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Reading Games For 2nd Grade
Enhance your second-grade reading curriculum with games that reinforce key skills. This collection includes vocabulary builders, fluency challenges, and comprehension activities. By integrating these reading games into your teaching, you can support literacy development in an enjoyable way.
Montessori, Special Resources, Resources for Teachers, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables
5 PAGES OF TRACING LINES HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION: 1. Product name: You can use this educational resource in the primary education classroom. 2. Number of pages: This document contains the following number of pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational document is not editable, because this way you can use it better and you will not have any problem with the composition or design undergoing any variation. 4. Theme: This educational resource contains a topic for the primary education of children. 5. Document version: This educational document is available in PDF version, size A4. 6. Color or black/white: This educational product is designed in color because we believe that this will be much more attractive for your children. 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of primary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. SECONDARY INFORMATION: 11. Ways to print: I suggest you print this document in A4 format, and check if your printer has enough ink for the printout to be of quality and so that your students can complete their worksheet without any problem. 12. Ways to apply it in class: You can apply this document both individually and as a group, it all depends on your criteria. 13. Will they need extra items to use this worksheet? Yes, perhaps your students will need a pencil, markers, etc., it all depends on the creativity of the teacher. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.
Reading Comprehension Fiction Set 2 Sample - Chasing Pheasants (Docs)
ELA, Reading, Common Core, Reading Comprehension, ESL, Language Development, Creative Writing, Writing, Resources for Teachers, Grade 2, 3, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Writing Prompts, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Centers, Activities
Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 2 Sample Overview Fascinating reading comprehension passages, each with an array of activities included. Stories are written for the modern classroom and topics are designed to promote enthusiasm from each student. Each lesson contains a mixed questions section to check understanding, a vocabulary or spelling activity to help remember key language introduced, and a writing exercise. Full answer keys are provided. For a more detailed overview, check the section under the links at the bottom of this description. Passages Include 9.Chasing Pheasants: Tony and his father have a great idea...or so they think! Docs Version This is the Docs editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 2/3 Links Fiction Set 1 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Food Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 6 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 7 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Technology Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Nutrition Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 2-3 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of fivecomprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Three of the questions will be MCQs and two will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 2-3 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Additional File One lesson will have an additional file. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.
Author Cored Education
Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing
Free Spanish Interactive Math Graphs Interpretation Center Activity
Math, Graphing, Not Grade Specific, Centers, Activities
Free Spanish Interactive Math Graphs Interpretation Center Activity Practice graph interpretation in Spanish with this interactive math center activity for students. Contains 18 pages of graph problems to interpret, analyze, solve, and discuss. Covers key skills like reasoning, equation writing, and checking answers. Use for independent practice, small groups, or whole class. Print pages on cardstock and laminate for durability. Store in a folder or envelope for easy distribution and collection. Allows flexible implementation - assign particular pages or let students select problems. Aligns to curriculum standards on data analysis and problem solving. From the trusted teacher shop ShapeUp-N-Matematicas y Lenguaje. Other Spanish and bilingual resources available spanning K-12 subjects.
