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The Frog Life Cycle Unit - Tadpole Cut and Paste
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The Frog Life Cycle Unit - Tadpole Cut and Paste
Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools

This download includes 1 cut and paste to depict the 5 steps in the growth of the tadpole.

Author Kindergarten Cafe

Tags Frogs, Tadpoles, Cut And Paste, Life Cycle, Science, Frog Life Cycle Kindergarten, Tadpole To Frog Life Cycle, Tadpole Cycle

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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Elementary, Early Learning, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables

3 FREE PAGES OF ADDITIONS THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS We are an educational corporation that is dedicated to the development of fabulous resources for mathematics, literacy, as well as resources for teaching Spanish and brain exercises. MAIN INFORMATION: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of ​​knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of ​​learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY INFORMATION: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document has been designed mostly in color so that it is highly attractive to students. 11. Is this resource free or do you have to pay to use it? This document is available for free, so take advantage of the opportunity to download it now. 12. Does it have an answer key attached? No, it does not contain an answer key attached. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



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ELA, Writing, Foreign Languages, Reading, Spanish, Adult Education, Early Learning, Elementary, High School, Homeschool Resources, Middle School, Not Grade Specific, Worksheets & Printables, Activities

READING COMPREHENSION TEXT IN SPANISH | PIPO EL PINGUINO INTRODUCTION: THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS We are an educational corporation that is dedicated to the development of fabulous resources for mathematics, literacy, as well as resources for teaching Spanish and brain exercises. MAIN INFORMATION: 1. Product name: You can use this educational resource in the primary education classroom. 2. Number of pages: This document contains the following number of pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational document is not editable, because this way you can use it better and you will not have any problem with the composition or design undergoing any variation. 4. Theme: This educational resource contains a topic for the primary education of children. 5. Document version: This educational document is available in PDF version, size A4. 6. Color or black/white: This educational product is designed in color because we believe that this will be much more attractive for your children. COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 7. In what version is it available? This document is available in PDF version, A4 size, because we consider that this size is the original and most common standard. 8. Editable/Non-Editable: This educational document and/or set of educational sheets is not editable, because this way you will be able to use it much more easily. 9. Age at which it can be applied: This educational resource can be applied to children of all ages, that is, students from 3 to 12 years old, who must acquire some basic knowledge that thanks to this document they will be able to address. 10. Tags or keywords that describe the content: didactic material, teaching sheets, material for children, printable educational material, printable material. 11. Ways to print: I suggest you print this document in A4 format, and check if your printer has enough ink for the printout to be of quality and so that your students can complete their worksheet without any problem. 12. Ways to apply it in class: You can apply this document both individually and as a group, it all depends on your criteria.



Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention - Growing Bundle

Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention - Growing Bundle
Special Resources, ELA, Special Education Needs (SEN), Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Activities, Games

This is a pack of Bumper Pack of 14 (to date) books of phonic worksheets for the digraphs: L blends, CK, SH, CH, TH, OO, EE, OR, AR, A-E, I-E, O-E, U-E, AI and EA especially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? PDF's of worksheets each covering the sounds: L Blends. CK, SH, CH, TH, OO, EE, OR, AR, A-E, I-E, O-E, U-E, AI and EA, all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Over 180+ Worksheets: Your phonics lessons covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! Some sounds contain print-and-go games to make learning fun. AR and A-E each contain a board game. Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. ·Have only a little on each pageas these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 12 worksheets: 1. See it!where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out!Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by usingsound-it-out boxesfor reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound (except the Consonant L-Blends) with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give this a week after we finish the book, to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included in most books. Phonic Games are also included for AR and A-E to make learning more fun! What is included? 10 PDFs totalling 150 + worksheets each covering the sounds: CK, SH, CH, TH, OO, EE, OR, AR, A-E, I-E, O-E, U-E, AI and EA, 2 PDF games for AR and A-E in full colour and black and white

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Phonic Worksheets, Phonic Games, Speical Needs, Special Needs, Ee Phonics, Or Phonics, Ar Phonics, A-e Phonics, Split Digraph Phonics

Word Study and Vocabulary Strategies Guided Reading Lesson Plans

Word Study and Vocabulary Strategies Guided Reading Lesson Plans
ELA, Reading, Writing, Elementary, Activities, Teacher Tools, Games, Projects, Assessments, Lesson Plans, Quizzes and Tests, Rubrics

