5,495 products added recently
Cut and Paste Activities
Enhance learning through tactile experiences with cut and paste activities that combine creativity and skill development. This collection includes sorting exercises, craft projects, and interactive worksheets. By integrating these activities into your lessons, you can support manual dexterity and engagement.
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables
5 PAGES OF EXERCISES OF ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION THEMED: DINO THEMED INTRODUCTION: HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? As is known, educational material helps students build their knowledge autonomously and, above all, in an unforgettable way. 2. What is the name of this document? This document is titled "Educational material for children" 3. What topic will be addressed in this resource? This document will address an educational topic that every child should learn in a basic way. 4. For what ages is it recommended? This set of educational sheets is recommended for children in general who are in the learning age and these sheets will be of great help to them. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author, who was in charge of producing and compiling this educational material, is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this set of educational sheets according to your criteria, in the corresponding area. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of primary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. 11. How to apply it in class? You can apply this document individually or also in a group, it all depends on the criteria of the educator who is going to apply this sheet. 12. Will they need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, perhaps the students when using this sheet will need pencils, colors, or perhaps scissors, eraser. It all depends on the point of view of the educator.
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Early Learning, Elementary, Adult Education, High School, Homeschool Resources, Middle School, Not Grade Specific, Pre-K, Teacher Tools, Classroom Decor, Activities
20 FREE FLASHCARDS OF ANIMALS FREE RESOURCE INTRODUCTION: Hello! I thank you infinitely for your interest in my educational store! I am a teacher who strives every day to produce these great educational resources for children, so I thank you because with your downloads you are helping a lot to promote my personal and professional work. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document
ELA, Writing, Handwriting, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic 20 puzzles to cut out! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic 20 puzzles to practice cutting out. A. WHAT IS THIS PRODUCT ABOUT? Yes, to make the decision to download this product, please carefully read the following information regarding the product: 1. Product name: The title of the product is "10 pages of line drawings with the theme of means of transportation" 2. Number of pages: The educational document is made up of 10 pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational resource is not editable, so you can print it more easily since it is available in PDF format, and you will not have problems with movements in the figures and/or elements of the document. 4. Theme: The topic to be developed is graphomotor skills. 5. Document version: This document is available in PDF version. B. SECONDARY AND/OR COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 6. Color or white/black: Designed in colors. 7. Aimed at children of ages: For children from 3 to 6 years old. 8. Area: Graphomotor skills 9. Keywords: lines, line drawings, drawing exercises, lines worksheets, lines to review 10. How do I print it? Print it in A4 format, horizontal and in color. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply it individually or in pairs. 12. Will you need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, you will need pencil, colors or markers to make your lines. 13. Standards: It was not prepared based on any specific standard.
Tags Tracing Lines, Tracing Lines Worksheets, Tracing Lines For Kids, Tracing Lines Activities, Free Resources
Reading Comprehension Fiction Set 3 Sample: Funland (PPT)
ELA, Reading, Writing, Common Core, Reading Comprehension, Creative Writing, ESL, Language Development, Vocabulary, Literature, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Assessments, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Activities
Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 3 Sample Overview No prep reading comprehension lessons, with enjoyable stories and topics. Each lesson has a blend of post-reading activities. Mixed questions to check overall understanding. Vocabulary activities, plus a writing section. Lessons also contain a bonus extension exercise at the end. Some you may like, some you may not, either way they are there if you wish to use them. Full answer keys are provided. Passage Included 5.Funland: Not such a fun day at Funland for the author in this story. PPT Version This is the PPT editable and fillable (when not in presentation mode) version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 4/5 Links Fiction Set 1 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 5 - Sea Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 4-5 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five comprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Two or three of the questions will be MCQs and other questions will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 4-5 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Activities include: spelling games, sentence match-ups, mixed-up text and decoding words from the lesson. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Just for Fun Each lesson will have a bonus extension exercise. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. You can find these at the end of each lesson, titled Just for Fun. Just for Funs are optional. Some you may like, some you may not. Either way, they are there to do with as you wish. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.
