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Division Word Problems Grade 5

Prepare fifth graders for higher-level math with division word problems that involve larger numbers and multi-step solutions. These exercises promote analytical thinking and problem-solving. Use them to enhance students' division capabilities and readiness for future challenges.

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CVC Reading Book 15
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CVC Reading Book 15
ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Pre-Reading, Reading, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1,

A phonic CVC Words Reading Book for young/SEN/ESL readers. This is the last of 16 phonic reading books to support the blending of CVC words with a short vowel sound, suitable for those who just beginning to read with phonics. Find the complete series here: These first phonic readers are suitable for use with all phonic programmes. These books focus exclusively on sounding out words and they only use the key sight (red/tricky) words a, is, the, of, which are introduced only gradually. These short words should be learned on a flashcard first, but are best put into context as soon as possible when children usually, quickly pick them up. Pictures are deliberately minimal to encourage the child to gain meaning from the text and not to guess. All of the words are introduced and then met again in subsequent readers, to help develop confidence and fluency. The book s begins with just a few words being introduced. For example, this book CVC Reading Book 15 uses the words Jiff, off, mess, fuss, of. The whole scope and sequence is included in the pack for your reference. Each book lists the sight word/s being used in that book at the beginning. There is also a short introduction to the book to be read by the teacher and discussed with the child. These introductions help to make up for the lack of words in the book and help parents and teachers to have a basis for discussion with the child, so aiding reading comprehension. I have based the stories around loveable characters with whom the children quickly identify: farmer Tom with his animals, his wife, his son Sam and daughter, Pam, his dog, Jiff and the cat. Due to the systematic, phonetic nature of these books, they are highly suitable for special needs children who have failed with other programmes. Many parents have told me they wished they had found these books sooner, or had found them at all, as they would have been ideal for their struggling reader. They have been thoroughly tested by my current pupils all of whom are boys. Even my nine-year old boy pupil loves them. They can also be used with young EFL/ESL learners. 1 PDF file 12 Pages A5 Print as a booklet

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Cvc Reader, Cvc Reading Book, Cvcphonic Reader, Cvcphonic Reading Book, Book 15

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, Not Grade Specific, Activities, Games

NAME OF THE PRODUCT: Dominó of Monkey Themed MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Product name: The title of this product is "12 dominoes" 2. Number of pages: This educational document is made up of 3 pages, on each page you will find 4 dominoes, which means that in the end you will have 12 dominoes available. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational resource is not editable, so it will be much easier for you to use it, because you can print it without problems. 4. Theme: This document will help children exercise their brain memory, as well as other cognitive processes such as attention. 5. Document version: This educational document is available in PDF version, A4 size. 6. Color or white/black: This educational document has been prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for children and/or students. 7. Aimed at children of ages: This document is aimed at children from 4 to 12 years old or in general to any general public. 8. Area: This game can be applied in any area of ​​knowledge. SECONDARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 9. Keywords: domino, domino game, games for children, brain games . 10. How do I print it? Print this document in A4 format, horizontal. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply this document in class in groups of children of 2 to 3 members, because this game is simple and children will be able to finish it quickly. 12. Will you need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, you will need to print this document with a color printer, then you will need scissors to cut the cards. 13. Standards: It was not prepared based on any specific standard. 14: Answer key: Does not contain answer key attached. 15. Variations in its application: You can apply this game in multiple ways in class, it all depends on the creativity of the teacher or class guide. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.


Tags Domino, Domino Game, Puzzle, Puzzles For Kids, Puzzles, Free Resource

Multiplication Charts Differentiated, 1-5, Yellow
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Multiplication Charts Differentiated, 1-5, Yellow
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 3, 4, 5, Charts, Teacher Tools

5 Differentiated Multiplication Charts {1-5}, for those who are working at this level. Less on the page to be distracting or overwhelming. Numbers are big and easy to follow along with your finger. A great way for a child to get used to using a multiplication chart and feel successful.

Author Socially Skilled Kids

Tags Multiplication, Modified Math, Visual Supports, Special Education, Inclusion, Multiplication Chart Of 5

6th Grade Math: Expressions and Equations Bundle: 7 Activities

6th Grade Math: Expressions and Equations Bundle: 7 Activities
Math, Graphing, Multiplication and Division, Division, Numbers, Algebra, Money, Grade 5, 6, 7, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities

Do you need some new ideas for your 6th grade math unit to meet the Common Core State Standards for Expressions and Equations? Here is a ready-to-go bundle with seven fun real-life activities to incorporate into your unit plan. 1) Exponent Board Game: Students won't even notice how many exponent math problems they actually solve while racing their friends around this game board. 2) 5 Stations for Early Algebra: These fun stations allow students to solve word problems, play an expression game, create a growing pattern with counters, solve one-step equations, graph a pattern, and more! 3) Equivalent Expressions: Real-Life Financial Situations: Students write simple expressions for real-life situations, then use one of four strategies (from the provided handout) to convert them to equivalent expressions. A matching activity is also included! 4) Modelling Equations Using Visual Balance Scales: Here's a fun visual activity to teach your students about doing the same thing to each side of an equation! 5) The Wave Pool Problem: Students have to create tables of values, figure out an expression, graph two options, and decide which way they would prefer to pay to visit a new wave pool in their neighbourhood. 6) Inequality Matching Game: Here's a fun, whole-class matching game to practice solving simple inequalities! 7) Hockey Math Equations: Students complete tables and graph independent and dependent variables while exploring all the math found at a hockey arena. Grades to Use With: This bundle is designed for students in Grade 6, but can be used for Grade 5 enrichment, Grade 7 or 8 review, or high school special education classes. What's Included: 32 Page PDF with 7 Activities and complete answer keys! If you like this product, check out my other 6th Grade Math Bundles for each learning strand: 6th Grade Math Statistics and Probability Bundle 6th Grade Math Ratio and Proportional Relationships Bundle 6th Grade Math Number System Bundle 6th Grade Math: Geometry