Introduce or review (test prep!) your students’ word comprehension skills with this engaging 10-day mini-unit designed to make vocabulary learning interactive and effective! Perfect for upper elementary or middle school classrooms, this resource dives into Greek and Latin roots, word work strategies, guided reading and word comprehension through a variety of vocabulary activities and vocabulary games. What’s Included: Daily Lessons & Word Work: Explore prefixes, suffixes, Greek and Latin root words, dictionary and thesaurus skills, context clues, analogies, homophones, homonyms, homographs, synonyms, and antonyms through fun, hands-on activities, interactive notes, and creative projects. Vocabulary Activities & Games: Engage students with word work strategies like flashcards, sentence strip tasks, word art, creative writing and class sharing to reinforce understanding. Work Designed for Fun: Assignments (either classwork or homework) such as the “Make Your Own Word” Flip Book and creative writing tasks keep students motivated while reinforcing key concepts. Cumulative Test: Conclude the unit with a comprehensive Greek and Latin Roots Test (Day 11), complete with an answer key for easy grading or choose from different word part projects that include rubrics for assessment. Flexible Lesson Options: Expand the Unit: Add more practice, vocabulary games, or activities to focus on specific Greek and Latin roots or word comprehension strategies. Shorten the Unit: Focus only on Greek and Latin root words for a streamlined approach. Why Teachers Love It: Interactive & Fun: From word work activities to group study games, students will love the variety of vocabulary strategies and tools included. Adaptable for Every Classroom: Flexible design makes it easy to fit your schedule. Homework tasks can also double as in-class or center work for classrooms with limited homework policies. Prep Made Simple: Print-and-go packets, curated video resources, and minimal setup required! Teacher Prep Checklist: Print the “A Study of Words” packet for each student. Gather materials like sentence strips, index cards, and any required tech tools. Preview videos and websites from the Day-by-Day Plan. With this word work and vocabulary strategies mini-unit, you’ll empower students to unlock the meaning of words, improve their comprehension, and build essential vocabulary skills through fun and interactive word work strategies. Watch their confidence grow as they master etymology and the wonderful world of words!

Author Kel's Klass

Tags Greek And Latin Roots, Word Work, Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogies, Content Clues, Guided Reading Lesson Plans

A-E Phonic Game To Develop Phonemic Awareness
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A-E Phonic Game To Develop Phonemic Awareness
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games

Here is a fun, print 'n play phonic game for the split digraph a-e! Help your pupils to grasp the tricky split digraph concept as they play! Who is the a-e game suitable for? All learners of phonics, including young children, SEN/special needs, ESL etc... Aims and Objectives Some children, when starting to learn about the long /a-e/ sound will start to make every /a/ into a long /a-e/ sound. While this is common among all children, some children need more help to overcome this difficulty. Therefore, this game has two aims: 1.To help children to be able to hear the long vowel sound a-e in words 2.To help children understand that some words have a short /a/ and some have a long /a-e/; the child must listen to hear which word has which - not guess. How to play: This is a game for two ore three players, one of which should be an adult. The game can be played with either pictures or sounds. Each player takes a game board (either pictures or sounds) which will indicate whether the player should listen for words with a short /a/ sound or a long /a-e/ sound. The adult reads a word on the word card, and the pupils must listen for 'e' or no 'e'? If the pupil has the sound/ picture on his/her board, she/he covers up a space. the winner fills hi/her board first. Teaching tips: Help children to hear the vowel sound by emphasizing it and stretching it out. Help the child to do this as well. Have fun - as this eases children over those tricky spots! What is included? 1 PDF with 2 game sound boards, 2 picture boards, squares to cover up and a word (readers) card. See more fun phonic games in the Lilibette's Resources store! Find: AR Game A-E Game Games for initial/final sounds and much MORE!

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags A-e, Print N Play Phonic Games, Split Digraph, Split Digraph A-e, Phonics, Phonics Games, Special Needs, ESL, Phonics For ESL, Phonics For Special Needs

Color by Sight Word Game, High Frequency FRY Words, 9th 100 - SET 8

Color by Sight Word Game, High Frequency FRY Words, 9th 100 - SET 8
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grade 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games

9th 100 Fry Sight Words, COLOR BY SIGHT WORDS WORKSHEETS, COLORING PAGES Looking for a fun and engaging way to reinforce Sight Words in your students? What can be a better way than fun Color By Sight Words Activity? This resource includes engaging Coloring sheets for 9th 100 Fry Sight Words. The words are in order of frequency. This NO PREP Easy to Use Worksheet Packet includes 20 pages in total with 100 sight words. Each page contains five different sight words written in different vibrant colors. There are different shapes like square, triangle, circles and stars on the sheet with sight words written inside of them. Students have to Color every shape with the color of Sight Word written in it. These worksheets are not only perfect for enhanced recognition of Sight Words but are also perfect for developing Fine motor skills while learning their sight words. Teachers can use these worksheets in different ways. Teachers can create fun ways to use these worksheets more efficiently like, ask the kid to pick their favorite shape on the worksheet and the ask them to read the sight word aloud, along with spelling it out. This will not only help in enhanced recognition but also will help to build vocabulary and spelling mastery. Then after that ask the student to look for that sight word on the top of the sheet and tell the name of the color that sight word is written in. Then ask the student to color that shape with the color of the sight word. This will motivate students to recognize and remember their High Frequency Words in more effective way and also have fun while coloring the worksheet. These worksheets are perfect for morning work, individual work, group work, working with partners, home work or class work. These Worksheets can also be used for Assessment . When children have already learnt their sight words, use these sheets to assess their knowledge with these engaging activity. These are also perfect to include in Sight Words Book, and teaching collection. These are perfect for End of the year and also Back To School Season. These are also perfect for Home Schoolers. These are very easy to use. Just Download, Print, Enjoy and save your time with these high quality Sight Word resource. Download your copy today to give your kids some fun activity with learning. You Will Receive: 1 PDF 20 Pages US Letter Size ( 8.5 x 11 )

Author TeacherYouWant

Tags Sight Words Practice, Games, Morning Work, Homeschool, Fry Sight Words, Ninth 100