Author Cored Education
Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages
Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 2 (Google Slides)
ELA, Reading, Writing, Common Core, Resources for Teachers, ESL, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Grade 6, 7, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Assessments, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Activities
Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 2 Overview Reading comprehension lessons, especially written for Grade 6-7, providing the chance to read interesting and engaging passages. Each lesson has a mix of questions to check understanding, a vocabulary or spelling activity to help remember key language introduced, and a writing exercise. Full answer keys are provided. Passages Include 1.Cooking Camp: Jason tries to make enough money to go to cookery camp. 2.Graduation: Matt helps prepare for his brother's graduation party. 3.No Internet- Sam and Klara discuss life in the past with their gran. 4.School Musical: Maiya and her concerns about the school musical. 5.My Key: Jon has the house to himself for once. Does he enjoy it though? 6.Creepy Well: Jo and some kids from school at a creepy well. 7.Bug Trip: The twins are driving Dad crazy with their science project. 8.Solo Flight: Sid gets his first solo flight in bizarre circumstances. 9.Summer at Gran's: Andrea trying to make the best of her time at Gran's. 10.Wild Wild West: Alec on the ranch with his dad. 11.Danger Mountain: Nath tries a dangerous ride down the mountain. 12.Math Queen: Rhonda doing her best at the Math competition. Google Slides Version This is the Google Slides editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 6/7 Links Fiction Set 1 Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 6/7 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. The majority of these short stories contain an important message - a way of developing these young learners further. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five to six comprehension, vocabulary and Math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Mixed questions require a written response (no MCQ's), full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 6/7 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. Activities provide clues to help assist students. Vocabulary activities include extra questions where students must write a synonym, an antonym or a sentence using a certain word. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. The main focus in this product, is the student. Prompts will require the student to relate to past experiences and encourage them to discuss feelings and ways to improve. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, Math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.
Author Cored Education
Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages
Long O: Letters Phonics Games and Activities - Hidden Pictures 2
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Resources for Teachers, Vocabulary, Phonics, Pre-Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Games, Activities
Long O: Hidden Pictures 2 Note: This download is in PowerPoint show mode to protect the rights of the image creator(s), and is thus UNEDITABLE. Playing the Game Clicking on any of the squares/rectangles on each slide will make that shape disappear revealing part of the picture underneath. Keep revealing the picture until student(s) say the right word. Clicking the circle in the bottom right corner will remove all remaining pieces and the word will appear. Shortly after the circle will be replaced by an arrow and clicking this will turn to the next slide. About the Game Insanely fun Long O game to keep your kiddos entertained with plenty of color, sounds and nice graphics. Teachers/students have full control as to which square goes when so it gives the opportunity to play team games or individually. You may want to give extra points for those who get it after so many squares etc. Words: rope, rose, nose, mole, hole, home, window, goat, boat, coat, arrow, pillow, cone, phone, road, soap, snow. Picture style: clipart Includes basic sound effects for increased entertainment. Helps to Build Letter recognition – Identifying letters in different fonts or contexts. Letter-sound association – Connecting letters to its sounds. Vocabulary building – Introducing words that start with each letter. Phonemic awareness – Listening for letter sounds in words, rhyming, or segmenting sounds. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Letter PPT Game Links: Letter A Hidden Pictures 1 MemWord Hidden Pictures 2 Hidden Pictures 3 The Short Question Riddle Time Review Games Follow the Vocab Letter B Letter C Letter D Letter E Hidden Pictures 1 The Grand Circle 8 Pictures 1 Clue Behind the Garage Doors Outside the Submarine Two Review Games Say What You See Quiz Game Letter F Letter G Letter H Letter I Hidden Pictures 1 MemWord Three Review Games Three Quiz Show Style Games Find the Ball Bowling Four Mini Games Outside the Train Window Letter J Letter K Letter L Letter M Letter N Letter O Hidden Pictures 1 MemWord Yes or No Game Six Pictures Game Hidden Pictures 2 6 Stars One Question MCQS Game The Grid Letter P Letter Q Letter R Letter S Letter T Letter U Letter V Letter W Letter X Letter Y Letter Z Overview These interactive PowerPoint games make early phonics practice fun and engaging for young learners. With a mix of exciting activities, kids stay motivated while strengthening key phonetic patterns. Each game offers plenty of opportunities for participation—whether playing in teams, one-on-one, or independently. The variety of game styles, from disappearing squares to timed challenges, ensures that every student can learn in a way that works best for them. Bright visuals, sound effects, and gradually increasing difficulty keep students engaged and support different skill levels. Teachers have full control over the pacing and difficulty, making it easy to adjust the experience based on their students' needs. Whether guessing hidden images, recalling sequences, or solving riddles, each activity reinforces phonics in a fun, interactive way. These games turn traditional phonics drills into an exciting, hands-on learning adventure, building confidence and essential literacy skills in young learners. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.