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags 6th Grade Math, Grade 6 Math, Algebra, Financial Literacy, Inequalities, Equations, Equivalent Expressions, Tables And Graphs, Expressions, Variables

Real-Life Long Division Word Problems and Multiplication Word Problems

Real-Life Long Division Word Problems and Multiplication Word Problems
Math, Multiplication and Division, Multiplication, Division, Grade 4, 5, 6, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities, Worksheets

In this math lesson, your students will Learn the definitions of multiplication, division, and estimating Determine which operation to use (multiplication or division) to solve a real-life word problem Use rounding and benchmarks to estimate a solution Calculate the solution with the standard algorithm Think of another way to reach the solution Self-assess their skill Grades to Use With: This lesson is designed for students in grades 4-6 who are learning and/or practicing their multiplication and division skills using the standard algorithm AND a variety of other estimating and benchmark methods. It includes three-digit products, one-digit divisors, and division with remainders. How to Use: Go over the first page together as a class. Review the definitions of multiplication, division, and estimating. Then complete the first word problem together- modelling the 4 steps: choose the operation, estimate, solve, and solve using an alternate method. Then you can let students work on the five other problems independently or in small groups. They could do some of the problems in class and a couple of them for homework. I have included a quick self- assessment at the end, so you can see which steps students are confident with and which are a bit more challenging. My students often struggle to think of an alternate method to solve the problem, so I can target some small group support for that skill. What's Included: 6 Page PDF Title Page Student Definitions and Sample 3 Pages of Student Questions and Self- Assessment Answer Key If you enjoy this real-world math activity, check out others in my store: Create Your Dream Store with Math Calculations and Budgeting Grocery Game: Working with Decimals (Estimating, Multiplying, and Adding) Real-Life Math Assessment for a Line Graph Unit: Scale, Interpreting, and Graphing Data Gingerbread Math: Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages Using Tenths Financial Literacy: My Budget Project Math Project: Circle Graphs and Pie Charts

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Multiplication, Division, Word Problems, 5th Grade Math, 4th Grade Math, 6th Grade Math, Estimating, Multiple Methods, Long Division Word Problems, Multiplication Word Problems

6th Grade Math: Geometry Bundle: 5 Activities: Area, Perimeter, Volume

6th Grade Math: Geometry Bundle: 5 Activities: Area, Perimeter, Volume
Math, Number Lines, Decimals, Multiplication and Division, Multiplication, Fractions, Graphing, Division, Numbers, Grade 5, 6, 7, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities

Do you need some new ideas for your 6th grade math unit to meet the Common Core State Standards for Geometry? Here is a ready-to-go bundle with five fun real-life activities to incorporate into your unit plan. 1) Area of Triangles, Parallelograms, and Trapezoids: This JIGSAW activity allows your students to become experts at determining the area of one kind of shape. Then, using the Jigsaw instructional strategy, groups of three experts teach each other all of the formulas. 2) 5 Stations for Area, Perimeter, and Volume of Right-Angle Shapes: These fun stations allow students to plan a backyard, solve word problems, measure a box, and work with compound shapes! 3) Design a Logo: Students use their knowledge of plotting ordered pairs to draw several polygons on a Cartesian plane to reveal a logo. Then they get to design their own and trade their coordinates with a friend! 4) Paint a Doghouse: Students use organized tables and grid paper to carefully calculate the surface area of a doghouse to determine how much paint they would need to spruce it up. A great real world application! 5) I have included another bonus inquiry activity : Students investigate the relationship between area and perimeter to see if they can find a predictable trend. Grades to Use With: This bundle is designed for students in Grade 6, but can be used for Grade 5 enrichment, Grade 7 or 8 review, or high school special education classes. What's Included: 24 Page PDF with 5 Activities and complete answer keys! If you like this product, check out my other 6th Grade Math Bundles for each learning strand: 6th Grade Math Statistics and Probability Bundle 6th Grade Math Ratio and Proportional Relationships Bundle 6th Grade Math Number System Bundle My goal is always to show students how the math they learn in class is useful in their everyday lives!