Winter Where's the Penguin Sight Word Game for Fry 101-200

Winter Where's the Penguin Sight Word Game for Fry 101-200
ELA, Holiday & Seasonal, Reading, Seasons, Winter, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

Winter Where's the Penguin Sight Word Game Targets Fry's 101-200 List This winter-themed sight word game helps students practice recognizing Fry's 101-200 high frequency words. Students search behind snowball word cards to find one of three hidden penguins. Ideal for whole group, small group, learning centers , or one-on-one instruction. Includes printable sight word cards, three penguin cards, and a repetitive poem. Cards available in two sizes to fit various pocket charts. Teachers can differentiate by selecting specific sight words students need extra practice with. As students correctly identify sight words with a hidden penguin, those cards are removed and play continues. When no penguins remain, they are hidden again to start a new round. This engaging game scaffolds beginning readers and struggling students as they build sight word automaticity. The repetitiveness also builds confidence with oral language skills.

Author The Connett Connection

Tags Winter Sight Words, Fry Sight Words, Fry 1-100, Sight Word Game, Where's The Penguin?, Winter Hide And Seek, Winter Seek And Find, Pocket Chart Games, Whole Group Game

Color by Sight Word Game, High Frequency FRY Words, 10th 100 - SET 8

Color by Sight Word Game, High Frequency FRY Words, 10th 100 - SET 8
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grade 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games

10th 100 Fry Sight Words, COLOR BY SIGHT WORDS WORKSHEETS, COLORING PAGES Looking for a fun and engaging way to reinforce Sight Words in your students? What can be a better way than fun Color By Sight Words Activity? This resource includes engaging Coloring sheets for 10th 100 Fry Sight Words. The words are in order of frequency. This NO PREP Easy to Use Worksheet Packet includes 20 pages in total with 100 sight words. Each page contains five different sight words written in different vibrant colors. There are different shapes like square, triangle, circles and stars on the sheet with sight words written inside of them. Students have to Color every shape with the color of Sight Word written in it. These worksheets are not only perfect for enhanced recognition of Sight Words but are also perfect for developing Fine motor skills while learning their sight words. Teachers can use these worksheets in different ways. Teachers can create fun ways to use these worksheets more efficiently like, ask the kid to pick their favorite shape on the worksheet and the ask them to read the sight word aloud, along with spelling it out. This will not only help in enhanced recognition but also will help to build vocabulary and spelling mastery. Then after that ask the student to look for that sight word on the top of the sheet and tell the name of the color that sight word is written in. Then ask the student to color that shape with the color of the sight word. This will motivate students to recognize and remember their High Frequency Words in more effective way and also have fun while coloring the worksheet. These worksheets are perfect for morning work, individual work, group work, working with partners, home work or class work. These Worksheets can also be used for Assessment . When children have already learnt their sight words, use these sheets to assess their knowledge with these engaging activity. These are also perfect to include in Sight Words Book, and teaching collection. These are perfect for End of the year and also Back To School Season. These are also perfect for Home Schoolers. These are very easy to use. Just Download, Print, Enjoy and save your time with these high quality Sight Word resource. Download your copy today to give your kids some fun activity with learning. You Will Receive: 1 PDF 20 Pages US Letter Size ( 8.5 x 11 )

Author TeacherYouWant

Tags Games, Sight Words Worksheets, Sight Words Practice, Tenth 100, Color By Code, Rainbow, Fun Learning, Homeschool

Bigger & Better Speaking Debate Extension Activity ELL SPED Gate

Bigger & Better Speaking Debate Extension Activity ELL SPED Gate
Special Resources, ELA, Social Skills, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Language Development, ESL, Vocabulary, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games

Bigger & Better Speaking Debate Extension Activity ELL SPED Gate An exceptionally engaging tool, designed for students to practice creating meaningful and coherent sentences. This resource is versatile in its application - making it suitable for both traditional classrooms and homeschool settings. Interactive Learning The activity adds an enjoyable dimension to speaking & debate practice by motivating learners to critically think about objects' value, monetary or intrinsic. It is specifically crafted keeping diverse learning needs in mind - proving effective for ELL, GATE, SPED students as well as typical learners. Resource Components 44 slides neatly organized into four levels of difficulty that ensure continuous learning growth through escalating challenges. Suitable for students from grades 1-5 (approximately ages 5-11) but can be effectively adjusted up to high school level. Combines fun with competition through game elements facilitating high engagement among learners. Includes thought-provoking reflection questions that also make great writing prompts at the end of each level within a game setting. Main Objectives: Nurture precise language usage when describing people or objects. Promote clear communication of comparative measurements during debates or discussions. This can also serve as an effective warm-up or wrap-up element during teaching hours owing to its dual utility nature. Versatile Teaching Resource - Differentiated Instruction: With ample room allowing differentiation concerning response length and complexity; gifted Learners (GATE), English Language Learners (ELL) along with individuals requiring special education will benefit greatly from the linguistic support provided via built-in sentence frames included across all levels involved. - File Type: The downloadable Microsoft PowerPoint File type ensures easy access and also allows simple conversion into Google Slides activities if desired based on individual teaching preferences. Overall In essence, the Bigger & Better Speaking Debate Extension Activity is a comprehensive linguistic resource aimed at enhancing speaking, debate abilities as well as critical thinking among learners. Its multi-level organization along with adaptable structure promises intriguing and productive learning experiences that can be effortlessly integrated into any curriculum .

