5,723 products added recently
Division Games
Help your students master division with games that make learning engaging. This collection includes division bingo, word problems, and interactive digital games. By integrating these division games into your lessons, you can enhance mathematical understanding.
Apps & Social Media Vocabulary - Flash Cards, Word List + Quiz, Games and MORE!
ELA, Language Development, Vocabulary, Grade 1, 2, 3, Flashcards, Worksheets & Printables
This resource is a comprehensive lesson that uses 20 app-related vocabulary words. First off, you can introduce these words by using the PDF -based presentation. With the arrow keys, you just move from one word to another to make your students familiar with them. Next, You can hand out the vocabulary lists. Beware that these are made with color, so in order to be eco-friendly you might want to use black and white ink. Once the students have taken these lists home, they can do the vocabulary test in their next class. They can practice with the words by utilizing the included flash cards. These just need to be printed, laminated, and cut. Beware of sharp edges though. You can use the curved edges version to avoid annoying pinches. Finally, use the Wacky Words activity to have a really good time in class. With this, all the letters are mixed up. Students love this.
Author Tom's Talk
Tags Apps, Social Media, Vocabulary, Flash Cards, Digital Activities
FREE DOMINO GAME | Emojis Themed
, Not Grade Specific, Games, Activities
Hello and welcome to the EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS resource store. I tell you that most of my resources are presented for free because our purpose is to help teachers and/or children who want to learn in a didactic way. That's why we make these products in the most attractive way possible, so take advantage of the fact that most of these resources are free to download them now. Please read the following information carefully so that you know what this document is about: 2. Title of the pedagogical resource: The title of this resource is "12 dominoes" 3. Topic to work on: This game will help you develop children's intelligence, as well as other cognitive processes such as attention, memory, and visualization. 4. Area of knowledge where it should be applied: You can apply this game in multiple areas of knowledge. 5. Number of pages contained: This document is made up of 3 pages, on each page you will find 4 dominoes, which means that in the end you have 12 dominoes. 6. Is it available in color or white/black? This educational document is available in color to make it much more attractive for your children. 7. What version is it available in? This educational document is available in PDF version, A4 size. 8. Editable/Not Editable: This educational resource is not editable. 9. Age at which it can be applied: You can apply this educational document to children from 4 to 8 years old or in general to any age who is interested in playing dominoes. 10. Tags or keywords that describe the content: domino, domino game, game for children, brain games . 11. Ways to print: Print this document, then cut out each of the pieces, also, if possible, laminate them to make them more resistant. 12. Forms of application in class: Apply this document in groups of children of approximately 2 to 3. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.
Tags Domino, Domino Game, Domino Puzzle, Free Resources
Math, Numbers, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games
HELLO THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR BEING HERE! Learning numbers has never before been as fun as using this fabulous little book to learn to count from 1 to 10, with a bee theme. HOW TO USE THIS BOOK: Print this book in color and laminate it. Also, cut out each of the bee figures that you see, then ask your students to fill in the boxes with each of the bee drawings according to the proposed quantity, be it 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ,9,10. Ready, you will have a bee-themed notebook of numbers. KEYWORDS OF THIS PRODUCT: Number books, numbers, learn to count, counting exercises, numbers from 1 to 10, numbers, number exercises. -DESCRIPTIONS OF THIS PRODUCT: Now through the following questions we are going to provide information about this product so that you are encouraged to download it. 1. Why should teachers use educational materials in the classroom? Didactic number books are valuable tools for children to learn mathematics better, and they also bring other benefits such as: - Reduces mathematical anxiety and stress. - They help children better understand mathematical concepts. 2. What is the name of this document? The name of this product is "Counting numbers from 1 to 10 thanks to the bee theme" 3. What topic will you address in this resource? The numbers from 1 to 10. 4. For what ages is it recommended? Recommended for children from 3 to 7 years old who are learning their first numbers. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author of this document is the publishing house ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. COME UP NOW TO DOWNLOAD THIS COMPLETELY FREE DOCUMENT. ALSO REMEMBER THAT WE HAVE OTHER BOOKS AVAILABLE ON MATHEMATICS, LANGUAGE, SPANISH, AND BRAIN EXERCISES THAT YOU CAN DOWNLOAD. CHECK OUT THESE RESOURCES: 40 DIVISION CARDS: https://teachsimple.com/product/40-division-flashcards-game 40 MULTIPLICATION CARDS: https://teachsimple.com/product/40-multiplication-flashcards-animal-theme 40 ADDITION CARDS: https://teachsimple.com/product/40-addition-flashcards-game 40 SUBTRACTION CARDS: https://teachsimple.com/product/40-subtraction-flashcards-animal-theme
Tags Numbers, Numbers 1 To 10, Numbers Counting, Numbers Book, Counting Numbers 1 To 10
Grocery Game: Estimating, Adding, and Multiplying Decimals - Winter Holidays Edition
Special Resources, Life Studies, Life Skills, Home Economics, Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Decimals, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, Activities, Games
