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Early Learning Games

Introduce your youngest students to educational concepts with games designed for early learning. This collection includes activities that promote language development, basic math skills, and social interaction. By incorporating these games into your classroom, you can create a nurturing environment that fosters growth and curiosity.

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Give A Dog A Word Bone Game

Give A Dog A Word Bone Game
ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

Read the word on the bone. If you get it right feed it to the dog. Woof! Woof! A fun game to reinforce reading. Introducing you to our brand new ‘Mission Spelling Zero’ scheme. Help your child/ren to take their first steps in reading, writing and spelling, with this exciting structured scheme. How to prepare Cut out the dog‘s head, body and tail. Glue the head and body together and attach to a box (shoebox). Stick the tail to the other end of the box, so it can be seen just above the box. How to play: Muddle up and divide the bones equally between the number of children playing. Each child takes a turn to read a word from their pile. If they read the word correctly, everyone shouts “WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!” and the child slots it through the dogs mouth. However, if they read the word incorrectly, everyone shouts “Grrrr....” and the word bone has to go to the bottom of the child’s pile. The first child to feed all their bones to the dog is the winner.

Author Guinea Pig Education

Tags 3 Letter Words, Initial Sounds, Phonics, Reading, Game, Give The Dog A Bone Game, Give The Dog A Bone Games, Give A Dog A Bone Games

A-E Phonic Game To Develop Phonemic Awareness

A-E Phonic Game To Develop Phonemic Awareness
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games

Here is a fun, print 'n play phonic game for the split digraph a-e! Help your pupils to grasp the tricky split digraph concept as they play! Who is the a-e game suitable for? All learners of phonics, including young children, SEN/special needs, ESL etc... Aims and Objectives Some children, when starting to learn about the long /a-e/ sound will start to make every /a/ into a long /a-e/ sound. While this is common among all children, some children need more help to overcome this difficulty. Therefore, this game has two aims: 1.To help children to be able to hear the long vowel sound a-e in words 2.To help children understand that some words have a short /a/ and some have a long /a-e/; the child must listen to hear which word has which - not guess. How to play: This is a game for two ore three players, one of which should be an adult. The game can be played with either pictures or sounds. Each player takes a game board (either pictures or sounds) which will indicate whether the player should listen for words with a short /a/ sound or a long /a-e/ sound. The adult reads a word on the word card, and the pupils must listen for 'e' or no 'e'? If the pupil has the sound/ picture on his/her board, she/he covers up a space. the winner fills hi/her board first. Teaching tips: Help children to hear the vowel sound by emphasizing it and stretching it out. Help the child to do this as well. Have fun - as this eases children over those tricky spots! What is included? 1 PDF with 2 game sound boards, 2 picture boards, squares to cover up and a word (readers) card. See more fun phonic games in the Lilibette's Resources store! Find: AR Game A-E Game Games for initial/final sounds and much MORE!

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags A-e, Print N Play Phonic Games, Split Digraph, Split Digraph A-e, Phonics, Phonics Games, Special Needs, ESL, Phonics For ESL, Phonics For Special Needs

Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention - Growing Bundle

Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention - Growing Bundle
Special Resources, ELA, Special Education Needs (SEN), Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Activities, Games

This is a pack of Bumper Pack of 14 (to date) books of phonic worksheets for the digraphs: L blends, CK, SH, CH, TH, OO, EE, OR, AR, A-E, I-E, O-E, U-E, AI and EA especially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? PDF's of worksheets each covering the sounds: L Blends. CK, SH, CH, TH, OO, EE, OR, AR, A-E, I-E, O-E, U-E, AI and EA, all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Over 180+ Worksheets: Your phonics lessons covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! Some sounds contain print-and-go games to make learning fun. AR and A-E each contain a board game. Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. ·Have only a little on each pageas these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 12 worksheets: 1. See it!where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out!Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by usingsound-it-out boxesfor reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound (except the Consonant L-Blends) with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give this a week after we finish the book, to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included in most books. Phonic Games are also included for AR and A-E to make learning more fun! What is included? 10 PDFs totalling 150 + worksheets each covering the sounds: CK, SH, CH, TH, OO, EE, OR, AR, A-E, I-E, O-E, U-E, AI and EA, 2 PDF games for AR and A-E in full colour and black and white