Author Melissa Is Teaching

Tags Speaking Skills, Debate Practice, Communication Skills, Critical Thinking, Differentiation

CVC Words Phonic Matching Game: O and U
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CVC Words Phonic Matching Game: O and U
ELA, Common Core, Reading, Phonics, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Special Education Needs (SEN), Special Resources, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Games, Activities, Centers

Here is a simple game to help children learn to read CVC words with the medial sounds O and U. This game will help your child to learn to blend three-letter words with the short vowels ‘o’ and 'u'. That means, to put sounds together to make a word. The child has to be able to feel and hear the word that is being sounded out. This game is supplied in both colour and black and white - you choose how you print! We suggest laminating the pieces for durability. Who is the CVC Words Phonic Matching Game: O and U? Those who are just beginning to sound out/blend CVC words with the O and U short vowel sounds. These may be: Young learners Special needs learners ESL/EFL learners of any age. Who can use the CVC Words Phonic Matching Game: O and U? Parents Homeschoolers/home educators Teachers in class, or for use in centers Those involved in intervention work Private tutors How can the CVC Words Phonic Matching Game: O and U be used? It can be played as a game for 2 players It can be used as a matching activity for individual pupils - great for centers! It can be used for assessment purposes The game pages can even be used as worksheets - you choose! To make the CVC Words Phonic Matching Game: O and U Simply print out the two baseboards. Print out the word cards and cut them up. Teach your pupil to take care of the cards and not bend them more than can be helped. To play the CVC Words Phonic Matching Game: O and U Take a baseboard each. Scatter the word cards face down. Take it in turns to take a word card. Read it. If it matches a picture on your baseboard, place it in the correct space. If not, return it to the pool of cards. Play continues until someone completes their board, or until all the cards are used up. Teaching tips: Demonstrate how to sound out a word when it is your turn and invite your pupil’s help when it is your turn, so s/he gets even more practice. Your pupil will need a lot of blending practice so be patient. If your pupil has difficulty sounding out these words then spend more time practicing blending before playing the game again. What is included? 1 PDF with: 2 baseboards in both colour and black and white Matching words Full instructions

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags CVC Words, Phonics, Home School, Special Needs, Phonic Game, ELA, CVC Words U, CVC Words O, Short Vowel Words, CVC

Close Reading Comprehension Practice Papers (The Computer Game) 9-12 years

Close Reading Comprehension Practice Papers (The Computer Game) 9-12 years
ELA, Reading, Grade 4, 5, 6, Games, Activities

Close Reading Comprehension Practice Papers (The Computer Game) for 9-12 years A vibrant series of practice sheets targeting comprehension testing for children aged 9 to 12, spans across 48 meticulously prepared pages. This high-quality teaching resource serves as a versatile tool to enhance children's reading comprehension skills. Usefulness in Educational Settings This educational resource is an exceptional asset to public school teachers and homeschool educators teaching Language Arts. The product primarily caters to students in Grades 4 through Grade 6. It is well suited for incorporation into full class activities, smaller study groups, individual reading sessions or as homework take-away tasks. Main Features of the Practice Papers Fosters Identification of Critical Details: This key emphasis helps children master extracting crucial details from the text. Inferencing Skills Development: The resources aid with this area by enabling students make predictions using evidence from the passages directly. Vocabulary Expansion: The Comprehension Practice Papers are an excellent means to expand your child's vocabulary base. Distinguishing Aspect of Close Reading Comprehension Practice Papers (The Computer Game) This program sets itself apart due its striking resemblance with actual examination texts - making it significantly useful when preparing students for formal assessments . Accompanied with these practice papers are suggested answers – which serve as key reference points when evaluating a student’s performance or in guiding them towards accurate responses. Purchase your copy today!. In Conclusion...P>Selecting Close Reading Comprehension Practice Papers yields worthwhile benefits among various educational tools due to their broad coverage of key reading comprehension components. Furthermore, it's adaptability across various teaching formats is commendable. And lastly, they come in manageable PDF files for easy accessibility anytime for educators .

Author Guinea Pig Education

Tags Close Reading, Comprehension Practice, Vocabulary Development, Inferencing Skills, Exam Preparation

u-e Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention
Free Download

u-e Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

This is a pack of 23 phonic worksheets for the Split Vowel U-E (as in true and tune) specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. A pack of 23 worksheets with a variety of exercises to help build phonemic awareness and reading fluency. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? 30 worksheets for the sound EA taking pupils from hearing the sounds in words to reading and spelling them at word and sentence level. all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Your phonics lessons are covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. ·Have only a little on each pageas these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 23 worksheets: 1. See it!where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out!Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by usingsound-it-out boxesfor reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give the dictation a week after we finish the work on the EA sound to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included of some common EA words. What is included? 1 PDF with flashcards and 23 worksheets

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Magic E, Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Phonic Games, Print N Play Phonic Game, Split Digraph U-e, U-e , Long Vowels

Color by Sight Word Game, High Frequency FRY Words, 6th 100 - SET 8

Color by Sight Word Game, High Frequency FRY Words, 6th 100 - SET 8
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grade 1, 2, 3, Activities, Games