Grocery Game : Estimating, Adding, and Multiplying Decimals - Winter Holidays Edition This resource is a fun, interactive math game designed for students in grades 3-6. It will help your students practice adding and multiplying decimals while they shop to hit the target amount! The game includes 4 rounds with grocery shopping items for Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa holidays. Every round presents five food items to the students who practice estimating costs to manage a given budget. Whole class activity: This engaging exercise makes learning mathematical concepts more concrete than abstract learning alone. Students are shopping for a purpose! Realistic applications make education impactful and enjoyable for students, and math games are always a hit with my students! How to Use: This is a fun, whole class activity that you need to be able to project in your classroom on an interactive whiteboard. It is a Powerpoint presentation so you can move the boxes that cover the prices of each item after the students have guessed the price- just like on a real game show! You give your students a target budget (for example between $50-52). The smaller the budget range, the more challenging it will be. Students have to buy at least four of the items. Ask one student to choose one item at a time. The student guesses the price and chooses how many they want to buy of it. Then you reveal the price, all of the students students calculate how much they have spent, and you move on to the next item! Grades to Use With: This is a fun game for grades 3-6 when you are studying money, grocery shopping, and decimal operations. Even kids in middle school will have fun playing along! What's Included: A total of 6 pages in PowerPoint Format (so you can move the price covers once your students have guessed). Title Page Instructions Christmas Kwanzaa Hanukkah Holiday Treats If you enjoy this game , check out my other rounds: Original Grocery Game Spring Grocery Game Fall Grocery Game
Author Grace Under Pressure
Tags Decimals, Grocery Shopping, Adding Decimals, Multiplying Decimals, Mental Math, Math Game, Estimating, Winter Holiday Math, Christmas Math, Kwanzaa
Multiplication Bump Games
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, Games, Activities
Multiplication Bump Games Overview Multiplication Bump Games is an educational resource catered towards teachers and homeschoolers. Its main objective is to teach multiplication concepts in a dynamic manner to students from Grade 1 up until Grade 4, through enjoyable and immersive activities that invoke learners' active involvement. Contents of the Package The Multiplication Bump Games package consists of: 12 distinctive Multiplication Bump Games that involve multiplication facts from tables 2-12. The option to choose between two color formats for each game or a black and white version, resulting in a total of 33 pages worth of material. Utility and Usage This well-rounded resource can be used in different classroom settings - small study groups, whole class sessions or individual interaction with struggling students. The games' simplicity makes them an appealing homework assignment as well. Setting Up the Activity To start off - select & print out the chosen game page Distribute two dice per student (or pair) \ Please note: you'll also need around fifteen counters for each pair of students or approximately eleven pieces for solo play. \ How to Play? In a typical game session, students roll their dice, add up the numbers and then multiply the sum by the number specified on their specific game page (to be found at top right corner within a snowflake symbol). The aim here isn't solely accuracy but also entails strategic planning especially when playing against opponents. In Conclusion... The Multiplication Bump Games aren't just education materials but also thoughtful learning experiences designed to engage students in their educational journey. They are a representation of the active-learning styles that interactive lessons should incorporate - making the process of mastering multiplication both fun and beneficial for students.
Author Cherry Workshop
Tags Engaging, Interactive, Multiplication Concepts, Strategic Planning, Active-learning
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games
WELCOME TO THE ARENAS EDUCATIVAS PUBLISHING RESOURCE STORE! We are a publisher dedicated to the development of teaching materials for reading, writing, Spanish, mathematics, as well as brain exercises. On this occasion, I will provide you with information regarding this material. A. GENERAL INFORMATION OF THE MATERIAL: - Product name: Game "I HAVE, WHO HAS" - Multiplication - Number of pages: 11 pages - Number of primers: 22 primers B. OTHER FREE RESOURCES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN: We have other free resources available in our store, such as: C. SECONDARY RESOURCE INFORMATION: Now I will provide you with secondary information about this product, such as: 1. The name of this educational resource is This product is titled "Who Has, I Have Game"; with the theme of multiplication. 2. This document contains this number of pages It contains 11 pages, on each page you will find 2 flashcards , in total you will then have 22 cards. 3. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 4. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply it a) at home if you are a parent, you must use this product with 2 or more children. b) At school, if you are a mathematics teacher, you should also use this in even groups of children, plus the game is quick and simple. 5. Is this document in black and white or color? It is available in colors. 6. For what ages is this document recommended? It is recommended to use this in children from 7 to 9 years old who have already surpassed learning addition and subtraction and who now want to learn multiplication or practice said operation. IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games
THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND WELCOME TO MY STORE OF FABULOUS MATHEMATICS RESOURCES FOR PRIMARY EDUCATION CHILDREN On this occasion we bring you this fantastic puzzle with 24 multiplication tiles from the tables 1 to 12, so that your children can practice this fabulous operation in a fun and educational way! BRIEF INTRODUCTION: SO DON'T WAIT ANYMORE BECAUSE THIS DOCUMENT IS COMPLETELY FREE AND FREE FOR YOU TO DOWNLOAD IT NOW AND START USING IT NOW IN YOUR CLASSROOM. ALSO, PLEASE ASK YOU TO CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION that will help you know what this product is about and so you can make a decision to be able to download it and use it in your home or classroom. INFORMATION REGARDING THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational materials in the classroom? As is known, there are multiple reports from psychologists and even psychopedagogues who affirm that using teaching materials in the classroom is one of the best ways in which children will be able to learn, so do not hesitate and use this fabulous resource for your mathematics class now. 2. What is the name of this document? The name of this resource is "Multiplication Mastery" 3. What topic will you address in this resource? Multiplication from 1 to 12. 4. For what ages is it recommended? For children from 7 to 12 years old. 5. Who is the author of this document? Editorial ARENAS EDUCATIVAS is the author. 6. In what area of knowledge can it be applied? Apply it in your mathematics class. 7. Should I apply it individually or in groups in my class? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. SECONDARY INFORMATION: 8. What size and format is this resource in? PDF document, A4 size. 9. Do I need some extra elements to apply it? Yes, scissors. 10. Is it in color or black and white? Made in colors. 11. Is this resource free or do I have to pay to use it? It's free so take advantage of downloading it now. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.