Author Cored Education
Tags Esl, Powerpoint, Ppt, Powerpoint Games, Esl Games, Ela Games, Vocabulary Games, Phonics Games, Letter O Games, Letter O Activities
Short I: Letters Phonics Games and Activities - Four Mini Games
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Resources for Teachers, Vocabulary, Phonics, Pre-Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Games, Activities
Short I: Four Mini Games Note: This download is in PowerPoint show mode to protect the rights of the image creator(s), and is thus UNEDITABLE. Playing the Game 4 games Arrow in top-right to advance through each slide. Game 1 - What is the Word? Clue will appear automatically and students need to guess the word. Press the card on the top of the pile to show the answer (5 questions) Game 2 - Unscramble. The clue and letters slowly appear giving students some time to write or say their answers before all the letters appear. Again press the card on the top for the answer. (5 questions) Game 3 - 4 Choices. Two kinds of question in this game - word prompt and clue prompt. In the word prompt you have to select the correct answer for the word provided. Clue prompt you will need to select the correct word. Game 4 - True or False. A statement will appear automatically. Decide if it is true or false. About the Game The variety included in this four mini game powerpoint will keep the entire class happy. With clue questions, picture prompts, unscrambling words and more, this is an extensive review of short I phonics words at the pace you want to go at. There are opportunities for team work or to work as individuals. Plenty of reading practice and your kids are sure to enjoy themselves at the same time. Words: bid, hid, kid, big, dig, pig, fin, pin, win, dip, hip, lip, bit, sit, mix, six. Features some sound effects for entertainment purposes. Helps to Build Letter recognition – Identifying letters in different fonts or contexts. Letter-sound association – Connecting letters to its sounds. Vocabulary building – Introducing words that start with each letter. Phonemic awareness – Listening for letter sounds in words, rhyming, or segmenting sounds. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Letter PPT Game Links: Letter A Hidden Pictures 1 MemWord Hidden Pictures 2 Hidden Pictures 3 The Short Question Riddle Time Review Games Follow the Vocab Letter B Letter C Letter D Letter E Hidden Pictures 1 The Grand Circle 8 Pictures 1 Clue Behind the Garage Doors Outside the Submarine Two Review Games Say What You See Quiz Game Letter F Letter G Letter H Letter I Hidden Pictures 1 MemWord Three Review Games Three Quiz Show Style Games Find the Ball Bowling Four Mini Games Outside the Train Window Letter J Letter K Letter L Letter M Letter N Letter O Hidden Pictures 1 MemWord Yes or No Game Six Pictures Game Hidden Pictures 2 6 Stars One Question MCQS Game The Grid Letter P Letter Q Letter R Letter S Letter T Letter U Letter V Letter W Letter X Letter Y Letter Z Overview These interactive PowerPoint games make early phonics practice fun and engaging for young learners. With a mix of exciting activities, kids stay motivated while strengthening key phonetic patterns. Each game offers plenty of opportunities for participation—whether playing in teams, one-on-one, or independently. The variety of game styles, from disappearing squares to timed challenges, ensures that every student can learn in a way that works best for them. Bright visuals, sound effects, and gradually increasing difficulty keep students engaged and support different skill levels. Teachers have full control over the pacing and difficulty, making it easy to adjust the experience based on their students' needs. Whether guessing hidden images, recalling sequences, or solving riddles, each activity reinforces phonics in a fun, interactive way. These games turn traditional phonics drills into an exciting, hands-on learning adventure, building confidence and essential literacy skills in young learners. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.