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags 6th Grade Math, Grade 6 Math, Geometry, Paralleogram, Trapezoid, Triangle, Surface Area, Area, Perimeter, Volume

Olympics Equestrian Interview Style Passage and Questions

Olympics Equestrian Interview Style Passage and Questions
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Division, Multiplication, Grade 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities

Use this mock interview with a "member" of Team USA's Equestrian team as an introduction to a unique sport competed in the summer Olympics. This passage is geared towards 2nd-5th graders. Students will need to read the passage - you may need to introduce what equestrian means, and also may need to go over why the passage is set up the way it is - as an interview. You can use this as part of an Olympics unit or just as an interesting passage for students to read and learn more about some sports at the Summer Olympic games . Students will need to read the passage, then have students check their comprehension by answering the questions. Included in the product is a pdf of the printable passage and questions, and a link to a Google Slide for paperless classrooms. The questions are written using 3rd Grade Virginia SOL question stems, however, they are appropriate for any student reading on a 3rd-5th grade reading level. There is an answer key to make grading easier. Like what you see? Need more Olympic items? Check out the items below: Olympics Equestrian Interview Passage Winter Olympics Reading Passage and Questions Editable Schedule Cards Birthday Banner Summer Olympic Mixed Operations Word Problems Winter Olympic Mixed Operations Word Problems Calendar Summer Olympic Elapsed Time Problems Winter Olympic Elapsed Time Problems Numbers, Word Wall Letters, and Sharp/Dull Labels Editable Subject Headers Medal Count Graphing Display Classroom Decor Work Coming Soon Posters Math Posters Summer Olympic Reading Passage 2nd-5th grade version Like what you see? Check out my ancient civilization notebooks and activity packs: Ancient Egypt Notes Pages Ancient Egypt Activity Pack Ancient China Notes Pages Ancient China Activity Pack Ancient Greece Notes Pages Ancient Greece Activity Pack Ancient Rome Notes Pages Ancient Rome Activity Pack Ancient Mali Notes Pages Ancient Mali Activity Pack Ancient Civilization and Virginia Studies Timeline Bulletin Board

Author SchoolingSara

Tags Olympics, Digital, Passage, Reading Passage, Questions, Paperless Classroom, Summer Olympics, Summer, Equestrian

Buying a Home: Financial Literacy Lesson- Mortgages and More for Grades 4-6 or Special Education

Buying a Home: Financial Literacy Lesson- Mortgages and More for Grades 4-6 or Special Education
Special Resources, Life Studies, Life Skills, Math, Percentages, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Division, Money, Multiplication, Home Economics, Grade 4, 5, 6, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

Buying a Home: Financial Literacy Lesson- Mortgages and More for Grades 4-6 or Special Education Engage your elementary students in an exciting journey of learning about being homeowners with this interactive financial literacy lesson. This versatile resource is developed for students from grades 4 to 6 or high school special education pupils acquiring life skills. Students learn real-world home buying terminology such as down payment, mortgage, interest, principal, property taxes, and insurance. Learning complicated financial jargon makes navigating adult responsibilities less daunting in future years. What's Included: A comprehensive six-page PDF document includes: Title Page and Teacher Instructions A handout explaining home buying vocabulary and sample calculations for beginners. A series of practice problems for students to apply their learning and use intermediate math skills (addition & subtraction of numbers up to the hundred thousands, multiplying and dividing by 12 to work with monthly and yearly expenses, and calculating 1% of a number using decimals or division). An accompanying cut-and-paste vocabulary matching activity to reinforce learning. A complete answer key to make marking a breeze. How to Use: Go over the first page handout as a class or with small groups of students. Then, let students work together in pairs or small groups to complete the math questions during class time so questions can be addressed. Finally, I would assign the vocabulary matching as a quick homework task to reinforce the day's learning. Grades to Use With: This lesson is designed to be accessible to upper elementary students with the basic math skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with large numbers and an initial understanding of percentages. It could also be easily used in high school special education classes that are focusing on learning key life skills. If you enjoy this financial literacy math task, check out others in my store: Back to School Budget Activity Halloween Budget Activity My Party Budget: Decimals and Percentages Practice Financial Literacy: My Budget Project for Grades 3-6

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Financial Literacy, Home Buying, Mortgages, Vocabulary, Math, Down Payment, Life Skills, Interest, Budget, Money

Summer Olympic Themed Mixed Operation Word Problems Task Cards

Summer Olympic Themed Mixed Operation Word Problems Task Cards
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Division, Multiplication, Grade 3, 4, 5, Word Problems, Worksheets & Printables

This Summer Olympic Themed Mixed Operation Word Problems Task Cards is a set of word problems centered around the Olympics and various sports competed in the summer Olympic games. There are 16 addition/subtraction problems and 12 multiplication/division problems. Some of the problems presented are single step, some are multi-step. The addition/subtraction problems and the multiplication/division problems are presented one in each page, so that these can be printed and laminated and reused. A sheet for students to record their answers is included. as well as an answer sheet for each of the problems. They are also presented four to a page (task card size) to print and laminate and use in a scoot or as a group activity or station. It is recommended that you print them on card stock and laminate them to keep them strong and usable for years to come. This resource was designed for 3rd, 4th, and/or 5th graders. Though it could be used for any student who needs to practice solving word problems with addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. There are large versions for a classroom hunt or display, small task-card size versions (with an answer sheet for scoots), and a digital Google Slides version for paper-less or virtual classrooms. The small task-card size versions may be used in math centers for students to practice these skills independently or in small groups. Additionally, these could be used as guides for them to create their own word problems. An answer key is provided with this product. They are written based on the VA Math SOL 3.3 (addition and subtraction) and VA Math SOL 3.4 (multiplication and division) but work for any grade level doing mixed operation word problems. Need More Olympics? Check out my other Olympic-themed items: Editable Schedule Cards Birthday Banner Summer Olympic Mixed Operations Word Problems Winter Olympic Mixed Operations Word Problems Calendar Summer Olympic Elapsed Time Problems Winter Olympic Elapsed Time Problems Numbers, Word Wall Letters, and Sharp/Dull Labels Editable Subject Headers Medal Count Graphing Display Classroom Decor Work Coming Soon Posters Math Posters