Tags Multiplication, Domino, Domino Game, Free Resource
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games
NAME OF THE PRODUCT: Dominó of Multiplication Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. WE ARE AN EDUCATIONAL COMPANY DEDICATED TO THE PREPARATION OF FABULOUS RESOURCES FOR THE AREA OF MATHEMATICS, ON THIS OCCASION WE BRING YOU THIS FANTASTIC RESOURCE WITH WHICH YOUR STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY AND LEARN IN A DIDACTIC WAY ABOUT MULTIPLICATION. Dominoes are one of the most popular games worldwide so do not hesitate to download this fabulous game. NAME OF THE GAME: Mastery of multiplication using multiplication exercises from 1 to 12. DOWNLOAD IT NOW, BECAUSE IT IS A COMPLETELY FREE RESOURCE. INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCT: Please read the information on this product carefully so you know what it is about. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this product is "24 multiplication tables dominoes" B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of 6 pages, on each page you will find 4 tiles so in the end you will have 24 domino tiles at your disposal. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared and designed by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS, we are an educational corporation dedicated to the design of fabulous resources for primary education in different areas. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply it at home if you are a parent and want your children to reinforce multiplication, you can also apply it in your class if you are a mathematics teacher. SECONDARY INFORMATION OF THIS PRODUCT: E. Is this document in black and white or color? This document is prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for your students. F. For what ages is this document recommended? It is recommended to apply this document in children from 7 to 12 years old who are learning and practicing multiplication. G. At what point in class can I apply it? You can apply it during the development of your class as a game. H. Should I apply it individually or in groups? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.
Tags Domino, Domino Game, Multiplication, Free Resource
Doubling & Halving (Whole Numbers) Spin To Win Game
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Not Grade Specific, Activities, Games
Do you integrate daily Number Talks into your math lessons? In search of a dynamic, zero-prep way to refine your students' mental math prowess? Introduce them to theSpin To Win - DOUBLING & HALVING - Whole Number Mental Math Multiplication Gamethrough this interactive PowerPoint game. Suitable for up to four players on a single device, or can be showcased for the whole class from a teacher's PC. With24 diverse questions, it's an effective platform for mastering the Break A Factor Into Addends Strategy. The game not only sharpens mental math abilities but also promotes teamwork and mutual encouragement among peers. An unpredictable twist awaits as players spin to unveil their points for a correct answer, making the outcome thrillingly unpredictable! HOW TO PLAY: Students choose their question then solve it mentally. When done, they say the answer out loud, then check it by clicking the “check answer” button. If their answer is correct they then get to spin the wheel to be awarded their points! Some questions give a reward or a punishment! Where are they hidden? Who knows!? Winner is the player with the most points when your time is up! More Multiplication Strategies with Whole Number SPIN TO WIN Games : Break A Factor Into Addends Factor A Factor Round A Factor & Adjust
Author Made 4 The Middle
Tags Math, Mental Math, Multiplication, Engaging, Fun, Centres, No Prep, Game, Self Checking
Multiplication Game Boards
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 3, 4, Games, Activities
Multiplication Game Boards Product Description: Multiplication Game Boards are an enjoyable and challenging resource designed to improve the learning and understanding of multiplication facts for 3rd and 4th grade students. Introducing a new topic such as multiplication can sometimes be overwhelming for educators. This product is here to make the whole process more engaging and less intimidating. Depending on your educational needs, you can use these sheets in various ways - small group activities, math centers, extra practice sessions or even as homework assignments. Reusability Feature: All of the game boards have been created in a way that allows them to be used multiple times once printed on card stock and laminated. This makes them exceptionally practical in school environments where resources often need to have multiple uses. Included in this pack: Shuffled multiplication facts ranging from numbers 2 to 10 on each board. The random mix adds an exciting level of challenge for students while keeping their interest levels high within learning parameters. An underwater theme on each sheet which aids in increasing student engagement towards the activity . The provision of answer keys embedded within its content area which facilitates teachers by providing swift yet accurate verification across student responses. Note: This purchase should solely be utilized as per your classroom or homeroom requirements; wider distribution breaches user rights associated with this product. In Conclusion These hands-on Multiplication Game Boards not only promise interactive learning but also ensure reinforcement through comprehensive memory engagement while teaching crucial maths skills.