Author ShapeUp-N-Matematicas y Lenguaje
AI Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention/Special Needs
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
This is a pack of 18 phonic worksheets for the Long Vowel AI (as in rain) specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. A pack of 18 AI worksheets with a variety of exercises to help build phonemic awareness and reading fluency. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? 30 worksheets for the sound AI taking pupils from hearing the sounds in words to reading and spelling them at word and sentence level. all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Your phonics lessons are covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! 2 PDF games to send home for extra practice included! Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. ·Have only a little on each pageas these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 18 worksheets: 1. See it!where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out!Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by usingsound-it-out boxesfor reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give the dictation a week after we finish the work on the EA sound to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included of some common AI words. What is included? 1 PDF with flashcards, 2 easy-prep AI games and 30 worksheets
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Phonic Games, Print N Play Phonic Game, Dyslexia, Vowel Teams, Spelling Ai Words, Ai Worksheets, Learn To Read Ai Words, Long A
EA Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention/Special Needs
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
This is a pack of 30 phonic worksheets for the Long Vowel EA (as in eat) specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. A pack of 30 worksheets with a variety of exercises to help build phonemic awareness and reading fluency. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? 30 worksheets for the sound EA taking pupils from hearing the sounds in words to reading and spelling them at word and sentence level. all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Your phonics lessons covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! 2 PDF games to send home for extra practice included! Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. ·Have only a little on each pageas these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 30 worksheets: 1. See it!where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out!Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by usingsound-it-out boxesfor reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give the dictation a week after we finish the work on the EA sound to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included of some common EA words. What is included? 1 PDF with flashcards, 2 easy-prep games and 30 worksheets
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Phonic Games, Print N Play Phonic Game, Ea Worksheets, Dyslexia, Spelling EA Words, Learn To Read EA Words, Long E, Vowel Teams
u-e Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
This is a pack of 23 phonic worksheets for the Split Vowel U-E (as in true and tune) specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. A pack of 23 worksheets with a variety of exercises to help build phonemic awareness and reading fluency. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? 30 worksheets for the sound EA taking pupils from hearing the sounds in words to reading and spelling them at word and sentence level. all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Your phonics lessons are covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. ·Have only a little on each pageas these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 23 worksheets: 1. See it!where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out!Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by usingsound-it-out boxesfor reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give the dictation a week after we finish the work on the EA sound to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included of some common EA words. What is included? 1 PDF with flashcards and 23 worksheets
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Magic E, Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Phonic Games, Print N Play Phonic Game, Split Digraph U-e, U-e , Long Vowels
TH Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention/Special Needs
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
This is a pack of 26 phonic worksheets for the sound TH (as in this and cloth) specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. A pack of 26 TH worksheets with a variety of exercises to help build phonemic awareness and reading fluency. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? 26 worksheets for the sound TH taking pupils from hearing the sounds in words to reading and spelling them at word and sentence level. all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Your phonics lessons are covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! 1 colour-by-code picture for added fun! Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. ·Have only a little on each pageas these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 23 worksheets: 1. See it!where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out!Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by usingsound-it-out boxesfor reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. Simply choose the pages each child needs and put them together to make a work book! We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give the dictation a week after we finish the work on the EA sound to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included of some common TH words. What is included? 1 PDF with flashcards and 26 worksheets
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Dyslexia, Learn To Read TH Words, Spelling TH Words, Consonant Blends, TH Words, Learning TH
Winter Where's the Penguin Second Grade Sight Word Game
ELA, Holiday & Seasonal, Reading, Seasons, Winter, Grade 2, Activities, Games
Penguins Hiding Sight Words is a second grade winter themed game for practicing sight word recognition. This resource includes sight word cards covering the entire second grade Dolch list and images of penguins to hide behind the cards. There are two card sizes - 6 per page and 4 per page. This game is versatile for whole class, small group, literacy center, and one-on-one instruction. Teachers can differentiate by choosing specific sight words students need more practice recognizing. Students will have fun searching for the hiding penguins as they improve their sight word skills. The simple poem format also boosts beginning reading fluency. Overall, this game is an engaging supplemental resource for targeting essential early reading skills during the winter months. With differentiation options, poem format, and fun penguin theme, it can be utilized in diverse second grade classrooms.