Author SchoolingSara

Tags Olympics, Task Cards, Word Problems, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Summer Olympics, Digital, Google, Mixed Operation Word Problems

Free Multiplication & Division Word Problems Interactive Center
Free Download

Free Multiplication & Division Word Problems Interactive Center
Math, Multiplication and Division, Multiplication, Division, Grade 3, 4, 5, Word Problems, Worksheets & Printables

Product Title: Free Math - Multiplication & Division Word Problems Interactive Center Activity Helping students understand basic operations is one of the critical missions for educators, as it plays a vital role in daily life actions like time telling, calculating discounts during sale periods, cooking measurements and even playing music. The Free Math - Multiplication & Division Word Problems Interactive Center Activity goes beyond textbooks to equip students with these practical skills they'll use every day of their lives. This activity serves up learning in an enriched, engaging way by enabling critical cognitive development through hands-on learning experiences. It cultivates reasoning power, creativity, abstract thinking, and problem-solving abilities that pave the way for strong communication skills. The exciting part is that this resource can be applied during whole group lessons, small group activities, or even as homework assignments! It offers flexibility in teaching and ensures every student has access to personalized learning opportunities. Learning Centers By running cooperative activities within a dedicated Learning Center space, students can foster social and physical skill sets while exploring math concepts at their own pace. The end goal ranges from mastering skills to enhancing curiosity alongside knowledge acquisition. {Enrichment Centers}: Aimed at expanding topics learned in class. {Skill Centers}: Hone specific capabilities. {Interest and Exploration Centers}: Designed to ignite curiosity on specific subjects or themes. To Get Started: Print all material on 8.5x11 Cardstock and laminate them! Follow the included instructions for placing materials. Provide pencils and colors before children move from center-to-center rotating activities based on prompts. Create an environment where kids are encouraged to write down observed fractional representations beside shapes they draw within a notebook intended for center activities only. The kit includes PDF printing material adaptable for virtual sessions or traditional whole classroom practices packed across 30 pages/cards that augment learned concepts. This brilliant activity fits seamlessly into Math classes and is not grade-specific. Also, it lays a strong foundation for upcoming complex areas such as balancing checkbooks, understanding loans, and managing money effectively in their future lives. Follow our products, and activities, or Store ShapeUp-N-Matematicas y Lenguaje for other items like Spanish Interactive Hangman and Memory Games To Learn and Practice Spanish. Also Spanish Centers Activities, A large collection of Spanish Skills for Language and Math for English Language Learners from Kinder to 5th Grade. We included other subjects such as Science Interactive Games and Reviews on Metabolism, Chemical Reactions, Magnetic Fields, Plates in Motion, Light Waves, Rock Transformation, Traits and Reproduction, Phase Changes, Force and Motion, Sun, Moon and Earth, Human Microbiome, Geology on Mars. As well as CTE Careers like Construction and many others…

Author ShapeUp-N-Matematicas y Lenguaje

Tags Interactive Activity, Center Activity, Math Resource, Hands On Learning, Learning Center, Word Problems, Multiplication, Division

Multiplying and Dividing Integers: Essential Handout/Cheat Sheet

Multiplying and Dividing Integers: Essential Handout/Cheat Sheet
Math, Number Lines, Multiplication and Division, Division, Numbers, Multiplication, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

Do you need a single cheat sheet or succinct handout for your multiplying and dividing integers unit? This page has it all in one place: perfect for your students to refer back to again and again throughout multiple lessons. How to Use: Use this handout at the beginning of your unit to introduce the ideas behind the integer rules for multiplication and division. Have your students complete the sample questions as a quick assessment or homework task. Remind your students to refer back to this sheet when they are unsure about integer rules. Even allow some (or all) of your students to use it as a reminder/aid during the unit test! Three Parts: - Visual & color-coded cheat sheet - Sample real-life scenarios to demonstrate each rule (even why negative times negative is a positive!) [For example: You owe some friends $6 each. If 2 friends take those debts away: -2 x -$6 = +$12 You have $12 more.] - 15 Practice questions If you enjoy this product, check out my Adding and Subtracting Integers Math Stations! Grades to Use With: This handout is perfect for the middle grades (5-9) when you are introducing integer rules. It could also be useful in a high school special education classroom. What's Included: 2 Page PDF: Title Page and One-Page Student Handout and Worksheet Standards: CCSS6.NS.C.5 Understand that positive and negative numbers are used together to describe quantities having opposite directions or values (e.g., temperature above/below zero, elevation above/below sea level, credits/debits, positive/negative electric charge); use positive and negative numbers to represent quantities in real-world contexts, explaining the meaning of 0 in each situation. CCSS7.NS.A.2c Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide rational numbers. CCSS7.NS.A.3 Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational numbers. Check out my store Grace Under Pressure for dozens more math ideas!