Author Cored Education
Tags Esl, Powerpoint, Ppt, Powerpoint Games, Esl Games, Vocabulary Games, Phonics Games, Letter I Games, Letter I Activities, Cvc Games
Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds (Docs)
ELA, Reading, Common Core, Reading Comprehension, ESL, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Writing, Resources for Teachers, Grade 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Writing Prompts, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Centers, Activities
Reading Comprehension Passages Nonfiction Set 1 Overview No prep reading comprehension lessons, with enjoyable articles and topics. Each lesson has a blend of post-reading activities. Mixed questions to check overall understanding. Vocabulary activities, plus a writing section. Lessons also contain a bonus extension exercise at the end. Some you may like, some you may not, either way they are there if you wish to use them. Full answer keys are provided. Passages Include 1.No Fly Zone: An article on birds that cannot fly. 2.Ostrich: Ostrich eggs are big enough to be used as make shift cups! 3.Chickadees: A small, but interesting bird, common to Canada and Northern U.S.A 4.The Owl: What do you know about this mysterious creature? 5.Turkeys: A popular food at Thanksgiving and Christmas. How do Turkeys live? 6.Oil Spill: How did the Deepwater Horizon oil spill effect local birds? Docs Version This is the Docs editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 4/5 Links Fiction Set 1 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 5 - Sea Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 4-5 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five comprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Two or three of the questions will be MCQs and other questions will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 4-5 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Activities include: spelling games, sentence match-ups, mixed-up text and decoding words from the lesson. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Just for Fun Each lesson will have a bonus extension exercise. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. You can find these at the end of each lesson, titled Just for Fun. Just for Funs are optional. Some you may like, some you may not. Either way, they are there to do with as you wish. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.
Author Cored Education
Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages
Alphabet Letter of the Week Letter A
ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Kindergarten, Preschool, Activities
Alphabet Letter of The Week: Letter A The "Alphabet Letter of the Week Letter A" teaching resource is an engaging and comprehensive packet designed to introduce students to the letter "A". As educators know, a child's initial experience with letters and their sounds forms a crucial foundation for more advanced reading skills. This product sets out to make that journey easy, fun, and productive. Multi-Modal Learning Tools Hands-on learning tools for both lowercase and uppercase versions of the letter "A". Multipurpose phonics instructional material. Ideal for group lessons on identifying and tracing letters or small group activities focused on drawing letter A pictures. Serves independent homework assignments reinforcing in-class learning. Learner Engagement Features Sight words flashcards: Featuring both US and British English spellings - 'a', 'the', 'is'. Creative Tasks: Constructing booklets or crafting an ‘I’m a Letter A Champ’ crown; these hands-on activities promote motor skills. . The addition of geoboard work allows children to explore geometric patterns related to the letter formation—blending math concepts with language arts! Adding another dimensionality layer. With options ranging from coloring pages to glitter gluing—the Alphabet Letter of The Week:Letter A offers practice opportunities across multiple settings. It is adaptable for classrooms as well homeschooling environments due to its academic efficacy and interactivity quotient. To instill joy in learning, it introduces wheel-based activity involving word recognition alongside finger puppetry using ant-shaped templates! The lesson concludes with a sense of accomplishment among students after their weeklong rendezvous with ‘A’. The comprehensive nature of this product means educators have fewer things they need to piece together, making lesson planning simpler and efficient. All the files are provided in an accessible PDF format. “Alphabet Letter of The Week: Letter A” : An Ideal Launchpad for Learner's Literacy Journey This versatile teaching resource targets early learning years from preschool through kindergarten, promising an engaging launch pad for a learner’s literacy journey.