Author The Connett Connection
Tags Winter Sight Words, Sight Word Game, Where's The Penguin?, Winter Hide And Seek, Winter Seek And Find, Pocket Chart Games, Whole Group Game, Second Grade Sight Words
i-e Phonic Worksheets for Special Needs
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Activities, Games
This is a pack of 12 phonic worksheets for the Long Vowel I-E (as in tie and ride) specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. A pack of 12 I-E worksheets with a variety of exercises to help build phonemic awareness and reading fluency. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? 12 worksheets for the sound I-E taking pupils from hearing the sounds in words to reading and spelling them at word and sentence level. all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Your phonics lessons covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. ·Have only a little on each pageas these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 12 worksheets: 1. See it!where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out!Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by usingsound-it-out boxesfor reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give the dictation a week after we finish the work on the EA sound to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included of some common I-E words. What is included? 1 PDF with flashcards and 12 I-E worksheets
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Split Digraph A-e, Silent E, Magic E, Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Phonic Games, Print N Play Phonic Game, I-e Worksheets, Split Digraph I-e, Phonics I-e
English Weather & Landform Vocabulary Game 2+ Players
Life Studies, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, ESL, Reading, Vocabulary, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Activities, Games
Vocabulary practice made fun! This English #vocabulary #game practices 16 high-frequency #weather and #landform words. Editable pages make it easy to add in extra words your learners are working on. Learners will practice reading the words saying "I have ____. Who has _____?". Then classmates will search their cards to see if they have the weather or landform in question! Repeated exposure is necessary for vocabulary retention. In addition, a QR code has been provided in the instructions. Simply point your phone or computer camera at the code to open a link to the Google Slides presentation. Pull up the corresponding photo for each vocabulary word to expose learners to 2+ photos of the object in question. It's common knowledge that while tangible objects are best, realistic photos are next-best when teaching vocabulary. No more clip art or cartoons here! Use the realia presentation to introduce the vocabulary words as well as to support learners during the game. Play multiple rounds, and shuffle well to give extended practice! With a minimum of 2 players, this game is perfect for pairs, small group, or whole-class practice with up to 16 players! Words included in this pack are: hot, cold, thunderstorm, windy, rainy, partially cloudy, cloudy, snowy, mountain, lake, ocean, river, hill, valley, cave, and desert. This PDF download includes game instructions, the easy to use QR code link to the realia presentation, two pages to print, as well as a blank page for you to add in additional vocabulary words and drawings! Be sure to check out additional "I Have, Who Has" vocabulary games in English, French, and Spanish: School and Classroom, Calendar: Days, Months, & Seasons, Food & Drink, Numbers 1-10, Colors, and Patterns, Weather & Landforms! Got questions or a request? Let me know! Get in touch on socials at @melissaisteaching.
Author Melissa Is Teaching
Tags ESL Vocabulary, Esl Vocab, Vocab Games, Weather Vocab, Landform Vocab, Accidentes Geologicos
Concept Nouns Naming and Definitions 12
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, ESL, Vocabulary, Reading, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games
This series of PDF BUNDLE resources focuses on identifying noun concepts, with engaging visualizations ( pictures and graphic arrangements ) of vocabulary by topic. The activity materials in this assignment are designed to help students develop their vocabulary and reading comprehension skills through interactive activities and real-life examples. It includes clear names and definitions of words from common noun categories and can also serve as discussion prompts to encourage critical and analytical thinking, deepen your understanding of the language, and improve your communication skills . This resource is designed to be accessible and engaging to all students . Ideal for teaching English as a Second Language and intervention sessions on learning difficulties. Clear and concise language, visual aids and interactive activities help students easily understand and remember information, integrating visual and kinesthetic elements. You can choose from a variety of worksheets that suit your student's level, interests, and printing preferences. Each category topic includes : 2 sets of Flash cards ( definition sentence / image, image / definition sentence ) 2 sets of Flash cards ( definition word / phrase, definition phrase / word ) 3 anagram strings ( mixed letters of single words or in definition text ) 1 Crossword ( word definition ) 2 sets of linked activities Draw a Line ( definition / image, image / definition ) 2 sets of matching activities Draw a line ( word / definition, definition / word ) 2 series of Quizzes ( definition / image, image / definition ) 2 series of quizzes ( word / definition, definition / word ) 3 Wheels of Fortune ( words, definitions, images ) Search page for 1 word ( word definition ) 2 writing boards ( words, definitions ) 2 blank boards/artboards ( words, definitions ) Various puzzles and word games for naming noun concepts as well . * Use as-is or create your own board games, like Snap, Memory, Match to Sample, and Knowledge Races . Distribute it as morning exercises, quiet time and focus activities, independent workbooks, or fun homework . 65 PDF Pages
Tags Esl, Word Defining, Semantics, Word Search, Anagram, Flash Cards, Centers, Crossword, Definitions, Writing Expository
A-E Phonic Game To Develop Phonemic Awareness
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games
Here is a fun, print 'n play phonic game for the split digraph a-e! Help your pupils to grasp the tricky split digraph concept as they play! Who is the a-e game suitable for? All learners of phonics, including young children, SEN/special needs, ESL etc... Aims and Objectives Some children, when starting to learn about the long /a-e/ sound will start to make every /a/ into a long /a-e/ sound. While this is common among all children, some children need more help to overcome this difficulty. Therefore, this game has two aims: 1.To help children to be able to hear the long vowel sound a-e in words 2.To help children understand that some words have a short /a/ and some have a long /a-e/; the child must listen to hear which word has which - not guess. How to play: This is a game for two ore three players, one of which should be an adult. The game can be played with either pictures or sounds. Each player takes a game board (either pictures or sounds) which will indicate whether the player should listen for words with a short /a/ sound or a long /a-e/ sound. The adult reads a word on the word card, and the pupils must listen for 'e' or no 'e'? If the pupil has the sound/ picture on his/her board, she/he covers up a space. the winner fills hi/her board first. Teaching tips: Help children to hear the vowel sound by emphasizing it and stretching it out. Help the child to do this as well. Have fun - as this eases children over those tricky spots! What is included? 1 PDF with 2 game sound boards, 2 picture boards, squares to cover up and a word (readers) card. See more fun phonic games in the Lilibette's Resources store! Find: AR Game A-E Game Games for initial/final sounds and much MORE!