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Integers, Multiplying Integers, Dividing Integers, Middle School Math, Cheat Sheet, Handout, Math Practice, Mutiplication, Division, Dividing Integers Worksheet, Division Cheat Sheet

6th Grade Math: Number System Bundle: 8 Activities: Integers, Decimals

6th Grade Math: Number System Bundle: 8 Activities: Integers, Decimals
Math, Fractions, Decimals, Multiplication and Division, Multiplication, Graphing, Division, Number Lines, Numbers, Common Core, Grade 5, 6, 7, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities

Do you need some new ideas for your 6th grade math unit to meet the Common Core State Standards for Number System? Here is a ready-to-go bundle with eight fun real-life activities to incorporate into your unit plan. 6.NS.A.1: Dividing Fractions: Fraction Operations Stations: 5 engaging stations that have students playing games, working together, and solving word problems while adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions. 6.NS.B.2: Dividing Multi-Digit Numbers: Multiplication and Division Real-Life Word Problems: Here are real world word problems broken down step-by-step! 6.NS.B.3: Decimal Operations: Decimal Operations Assessment : This quiz is easy to give and mark and assesses that your students estimate before calculating with decimals. 6.NS.B.4: Factors and Multiples: Factors, Multiples, Prime and Composite Stations: 5 engaging stations that have students playing games, working together, and solving word problems using their knowledge of factors and multiples. 6.NS.C.5: Integers: Real-Life Integers: From golf, to social media, to bank accounts, show your students how integers are used in everyday life! 6.NS.C.6: Plotting Integers: Plotting Coordinates in 4 Quadrants to Make Pictures: Students plot ordered pairs to make a simple picture, then design and execute their own! 6.NS.C.7 Absolute Value: Absolute Value in Action: From elevations, to temperatures, to money, show your students how absolute value is used in everyday life! 6.NS.C.8: Distances on a Coordinate Plane: Combinations of Transformations in 4 Quadrants: Students perform and explain transformations on a 4 quadrant Cartesian plane. Grades to Use With: This bundle is designed for students in Grade 6, but can be used for Grade 5 enrichment, Grade 7 or 8 review, or high school special education classes. What's Included: 40 Page PDF with 8 Activities and answer keys! If you like this product, check out my 6th Grade Math Statistics and Probability Bundle or 6th Grade Math Ratio and Proportional Relationships Bundle as well!

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags 6th Grade Math, Grade 6 Math, Absolute Value, Integers, Plotting, Word Problems, Decimals, Fraction Operations, Number System

Rate x Time: Distance Word Problems

Rate x Time: Distance Word Problems
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

Rate x Time: Distance Word Problems The Rate x Time: Distance Word Problems teaching resource is specifically formulated to encourage active learning in students from Grade 4 through Grade 7. This unique product serves to heighten comprehension of fundamental mathematics, focusing primarily on multiplication and word problems. Key Features: A series of ten meticulously crafted word problems that have been strategically developed not only to challenge young minds but also to fully engage them. Each problem has been professionally authored and rigorously tested for clarity, ensuring that they are both compelling and age-appropriate. User-friendly integration into your curriculum plan. These resources can be administered as an individual assignment, given as homework, or utilized during whole class engagement sessions – the choice is yours! In terms of instruction implementation, Rate x Time: Distance Word Problems comes as a compact five-page PDF document. This makes it digitally accessible for traditional classroom educators as well as those who teach remotely or homeschool their children. With this flexibility in use available at any moment the user sees fit – like storing on multiple devices or printing when needed - it’s a resource teachers will find invaluable. This educational tool implements a clear approach to tackle the challenging topic of time-distance-rate calculations often found daunting by younger learners venturing further into more advanced mathematical concepts such as multiplication violations. In sum: If you need supplementary material for existing units like math multiplication or simply want extra practice potential for eager learners seeking out substantial challenges within the math domain - look no further than our comprehensive gift; promising superior results due its design bearing precision-filled pedagogical intent using Rate x Time: Distance Word Probelms tool!

Author Mister G's Teacher Shop

Tags Rate X Time, Distance Word Problems, Multiplication, Word Problems, Math

Crayons Multiplication Worksheet

Crayons Multiplication Worksheet
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

This Crayons Multiplication Worksheet is a great way for students to practice solving word problems using equations. The crayon theme is fun and engaging for students.