Author Soumara Siddiqui
Tags Multiplication Game, Learning Tool, Interactive Resource, Engaging Activity, Educational Game
Break A Factor Into Addends (Decimals) Spin To Win Game
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Not Grade Specific, Activities, Games
Do you integrate daily Number Talks into your math lessons? In search of a dynamic, zero-prep way to refine your students' mental math prowess? Introduce them to theSpin To Win - BREAK A FACTOR INTO ADDENDS - Decimal Mental Math Multiplication Gamethrough this interactive PowerPoint game. Suitable for up to four players on a single device, or can be showcased for the whole class from a teacher's PC. With24 diverse questions, it's an effective platform for mastering the Break A Factor Into Addends Strategy. The game not only sharpens mental math abilities but also promotes teamwork and mutual encouragement among peers. An unpredictable twist awaits as players spin to unveil their points for a correct answer, making the outcome thrillingly unpredictable! HOW TO PLAY: Students choose their question then solve it mentally. When done, they say the answer out loud, then check it by clicking the “check answer” button. If their answer is correct they then get to spin the wheel to be awarded their points! Some questions give a reward or a punishment! Where are they hidden? Who knows!? Winner is the player with the most points when your time is up! More Multiplication Strategies with Decimals SPIN TO WIN Games : Doubling & Halving Factor A Factor Round A Factor & Adjust
Author Made 4 The Middle
Tags Math, Mental Math, Games, Activities, Centres, Fun, Engaging, No Prep, Self Checking, Multiplication
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games
NAME OF THIS PRODUCT: Multiplication Domino Game | MADE WITH ANIMALS ICONS THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND WELCOME TO MY STORE OF FABULOUS MATHEMATICS RESOURCES FOR PRIMARY EDUCATION CHILDREN On this occasion we bring you this fantastic puzzle with 24 multiplication tiles from the tables 1 to 12, so that your children can practice this fabulous operation in a fun and educational way! BRIEF INTRODUCTION: SO DON'T WAIT ANYMORE BECAUSE THIS DOCUMENT IS COMPLETELY FREE AND FREE FOR YOU TO DOWNLOAD IT NOW AND START USING IT NOW IN YOUR CLASSROOM. ALSO, PLEASE ASK YOU TO CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION that will help you know what this product is about and so you can make a decision to be able to download it and use it in your home or classroom. INFORMATION REGARDING THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational materials in the classroom? As is known, there are multiple reports from psychologists and even psychopedagogues who affirm that using teaching materials in the classroom is one of the best ways in which children will be able to learn, so do not hesitate and use this fabulous resource for your mathematics class now. 2. What is the name of this document? The name of this resource is "Multiplication Mastery" 3. What topic will you address in this resource? Multiplication from 1 to 12. 4. For what ages is it recommended? For children from 7 to 12 years old. 5. Who is the author of this document? Editorial ARENAS EDUCATIVAS is the author. 6. In what area of knowledge can it be applied? Apply it in your mathematics class. 7. Should I apply it individually or in groups in my class? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. SECONDARY INFORMATION: 8. What size and format is this resource in? PDF document, A4 size. 9. Do I need some extra elements to apply it? Yes, scissors. 10. Is it in color or black and white? Made in colors. 11. Is this resource free or do I have to pay to use it? It's free so take advantage of downloading it now. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, Activities, Games
Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. WE ARE AN EDUCATIONAL COMPANY DEDICATED TO THE PREPARATION OF FABULOUS RESOURCES FOR THE AREA OF MATHEMATICS, ON THIS OCCASION WE BRING YOU THIS FANTASTIC RESOURCE WITH WHICH YOUR STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY AND LEARN IN A DIDACTIC WAY ABOUT MULTIPLICATION. Dominoes are one of the most popular games worldwide so do not hesitate to download this fabulous game. NAME OF THE GAME: Mastery of multiplication using multiplication exercises from 1 to 12. DOWNLOAD IT NOW, BECAUSE IT IS A COMPLETELY FREE RESOURCE. INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCT: Please read the information on this product carefully so you know what it is about. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this product is "24 multiplication tables dominoes" B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of 6 pages, on each page you will find 4 tiles so in the end you will have 24 domino tiles at your disposal. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared and designed by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS, we are an educational corporation dedicated to the design of fabulous resources for primary education in different areas. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply it at home if you are a parent and want your children to reinforce multiplication, you can also apply it in your class if you are a mathematics teacher. E. Is this document in black and white or color? This document is prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for your students. F. For what ages is this document recommended? It is recommended to apply this document in children from 7 to 12 years old who are learning and practicing multiplication. SECONDARY INFORMATION: G. At what point in class can I apply it? You can apply it during the development of your class as a game. H. Should I apply it individually or in groups? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.