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags A-e, Print N Play Phonic Games, Split Digraph, Split Digraph A-e, Phonics, Phonics Games, Special Needs, ESL, Phonics For ESL, Phonics For Special Needs
3rd 100 Fry Sight Words: Bingo Cards
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Vocabulary, Spelling, Grade 1, 2, 3, Activities, Games
3rd 100 Fry Sight Words: Bingo Cards The 3rd 100 Fry Sight Words Bingo Cards are a remarkable educational aid created to boost sight word recognition and reading fluency in children from Grades 1 to 3. These cards flaunt a grid design brimming with randomly placed sight words that learners mark off as they are called out by the teacher or peer. This dynamic resource kindles an exuberant, interactive ambiance in the classroom, where the victor is the first participant to successfully identify five consecutive fry words horizontally, vertically or diagonally. This spirited game provides ample exposure for children to high-frequency sight words through repetitive play and healthy competition. The collection of sight words has been thoughtfully compiled inclusive of significant terms like 'above', 'add', 'almost' and so on till 'white', 'without' and 'young'. As players concentrate on each announced term and locate it on their card, they fortify key literacy skills subconsciously. This tool can be adapted as per teachers' requirements - equally applicable for whole-class activities or smaller reading group rotations. The convenience of its flexibility increases its usefulness as educators can effortlessly incorporate it into their unique teaching methods whether emphasizes reading comprehension exercises or vocabulary expansion activities. Included Materials: A single PDF file comprising of 30 pages (US Letter Size), plentiful for small-to-medium-sized groups. In conclusion, this clever fusion of learning through entertaining gameplay amongst peers makes the task of memorizing frequently occurring English language terms less tedious and more entertaining - enhancing proficiencies in areas such as reading fluency, vocabulary enrichment,and spelling accuracy easily through these engaging bingo game cards. (Please take note that the downloading process may require additional assistance depending on your technological comfort level.)
Author TeacherYouWant
Tags Sight Words, Reading Fluency, Literacy Skills, Vocabulary Enrichment, Interactive Learning
This is & These are Boom Cards Activity
ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, ESL, Grammar, Reading, Vocabulary, Grade 1, 2, 3, Activities, Games
This is & These are Boom Cards Activity : A Premier Language Arts Educational Resource Presenting interactive learning immersion, the This is & These are Boom Cards Activity is an edifying toolkit for students from Grades 1-3 engaged in studying Language Arts. The activity embraces adaptability being usable during whole group instruction or small group sessions and even serving as a fruitful after-class assignment or homework. The prime focus of this multi-functional resource lies in fostering skills pertaining to vocabulary recognition, reading competency and novice level grammar. Using attractive online interfaces, the activity introduces students to distinguishing between singular and plural nouns employing This is and These are constructs via the related context of stationery items. Covering 46 pages overall of dynamic linguistic activities further segregated into three segments, 'This is & These are - Stationery Vocab' having 15 pages where new relating vocabulary gets introduced, 'Rearrange the Sentence' encompassing ten pages helps learners formulate meaningful sentences using their newly acquired vocabulary, In 'Read and Match', another set of ten pages unfolds where young minds read sentences highlighting stationery vocabularies before corresponding them accurately assuring thorough object-context association comprehension. The interactivity quotient holds strong with every page housing clicking-and-dragging activities on boom cards to develop digital literacy skills alongside linguistic adeptness. Lessons become visual delights thanks to colorful clipart images adorning every task! The package also includes a PDF download complete with instructions about setting up free accounts needed for playing Boom Cards games across devices like Androids, iPads, iPhones, Kindle Fires making this resource available across geographical boundaries under its flexible license provisions. In conclusion, education and fun harmoniously blend within these intriguing activities, promoting linguistic capabilities subtly yet consistently. A remarkable companion aiding language development for young learners!