Author Have Fun Teaching


Financial Literacy: My Budget Project for Elementary (Gr 3-6)

Financial Literacy: My Budget Project for Elementary (Gr 3-6)
Special Resources, Life Studies, Life Skills, Finance, Home Economics, Math, Money, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Multiplication and Division, Division, Subtraction, Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities, Projects

Here’s a realistic and engaging way to teach upper elementary pupils in grades 3-6 about budgeting while introducing some basic financial literacy too! How to Use: 1) Each student will be assigned a monthly budget (from $1,700 all the way to $5,000). 2) They select one of three options (low, medium, pricey) for each spending category: housing, eating, transportation, technology, & clothing. They might find that they have to change their choices as they move through the process. Making sacrifices is part of budgeting in real life too! 3) Students add up the amounts they spend and calculate how much they can save per month (and throughout the entire year). 4) They pick what luxury option they would save for over time: a car, a video game system, a vacation, or a house. This lesson is full of fun and bright visuals and charts that are well-organized to ensure that this math learning is accessible to all the students in your class! Math skills needed: Addition - up to 1,000 Subtraction - 4-digit numbers Multiplication - 4-digit numbers by 12 Grades to Use With: This lessons is designed to be accessible to younger students in the elementary years (grades 3-6) because it uses simple math skills and bright and engaging visuals. It could also be an excellent resource for a high school special education classroom! What's Included: A total of 10 pages: Title Page Different Student Budgets to Assign Student Title Page Budget Spreadsheet 5 pages of options (housing, eating, transportation, technology, and clothing) Savings Spreadsheet If you enjoy this project, please check out other math and financial literacy activities in my store: Grace Under Pressure ! I strive to help students see how the math skills they learn in the classroom are super helpful in everyday life! Back to School Budget Activity Halloween Budget Activity My Party Budget: Decimals and Percentages Practice

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Financial Literacy, Budget Project, Spending, Saving, Budget, Rent, Groceries, Shopping, Transportation, Banking

Single Digit Multiplication Worksheet

Single Digit Multiplication Worksheet
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

This printables /worksheets/worksheets-by-subject/math-worksheets/multiplication-and-division-worksheets/multiplication-worksheets">multiplication worksheet is a great way for students to practice their single digit multiplication skills. They will solve the problems and then circle the even products. This is a great resource for teachers who want to help their students practice their multiplication skills.

Author Have Fun Teaching

Tags Single Digit Multiplication Worksheets, Multiplication Worksheets Single Digit, Single Multiplication Worksheets

3rd Grade Math Assessment Set 2

3rd Grade Math Assessment Set 2
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Division, Fractions, Graphing, Multiplication, Grade 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Teacher Tools, Assessments

3rd Grade Math Assessment Set 2 The 3rd Grade Math Assessment Set 2 is an efficient resource for K-12 educators focused on math curriculum. It quantifies students' understanding of pivotal mathematical concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts, fractions, bar graph interpretation and word problem-solving abilities. Strategically developed for 3rd graders, it also provides supportive reinforcement to learners from 4th to 6th grades. This comprehensive assessment empowers teachers to use it not just as end-of-unit exams but also as opening-of-the-year revisions or auxiliary sessions especially helping students struggling in particular areas. Variety of Problems Included Basic arithmetic problems involving three and four-digit numbers Rounding off numbers to the nearest ten or hundred Advanced level queries interpreting data from bar graphs and line plots Sufficient spaces are allocated on each page for students' solutions showing their lucid thought processes. Inclusive Learning Styles Addressed This set ingeniously combines multiple types of questions inclusive of tally charts and pie charts - where coloring activities merge with fraction practices. Hence addressing different learning styles in one strategic worksheet filled with several question types. Tailor-suited worksheets cater instruction method needs;. Whether dealing with whole groups in conventional classroom settings or smaller groups within home-schooled environments. The package is adaptable; Duplicates can be used either post-discussion homework assignments or independent study reinforcement sheets. Included Answer Key For Easy Grading + Available Digitally An included answer key allows easy grading providing swift feedback about student performance levels. The package comes digitally in a PDF format providing easy printing accorded to necessary quantity needed per instruction period. In Summary The 3rd Grade Math Assessment Set 2 integrates valuable study materials within math lessons aiming for not only factual knowledge gain, but more importantly, genuine comprehension. It ensures students' firm grasp on basic mathematical concepts setting them up for high-order thinking abilities and lifelong learning readiness in this modern, digital era.

Author Life with 5 Boys

Tags Math Assessment, Problem-solving Skills, Mathematical Concepts, Differentiated Instruction, Data Analysis

Canada Day or 4th of July Math Word Problems: Budget, Rate, Factors

Canada Day or 4th of July Math Word Problems: Budget, Rate, Factors
Life Studies, Home Economics, Math, Money, Multiplication and Division, Division, Decimals, Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

Canada Day or 4th of July Math Word Problems: Budget, Rate, Factors, Multiples, Financial Literacy, Decimal Operations Here are three challenging, multi-step word problems for your middle school or intermediate students in grades 4-7. Each problem requires students to use their knowledge of factors and multiples, unit prices, and decimal operations. This is a great way to incorporate some simple financial literacy and budgeting into your math program. Two versions are provided: 4th of July and Canada Day: each version has a ready-to-print 3 page worksheet! Questions Included: Students need to figure out how to buy ingredients for 80 hamburgers at the best price. They will need to determine ways to make 80 using packs of 8, 12, 20, and 25. They will need to calculate the better unit prices. They think of ways a teacher could spend $20 to get some treats for her class with 24 students. There are inexpensive items like lollypops and pricier options like pop-its. Students should choose two different combinations of items. Finally, they determine how much a town would need to spend on fireworks and flags for their celebration. COMPLETE ANSWER KEY INCLUDED Grades to Use With: These activities could be used in grades 4-7 or in high school special education classrooms. In grades 4 and 5, you might do one problem together as a class, and then allow students to work in small groups to solve the other two. In grade 6 and 7, students should be able to complete these in a more independent way. If you enjoy this seasonal math activity , check out others in my store: Grocery Game: Winter Holidays Grocery Game: Spring Edition Halloween Budget Back To School Budget Christmas or Winter Holidays Budget Gingerbread Math: Fractions, Decimals, Percent Valentine's Day Shopping Lucky Leprechauns Multiplication Math Game

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags 4th Of July, July 4th, Canada Day, Problem Solving, Word Problems, Financial Literacy, Budget, Decimals, Factors, Multiples

Geometry Project: Park Design with Area, Perimeter, and Volume (with Budgeting!)