Author Teach2Tell
Tags Letter A, Phonics Instruction, Hands-on Activities, Literacy Skills, Early Learning Environment
Sleep, My Little One Video Storybook
ELA, Early Learning, Pre-K, Read Alouds, Activities
As night draws near, mom and baby share precious moments during bath time and bedtime. “Up the stairs and in the bath I’ll wash those little toes. Tickle your tummy as you splash, then, I’ll kiss your sweet, wet nose.” Bedtime is a special time for bonding and saying, “I love you.” Gentle illustrations and rhyming text will make this a favorite for young children. This video is the perfect way to end a busy day. Titles in the Bedtime Series include: Sleep, My Little One, The Night-Night Song, I Love You More, It’s Night, Night Time, and I Thank God For You.
Author Twin Sisters Digital Media
Tags Sleep, Bedtime, Ebook, Mommy, Rhyme
This Little Pig Animated Song
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Kindergarten, Songs, Activities
Product Description: Embark on a magical musical adventure with the 'This Little Pig Animated Song '. Aimed at sparking the interest of children in early learning phases, this interactive tool adroitly combines elements of music, art, and literacy to provide kids an enjoyable educational experience. The animation brings forth a modern twist to teaching the beloved nursery rhyme "This Little Pig". The animated video adds substance to music lessons by visualizing lyrics in an exciting manner. As children sing along and mimic their favorite characters going "wee-wee-wee…all the way home", they inadvertently brush up on crucial early literacy skills. Package Contents: An MP4 animated song This tool flawlessly fits into diverse teaching environments. Be it group classes or smaller learning sessions in public schools or homeschooling scenarios, it serves as an exceptional resource to stimulate student interaction and bolster understanding. *Tip for educators: Supplement regular homework with periodic viewings of this alluring video. Every subsequent viewing will reinforce children's comprehension of rhythm patterns along with language nuances whilst ensuring they have fun. About 'This Little Pig Animated Song ': Focused primarily on subjects related to art & music among varied types, This Little Pig Animated Song uses a universally appreciated nursery rhyme as its foundation. It does more than simply provide entertainment — it incites active engagement from children leading them towards a better understanding of academic concepts. In Conclusion: This Little Pig Animated Song , shines brightly as an educational instrument creating fun-filled learning episodes for young learners while simultaneously enabling them to seamlessly master critical developmental benchmarks.
Author Twin Sisters Digital Media
Tags Animated Song, Nursery Rhyme, Early Literacy, Music Education, Engagement
It's Time To Clean Up Animated Song
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Early Learning, Pre-K, Songs, Activities
Kids will love this fun, songs ">animated song video as they watch and sing-along with this original children’s song, “It’s Time To Clean Up!” This lively action song is perfect to watch, sing, and follow the simple directions as the adorable characters work together to clean up toys. This animated video encourages learning through music and introduces children to important early literacy skills they will need for the school years ahead. With this perfect combination of education and entertainment, kids and parents alike will enjoy “It’s Time To Clean Up” over and over again.