6th 100 Fry Sight Words, COLOR BY SIGHT WORDS WORKSHEETS, COLORING PAGES Looking for a fun and engaging way to reinforce Sight Words in your students? What can be a better way than fun Color By Sight Words Activity? This resource includes engaging Coloring sheets for 6th 100 Fry Sight Words. The words are in order of frequency. This NO PREP Easy to Use Worksheet Packet includes 20 pages in total with 100 sight words. Each page contains five different sight words written in different vibrant colors. There are different shapes like square, triangle, circles and stars on the sheet with sight words written inside of them. Students have to Color every shape with the color of Sight Word written in it. These worksheets are not only perfect for enhanced recognition of Sight Words but are also perfect for developing Fine motor skills while learning their sight words. Teachers can use these worksheets in different ways. Teachers can create fun ways to use these worksheets more efficiently like, ask the kid to pick their favorite shape on the worksheet and the ask them to read the sight word aloud, along with spelling it out. This will not only help in enhanced recognition but also will help to build vocabulary and spelling mastery. Then after that ask the student to look for that sight word on the top of the sheet and tell the name of the color that sight word is written in. Then ask the student to color that shape with the color of the sight word. This will motivate students to recognize and remember their High Frequency Words in more effective way and also have fun while coloring the worksheet. These worksheets are perfect for morning work, individual work, group work, working with partners, home work or class work. These Worksheets can also be used for Assessment . When children have already learnt their sight words, use these sheets to assess their knowledge with these engaging activity. These are also perfect to include in Sight Words Book, and teaching collection. These are perfect for End of the year and also Back To School Season. These are also perfect for Home Schoolers. These are very easy to use. Just Download, Print, Enjoy and save your time with these high quality Sight Word resource. Download your copy today to give your kids some fun activity with learning. You Will Receive: 1 PDF 20 Pages US Letter Size ( 8.5 x 11 )

Author TeacherYouWant

Tags Sight Words Practice, Fry Sight Words, Sixth 100, Fry Words, Sight Words Worksheets

EA Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention/Special Needs

EA Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention/Special Needs
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

This is a pack of 30 phonic worksheets for the Long Vowel EA (as in eat) specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. A pack of 30 worksheets with a variety of exercises to help build phonemic awareness and reading fluency. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? 30 worksheets for the sound EA taking pupils from hearing the sounds in words to reading and spelling them at word and sentence level. all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Your phonics lessons covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! 2 PDF games to send home for extra practice included! Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. ·Have only a little on each pageas these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 30 worksheets: 1. See it!where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out!Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by usingsound-it-out boxesfor reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give the dictation a week after we finish the work on the EA sound to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included of some common EA words. What is included? 1 PDF with flashcards, 2 easy-prep games and 30 worksheets

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Phonic Games, Print N Play Phonic Game, Ea Worksheets, Dyslexia, Spelling EA Words, Learn To Read EA Words, Long E, Vowel Teams

i-e Phonic Worksheets for Special Needs
Free Download

i-e Phonic Worksheets for Special Needs
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Activities, Games

This is a pack of 12 phonic worksheets for the Long Vowel I-E (as in tie and ride) specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. A pack of 12 I-E worksheets with a variety of exercises to help build phonemic awareness and reading fluency. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? 12 worksheets for the sound I-E taking pupils from hearing the sounds in words to reading and spelling them at word and sentence level. all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Your phonics lessons covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. ·Have only a little on each pageas these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 12 worksheets: 1. See it!where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out!Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by usingsound-it-out boxesfor reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give the dictation a week after we finish the work on the EA sound to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included of some common I-E words. What is included? 1 PDF with flashcards and 12 I-E worksheets

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Split Digraph A-e, Silent E, Magic E, Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Phonic Games, Print N Play Phonic Game, I-e Worksheets, Split Digraph I-e, Phonics I-e

Winter Where's the Penguin Sight Word Game for Fry 201-300

Winter Where's the Penguin Sight Word Game for Fry 201-300
ELA, Holiday & Seasonal, Reading, Seasons, Winter, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

Winter Where's the Penguin Sight Word Game for Fry 201-300 This winter-themed sight word game helps students practice recognizing Fry's 201-300 high-frequency words. It includes printable sight word cards and penguin cards in two sizes to accommodate different pocket charts. Students say a simple poem to guess which sight word card is hiding a penguin. Teachers can differentiate instruction by choosing specific words students need to practice. Use it in small groups, whole class instruction, student-led literacy centers , or one-on-one. Struggling readers gain repeated exposure to tricky sight words while other students strengthen sight word recognition through this engaging game. The winter theme and hands-on format make learning sight words fun. Watch students gain confidence recognizing words as they search for the hidden penguins behind the snowball sight word cards! This versatile resource helps assess and improve essential kindergarten and first grade reading skills.