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Phonic Worksheets, Phonic Games, Speical Needs, Special Needs, Ee Phonics, Or Phonics, Ar Phonics, A-e Phonics, Split Digraph Phonics

ar/or Phonic Game Colour and B/W

ar/or Phonic Game Colour and B/W
Special Resources, ELA, Special Education Needs (SEN), Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Kindergarten, Preschool, Activities, Games, Centers

This game will help your children to learn to hear the sounds ‘ar’ and ‘or’ in words and to read words containing these sounds. Who is it for: Children who are learning the digraphs ar and or. Those children working in Phase 3 of Letters and Sounds Those children working in Speed Set 2 of RWI. Who can use the ar/or game? Teachers, parents, private tutors - anyone who needs it! How to make the game Print out pages 4 to 9, on card. Cut out the picture cards (pages 6 - 8). Cut up the ar/or cards (page 9). Write ‘ar’ on the back of one baseboard (pages 4/5) and ‘or’ on the back of the other. Write ‘ar’ or ‘or’ as appropriate on the backs of the picture cards. Find a bag or small box to put the small letter ar/or cards in. How to play the game This is a game for 2 players. It is best if an adult plays with each child individually first and then when each child in a pair is confident, they can play in together. The game can be played with the picture and word cards alone, without the ar/or cards - as a simple matching game. This is how it has been designed to be played: Take a baseboard each. This will decide who is collecting ‘ar’ pictures and ‘or’ pictures. Choose 6 ar and 6 or cards (you can choose different pictures each time you play). Scatter the picture cards picture side up. Take it in turns to take an ‘ar’/’or’ letter card from the bag/box. If the player with the ‘ar’ baseboards picks an ‘ar’ card, s/he may choose a picture with the ar sound in. Likewise with ‘or’. Players may only turn the picture card over to check that they are correct. If not, the picture card is replaced. The winner is the first to fill his/her card. Do: Demonstrate how to sound out a word when it is your go and invite your pupil’s help, so they get even more practice. Look at the cards that are left. What sound do they have in them? Play again and see if you choose different pictures. What's Included 1 PDF file 2 baseboards Full instructions

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Ar, Or, Phonic Digraphs, Ar/or Game, Ar/or Phonic Game, RWI Speed Set 2 Phonic Game, R Controlled Blends, Phonics, Games, Home School


, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Games, Activities

A. WHO ARE WE? We are EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS, a publisher dedicated to designing educational resources for primary school children approximately between the ages of 3 and 12 who are learning mathematics, literacy, as well as worksheets for learning Spanish and some brain exercises. SUPER EDUCATIONAL PACK Hello! It's me again, EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS and on this wonderful occasion, I bring you this fantastic pack of documents that I'm sure will be very helpful for your teaching work, so don't hesitate to download them now. MAIN INFORMATION: Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this educational document is "Super Educational Pack, free to download". B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of ___ color pages, so that it is much more attractive for your students. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: This super educational pack has been prepared, designed and published by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply this document both in class if you are a teacher, and also at home if you are a mother or father and you want your students to practice to the maximum thanks to this super pack of activities. E. Is this document in black and white or color? This fabulous pack has been designed in color so that this educational document is much more attractive to students. SECONDARY INFORMATION: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? You can apply this document in both modalities, both individually and as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This educational resource is available in A4 size, and PDF format. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, your students will need their basic school supplies. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This document has been designed in color. 11. Is this resource free or do I have to pay to use it? This super pack is available for free. 12. How many pages does this educational resource have? This educational super pack is made up of ___ pages. 13. Does it have an answer key attached? It does not contain an answer key attached. This file is for personal use only. It may not be resold or shared with others.



Play Word Picture Bingo To Learn 3 Letter Words

Play Word Picture Bingo To Learn 3 Letter Words
ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Preschool, Kindergarten, Activities, Games