Author Twin Sisters Digital Media
Tags Clean, Help, Children, Learn, Song
Reading Passage 7: Pushing and Pulling Forces Google Slides
Science, Physics, Common Core, Resources for Teachers, ESL, Language Development, ELA, Reading Comprehension, Reading, Grade 2, 3, 4, Presentations, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Activities, Assessments
Free Reading Passage on Pushing and Pulling Forces for Physical Science What's inside this free product? Science Reading Comprehension Passage7 : Pushing and Pulling Forces Independent Google Slides Version: This is the independent Google Slides version containingone lesson with full answer keys. Product Info: 27 SLIDES (US English with Answers) Google Slides Version Teaching Duration: 90 Minutes Science Reading Comprehension Outline: Targeted for students in 3rd and 4th grades, these reading passages are enhanced with illustrations and graphs to elucidate critical points. Each lesson aligns with the Common Core State Standards, allowing you to integrate science reading practice effortlessly, knowing that minimal preparation is needed on your part. Each passage comes with a variety of questions in different formats, including multiple-choice formats, data analysis, and fill-in-the-blanks. The topics covered strike a balance between engaging content and core curriculum-based science subjects. Versatile in application, these lessons are suitable for a variety of settings such as whole-class instruction, morning activities, independent desk work, small group discussions, contingency plans for substitute teachers, homework assignments, or even special holiday-themed tasks. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 3/4 Links: Physical Science Part 1 - Properties of Objects and Materials Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Physical Science Part 2 - Position and Motion of Objects Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Physical Science Part 3 - Light, Heat, Electricity, Magnetism Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Life Science Part 1 - Characteristics of Organisms Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Life Science Part 2 - Life Cycles of Organisms Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Life Science Part 3 - Organisms and Environments Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Earth Science Part 1 - Properties of Earth Materials Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Earth Science Part 2 - Changes in the Earth and Sky Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Earth Science Part 3 - Objects in the Sky Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos For similar products and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple .
Author Cored Education
Tags Science, Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Physics, Physical Science, Ccss, Common Core
Scientist Erasmus Darwin Fact Sheet, Quiz + Exercises | PDF + H5P
Life Sciences, Science, Biology, STEM, History: World, History, Social Studies, Nature & Plants, Animals, Biographies, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables, Quizzes, Quizzes and Tests, Teacher Tools, Projects, Activities
Discover Erasmus Darwin – The Thinker Who Inspired Evolutionary Ideas Did you know that Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles Darwin, was a brilliant scientist, physician, and poet? He was one of the first to suggest that living things change and adapt over time – ideas that later influenced the theory of evolution. Erasmus Darwin’s work combined science and imagination, making him a true pioneer of his time. This teaching resource introduces your grades 7–10 students to the fascinating life and contributions of Erasmus Darwin. Designed for a 45-minute lesson, it includes engaging content and creative tasks to make his revolutionary ideas come alive in the classroom. What’s Included: Concise Informational Text: A clear and engaging overview of Erasmus Darwin’s role in science. Fact Sheet Activity: Encourages students to organize knowledge and work creatively. Quiz with Solutions: Promotes fun, interactive learning and self-assessment. Additional Exercises: Students can create their own questions and collaborate in pairs to deepen their understanding. Flexible Formats: Includes a color and black-and-white printable PDF, as well as interactive H5P tasks for digital learning. Why You’ll Love This Resource: Time-Saving: Perfect for teachers who need a ready-to-go, well-structured lesson. Versatile Use: Ideal for biology, history of science, or cross-curricular lessons in English and science classes. Promotes Independence: Solutions are included, allowing students to check their work and explore the topic at their own pace. Interactive and Engaging: Tasks are designed to keep students actively involved while learning about Erasmus Darwin’s legacy. Whether you use it for a regular lesson, substitute teaching, or as part of a digital learning activity, this resource will make Erasmus Darwin’s contributions come alive for your students. Bring Erasmus Darwin’s fascinating world of science into your classroom and inspire your students to see history and science in a whole new light! Have fun exploring the world of science with your students! Warmly, Lernfitness Did You Know? I teach with a certified therapy dog, and together we focus on creating a positive and inspiring learning environment.