Author The Connett Connection

Tags Winter Sight Words, Fry Sight Words, Sight Word Game, Where's The Penguin?, Winter Hide And Seek, Winter Seek And Find, Pocket Chart Games, Whole Group Game, Fry 201-300

AGE Word Dice Games - A CVCe Phonics Center

AGE Word Dice Games - A CVCe Phonics Center
ELA, Reading, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

Practice reading and writing long vowel AGE words with these fun dice games for CVCe words. Students will practice recognizing, reading, writing and spelling words with the AGE rime with the magic e phonics rule. What is Included: Dice templates to go with each of the game mats Seven recording mats that go with one of the dice sets. To play, students will roll the dice. Depending on the mat they are using, students will color, trace, cover, graph, or write the word or image that was rolled. By having many activity mats, these games can be easily differentiated for that students that need more support. These dice games make great literacy or phonics stations or centers. More Ways to Use these Dice Games: For a single player game, students can use the tracing worksheets to trace the word or picture they rolled. For a single player game, students can use the grid worksheets to color or cover the word or picture they rolled. For a single player game, students can create a graph by rolling the dice a set number of times, then filling in the blank grid squares by coloring or covering the spaces. For a partner game, students can play Three in a Row. To play, students use the grid paper with the words in a random order. Students take turns rolling the dice and coloring or covering the words in the grid. The first player to get three words in a row wins. For a partner game, use the tracing pages to roll and take turns tracing the words or picture rolled. The player who traces the most words at the end of time wins! Skills Assessed Blending of Onset and Rime in CVCe Words Reading, Tracing, Writing and Spelling CVCe Words The dice game mats require no prep. They just need to be printed out and put in the center or station you wish to use them in. The dice will need to be assembled. You will need to print them out on card stock or other heavy weight paper, cut, fold and tape together. The mats can be laminated to make them reusable, especially of you need to save paper. Dry erase markers can be used on the writing and tracing mats.

Author The Connett Connection

Tags Dice Games, CVCe Words, Magic E Words, Literacy Game, Phonics Games, Literacy Center, Small Group Activity, AGE Words

Concept Nouns Naming and Definitions 3

Concept Nouns Naming and Definitions 3
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Vocabulary, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games

This series of PDF BUNDLE resources focuses on identifying noun concepts, with engaging visualizations ( pictures and graphic arrangements ) of vocabulary by topic. The activity materials in this assignment are designed to help students develop their vocabulary and reading comprehension skills through interactive activities and real-life examples. It includes clear names and definitions of words from common noun categories and can also serve as discussion prompts to encourage critical and analytical thinking, deepen your understanding of the language, and improve your communication skills . This resource is designed to be accessible and engaging to all students . Ideal for teaching English as a Second Language and intervention sessions on learning difficulties. Clear and concise language, visual aids and interactive activities help students easily understand and remember information, integrating visual and kinesthetic elements. You can choose from a variety of worksheets that suit your student's level, interests, and printing preferences. Each category topic includes : 2 sets of Flash cards ( definition sentence / image, image / definition sentence ) 2 sets of Flash cards ( definition word / phrase, definition phrase / word ) 3 anagram strings ( mixed letters of single words or in definition text ) 1 Crossword ( word definition ) 2 sets of linked activities Draw a Line ( definition / image, image / definition ) 2 sets of matching activities Draw a line ( word / definition, definition / word ) 2 series of Quizzes ( definition / image, image / definition ) 2 series of quizzes ( word / definition, definition / word ) 3 Wheels of Fortune ( words, definitions, images ) Search page for 1 word ( word definition ) 2 writing boards ( words, definitions ) 2 blank boards/artboards ( words, definitions ) Various puzzles and word games for naming noun concepts as well . * Use as-is or create your own board games, like Snap, Memory, Match to Sample, and Knowledge Races . Distribute it as morning exercises, quiet time and focus activities, independent workbooks, or fun homework . 65 PDF Pages


Tags Esl, Word Defining, Semantics, Word Search, Anagram, Flash Cards, Centers, Crossword, Definitions, Writing Expository

U-E Activities Pack
Free Download

U-E Activities Pack
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games

This U-E activities Pack is designed to help children learn to sound out words with the u-e sound and differentiate between u-e and ‘u’, a common cause of confusion amongst young learners. This pack will give children much practice, which will, in turn, help them become more confident at sounding out such words. Who is the U-E activities Pack suitable for? All phonics learners, including young children, SEN/special needs, ESL etc... Aims and Objectives Some children, when starting to learn about the long /u-e/ sound will start to make every /u/ into a long /u-e/ sound. While this is common among all children, some children need more help to overcome this difficulty. Therefore, this U-E activities Pack has two aims: 1.To help children to be able to hear the long vowel sound u-e in words 2.To help children understand that some words have a short /u/ and some have a long /u-e/; the child must listen to hear which word has which - not guess. What is included in the U-E activities Pack? 2 games of lottos, one with 6 pictures and one with 12 - differentiated to meet the needs of all children, supplied in both colour and black and white. Picture/Word cards to make a game of Snap! or to use for word sorting 'u' or 'u-e' in both colour and black and white. Word sorting activities - as above or words only. These cards can either be placed or written on the supplied recording page. Teaching tips: Help children to hear the vowel sound by emphasizing it and stretching it out. Help the child to do this as well. Have fun - as this eases children over those tricky spots! What is included? 1 PDF with 2 game sound boards, 2 picture boards, squares to cover up and a word (readers) card. See more fun phonic games in the Lilibette's Resources store! Find: AR Game A-E Game Games for initial/final sounds and much MORE!