Author Koodles Clubhouse
Tags Boom Cards, Vocabulary Acquisition, Reading Skills, Grammar Concepts, Language Arts
Color by Sight Word Game, High Frequency FRY Words, 6th 100 - SET 8
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grade 1, 2, 3, Activities, Games
6th 100 Fry Sight Words, COLOR BY SIGHT WORDS WORKSHEETS, COLORING PAGES Looking for a fun and engaging way to reinforce Sight Words in your students? What can be a better way than fun Color By Sight Words Activity? This resource includes engaging Coloring sheets for 6th 100 Fry Sight Words. The words are in order of frequency. This NO PREP Easy to Use Worksheet Packet includes 20 pages in total with 100 sight words. Each page contains five different sight words written in different vibrant colors. There are different shapes like square, triangle, circles and stars on the sheet with sight words written inside of them. Students have to Color every shape with the color of Sight Word written in it. These worksheets are not only perfect for enhanced recognition of Sight Words but are also perfect for developing Fine motor skills while learning their sight words. Teachers can use these worksheets in different ways. Teachers can create fun ways to use these worksheets more efficiently like, ask the kid to pick their favorite shape on the worksheet and the ask them to read the sight word aloud, along with spelling it out. This will not only help in enhanced recognition but also will help to build vocabulary and spelling mastery. Then after that ask the student to look for that sight word on the top of the sheet and tell the name of the color that sight word is written in. Then ask the student to color that shape with the color of the sight word. This will motivate students to recognize and remember their High Frequency Words in more effective way and also have fun while coloring the worksheet. These worksheets are perfect for morning work, individual work, group work, working with partners, home work or class work. These Worksheets can also be used for Assessment . When children have already learnt their sight words, use these sheets to assess their knowledge with these engaging activity. These are also perfect to include in Sight Words Book, and teaching collection. These are perfect for End of the year and also Back To School Season. These are also perfect for Home Schoolers. These are very easy to use. Just Download, Print, Enjoy and save your time with these high quality Sight Word resource. Download your copy today to give your kids some fun activity with learning. You Will Receive: 1 PDF 20 Pages US Letter Size ( 8.5 x 11 )
Author TeacherYouWant
Tags Sight Words Practice, Fry Sight Words, Sixth 100, Fry Words, Sight Words Worksheets
Tic Tac Toe Practice Game: Fry Sight Words 6th 100
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, Activities, Games
Tic Tac Toe Practice Game: Fry Sight Words 6th 100 This 11-page tic-tac-toe game helps students in grades K-3 practice recognizing sixth hundred Fry sight words in a fun and engaging small group activity. Two students play a regular tic-tac-toe game, taking turns putting X's and O's on a worksheet. But first, they must correctly read aloud and spell the sight word printed in each square. As an interactive way to boost sight word fluency, this game builds reading skills through friendly competition. Teachers can use it in reading centers or assign it as partner work. Homeschooling parents will also appreciate the educational value it adds to playtime. With straightforward directions and minimal preparation required, this sight word tic-tac-toe game promises to make learning to read more enjoyable for early elementary students.
Author TeacherYouWant
Tags Sight Words Practice, Activities, Sight Words, Fry Sight Words, Fry Words, Fry's Sixth 100, Fun Learning, Games
Tic Tac Toe Practice Game: Fry Sight Words 5th 100
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grade 1, 2, 3, Activities, Games
Tic Tac Toe Practice Game: Fry Sight Words 5th 100 This 11-page sight word resource can make reading practice entertaining. Incorporate a favorite children's game by having students play tic-tac-toe with Fry's fifth 100 sight words. Before placing their X or O, students must correctly read the sight word aloud. With over 100 total words to practice, this resource helps students repeatedly encounter high frequency vocabulary to boost retention. Use the tic-tac-toe boards for peer practice or small group instruction. The game format encourages participation and healthy competition while learning. Students will beg to practice their sight words with these engaging tic-tac-toe boards. Track progress as students become more fluent readers. Extend learning by having students spell the words correctly before marking their space. This versatile resource allows teachers, parents, and homeschoolers to make essential sight word practice fun.