About Play Word Picture Bingo To Learn 3 Letter Words Play Word Picture Bingo To Learn 3 Letter Words is a versatile teaching resource tailored specifically for early learners, kindergarteners, and preschoolers. This interactive game focuses on language arts instruction with an emphasis on phonics - making it a delightfully dynamic tool for teaching three-letter words. Focusing on Phonics This resource adopts an innovative approach to teach reading skills quicky as it uses phonics. According to research, this technique helps in learning about 80% of words in the English language. The foundation of this material lies in its principle of simplicity – Teaching children that they need not spend several years acquiring reading skills when they can achieve the same results within six months to one year. Design and Gameplay The product is designed as a Pre Reader work pack aimed at introducing children first to initial sounds such as 'b,' 'd,' or vowel sounds like 'a', leading them onto pronounce entire words by running sounds together. As young learners progress through this pack, they will begin organizing these words into sentences — A fundamental skill in literacy development! Potential Applications: Works well with whole group classes and small group sessions Homeschool Friendly: An excellent tool for homeschooling parents due to its user-friendly instructions Rewarding Homework Assignments: Teachers are provided with options stimulating homework assignments The Fun Element : Games Apart from regular lessons; integral parts include fun word games like snap and bingo — brilliantly infused elements that transform learning into an enjoyable experience! While playing these games and navigating their lessons, children are encouraged to personalize the included drawings creatively. Progress Monitoring Teachers and parents can monitor students' progress over time, ensuring mastery on each sound introduced before introducing new ones. This systematic approach ensures long-lasting learning. Digital Advantage This teaching resource comes as a PDF file format product, making access easy across various devices— a significant advantage in lesson preparation and delivery for every educator. In conclusion, it's not just a bingo game; it's a comprehensive process of nurturing budding readers in an enjoyable way!

Author Guinea Pig Education

Tags Phonics, Early Learners, Literacy Development, Interactive Game, Teaching Resource

Valentine's Bump Game

Valentine's Bump Game
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Games, Activities

Valentine's Bump Game: A Delightful Teaching Resource The "Valentine's Bump Game" is a specialized resource crafted to facilitate the understanding of addition. It is appropriate for Early Learning, Kindergarten, and first-grade students, making learning an enjoyable journey. Focused on Enriching Mathematical Skills The game incorporates two dice that students roll and then proceed based on the combined result- reinforcing their knowledge of addition. Versatility is a key feature of this tool as it can be applied in various ways like a traditional bump game, or visually via instructions such as 'roll and color' or 'roll-cover'. Multifaceted Application & Learning Opportunities It allows teachers to gauge individual student understanding of specific mathematical concepts—ideal for whole group learning sessions or smaller academically homogeneous clusters. To include practical maths applications into homework assignments components like 'roll and color'' & 'roll-cover' can be adapted effortlessly—making it an ideal bridging tool between home environments & institutional settings . User-Friendly Compact Design This teaching resource comes in a PDF file format consisting of one printable page. More than saving space, this design ensures access to quality content irrespective of restrictions usually associated with physical resources—an eco-conscious approach without compromising academic quality! In essence, The Valentine's Bump Game provides invaluable tools which enhance textbook information with fun-filled practical experiences that enrich knowledge acquisition.

Author Cherry Workshop

Tags Addition Practice, Math Game, Tactile Learning, Manipulative, Home Assignments


Creative Arts, Art, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Activities, Crafts, Games

Hello! I thank you infinitely for your interest in my educational store! I am a teacher who strives every day to produce these great educational resources for children, so I thank you because with your downloads you are helping a lot to promote my personal and professional work. NAME OF THIS PRODUCT: "CONSTRUCTING IMAGES" 1. Product name: You can use this educational resource in the primary education classroom. 2. Number of pages: This document contains the following number of pages: 20 3. Is it editable or not? This educational document is not editable, because this way you can use it better and you will not have any problem with the composition or design undergoing any variation. 4. Theme: This educational resource contains a topic for the primary education of children. 5. Document version: This educational document is available in PDF version, size A4. 6. Color or black/white: This educational product is designed in color because we believe that this will be much more attractive for your children. 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education 7. In what version is it available? This document is available in PDF version, A4 size, because we consider that this size is the original and most common standard. 8. Editable/Non-Editable: This educational document and/or set of educational sheets is not editable, because this way you will be able to use it much more easily. 9. Age at which it can be applied: This educational resource can be applied to children of all ages, that is, students from 3 to 12 years old, who must acquire some basic knowledge that thanks to this document they will be able to address. 10. Tags or keywords that describe the content: didactic material, teaching sheets, material for children, printable educational material, printable material. 11. Ways to print: I suggest you print this document in A4 format, and check if your printer has enough ink for the printout to be of quality and so that your students can complete their worksheet without any problem. 12. Ways to apply it in class: You can apply this document both individually and as a group, it all depends on your criteria. 13. Will they need extra items to use this worksheet ? Yes, perhaps your students will need a pencil, markers, etc., it all depends on the creativity of the teacher. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.