Geometry Project: Park Design with Area, Perimeter, and Volume (with Budgeting!)
Math, Decimals, Multiplication and Division, Division, Money, Geometry, Measurements, Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities, Projects

This project allows students to apply their knowledge of perimeter, area, volume, and decimal calculations to a realistic and creative situation. They are tasked with designing a new park that includes areas for swimming, playing (skate park, playground, and grass), eating, and walking. They use their knowledge of perimeter when considering the size and shape of their park and the amount of fencing required. Every student is assigned the same perimeter. This constraint ensures your students can accurately calculate perimeter, it makes some of the marking easier for you, and it will help stimulate a discussion about the relationship between perimeter and area. Although all the perimeters are the same, the areas of your students' parks can be vastly different depending on the shape chosen! They use their knowledge of area when dividing the park up into sections for different activities. An understanding of volume is used when considering filling the pool. Finally, they use their knowledge of decimal calculations when determining the final price of the entire project. Each different section has a different cost (unit rate). For example, paths are much cheaper than a playground, and grassy areas cost less than a swimming pool. I asked my students to calculate by hand, but you could allow yours to use a calculator as well. This project requires students to use creative and logical thinking skills, organization, careful calculating methods, and neat drawing/colouring. It is a great project to use as a summative assessment or to show parents at conferences. Grades to Use With: This math project could work in grades 4-8 in regular math classes. It could also be used in high school special education classes. If you enjoy this math project, check out some others in my store: Transformation Design with Rubric Math Mini Unit: Converting Scores into Percentages Math Project: Create Your Dream Store

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Perimeter, Area, Volume, Math Project, Design, Budget, Decimals, Unit Rate, Applied Math, Sped, Geometry Project, Perimeter Area Volume Worksheets, Area Perimeter Volume Worksheets, Area Perimeter And Volume Worksheets, Geometry Projects For High School Math, Geometry Projects For High School, Geometry Project For High School, Geometry Area And Perimeter, Geometry Projects, Geometry Projects For Middle School Students, Perimeter Area And Volume Worksheets, Area Perimeter And Volume

Multiplication Word Problem Worksheet

Multiplication Word Problem Worksheet
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

This multiplication word problem worksheet is a great way for students to build multiplication fact fluency. By solving multiplication word problems , students will be better equipped to understand more complex concepts later on.

Author Have Fun Teaching


Matching Multiplication Single Digit Worksheet

Matching Multiplication Single Digit Worksheet
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

This worksheet is a great way for students to practice their single digit multiplication skills. They will solve the equations and then match them to the correct product. This is a great resource for teachers who are looking for a way to help their students practice their multiplication skills.

Author Have Fun Teaching


Winter Olympics Reading Passage and Questions (Print and Digital)

Winter Olympics Reading Passage and Questions (Print and Digital)
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Division, Multiplication, Grade 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities

This is a passage about the more "impossible" moments in Winter Olympic history. It is written on a 3rd-4th grade level and talks about the 1980 US Hockey Team and the 1988 Jamaican Bobsled team. These are two winter sports that the students are likely familiar with and the stories are interesting so it engages students while they read and answer questions. You can use this as a center, guided reading activity , homework, assessment, or just general reading check. The passage is available as a printable activity or there is a link to a Google Slides activity for students to complete digitally. An answer key is provided. The questions are written using 3rd Grade Virginia SOL question stems, however, they are appropriate for any student reading on a 3rd-5th grade reading level. Need more Olympics? Check out my other Olympic themed items: Editable Schedule Cards Birthday Banner Summer Olympic Mixed Operations Word Problems Winter Olympic Mixed Operations Word Problems Calendar Summer Olympic Elapsed Time Problems Winter Olympic Elapsed Time Problems Numbers, Word Wall Letters, and Sharp/Dull Labels Editable Subject Headers Medal Count Graphing Display Classroom Decor Work Coming Soon Posters Math Posters Need more low-prep or no-prep activities? Check these out: No Prep Spiral Math Daily Review and Quizzes Identifying Money Practice Counting Money Practice Area and Perimeter Digital Activity October No-Prep Math Activities Comparing Money Practice 1 Geometry Remediation Fractions Remediation Multiplication & Division 5 Day Small Group Remediation Plan (SOL 3.4) Like what you see? Check out my ancient civilization notebooks and activity packs: Ancient Egypt Notes Pages Ancient Egypt Activity Pack Ancient China Notes Pages Ancient China Activity Pack Ancient Greece Notes Pages Ancient Greece Activity Pack Ancient Rome Notes Pages Ancient Rome Activity Pack Ancient Mali Notes Pages Ancient Mali Activity Pack Ancient Civilization and Virginia Studies Timeline Bulletin Board

