certainly stealing the spotlight on the sporting front!
Author Prime Coaching Sport
Tags Locomotion, PE Lessons, Sport Skills, Games, Physical Education Toolkit
High Frequency Picture Words: Memory Match Game - FLASH-MAC
ELA, Language Development, Vocabulary, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games
High Frequency Picture Words: Memory Match Game - FLASH-MAC Designed for educators and homeschoolers alike, the High Frequency Picture Words: Memory Match Game - FLASH-MAC assists Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in mastering their vocabulary skills. This memory match game is a potent teaching tool for enhancing both language comprehension and recognition of high frequency picture words. This game presents a compilation of 4 matching pairs of picture-words within it, each pair carefully selected from commonly used high frequency words. Its effective approach serves to reinforce word-image associations learned during lessons. Versatility of Usage Serves in whole group settings to small group activities. Fits into an entertaining homework assignment module. Allows flexibility according to each learning environment's dynamics. The product takes on an innovative approach towards teaching vocabulary by combining learning with fun—a strategy proven conducive for memory retention in young learners. It employs visuals and interaction to create a captivating learning atmosphere that encourages student participation while simultaneously reinforcing their linguistic skills. Note: The product file comes as software compatible with Mac devices—facilitating easy set-up across prevalent technology platforms today, addressing accessibility issues current pedagogical needs demand—especially at times like these when remote schooling appears more common than ever before. In Summary... This innovative tool transforms routine vocabulary lessons into engrossing games stimulating children’s curiosity about acquiring linguistic competence—an asset invaluable for education facilitators looking to provide students with an enjoyable journey towards proficiency.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Software (Mac)
Common and Proper Nouns Review | Digital Pixel Art Mystery Pictures and Games
ELA, Grammar, Grade 2, 3, 4, Games, Activities
Need an engaging way to review common and proper nouns? Look no further than this NO PREP digital pixel art mystery picture and games set! Perfect for elementary teachers and homeschoolers alike, this NO PREP digital resource reviews common and proper noun concepts using a summertime theme. Watch the video to preview all 4 digital pixel art mystery pictures and games. GREAT FOR YOUR: ELA class or end-of-year review Writing lessons or centers Brain breaks Early finisher activities Morning work Emergency sub plans ...or just for fun! 4 SELF-GRADING DIGITAL PIXEL ART MYSTERY PICTURE REVIEWS: Identify the underlined noun in the sentence as common or proper Identify the noun as common or proper Identify a common noun in the sentence Identify a proper noun in the sentence Please go here before purchasing to make sure you can access the website. How do these self-grading mystery picture reviews work? Open or share the link. That's it! Students will work through 20 questions in each review listed above. When they answer the final question correctly, they will be directed to a self-checking game as a reward! The self-checking games include: Jigsaw puzzle Memory Word search Pigpen cipher How do I access these self-grading mystery picture reviews? You need internet access and a laptop, desktop, or tablet. (Laptops and desktops work best.) No Google account or email address necessary! I don’t recommend cell phones because the moveable elements become small and difficult to maneuver. How long do these self-grading mystery picture reviews take to complete? The reviews themselves are fairly quick. However, the reward game completion time depends on a number of factors, including learners’ puzzle-solving skill levels. How many learners can work through these self-grading mystery picture reviews at the same time? This is one of the best parts: there is no limit! Learners can work individually, in small groups, or together as a class. (I’ve included a blank answer sheet in case you would like learners to provide written work.)
Author Heather Huhman
Tags Grammar, Nouns, Common Nouns, Proper Nouns, Pixel Art, Mystery Pictures, Digital Games, Proper Nouns Games
TH Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention/Special Needs
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
This is a pack of 26 phonic worksheets for the sound TH (as in this and cloth) specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. A pack of 26 TH worksheets with a variety of exercises to help build phonemic awareness and reading fluency. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? 26 worksheets for the sound TH taking pupils from hearing the sounds in words to reading and spelling them at word and sentence level. all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Your phonics lessons are covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! 1 colour-by-code picture for added fun! Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. ·Have only a little on each pageas these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 23 worksheets: 1. See it!where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out!Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by usingsound-it-out boxesfor reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. Simply choose the pages each child needs and put them together to make a work book! We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give the dictation a week after we finish the work on the EA sound to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included of some common TH words. What is included? 1 PDF with flashcards and 26 worksheets
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Dyslexia, Learn To Read TH Words, Spelling TH Words, Consonant Blends, TH Words, Learning TH
Concept Nouns Naming and Definitions 19
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Vocabulary, ESL, Special Education Needs (SEN), Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games