Tags Printables, Games, Craft, Crafting, Free Activities, Free Resources, Resources

Matching Halves and Symmetry | Bundle

Matching Halves and Symmetry | Bundle
Special Resources, ELA, Special Education Needs (SEN), Speech Therapy, Math, Early Math, Language Development, Vocabulary, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards, Activities, Games

Matching Halves and Symmetry Bundle The Matching Halves and Symmetry Bundle is a valuable teaching tool designed for early learning. Covering preschool to the first grade, it develops premath skills along with vocabulary enhancement activities. This makes it a perfect education resource for subjects like Special Resources and Language Arts. Five Book Bundles - Vast Lore of Learning This product incorporates 5 book bundles in total wherein every book has been painstakingly shaped to present complex math and language art concepts in an engaging manner. The standout feature of this package is that it covers diverse themes namely food, animals, dinosaurs & monsters as well as vehicles and tools. Fractions unraveled: The symmetry bundle starts off by familiarizing learners with prelim fraction concepts via symmetric images. Cuisine Chronicles: A whole book with 45 distinct food-related terms illustrated on half-and-half cards both color and black & white modes present vocabulary-expanding opportunities while understanding symmetry simultaneously. Zookeepers Delight: Diverse depictions of domestic animal species, wild kinds along with sea dwellers increase the visual depth offered by our product keeping engagement levels peaked at all times. Dinosaurs & Monsters Galore: Riding on children’s fascination towards prehistoric creatures or thrilling monsters there's ample to engage within these sections. Vehicles vying attention: For those interested in mechanized movers get ready to be rewarded as this section houses many vehicles depicted through symmetric half-and-half illustrations giving a feel of how these marvels maintain balance perfect symmetry - visually! To top it all we provide your passport into symmetrical mastery – cards laid out from left-part-cards through right-part-cards which amalgamate finally into full cards presenting entire pictures that imbibe the depth of comprehending symmetry. The above content makes up over 130 pages worth PDF flashcards - richly colored illustrations or thought-provoking black & white ones - all put together to foster premath skills while simultaneously reinforcing vocabulary throughout. Educational Application A revolutionary tool for teaching, Matching Halves and Symmetry Bundle is an all-encompassing product. It can be employed in varied educational settings such as whole group instruction, small activity groups or personally assigned tasks especially proving its value towards homeschooling environments too. Adapting from being the first resource to cover a syllabus till being last processed one — this offering packs in everything an early education educator would require while exploring requisite application needs. 132 pdf pages with flash cards to match, for premath skills and vocabulary .


Tags Math Concepts, Symmetry, Matching Halves, Early Learning, Vocabulary, Match To Sample, Visual Perception, Premath, Centers, Words Aside

Play A Game Of ‘What Do You Spot?’ To Reinforce Three Letter Words (4-7 years)

Play A Game Of ‘What Do You Spot?’ To Reinforce Three Letter Words (4-7 years)
ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Activities, Games

Introducing 'Play A Game Of 'What Do You Spot?' To Reinforce Three Letter Words (4-7 years) This invaluable resource is designed to assist early learners, primarily those in preschool up to grade 1. The game offers an engaging method for children to phonetically connect three-letter words with corresponding images. The game's concept: The simplicity of the game proves effective in encouraging young readers not only to vocalize phonic words but also link them with matching pictures. Focusing on three or four highlighted words per page provides significant advantages for beginners. Versatility and Effective Use: Ten-page PDF adaptable based on a learner's needs Can be given as homework for individual practice Suitable for small group play during class time or whole group tasks Integration into any teaching schedule Included in Zoggy Zero Scheme Remember that this unique educational tool is just one part of our innovative Zoggy Zero scheme. This comprehensive program boosts the foundational skills kids need on their journey towards reading and writing proficiency. Covered Key Focus Areas: Ideal homeschooling tool beside formal school settings where emphasis lies mutually upon nurturing literacy proficiency. Aiding Independent Progression & Confident Readers! Educators will appreciate how effortlessly 'Play A Game Of 'What Do You Spot?' To Reinforce Three Letter Words' can be incorporated into daily teaching schedules. Watch with joy as young learners progressively spell longer utterances independently, blossoming into confident readers!