Tags Multiplication, Multiplication Game, Puzzle, Domino, Domino Game, Free Resource
Math Matching Games: 8 Sets of Math Fact Cards for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Decimals, and Money
Special Resources, Life Skills, Math, Fact Families, Early Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Decimals, Multiplication and Division, Division, Money, Fractions, Multiplication, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Activities, Games
Math Matching Games: 8 Sets of Math Fact Cards Here's a great set of math games to add to you curriculum in grades 2-6. There are 8 different sets of cards to practice math skills across several grades. How to Use: I like using these matching games as a warm-up or as a reward at the end of class. Simply shuffle one of the sets and give each student one card. Give the students a moment to determine their card’s value. Then all students stand up and move SILENTLY around the room. ***(I love having this guaranteed moment of quiet)*** Students show their cards to each other and look for their match/card with the same value (ex. 9+9 and 15+3). Matches move to the side of the room until everyone is paired up. Then you can re-deal and play again! Card Sets Included: Each set has 16 pairs- enough for a class with up to 32 students! Addition facts up to twenty Addition facts up to fifty Subtraction facts Multiplication facts Division facts Equivalent fractions Fraction to decimal conversions Money Grades to Use With: These matching sets can work from grade 2 through 6 depending on which sets you use! Addition and subtraction facts are great for grade 2. Multiplication and division facts and money are great for grades 3-4. Equivalent fractions and fraction to decimal conversions are great for grades 5-6. And any sets can be used to review previously learned skills! What's Included: A total of 33 pages in PDF Format: Title Page and 8 sets of cards with 32 cards in each set. If you enjoy this math game , check out others in my store: Exponent Board Game: Fun and Engaging Math Game for 6th Grade Pre-Algebra: Expression Input Output Game Times Table Game: Multiplication Strategies and Commutative Property
Author Grace Under Pressure
Tags Memory Game, Math Game, Math Facts, Fractions, Decimals, Money, Math Center, Times Tables, Addition And Subtraction, Multiplication And Division
Doubling & Halving (Decimals) Spin To Win Game
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Not Grade Specific, Activities, Games
Do you integrate daily Number Talks into your math lessons? In search of a dynamic, zero-prep way to refine your students' mental math prowess? Introduce them to theSpin To Win - DOUBLING & HALVING - Decimal Mental Math Multiplication Gamethrough this interactive PowerPoint game. Suitable for up to four players on a single device, or can be showcased for the whole class from a teacher's PC. With24 diverse questions, it's an effective platform for mastering the Break A Factor Into Addends Strategy. The game not only sharpens mental math abilities but also promotes teamwork and mutual encouragement among peers. An unpredictable twist awaits as players spin to unveil their points for a correct answer, making the outcome thrillingly unpredictable! HOW TO PLAY: Students choose their question then solve it mentally. When done, they say the answer out loud, then check it by clicking the “check answer” button. If their answer is correct they then get to spin the wheel to be awarded their points! Some questions give a reward or a punishment! Where are they hidden? Who knows!? Winner is the player with the most points when your time is up! More Multiplication Strategies with Decimals SPIN TO WIN Games : Round A Factor & Adjust Factor A Factor Break A Factor Into Addends
Author Made 4 The Middle
Tags Math, Mental Math, Multiplication, Game, Activity, Fun, Centre, No Prep, Self Checking, Engaging
Multiplication fact practice Board Game - 2 Times Table
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, Activities, Games
Multiplication Fact Practice Board Game - 2 Times Table is an engaging underwater-themed game that helps students practice and build fluency with the 2 times table. Players move around the board answering multiplication questions to collect shells. This self-checking game builds confidence with basic facts while having fun. The game can be easily implemented for whole group, small group, centers , or even homework practice. Prep is easy - just print, laminate, and cut out the components. With differentiated game boards and question cards available in full color or black and white, this game is versatile for any classroom. Check out the other times tables games in this series for reinforcing facts practice up to 12 x 12. These teacher-created games transform drilling math facts into an adventure under the sea!