This series of PDF BUNDLE resources focuses on identifying noun concepts, with engaging visualizations ( pictures and graphic arrangements ) of vocabulary by topic. The activity materials in this assignment are designed to help students develop their vocabulary and reading comprehension skills through interactive activities and real-life examples. It includes clear names and definitions of words from common noun categories and can also serve as discussion prompts to encourage critical and analytical thinking, deepen your understanding of the language, and improve your communication skills . This resource is designed to be accessible and engaging to all students . Ideal for teaching English as a Second Language and intervention sessions on learning difficulties. Clear and concise language, visual aids and interactive activities help students easily understand and remember information, integrating visual and kinesthetic elements. You can choose from a variety of worksheets that suit your student's level, interests, and printing preferences. Each category topic includes : 2 sets of Flash cards ( definition sentence / image, image / definition sentence ) 2 sets of Flash cards ( definition word / phrase, definition phrase / word ) 3 anagram strings ( mixed letters of single words or in definition text ) 1 Crossword ( word definition ) 2 sets of linked activities Draw a Line ( definition / image, image / definition ) 2 sets of matching activities Draw a line ( word / definition, definition / word ) 2 series of Quizzes ( definition / image, image / definition ) 2 series of quizzes ( word / definition, definition / word ) 3 Wheels of Fortune ( words, definitions, images ) Search page for 1 word ( word definition ) 2 writing boards ( words, definitions ) 2 blank boards/artboards ( words, definitions ) Various puzzles and word games for naming noun concepts as well . * Use as-is or create your own board games, like Snap, Memory, Match to Sample, and Knowledge Races . Distribute it as morning exercises, quiet time and focus activities, independent workbooks, or fun homework . 65 PDF Pages
Tags Esl, Word Defining, Semantics, Word Search, Anagram, Flash Cards, Centers, Crossword, Definitions, Writing Expository
Basketball PE games (K-2): Sport Skills & Games - physical education
P.E. & Health, Sports, Health, Physical Education, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, Activities, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Games
Elevate your sport lessons with an impressive compilation of over 30 top-notch basketball bouncing skills, games, drills, and activities! If you're seeking to enhance your sport lessons with kids, you've come to the perfect place to start. Our resource goes beyond just games – it's a comprehensive collection of bouncing skills, drills, activities, games, and lesson plans that will set your grades K-2 students on the path to becoming basketball stars! Say goodbye to the hassle of searching, planning, and scrambling for ideas when teaching basketball bouncing, dribbling, and shooting. Everything you need is right here in this jam-packed resource, offering simple and easy-to-follow content. No more wasted time or energy – simply print and teach the lessons, whether it's from a physical copy or directly from your iPad or tablet. Games It's a super valuable pack which includes the following drills and games: • all you can dribble • ball control • dodge the dinosaurs • paint the eggs • grumpy grandpas • chasers • rob the nest • sweep the beach • shark attack • the iceman • weaving' wasps • racing cars • air traffic control • nifty ninjas • round the world • into the hole • babel challengers • the incredible journey • zig-zag relays... Perfect for all casual, permanent, new and student teachers, PE teachers, professional development, and also great for after-school hours care services who wish to extended their activities... Skills You'll be fully equipped with the key ways to teach, the coaching points, skills and drills, set up, progression, gameplay and variations for the following skills: • Dribbling • Protecting the ball while moving • Cross-overs and skills • Shooting These 5 elements will greatly develop your classes' ability and CONFIDENCE using their hands with the ball, and all the activities are so simple to follow using basic equipment. You can either go by the sample lesson structure, or simply pick and choose the activities you think will work best. Assessment You are also provided with an in-depth assessment rationale and grading sheet, in order to assist in report writing. This pack is PERFECT for you if you are looking to build your practical knowledge and create an opportunity for your kids to play sport through FUN, CHALLENGING, REWARDING and tried and tested activities. It's a fantastic pack made by experienced basketball coaches and elementary school teachers that can be used term after term, year after year, to develop your students' sporting ability!
Author Prime Coaching Sport
Tags Basketball, Basketball Games, Pe Games, Physical Education, Physical Education Games, Basketball Skills, Basketball Lessons, Pe Basketball
Number & Operations: Spinner Game - MAC Software
Math, Numbers, Common Core, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games
Number & Operations: Spinner Game - MAC Software The Number & Operations: Spinner Game is an effective, fun, and interactive teaching resource, perfect for both public school teachers and homeschoolers. It has been specifically designed to cover key number and operations concepts within the Five Strands of Math curriculum for grades Pre-Kindergarten to grade 2. Moreover, it also successfully incorporates Common Core State Standards and aligns with the objectives laid out by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Diverse Educational Tool The game offers six dynamic questions on its digital spinner wheel. Educators can use them in classrooms or extend their usage to small study groups, homework assignments. This resource can serve as a learning tool even during unexpected downtimes. "Educators will find this product useful particularly for students who excel when learning through interactive activities." By fostering active participation in students' learning process they would be able to foster higher engagement while strengthening mathematical thinking skills. Tech-Centric Teaching Resource The software is available as a zip file making it easy to implement on any MAC devices across different educational setups. The software intends at injecting fun into math lessons making them more appealing thereby leaving students eagerly anticipating each session. Focused Target Audience: This web-based application is tailored exclusively for preschool through second-grade students studying math with particular emphasis on numbers-related concepts. It goes hand-in-hand with traditional instructional methods providing diversity in content delivery strategies which often leads towards enhanced understanding among pupils. In essence, this Number & Operations: Spinner Game - MAC software emerges as a reliable partner astronomically supporting educators diversify their toolkit aiming at nurturing math-savvy scholars thereby setting them up for success including and beyond the classroom environment!
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Numbers Activity, Spinner Game, Math Spinner Game, Math Activity, Digital Games