Author Guinea Pig Education

Tags Phonics, Early Learning, Reading, Spelling, Language Arts


Math, Numbers, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

HELLO! THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR BEING PART OF EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS A. WHO ARE WE? We are a publishing house dedicated to the development of fabulous primary education resources in the areas of mathematics, reading and writing, as well as brain exercises and resources for learning Spanish B. INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: Now read carefully the following information about the product I am presenting to you, so that you know what it is about and you are encouraged to download it to use it in your classroom. 1. Brief introduction: Learning numbers is one of the first learning processes that children go through, so on this occasion I bring you this fantastic resource to learn the numbers from 1 to 5. 2. Product description: This product is made up of 10 puzzles of the numbers from 1 to 5. 3. Benefits of using this product: Thanks to this educational product, children will be able to learn the numbers from 1 to 5 in a highly didactic way. 4. Number of pages contained in this document: This document is made up of 10 pages, on each page you will find 1 puzzle. 5. Topic addressed by this document: Thanks to this document, you will address the topic of numbers from 1 to 5. 6. Ages of children in which it can be applied: Apply this document to children from 3 to 6 years old. 7. Version in which this resource is found: This document is available in PDF version. 8. How to print: Print as is or by making reductions of 2 sheets in 1. SECONDARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 9. How to apply it in class? Apply this document preferably individually or in groups of 2 to 3 students so that they can help each other complete this activity quickly. 10 Will they need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, students will need scissors and glue to solve the puzzles. 11. Standards: This document has not been prepared based on any specific standard. 12. Answer Key: There is no answer key attached. 13. Application Variations: There are many ways to apply this document, it all depends on your creativity. This file is for personal use only. It may not be resold or shared with others.




Math, Patterns, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

TODAY WE ARE GOING TO WORK ON FIGURE PATTERNS SO DOWNLOAD THIS FABULOUS DOCUMENT FOR FREE NOW! DOCUMENT NAME: 10 Patterns of exercises PATTERNS HELP DEVELOP MULTIPLE COGNITIVE PROCESSES SUCH AS: - Observation -Memory - Concentration NOW PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION THAT WILL GIVE YOU DETAILS OF THIS PEDAGOGICAL DOCUMENT. 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? We should use a variety of educational material because this way they can help their students better build their knowledge. 2. What is the name of this document? The title of this document is "10 sequence pattern exercises" 3. What topic will you cover in this resource? Thanks to this document, you will address the topic of sequences or patterns. 4. For what ages is it recommended? This educational document is recommended for students who are learning about basic AB patterns or sequences. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author of this educational document is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this document in the area of ​​mathematics. 7. Should I apply it individually or in a group in my class? It is preferable to apply it individually or in groups of 2 students because the activity is extremely simple. 8. In what size and format is this resource? This document is in PDF format, A4 size. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, your students will need scissors and rubber bands to carry out this activity . 10. Is it in color or black and white? This document is available in color. 11. Is this resource free or do you have to pay to use it? It's free so download it now. 12. How many pages does this educational resource have? This document contains 5 pages. 13. Does it have an answer key attached? It does not. This file is for personal use only. It may not be resold or shared with others.



Christmas Bump Games

Christmas Bump Games
Math, Numbers, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Games, Activities

Christmas-themed bump game for a fun math activity. This resource includes 5 boards of the game and instructions are on each page. Included are subtraction, addition, addition/subtraction, roll 2 dice and add, and spin and double. This can be an individual or multiple-player game .

Author Cherry Workshop

Tags Bump Game, Math, Chirstmas, Additon, Subtraction


Math, Numbers, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! Today I bring you this fantastic worksheet that contains 10 puzzles with which you can work on numbers from 1 to 5. SO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY BECAUSE THIS RESOURCE IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR FREE. INFORMATION REGARDING THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? As is known, the use of educational material in class is extremely useful because this way students can actively build their knowledge. For this reason, we encourage teachers to continue acquiring educational material so that we can motivate the learning of mathematics in a highly didactic way. 2. What is the name of this document? The name of this document is "10 puzzles with numbers from 1 to 5" 3. What topic will they address in this resource? Thanks to this resource, children will address the topic of numbers from 1 to 5. 4. For what ages is it recommended? Its use is recommended for children from 3 to 5 years old who are learning numbers. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author of this document is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. SECONDARY INFORMATION: 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this in the area of ​​​​mathematics learning. 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? You can apply it individually or in groups of 2 to 3 children. 8. In what size and format is this resource? This document is available in PDF format, A4 size. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, you will need scissors and glue to solve these puzzles. 10. Author and credit: The author of this document is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 11. Free or paid? This resource is available for free, so take the opportunity to download it now. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