Author Lernfitness
Tags Science, Biology, Famous Scientists Lesson, H5P, Interactive Science Exercises, STEM, History, Scientists, Evolution, Darwin
Defining Words Supplementary Materials Grades 3-4 (PDF)
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Common Core, Resources for Teachers, Vocabulary, Grade 3, 4, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Quizzes and Tests, Teacher Tools, Tests, Assessments, Lesson Plans, Activities
Defining Words Supplementary Materials Note: This download DOES NOT include the tests themselves. You can still make use of these materials without them but they are recommended. Download in a format of your choice in the "Links" section below. Outline Ice Breaker (5-10 minutes) Engaging, interactive activity to introduce the lesson’s theme. Examples: Matching games, sentence races, charades, or storytelling challenges. Guided Practice (10-15 minutes) Teacher-led exercises to reinforce the concept. Examples: Sorting sentences by tense, sentence transformations, or fill-in-the-gap exercises. Group or Partner Task (15 minutes) Collaborative activity to practice the lesson’s focus in a fun and engaging way. Examples: Role-play, storytelling, sentence-building games, or small-group discussions. Independent Worksheet (15 minutes) Individual written activity to solidify understanding. Examples: Sentence corrections, verb conjugation drills, or tense identification exercises. Exit Task (5 minutes) Quick reflective activity to assess understanding before students leave. Examples: Writing a sentence using the target concept, identifying a tense, or explaining a rule. Links: Includes: Includes: Match Words to Definition Match Definition to Words Accurately Define Meanings Defining Word Practice Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 3/4 Links: Adjectives Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Adverbs Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Conjunctions Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Nouns Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Pronouns Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Verbs Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Sentence Structure Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Present Tense Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Past Tense Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Future Tense Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Context Clues Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Defining Words Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Fill the Blanks Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Homophones Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Synonyms Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack ELA Review Questions Overview Questions have three answer choices. There are a handful of pictures on each test for aesthetic purposes, as well as a review sheet covering most of the topics covered in the product. Introduction or Example Sheet Each topic will include an introduction or example sheet to go through first with your students. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! In the Supplementary Pack Interactive Ice Breakers: Fun, hands-on activities that get students thinking about adjectives right from the start. Guided Practice: Teacher-led exercises that reinforce the day’s lesson, ensuring students can confidently identify and use adjectives. Group and Partner Tasks: Collaborative activities that allow students to work together to solve problems, categorize adjectives, and create descriptive sentences. Independent Worksheets: Structured worksheets that provide individual practice and help solidify understanding of key concepts. Exit Tasks: Quick, reflective activities at the end of each lesson that assess understanding and encourage students to apply what they’ve learned. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.
Author Cored Education
Tags Elementary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Tests, Test Prep, Grade 3, Grade 4, Vocabulary, Lesson Plan
Birds of Prey Know-It-Alls! Audio Book
Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Grade 2, 3, 4, Read Alouds, Activities
As part of the unique, science Know-It-Alls! Series that features interesting science facts, this audiobook puts the spotlight on Birds of Prey! Did you know that owls are the only birds of prey that are nocturnal? That means they like to hunt at night. Children will learn about the eagle, hawk, owl, falcon, and vulture. Awesome narration and sound effects plus many interesting facts, makes this audiobook fun and exciting for young science enthusiasts age 4 and up! Titles in the Know-It-Alls! Series include: Butterflies, Crocodiles, Dinosaurs, Farm Animals, Safari Babies, Snakes, Sharks, Spiders, Whales, Wolves, Puppies, Wild Cats, Bugs, Birds of Prey, Fish, Frogs, Apes, Seals, Bats, Bears, Predators, Mummies, Volcanoes, Lizards, Kittens and Horses.
Author Twin Sisters Digital Media
Tags Science, Birds, Prey, Education, Ebook
Tools To Predict The Weather Audio Book
Science, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Environmental Science, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, 3, Read Alouds, Activities
Kids will learn about the important tools a meteorologist uses to predict the weather in this fun, rhyming audiobook.