Author TeacherYouWant
Tags Sight Words, Game, Fun Learning, Sight Words Game, Fry Words, Fifth 100, Sight Words Practice, Sight Words Worksheets
Short u Vowel Families Making Words Game
ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Literature, Poetry, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, Activities, Games
Short u Vowel Families Making Words Game This interactive PowerPoint game helps young learners master foundational reading skills involving short u vowel families and CVC words. Kids will love playing this engaging whole class, small group, or individual activity designed to help them recognize and analyze short u word patterns, transform letter sounds into words, and build their own short u words. Emerging readers need strong phonological awareness to become fluent readers. This game focuses on short u families like -ug, -ut, -uck, -un, -ub, and -ump to develop abilities like isolating medial vowels, distinguishing long and short vowel sounds, and recognizing rhyme. Using vowel families and CVC words allows students to see the consonant-vowel-consonant word structure that is the basis for so many simple, familiar words. Mastering short vowel sounds paves the way for stronger overall reading skills. This game makes learning to read short u words interactive and entertaining!
Author Primary 206 Mix
Tags Powerpoint, Game, Vowel Families, Short U Sound, Making Words, Rhyming Words
Color by Sight Word Game, High Frequency FRY Words, 8th 100 - SET 8
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grade 2, 3, 4, Activities, Games
8th 100 Fry Sight Words, COLOR BY SIGHT WORDS WORKSHEETS, COLORING PAGES Looking for a fun and engaging way to reinforce Sight Words in your students? What can be a better way than fun Color By Sight Words Activity? This resource includes engaging Coloring sheets for 8th 100 Fry Sight Words. The words are in order of frequency. This NO PREP Easy to Use Worksheet Packet includes 20 pages in total with 100 sight words. Each page contains five different sight words written in different vibrant colors. There are different shapes like square, triangle, circles and stars on the sheet with sight words written inside of them. Students have to Color every shape with the color of Sight Word written in it. These worksheets are not only perfect for enhanced recognition of Sight Words but are also perfect for developing Fine motor skills while learning their sight words. Teachers can use these worksheets in different ways. Teachers can create fun ways to use these worksheets more efficiently like, ask the kid to pick their favorite shape on the worksheet and the ask them to read the sight word aloud, along with spelling it out. This will not only help in enhanced recognition but also will help to build vocabulary and spelling mastery. Then after that ask the student to look for that sight word on the top of the sheet and tell the name of the color that sight word is written in. Then ask the student to color that shape with the color of the sight word. This will motivate students to recognize and remember their High Frequency Words in more effective way and also have fun while coloring the worksheet. These worksheets are perfect for morning work, individual work, group work, working with partners, home work or class work. These Worksheets can also be used for Assessment . When children have already learnt their sight words, use these sheets to assess their knowledge with these engaging activity. These are also perfect to include in Sight Words Book, and teaching collection. These are perfect for End of the year and also Back To School Season. These are also perfect for Home Schoolers. These are very easy to use. Just Download, Print, Enjoy and save your time with these high quality Sight Word resource. Download your copy today to give your kids some fun activity with learning. You Will Receive: 1 PDF 20 Pages US Letter Size ( 8.5 x 11 )
Author TeacherYouWant
Tags Sight Words Practice, Color By Code, Coloring Game, Morning Work, Fry Sight Words, Eighth 100
U-E Activities Pack
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games
This U-E activities Pack is designed to help children learn to sound out words with the u-e sound and differentiate between u-e and ‘u’, a common cause of confusion amongst young learners. This pack will give children much practice, which will, in turn, help them become more confident at sounding out such words. Who is the U-E activities Pack suitable for? All phonics learners, including young children, SEN/special needs, ESL etc... Aims and Objectives Some children, when starting to learn about the long /u-e/ sound will start to make every /u/ into a long /u-e/ sound. While this is common among all children, some children need more help to overcome this difficulty. Therefore, this U-E activities Pack has two aims: 1.To help children to be able to hear the long vowel sound u-e in words 2.To help children understand that some words have a short /u/ and some have a long /u-e/; the child must listen to hear which word has which - not guess. What is included in the U-E activities Pack? 2 games of lottos, one with 6 pictures and one with 12 - differentiated to meet the needs of all children, supplied in both colour and black and white. Picture/Word cards to make a game of Snap! or to use for word sorting 'u' or 'u-e' in both colour and black and white. Word sorting activities - as above or words only. These cards can either be placed or written on the supplied recording page. Teaching tips: Help children to hear the vowel sound by emphasizing it and stretching it out. Help the child to do this as well. Have fun - as this eases children over those tricky spots! What is included? 1 PDF with 2 game sound boards, 2 picture boards, squares to cover up and a word (readers) card. See more fun phonic games in the Lilibette's Resources store! Find: AR Game A-E Game Games for initial/final sounds and much MORE!