U-E Activities Pack

U-E Activities Pack
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games

This U-E activities Pack is designed to help children learn to sound out words with the u-e sound and differentiate between u-e and ‘u’, a common cause of confusion amongst young learners. This pack will give children much practice, which will, in turn, help them become more confident at sounding out such words. Who is the U-E activities Pack suitable for? All phonics learners, including young children, SEN/special needs, ESL etc... Aims and Objectives Some children, when starting to learn about the long /u-e/ sound will start to make every /u/ into a long /u-e/ sound. While this is common among all children, some children need more help to overcome this difficulty. Therefore, this U-E activities Pack has two aims: 1.To help children to be able to hear the long vowel sound u-e in words 2.To help children understand that some words have a short /u/ and some have a long /u-e/; the child must listen to hear which word has which - not guess. What is included in the U-E activities Pack? 2 games of lottos, one with 6 pictures and one with 12 - differentiated to meet the needs of all children, supplied in both colour and black and white. Picture/Word cards to make a game of Snap! or to use for word sorting 'u' or 'u-e' in both colour and black and white. Word sorting activities - as above or words only. These cards can either be placed or written on the supplied recording page. Teaching tips: Help children to hear the vowel sound by emphasizing it and stretching it out. Help the child to do this as well. Have fun - as this eases children over those tricky spots! What is included? 1 PDF with 2 game sound boards, 2 picture boards, squares to cover up and a word (readers) card. See more fun phonic games in the Lilibette's Resources store! Find: AR Game A-E Game Games for initial/final sounds and much MORE!

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Print N Play Phonic Games, Split Digraph, Phonics, Phonics Games, Special Needs, ESL, Phonics For ESL, Phonics For Special Needs, U-e, Split Digraphs


Math, Numbers, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! Today I bring you this fantastic worksheet that contains 10 puzzles with which you can work on numbers from 1 to 5. SO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY BECAUSE THIS RESOURCE IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR FREE. INFORMATION REGARDING THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? As is known, the use of educational material in class is extremely useful because this way students can actively build their knowledge. For this reason, we encourage teachers to continue acquiring educational material so that we can motivate the learning of mathematics in a highly didactic way. 2. What is the name of this document? The name of this document is "10 puzzles with numbers from 1 to 5" 3. What topic will they address in this resource? Thanks to this resource, children will address the topic of numbers from 1 to 5. 4. For what ages is it recommended? Its use is recommended for children from 3 to 5 years old who are learning numbers. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author of this document is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this in the area of ​​​​mathematics learning. 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? You can apply it individually or in groups of 2 to 3 children. 8. In what size and format is this resource? This document is available in PDF format, A4 size. 9. Standards on which this resource was developed: It was not developed based on any specific standard. 10. Author and credit: The author of this document is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 11. Free or paid? This resource is available for free, so take the opportunity to download it now. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.




Math, Numbers, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

HELLO! THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR BEING PART OF EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS A. WHO ARE WE? We are a publishing house dedicated to the development of fabulous primary education resources in the areas of mathematics, reading and writing, as well as brain exercises and resources for learning Spanish B. INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: Now read carefully the following information about the product I am presenting to you, so that you know what it is about and you are encouraged to download it to use it in your classroom. 1. Brief introduction: Learning numbers is one of the first learning processes that children go through, so on this occasion I bring you this fantastic resource to learn the numbers from 1 to 5. 2. Product description: This product is made up of 10 puzzles of the numbers from 1 to 5. 3. Benefits of using this product: Thanks to this educational product, children will be able to learn the numbers from 1 to 5 in a highly didactic way. 4. Number of pages contained in this document: This document is made up of 10 pages, on each page you will find 1 puzzle. 5. Topic addressed by this document: Thanks to this document, you will address the topic of numbers from 1 to 5. SECONDARY INFORMATION: 6. Color or black/white: This document is available in color. 7. Aimed at children ages: This document is aimed at children ages 3 to 6 who are learning their first numbers from 1 to 5. 8. Area: This document can be applied in the area of ​​mathematics. 9. Keywords: puzzle, puzzle of numbers from 1 to 5, numbers from 1 to 10, numbers from 1 to 5. 10. How do I print it? Print this document as it is, in A4 format. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply this document preferably individually or in groups of 2 to 3 students so that they can help each other complete this activity quickly. 12. Will they need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, students will need scissors and glue to solve the puzzles.