Author SchoolingSara

Tags Olympics, Digital, Winter, Passage, Winter Olympics, Reading Passage, Questions, Paperless Classroom

Decimal Operations Assessment: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide

Decimal Operations Assessment: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Decimals, Multiplication and Division, Multiplication, Division, Subtraction, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Teacher Tools, Assessments

Decimal Operations Assessment : Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide (with answer key) Do you need a quick and valid assessment for your decimal operations unit? Do you want to encourage your students to estimate before they calculate? Here is the math quiz for you! This 2-page decimal operations math quiz assesses the following topics Addition of decimals Subtraction of decimals Multiplication of decimals Division of decimals How to Use: The first page requires students not only to complete computations, but also to estimate their solutions before starting out. Half of the marks are given for successful estimations. This encourages students to develop estimation skills which can greatly help in identifying potential calculation errors. The second page contains word problems (worth 10 marks) that increase in complexity. These cover real-world scenarios such as unit price computation, tax calculations, evaluating sale prices and dealing with multiple operations simultaneously. These word problems aim to assess deeper levels of comprehension and application of decimal operation skills. What's Included: 5 Page PDF ready to print! Teacher Instructions 2 page decimal operations quiz 2 page complete answer key for easy marking Grades to Use With: This math quiz is designed for students in grades 5-8 who are first learning about decimal operations or reviewing this skill. The word problems also tie in with grade 6 learning standards about unit rates. This activity could also be used in high school special education classes. If you enjoy this applied math activity, check out others in my store: Grocery Game: Estimating, Adding, Multiplying Decimals Grocery Shopping Price Comparisons: Financial Literacy and Money Math Wave Pool Problem: Pre-Algebra Skills: Expressions, Tables, and Graphs: Real-Life Application Butter Tart Recipe Activity: Multiplication and Addition of Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions Gingerbread Math: Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages Using Tenths Equivalent Fractions Practice in a set of 5 Stations or Centers

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Decimal Operations, Assessment, Problem Solving, Estimating, Multiplying Decimals, Adding Decimals, Math Quiz, Decimal Quiz, Decimal Operations Quiz, Unit Rate

Exploring Word Problems Activity

Exploring Word Problems Activity
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Multiplication and Division, Multiplication, Division, Grade 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities

This activity is perfect for helping students practice two-step word problems using the four operations. This is a great way for students to get extra practice using any strategy they choose.

Author Have Fun Teaching

Tags Basic Operations

Blocks Multiplication Worksheet

Blocks Multiplication Worksheet
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

This multiplication worksheet is great for helping students practice solving block themed word problems using drawings and equations. It's a fun and engaging way for students to learn and practice their multiplication skills.

Author Have Fun Teaching


3rd Grade Math Assessment -Set 1

3rd Grade Math Assessment -Set 1
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Division, Fractions, Grade 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Teacher Tools, Assessments

3rd Grade Math Assessment - Set 1 The 3rd Grade Math Assessment - Set 1 serves as a comprehensive tool to evaluate fundamental mathematical concepts like addition, subtraction (including subtract across zeroes), rounding to the nearest 10 and 100, basic multiplication and division facts, word problems, and fractions. Primarily designed for third graders, it also proves useful for fourth to sixth graders seeking a refresh of core math concepts early in the academic year. Assessment Content and Structure: A balanced mix of problem types are presented including three each of addition and subtraction exercises involving three-to-four-digit numbers. Subtraction problems extend your students' understanding by including subtracting across zeroes challenges. To stimulate critical thinking in math education, there are two exercises requiring rounding off numbers to their nearest tens or hundreds alongside three word problems. Multiplication, division, & fractional parts are equally given attention with questions requiring students to visually represent fractions through coloring distinct parts of circles. The setup spreads out over two-page featuring a total 18 engaging math problems providing learning interaction while allocating enough space for showing work – an element which promotes 'learning by doing’ process yet facilitates easy reviewing for educators. Versatility: Education settings find these assessments versatile enough to use in whole-group sessions or small focus groups which allow focused attention on specific topics. It can even serve as homework assignments providing further reinforcement opportunities outside classroom – options that cater well according to varying teaching styles. Parents homeschooling their kids will find using this resource helpful either on independent basis or during extended study periods as they’re comprehensive but compact enough not be intimidating even for reticent learners at home. Added benefits: An answer key is provided saving precious prepping time while ensuring thorough check-ups thus facilitating efficient grading. The file, accessible in PDF form, allows easy printing or digital viewing thereby making the 3rd Grade Math Assessment – Set 1 a dynamic and effective math learning instrument promoting understanding and mastery of core mathematical concepts.

Author Life with 5 Boys

Tags Addition, Subtraction, Rounding, Multiplication, Division

Making Inferences Math Operations Activity

Making Inferences Math Operations Activity
ELA, Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Multiplication and Division, Multiplication, Time, Reading, Division, Subtraction, Grade 4, 5, 6, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities

This activity is a great way to help your students understand inferencing and basic math operations.

Author Have Fun Teaching

Tags Basic Operations, Inference, Elapsed Time, Inferences In Math, Making Inferences Activities