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Print N Play Phonic Games, Split Digraph, Phonics, Phonics Games, Special Needs, ESL, Phonics For ESL, Phonics For Special Needs, U-e, Split Digraphs
a-e Phonic Worksheets for Special Needs Plus GAME
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Activities, Games
This is a pack of 12 Phonic worksheets to teach the split digraph a-e, specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. It includes a phonic 'a-e' game to aid learning. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds.) Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. ·Have only a little on each pageas these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 12 worksheets: 1. See it!where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out!Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by usingsound-it-out boxesfor reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we remove on to the next sound. I try to give this a week after we finish the book, to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included. What is included in the pack: A front cover 12 Activities based on the 'Sound it out' principles. A dictation Flashcards Phonic a-e Game The Phonic a-e Game helps pupils to decide whether a word needs an 'e' or not. The game helps children to grapple with the new rule in an engaging way while providing the teacher with opportunities for assessment . Full instructions provided. Both in colour and black and white: the black/white version is good to send home for extra practice. MORE Please note: This pack is in a series: Find: EE Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention AR Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention OR (In the Lilibette's Resources Store I do hope others find these Special Needs Phonic worksheets helpful for their pupils with ordering and processing difficulties!
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Split Digraph A-e, A-e, Phonics A-e, Silent E, Magic E, Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Phonic Games, Print N Play Phonic Game, A-e Worksheets
Concept Nouns Naming and Definitions 7
Special Resources, ELA, Reading, Language Development, Vocabulary, ESL, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games
This series of PDF BUNDLE resources focuses on identifying noun concepts, with engaging visualizations ( pictures and graphic arrangements ) of vocabulary by topic. The activity materials in this assignment are designed to help students develop their vocabulary and reading comprehension skills through interactive activities and real-life examples. It includes clear names and definitions of words from common noun categories and can also serve as discussion prompts to encourage critical and analytical thinking, deepen your understanding of the language, and improve your communication skills . This resource is designed to be accessible and engaging to all students . Ideal for teaching English as a Second Language and intervention sessions on learning difficulties. Clear and concise language, visual aids and interactive activities help students easily understand and remember information, integrating visual and kinesthetic elements. You can choose from a variety of worksheets that suit your student's level, interests, and printing preferences. Each category topic includes : 2 sets of Flash cards ( definition sentence / image, image / definition sentence ) 2 sets of Flash cards ( definition word / phrase, definition phrase / word ) 3 anagram strings ( mixed letters of single words or in definition text ) 1 Crossword ( word definition ) 2 sets of linked activities Draw a Line ( definition / image, image / definition ) 2 sets of matching activities Draw a line ( word / definition, definition / word ) 2 series of Quizzes ( definition / image, image / definition ) 2 series of quizzes ( word / definition, definition / word ) 3 Wheels of Fortune ( words, definitions, images ) Search page for 1 word ( word definition ) 2 writing boards ( words, definitions ) 2 blank boards/artboards ( words, definitions ) Various puzzles and word games for naming noun concepts as well . * Use as-is or create your own board games, like Snap, Memory, Match to Sample, and Knowledge Races . Distribute it as morning exercises, quiet time and focus activities, independent workbooks, or fun homework . 65 PDF Pages
Tags Esl, Word Defining, Semantics, Word Search, Anagram, Flash Cards, Centers, Crossword, Definitions, Writing Expository
Color by Sight Word Practice Game, 1st Grade - SET 8
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Games, Activities