Math, Numbers, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

10 FREE PUZZLES FOR KIDS | KNOWING THE NUMBERS 1 TO 5 HELLO! THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: Today we bring you this fantastic resource consisting of 10 puzzles for learning numbers from 1 to 10. So take advantage of this opportunity now because this document is available for free. 1. Product name: The title of this document is "10 puzzles with numbers from 1 to 10" 2. Number of pages: This document is made up of 10 pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This document is not editable, so it will be much easier for you to use it. 4. Subject: The subject of this document is numbers from 1 to 10. 5. Document version: This document is available in PDF version, A4 size. 6. Color or black/white: This document is available in color. SECONDARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Is this document in black and white or color? This document has been prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for your students. 8. For what ages is this document recommended? Recommended for children from 3 to 6 years old who are learning their first numbers from 1 to 5. 9.. At what point in class can I apply it? You can apply it during class or perhaps at the end by sending it as homework for your students. 10. Should I apply it individually or in groups? It is preferable to apply it individually or in groups of 2 to 3 children because the activity is simple and they can finish it quickly. 11. Keywords that describe the product: puzzle, number puzzle, numbers 1 to 5, numbers, math puzzles, math games . This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.




Math, Numbers, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

HELLO! THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. ON THIS OCCASION WE BRING YOU THESE 10 FABULOUS PUZZLES SO THAT YOUR STUDENTS CAN PRACTICE COUNTING NUMBERS FROM 1 TO 5. GENERAL INFORMATION OF THIS PRODUCT: - Product name: 10 puzzles of numbers from 1 to 5. Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this educational document is "10 puzzles of numbers from 1 to 5" B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of 10 pages, on each page you will find 1 puzzle. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: This educational document has been prepared and published by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply this document in class if you are a teacher and you are teaching the first numbers from 1 to 5, you can also apply it at home if you are a mother or father and you want your children to learn the first numbers from 1 to 5. SECONDARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: E. In what size and format is this resource? This document is available in PDF format, A4 size. F. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, you will need scissors and glue to solve these puzzles. G. Is this resource in color or black and white? This game is available in color. H. Is this resource free or do you have to pay to use it? This resource is free so take advantage of the opportunity and download it now. I. How many pages does this educational resource have? It contains 10 pages. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.




Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. WE ARE AN EDUCATIONAL COMPANY DEDICATED TO THE PREPARATION OF FABULOUS RESOURCES FOR THE AREA OF MATHEMATICS, ON THIS OCCASION WE BRING YOU THIS FANTASTIC RESOURCE WITH WHICH YOUR STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY AND LEARN IN A DIDACTIC WAY ABOUT ADDITION Dominoes are one of the most popular games worldwide so do not hesitate to download this fabulous game. NAME OF THE GAME: Mastery of addition using addition exercises from 1 to 12. DOWNLOAD IT NOW, BECAUSE IT IS A COMPLETELY FREE RESOURCE. INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCT: Please read the information on this product carefully so you know what it is about. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this product is "24 addition tables dominoes" B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of 6 pages, on each page you will find 4 tiles so in the end you will have 24 domino tiles at your disposal. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared and designed by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS, we are an educational corporation dedicated to the design of fabulous resources for primary education in different areas. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply it at home if you are a parent and want your children to reinforce addition, you can also apply it in your class if you are a mathematics teacher. E. Is this document in black and white or color? This document is prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for your students. F. For what ages is this document recommended? It is recommended to apply this document in children from 7 to 12 years old who are learning and practicing addition. G. At what point in class can I apply it? You can apply it during the development of your class as a game. H. Should I apply it individually or in groups? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.




Math, Patterns, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

HELLO! THANK YOU FOR PREFERING MY PRODUCTS! NAME OF THIS PRODUCT: 10 EXERCISES OF PATTERNS MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. WHAT ARE PATTERNS? Patterns are sequences of figures or images that follow an AB, ABB, BBA, ABA, BAB logic Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this resource is "5 AB pattern worksheets " B. This document contains this number of pages This pedagogical document is made up of 5 fabulous pages, where on each page you will find 2 pattern recognition and sequential exercises, so in total you will have 10 AB pattern exercises. C. This educational resource has been developed by: This fabulous educational resource has been developed and designed by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS, an educational company dedicated to the dissemination of free educational material for children in primary education in different areas of knowledge. SECONDARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply this educational game at home if you are a mother or father or also in the classroom if you are a math teacher. E. Is this document in black and white or color? This educational document is designed in color so that it is much more attractive to students. F. For what ages is this document recommended to be applied? You can apply this to children from 4 to 7 years old who are practicing their first sequential patterns. G. At what point in the class can I apply it? You can apply it during the development of your classes. H. Should I apply it individually or in groups? You can apply this individually or in groups of 2 to 3 students. I. Keywords that describe the product: sequences, pattern exercises, patterns, logical thinking. PLEASE REMEMBER: This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