Author Colleen's Cosmic Collection
Tags Times Tables, Multiplication Facts, Multiplication Fact Practice, Multiplication Fact Fluency, Multiplication Game, Multiplication Games, Math Fact Fluency, 2 Times Table, Cccttbguw, Multiplication Fact Games
Multiplication fact practice Board Game - 1 Times Table
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, Activities, Games
Need a game for practicing multiplication facts fluency for the 1 times table with your kiddos that will be fun and engaging? This underwater themed math board game is perfect for getting your students focused on multiplication facts for 1! Preparation: Game instructions and playing pieces Print the How to Play page. You have three printing options. - Colour – for if you printed either of the colour game boards - BW 1 – for if you printed the BW 1 game board - BW 2 – for if you printed the BW 2 game board Cut out and laminate the fish at the top of the page to use as playing pieces. If you are using the BW printed fish, you would need to colour them before laminating. Alternatively, you can simply use counters or buttons. Cut out and laminate the “How to Play” instructions for students to refer to when they play the game. Game Board Print and laminate the game board. You have four printing options - Full colour (100% coverage – uses a lot of colour ink/toner) - Less colour (approximately 50% coverage) - BW 1 – You will need to colour the board, ensuring that the shells are purple and red – the same as on the colour game boards. - BW 2 – if you do not plan to colour the board, you can use this option. The purple shells are white and the red shells are black to differentiate them. Question cards Print the question cards. You can print in colour or BW. Print the card backs on the reverse side of the question card pages. You have three printing options - Full colour (100% coverage – uses a lot of colour ink/toner) - Less colour (less than 50% coverage) - BW Cut out and laminate the question cards Please note: lamination of all game elements is optional, but recommended as it will ensure the game will last longer. I also have other underwater themed times tables board games available (1 to 12 times tables) - CLICK HERE to check them out! You may also be interested in some these resources: · Fractions bingo games · Fractions matching games · Number bonds activities · Skip counting bingo games · Times tables matching games
Author Colleen's Cosmic Collection
Tags Times Tables, Multiplication Facts, Multiplication Fact Practice, Multiplication Fact Fluency, Multiplication Game, Multiplication Games, Math Fact Fluency, 1 Times Table, Cccttbguw, Multiplication Fact Games
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, Activities, Games
GENERAL INTRODUCTION OF THE TOPIC: Multiplication is one of the operations that many children fear because they have to memorize a lot of operations, but don't worry anymore because this time we bring you these fantastic domino tiles with which your children can practice multiplication in a fun and fun way. didactics SCIENTIFIC BASIS: It has been proven that through play, children learn better, so for that reason on this occasion we bring you this domino game with which your children can play and learn multiplication. INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: Please now read the following product information carefully so that you know what it is about and make the decision to download it now. 1. Product name: The title of this product is "24 dominoes of multiplication from 1 to 12" 2. Number of pages: This document is made up of 6 pages, on each page you will find 4 dominoes, so in the end you will have 24 dominoes available. 3. Is it editable or not? It is not editable. 4. Theme: Multiplication from 1 to 12. 5. Document version: PDF document, A4 size. 6. Color or white/black: Available in colors. 7. Aimed at children of ages: For children from 7 to 12 years old. SECONDARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 8. Area: Math. 9. Keywords: multiplication, domino, domino game, puzzle, multiplication games . 10. How do I print it? Print this document in A4 format. In colors. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply it in groups of 2 to 3 children. 12. Will you need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, you will need scissors. 13. Standards: It was not developed based on any specific standard. 14: Answer key: It does not contain an attached answer key. 15. Variations in its application: You can use this resource in multiple ways, it all depends on the creativity of the teacher or learning guide. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.