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Print N Play Phonic Games, Split Digraph, Phonics, Phonics Games, Special Needs, ESL, Phonics For ESL, Phonics For Special Needs, U-e, Split Digraphs

I have...Who Has...? Fruits & Vegetables Edition

I have...Who Has...? Fruits & Vegetables Edition
ELA, Reading, Not Grade Specific, Activities, Games

I have...Who Has...? Fruits & Vegetables Edition is an engaging card game that builds listening skills, attention, and reading comprehension for the whole class or small groups. Designed for elementary grades, this educational game features a set of shuffled cards with fruits, vegetables, and descriptors. A student starts by reading their card aloud and asking a question that matches another card. The student holding that card responds, then reads their card and asks another question, continuing the chain. Students must listen carefully to keep the game going. This self-checking game encourages participation from every student while reviewing vocabulary in a fun, active way. Use it in reading groups or literacy centers for repeated exposure identifying and describing common produce.

Author Better Teaching Resources

Tags Fruits, Vegetables, Vocabulary, Matching, Game, I Have Who Has Game, How Do You Play I Have Who Has

1st 100 Fry Sight Words: Bingo Cards

1st 100 Fry Sight Words: Bingo Cards
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Vocabulary, Spelling, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games

1st 100 Fry Sight Words: Bingo Cards The 1st 100 Fry Sight Words: Bingo Cards are a powerful and engaging teaching tool designed to help students from Kindergarten to Grade 2 expand their vocabulary and enhance reading skills. Overview of the Game: Each learner is given a bingo card that carries random sight words from the first hundred Fry Sight Words list. An educator or an appointed student vocalizes individual sight words. The learners mark off these words on their cards, aiming for five aligned markings across, vertically or diagonally to win. This interactive engagement offers continual exposure, repetition, and practice with high-frequency sight words; all indispensable features for any verbal building block mastery. Ideal for Various Classroom Activities: In addition to being excitingly straightforward in its layout, the adaptability of these bingo cards makes them ideal candidates for different learning center tasks and group games focused on Language Arts' Reading, Vocabulary, and Spelling sub-subjects. The PDF file consists of thirty US Letter Size pages ingeniously filled with immense learning potential. Listed Essential Words: 'the' 'were' 'what' Note:The list consists of frequent yet essential words seen by young readers in various forms such as poems and articles. With this resource's support towards comprehensive knowledge growth both within academic confines & through readings external don't miss out on infusing authentic excitement into your program by using our intellectual stimulating – ‘1st 100 Fry Sight Words: Bingo Cards’.

Author TeacherYouWant

Tags Sight Words, Bingo Cards, Vocabulary Development, Reading Fluency, Language Arts

a-e Phonic Worksheets for Special Needs Plus GAME

a-e Phonic Worksheets for Special Needs Plus GAME
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Activities, Games

This is a pack of 12 Phonic worksheets to teach the split digraph a-e, specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. It includes a phonic 'a-e' game to aid learning. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds.) Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. ·Have only a little on each pageas these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 12 worksheets: 1. See it!where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out!Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by usingsound-it-out boxesfor reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we remove on to the next sound. I try to give this a week after we finish the book, to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included. What is included in the pack: A front cover 12 Activities based on the 'Sound it out' principles. A dictation Flashcards Phonic a-e Game The Phonic a-e Game helps pupils to decide whether a word needs an 'e' or not. The game helps children to grapple with the new rule in an engaging way while providing the teacher with opportunities for assessment . Full instructions provided. Both in colour and black and white: the black/white version is good to send home for extra practice. MORE Please note: This pack is in a series: Find: EE Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention AR Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention OR (In the Lilibette's Resources Store I do hope others find these Special Needs Phonic worksheets helpful for their pupils with ordering and processing difficulties!

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Split Digraph A-e, A-e, Phonics A-e, Silent E, Magic E, Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Phonic Games, Print N Play Phonic Game, A-e Worksheets

Pizza Reading Comprehension Game

Pizza Reading Comprehension Game
ELA, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games

Introducing the Pizza Reading Comprehension Game An excellent teaching resource explicitly designed to enhance comprehension and literacy skills among students, the Pizza Reading Comprehension Game is perfect for both public school classrooms and homeschooling environments. It offers a more engaging approach than traditional teaching methods. Recommended Age Group This product is primarily aimed at children in grades 1 through 5. About the Game : The Pizza Reading Comprehension Game adeptly combines fun with functional learning. Students get practice with reading sentences, instructions, and commands. The game enhances reading comprehension using order task cards that facilitate children into creating a pizza using different toppings represented by colorful clip-art graphics. The materials included are: Placemat templates (colored and plain) Pizza templates 50 order task cards A varied selection of toppings symbolized through 80 clip-arts. Achieving Learning Goals: Kids produce the requested pizza design by referring to topping clip-arts after clearly understanding directions from task cards read aloud. This method helps reinforce memory along with boosting literacy skills. Suitability and Flexibility: The game can be used in numerous ways according to classroom dynamics – as a group activity under teacher supervision, part of small group tasks encouraging peer collaboration or individual homework assignment or incorporated into literature lessons emphasizing phonics instruction. Add on Uses: OOther applications include being utilized during class breaks or even as artistic decoration promoting Language arts in classrooms. Longevity The Pizza Reading Comprehension Game offers multifaceted benefits: it boosts learner understanding through interactive engagement while remaining flexible to diverse lesson requirements.