Find the Yogi Kids Yoga Mat Hide and Seek Game with 72 Different Yoga Pose Cards

Find the Yogi Kids Yoga Mat Hide and Seek Game with 72 Different Yoga Pose Cards
P.E. & Health, Physical Education, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, Activities, Games

Find the Yogi Kids Yoga Mat Hide and Seek Game This riveting resource is explicitly tailored for educators teaching early learning, preschool, kindergarten, and up to grade three. It proves invaluable for physical education and health-related instruction. This unique game combines physical fitness with elements of fun to sustain children's engagement throughout their learning experience. About the Game Mainly designed around a hide-and-seek structure, the game comes with 11 colored yoga mats along with 72 different child-friendly yoga pose cards. The rules of the games are simple: an educator hides yoga cards beneath the mats while children turn their backs. When they find a card hidden under a mat they've chosen at random, children can try that specific pose. Potential Use Cases Ideal during children's yoga classes or for sensory and movement breaks. In therapy sessions such as occupational or speech therapy and therapeutic exercise periods. An exciting group activity during indoor recesses or rainy days. Additional Benefits For Mental And Emotional Wellness This tool promotes not only physical wellness like balancing strength and flexibility among students but also caters to mental/emotional wellness as well!. Playing this game regularly can boost self-esteem while promoting mindfulness through non-competitive movements fostering self-acceptance among them all. It works ideally in classroom scenarios involving entire groups; However; it can effortlessly adapt to suit small groups too offering teachers flexible implementation options based on class size needs. The resource is print friendly (preferably in cardstock) even outside regular school hours providing morning exercise group wonders or assigns independent homework tasks. In conclusion Find Yogi Kids Yoga Mat Hide and Seek Game entertains and educates young learners with essential life skills such as physical coordination, mindfulness, self-acceptance, making them well-rounded individuals.

Author Kids Adventure Yoga

Tags Yoga Mats, Yoga Poses, Physical Wellness, Mindfulness, Group Activity

Number Recognition 0-5 Bingo - Boards 1-5

Number Recognition 0-5 Bingo - Boards 1-5
Math, Early Math, Numbers, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

Number Recognition 0-5 Bingo provides a fun, engaging way for early learners to practice identifying numbers 0-5. This math resource includes 5 colorful bingo boards with accompanying calling cards. To play, students cover numbered squares on their board as numbers are drawn. The game continues until someone wins by covering 3 squares in a row. Extend the learning by using buttons or counters instead of playing squares. Or try dry-erase boards and markers for easy clean up and reuse. Use Number Recognition 0-5 Bingo during small group instruction, centers , or even homework. Check out more number recognition resources from this trusted teacher-author like matching games, counting activities, and find and color pages. Simple, multi-use games like these build confidence with number identification.

Author Colleen's Cosmic Collection

Tags Number Recognition, Number Sense, Number Recognition Games, Number Sense Game, Number Recognition Bingo, Number Recognition Activities, Cccnrb05, Cccnrba, Number Identification, Number Identification Activity


Math, Numbers, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

HELLO! THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. ON THIS OCCASION WE BRING YOU THESE 10 FABULOUS PUZZLES SO THAT YOUR STUDENTS CAN PRACTICE COUNTING NUMBERS FROM 1 TO 5. GENERAL INFORMATION OF THIS PRODUCT: - Product name: 10 puzzles of numbers from 1 to 5. Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this educational document is "10 puzzles of numbers from 1 to 5" B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of 10 pages, on each page you will find 1 puzzle. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: This educational document has been prepared and published by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply this document in class if you are a teacher and you are teaching the first numbers from 1 to 5, you can also apply it at home if you are a mother or father and you want your children to learn the first numbers from 1 to 5. E. Is this document in black and white or color? This document has been prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for your students. F. For what ages is this document recommended? Recommended for children from 3 to 6 years old who are learning their first numbers from 1 to 5. SECONDARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: G. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? You can apply it individually or in groups of 2 to 3 children. H. In what size and format is this resource? This document is available in PDF format, A4 size. I. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, you will need scissors and glue to solve these puzzles. J. Is this resource in color or black and white? This game is available in color. K. Is this resource free or do you have to pay to use it? This resource is free so take advantage of the opportunity and download it now. L. How many pages does this educational resource have? It contains 10 pages. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.