Tags Domino, Domino Puzzle, Puzzle, Math Game, Free Resource
Multiplication Squares (1-12) Game
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, Activities, Games
You students will love practicing their 1-12 multiplication facts with this 2-4 player game. All they need is two standard dice and a crayon for each player! Looking to practice 1-6 multiplication? Try the Multiplication Squares (1-6) Game
Author Breeze Through Math
Tags Multiplication, Multiplication Game, Review, Multiplication Review, Practice, Multiplication Dice Game Free Printable
Factor A Factor (Decimals) Spin To Win Game
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Not Grade Specific, Activities, Games
Do you integrate daily Number Talks into your math lessons? In search of a dynamic, zero-prep way to refine your students' mental math prowess? Introduce them to theSpin To Win - FACTOR A FACTOR - Decimal Mental Math Multiplication Gamethrough this interactive PowerPoint game. Suitable for up to four players on a single device, or can be showcased for the whole class from a teacher's PC. With24 diverse questions, it's an effective platform for mastering the Break A Factor Into Addends Strategy. The game not only sharpens mental math abilities but also promotes teamwork and mutual encouragement among peers. An unpredictable twist awaits as players spin to unveil their points for a correct answer, making the outcome thrillingly unpredictable! HOW TO PLAY: Students choose their question then solve it mentally. When done, they say the answer out loud, then check it by clicking the “check answer” button. If their answer is correct they then get to spin the wheel to be awarded their points! Some questions give a reward or a punishment! Where are they hidden? Who knows!? Winner is the player with the most points when your time is up! More Multiplication Strategies with Decimals SPIN TO WIN Games : Doubling & Halving Round A Factor & Adjust Break A Factor Into Addends
Author Made 4 The Middle
Tags Math, Mental Math, Multiplication, Games, Fun, Engaging, Self Checking, Activities, No Prep, Centres
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games
Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. WE ARE AN EDUCATIONAL COMPANY DEDICATED TO THE PREPARATION OF FABULOUS RESOURCES FOR THE AREA OF MATHEMATICS, ON THIS OCCASION WE BRING YOU THIS FANTASTIC RESOURCE WITH WHICH YOUR STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY AND LEARN IN A DIDACTIC WAY ABOUT MULTIPLICATION. Dominoes are one of the most popular games worldwide so do not hesitate to download this fabulous game. NAME OF THE GAME: Mastery of multiplication using multiplication exercises from 1 to 12. DOWNLOAD IT NOW, BECAUSE IT IS A COMPLETELY FREE RESOURCE. INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCT: Please read the information on this product carefully so you know what it is about. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this product is "24 multiplication tables dominoes" B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of 6 pages, on each page you will find 4 tiles so in the end you will have 24 domino tiles at your disposal. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared and designed by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS, we are an educational corporation dedicated to the design of fabulous resources for primary education in different areas. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply it at home if you are a parent and want your children to reinforce multiplication, you can also apply it in your class if you are a mathematics teacher. E. Is this document in black and white or color? This document is prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for your students. F. For what ages is this document recommended? It is recommended to apply this document in children from 7 to 12 years old who are learning and practicing multiplication. G. At what point in class can I apply it? You can apply it during the development of your class as a game. H. Should I apply it individually or in groups? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.
Tags Domino, Domino Game, Puzzle, Free Resource
Round A Factor & Adjust (Whole Numbers) Spin To Win Game
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Not Grade Specific, Activities, Games
Do you integrate daily Number Talks into your math lessons? In search of a dynamic, zero-prep way to refine your students' mental math prowess? Introduce them to theSpin To Win - ROUND A FACTOR & ADJUST - Whole Number Mental Math Multiplication Gamethrough this interactive PowerPoint game. Suitable for up to four players on a single device, or can be showcased for the whole class from a teacher's PC. With24 diverse questions, it's an effective platform for mastering the Break A Factor Into Addends Strategy. The game not only sharpens mental math abilities but also promotes teamwork and mutual encouragement among peers. An unpredictable twist awaits as players spin to unveil their points for a correct answer, making the outcome thrillingly unpredictable! HOW TO PLAY: Students choose their question then solve it mentally. When done, they say the answer out loud, then check it by clicking the “check answer” button. If their answer is correct they then get to spin the wheel to be awarded their points! Some questions give a reward or a punishment! Where are they hidden? Who knows!? Winner is the player with the most points when your time is up! More Multiplication Strategies with Whole Number SPIN TO WIN Games : Doubling & Halving Factor A Factor Break A Factor Into Addends
Author Made 4 The Middle
Tags Math, Mental Math, Multiplication, Centres, Games, Fun, Engaging, No Prep, Self Checking, Activities
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 4, 5, 6, Activities, Games
NAME OF THIS PRODUCT: Dominó of Multiplication with IA THEMED Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. WE ARE AN EDUCATIONAL COMPANY DEDICATED TO THE PREPARATION OF FABULOUS RESOURCES FOR THE AREA OF MATHEMATICS, ON THIS OCCASION WE BRING YOU THIS FANTASTIC RESOURCE WITH WHICH YOUR STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY AND LEARN IN A DIDACTIC WAY ABOUT MULTIPLICATION. Dominoes are one of the most popular games worldwide so do not hesitate to download this fabulous game. NAME OF THE GAME: Mastery of multiplication using multiplication exercises from 1 to 12. DOWNLOAD IT NOW, BECAUSE IT IS A COMPLETELY FREE RESOURCE. INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCT: Please read the information on this product carefully so you know what it is about. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this product is "24 multiplication tables dominoes" B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of 6 pages, on each page you will find 4 tiles so in the end you will have 24 domino tiles at your disposal. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared and designed by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS, we are an educational corporation dedicated to the design of fabulous resources for primary education in different areas. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply it at home if you are a parent and want your children to reinforce multiplication, you can also apply it in your class if you are a mathematics teacher. E. Is this document in black and white or color? This document is prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for your students. SECONDARY INFORMATION: F. For what ages is this document recommended? It is recommended to apply this document in children from 7 to 12 years old who are learning and practicing multiplication. G. At what point in class can I apply it? You can apply it during the development of your class as a game. H. Should I apply it individually or in groups? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.