Author Koodles Clubhouse

Tags Reading Comprehension, Literacy Skills, Interactive Learning, Educational Game, Language Arts

I have...Who Has...? School Edition

I have...Who Has...? School Edition
ELA, Reading, Not Grade Specific, Activities, Games

I have...Who has...? School Edition is an engaging whole class game to promote active listening, reading comprehension, and vocabulary skills. This printable PDF resource provides a set of cards that can be cut out and used to play a chains-style game. To begin, the teacher shuffles the cards and distributes them to students. One student starts by reading their card prompt aloud. The student who has the card with the response says “I have...” and reads their card. The game continues until the last card is read. As students listen for their response, the room becomes focused and attentive. Teachers can customize the deck to target academic standards in reading, vocabulary words, historical figures, math facts, and more. I have...Who has...? brings an element of fun and friendly competition to build classroom community and learning.

Author Better Teaching Resources

Tags School, Classroom, Matching, Vocabulary, Words

CVC Words Phonic Matching Game: A
Free Download

CVC Words Phonic Matching Game: A
ELA, Common Core, Reading, Phonics, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Special Education Needs (SEN), Special Resources, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Games, Activities

Here is a simple game to help children learn to read CVC words with the medial sound A. This game will help your child to learn to blend three-letter words with the short vowel ‘a’. That means, to put sounds together to make a word. The child has to be able to feel and hear the word that is being sounded out. This game is supplied in both colour and black and white - you choose how you print! We suggest laminating the pieces for durability. Who is the CVC Words Phonic Matching Game: A for? Those who are just beginning to sound out/blend CVC words with the A short vowel sound. These may be: Young learners Special needs learners ESL/EFL learners of any age. Who can use the CVC Words Phonic Matching Game: A? Parents Homeschoolers/home educators Teachers in class, or for use in centers Those involved in intervention work Private tutors How can the CVC Words Phonic Matching Game: A be used? It can be played as a game for 2 players It can be used as a matching activity for individual pupils It can be used for assessment purposes To make the CVC Words Phonic Matching Game: A Simply print out the two baseboards. Print out the word cards and cut them up. Teach your pupil to take care of the cards and not bend them more than can be helped. To play the CVC Words Phonic Matching Game: A Take a base board each. Scatter the word cards face down. Take it in turns to take a word card. Read it. If it matches a picture on your baseboard, place it in the correct space. If not, return it to the pool of cards. Play continues until someone completes their board, or until all the cards are used up. Teaching tips: Demonstrate how to sound out a word when it is your turn and invite your pupil’s help when it is your turn, so s/he gets even more practice. Your pupil will need a lot of blending practice so be patient. If your pupil has difficulty sounding out these words then spend more time practicing blending before playing the game again. What is included? 1 PDF with: 2 baseboards in both colour and black and white Matching words Full instructions

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags CVC Words, Medial Sound A, A Family Words, Phonics, Home School, Special Needs, Phonic Game, CVC Words With A, ELA

ar/or Phonic Game Colour and B/W

ar/or Phonic Game Colour and B/W
Special Resources, ELA, Special Education Needs (SEN), Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Kindergarten, Preschool, Activities, Games, Centers

This game will help your children to learn to hear the sounds ‘ar’ and ‘or’ in words and to read words containing these sounds. Who is it for: Children who are learning the digraphs ar and or. Those children working in Phase 3 of Letters and Sounds Those children working in Speed Set 2 of RWI. Who can use the ar/or game? Teachers, parents, private tutors - anyone who needs it! How to make the game Print out pages 4 to 9, on card. Cut out the picture cards (pages 6 - 8). Cut up the ar/or cards (page 9). Write ‘ar’ on the back of one baseboard (pages 4/5) and ‘or’ on the back of the other. Write ‘ar’ or ‘or’ as appropriate on the backs of the picture cards. Find a bag or small box to put the small letter ar/or cards in. How to play the game This is a game for 2 players. It is best if an adult plays with each child individually first and then when each child in a pair is confident, they can play in together. The game can be played with the picture and word cards alone, without the ar/or cards - as a simple matching game. This is how it has been designed to be played: Take a baseboard each. This will decide who is collecting ‘ar’ pictures and ‘or’ pictures. Choose 6 ar and 6 or cards (you can choose different pictures each time you play). Scatter the picture cards picture side up. Take it in turns to take an ‘ar’/’or’ letter card from the bag/box. If the player with the ‘ar’ baseboards picks an ‘ar’ card, s/he may choose a picture with the ar sound in. Likewise with ‘or’. Players may only turn the picture card over to check that they are correct. If not, the picture card is replaced. The winner is the first to fill his/her card. Do: Demonstrate how to sound out a word when it is your go and invite your pupil’s help, so they get even more practice. Look at the cards that are left. What sound do they have in them? Play again and see if you choose different pictures. What's Included 1 PDF file 2 baseboards Full instructions

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Ar, Or, Phonic Digraphs, Ar/or Game, Ar/or Phonic Game, RWI Speed Set 2 Phonic Game, R Controlled Blends, Phonics, Games, Home School