Introducing the Color by Sight Word Practice Game, 1st Grade - SET 8! This carefully crafted resource is designed to aid educators in teaching sight words to students in an engaging, fun-filled, and productive manner. Catering primarily to Kindergarten and Grade 1 students (but easily adaptable for Grade 2), it integrates subject areas such as Reading, Spelling, and Vocabulary at once. Nurturing Multiple Skills Simultaneously Armed with a variety of five unique sight words atop each page in bright colors complemented by corresponding shapes beneath them, this learning game nourishes multiple skills simultaneously. Apart from promoting recognition of sight words through repeated exposure – an essential aspect of Language Arts curriculum – the method strengthens color recognition abilities as well. Besides academic progress, the hand-eye coordination developed while coloring can contribute significantly to enhancing motor skills. Promising Flexibility in Implementation & User-friendly nature This simple yet effective tool presents enormous flexibility when it comes to implementation. Be it within formal classroom settings or homeschool environments; individual study sessions or group activities; standalone lessons or supplemental homework assignments - Set 8 promises exposure stimulating both visual appeal and mental engagement. Moreover, navigating this resource requires no extensive preparation on part of teachers or parents alike – exhibiting a user-friendly quality guaranteed to make your life easier! Simply print out these US Letter size PDF materials obtained immediately post-purchase and let the learning begin. SET 8 includes commonly used words such as 'after', 'him', 'old ', 'stop'... An easy-to-implement tool that adds value to any educational journey while stimulating learner interest with its colorful format. To sum up: SET 8 isn’t just about learning sight words – it’s about holistic skill development weaved into fun activities. Enliven any literacy center with these thoughtfully constructed coloring pages establishing an enjoyable context for word practice.
Author TeacherYouWant
Tags Colorful, Sight Words, Learning Game, Vocabulary Practice, Holistic Skill Development
Hot Shots | Multi-Syllabic Card Game
ELA, Reading, Grade 1, 2, 3, Activities, Games
This resource is a Hot Shots Multi-Syllabic Card Game. There are many ways you can use these cards: - Snap - Hot Shots - Board Game Directions are included for each way of playing.
Author Literacy Life
Tags Syllables, Card Game, Hot Shots, Multi-syllabic, Task Cards
Fairy Tales Speaking Game
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Grade 1, 2, 3, Games, Activities
This is a Fairy Tales Speaking Game that comes with 1 game board. This board can be printed in color or black and white. It is a fun way to increase dialogue and build speaking skills amongst your learners. Students will move from one space to the next reading and then answering the questions.
Author Better Teaching Resources
Tags Board Games, Fairy Tales, Literature, Reading, Comprehension, Speaking Skills, Dialogue, ESL, Rapunzel, Small Group
Free Interactive Memory Game to Practice Animals
Life Studies, ELA, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, Games, Activities
Practice Animal Vocabulary with this Free Interactive Memory Game Introduce young learners to a variety of animals with this entertaining digital memory game . Students will see the name and image of 12 different animals. Their task is to flip over two cards at a time to find matches, exercising visual memory and concentration. If the cards don't match, they flip them back over and try again. Once all matches are made, press the "start again" button for more vocabulary practice. This self-checking activity can be played independently or as a whole class game projected on a smartboard. The vibrant slideshow stimulates engagement while building animal classification skills. Differentiate by allowing lower grades to match pictures only and upper grades to match Spanish vocabulary words. Download this versatile 12-slide PowerPoint today!
Author ShapeUp-N-Matematicas y Lenguaje
Tags Animals, Animal Names, Vocabulary, Domestic Animals, Zoology, Birds, Reptiles, Fish, Mammals, Small Or Whole Group
Dominoes: Clothes
ELA, Reading, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Activities, Games
Dominoes: Clothes is an engaging resource that helps students build vocabulary and recognition of common clothing terms. This set of dominoes includes 27 pairs, each featuring a clothing-related word alongside a colorful illustration depicting that item. Educators can implement Dominoes: Clothes in small groups or whole class settings. Students will enjoy matching the words and pictures while building connections between written and visual vocabulary. The self-checking dominoes format allows learners to get immediate feedback as they play. Teachers may also use the dominoes for independent or peer practice differentiating clothing types and terms. With versatile applications across elementary grades, this resource promises to boost clothes-focused vocabulary in a lively, interactive style.
Author Better Teaching Resources
Tags Domino, Dominoes, Clothes, Words, Matching