Tags Multiplication, Multiplication Game, Puzzle, Domino, Free Resource
Round A Factor & Adjust (Decimals) Spin To Win Game
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Not Grade Specific, Activities, Games
Do you integrate daily Number Talks into your math lessons? In search of a dynamic, zero-prep way to refine your students' mental math prowess? Introduce them to theSpin To Win - ROUND A FACTOR & ADJUST - Decimal Mental Math Multiplication Gamethrough this interactive PowerPoint game. Suitable for up to four players on a single device, or can be showcased for the whole class from a teacher's PC. With24 diverse questions, it's an effective platform for mastering the Break A Factor Into Addends Strategy. The game not only sharpens mental math abilities but also promotes teamwork and mutual encouragement among peers. An unpredictable twist awaits as players spin to unveil their points for a correct answer, making the outcome thrillingly unpredictable! HOW TO PLAY: Students choose their question then solve it mentally. When done, they say the answer out loud, then check it by clicking the “check answer” button. If their answer is correct they then get to spin the wheel to be awarded their points! Some questions give a reward or a punishment! Where are they hidden? Who knows!? Winner is the player with the most points when your time is up! More Multiplication Strategies with Decimals SPIN TO WIN Games : Doubling & Halving Factor A Factor Break A Factor Into Addends
Author Made 4 The Middle
Tags Math, Mental Math, Multiplication, Game, Activity, Fun, Engaging, No Prep, Self Checking, Centres
The Grocery Game: Adding + Multiplying Money
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, Activities, Games
If you're looking for an engaging way for students to practice adding and multiplying money, The Grocery Game is it. This is an interactive activity that will get students moving as they apply math skills. You will prepare signs and task cards included and place them around your classroom. There are 10 shopping lists to distribute, so only a couple of students are working on the same list. Students will shop around the classroom and make note of the prices of items on their shopping list. Then students will collect their workspace mat and begin computations to get their total. Answer keys are included.
Author Our Strange Class
Tags Grocery Game, Money, Addition, Multiplication, Math Task Cards, Thegrocerygame, Multiplying Money, The Grocey Game
Multiplication fact practice Board Game - 10 Times Table
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, Activities, Games
Multiplication Fact Practice Board Game - 10 Times Table Dive into learning with this engaging underwater-themed math board game that helps students practice fluency with the 10 times table. The colorful game board, question cards, fish playing pieces, and easy-to-follow instructions make multiplying by 10 fun. Students move around the board answering multiplication questions to capture shells. With differentiation options for skill levels, this game can be played whole group, partners, small groups, or independently. Use it to build confidence in basic facts, reinforce the 10 times table, or provide multiplication fact fluency practice. ThisMULTIPLICATION game motivates students to succeed. Check out the other times tables games available for a comprehensive math fact fluency program.
Author Colleen's Cosmic Collection
Tags Times Tables, Multiplication Facts, Multiplication Fact Practice, Multiplication Fact Fluency, Multiplication Game, Multiplication Games, Math Fact Fluency, 10 Times Table, Cccttbguw, Multiplication Fact Games
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games
THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND WELCOME TO MY STORE OF FABULOUS MATHEMATICS RESOURCES FOR PRIMARY EDUCATION CHILDREN On this occasion we bring you this fantastic puzzle with 24 multiplication tiles from the tables 1 to 12, so that your children can practice this fabulous operation in a fun and educational way! BRIEF INTRODUCTION: SO DON'T WAIT ANYMORE BECAUSE THIS DOCUMENT IS COMPLETELY FREE AND FREE FOR YOU TO DOWNLOAD IT NOW AND START USING IT NOW IN YOUR CLASSROOM. ALSO, PLEASE ASK YOU TO CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION that will help you know what this product is about and so you can make a decision to be able to download it and use it in your home or classroom. INFORMATION REGARDING THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational materials in the classroom? As is known, there are multiple reports from psychologists and even psychopedagogues who affirm that using teaching materials in the classroom is one of the best ways in which children will be able to learn, so do not hesitate and use this fabulous resource for your mathematics class now. 2. What is the name of this document? The name of this resource is "Multiplication Mastery" 3. What topic will you address in this resource? Multiplication from 1 to 12. 4. For what ages is it recommended? For children from 7 to 12 years old. 5. Who is the author of this document? Editorial ARENAS EDUCATIVAS is the author. 6. In what area of knowledge can it be applied? Apply it in your mathematics class. SECONDARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Should I apply it individually or in groups in my class? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. 8. What size and format is this resource in? PDF document, A4 size. 9. Do I need some extra elements to apply it? Yes, scissors. 10. Is it in color or black and white? Made in colors. 11. Is this resource free or do I have to pay to use it? It's free so take advantage of downloading it now. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.
Tags Multiplication, Domino, Domino Puzzle, Puzzle, Free Resource