Author Twin Sisters Digital Media
Tags Tools, Predictions, Barometer, Thermometer, Weather
My Day Video Storybook
ELA, Kindergarten, Read Alouds, Activities
My Day Video Storybook The My Day Video Storybook is an ingenious teaching resource designed with young learners in mind. Primarily targeted at early learning and preschool stages, this captivating video storybook belongs to the Baby's First Learning video series. It serves as an excellent tool for introducing everyday objects to children in a simple yet engaging manner. Black and white art combined with sudden bursts of color are strategically employed in the video storybook to hold the interest of young viewers. The overall design captures baby's attention using prominent, uncomplicated images that encourage learning. Baby Bib Toy Duck Bottle Bath Time Essentials/li> This unique resource is not just restricted for use as a singular instructive tool—it can be deployed during: Whole group sessions (Under careful guidance of educators) (Or divvied up for small-group activities where peers can learn collaboratively.) Parents who homeschool their children will find that it makes an enriching addition to their teaching supplies. In its essence and spirit, this MP4 video storybook entitled 'My Day' serves more than a sole purpose—it fosters language arts skills while providing interactive entertainment for toddlers in their formative years. This sheathes education in fun layers—making instruction easier and more engrossing—maintaining learner interest without saturating them with too much information. In keeping line with its versatile characteristics lined up alongside other videos from the Baby’s First Learning series such as: "Splash" goes the Hippo Let’s Play Ruff says the Dog! Regardless of whether you’re teaching language arts or simply want your pre-schooler students or kids to recognize common objects around them—the 'My Day' Video Storybook easily adapts to various educational settings while reinforcing fundamental learning objectives. Engage early learners with this digital twist on traditional storybooks, making everyday learning a fun-filled adventure!
Author Twin Sisters Digital Media
Tags Early Learning, Preschool, Video Storybook, Language Arts, Everyday Objects
Nouns Sample - Grades 1-2 Grammar (PPT)
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Grammar, Common Core, Resources for Teachers, Grade 1, 2, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Assessments, Activities
Nouns - 1 Sample Lesson ELA MCQS Overview: In this series of lessons, students will embark on an engaging exploration of the grammar skills that bring our language to life. These lessons are designed to help students identify, understand, and effectively use language arts skills in their writing and speech. Used with the free supplementary materials available for all topics, each lesson builds on the last, offering a mix of direct instruction, interactive group activities, and independent practice. Through fun and creative tasks, students will learn how to recognize grammar in sentences, understand their role in sentences and use them to enhance their own writing and speech. Nouns Overview: Includes: Common Nouns Proper Nouns Irregular Plurals Possessive Nouns Collective Nouns PPT Version This is the PPT editable and interactive version. There is a fillable answer sheet at the end. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD, check the links below for more details. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 1/2 Links: Capitalization and Punctuation Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Adjectives Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Nouns Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Pronouns Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Verbs Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Prefixes & Suffixes Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Sentence Structure Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Subject-Verb Agreement Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack ELA Review Questions Overview Questions have three answer choices. There are a handful of pictures on each test for aesthetic purposes, as well as a review sheet covering most of the topics covered in the product. Introduction or Example Sheet Each topic will include an introduction or example sheet to go through first with your students. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! In the Free Supplementary Materials Pack Interactive Ice Breakers: Fun, hands-on activities that get students thinking about adjectives right from the start. Guided Practice: Teacher-led exercises that reinforce the day’s lesson, ensuring students can confidently identify and use adjectives. Group and Partner Tasks: Collaborative activities that allow students to work together to solve problems, categorize adjectives, and create descriptive sentences. Independent Worksheets: Structured worksheets that provide individual practice and help solidify understanding of key concepts. Exit Tasks: Quick, reflective activities at the end of each lesson that assess understanding and encourage students to apply what they’ve learned. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.
Author Cored Education
Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages
Camping Budget Project: Gr 5-8 Budget Worksheet Personal Finance
Life Studies, Home Economics, Money, Math, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Activities, Projects
Here’s an engaging, summer-themed, real-world math budget project for your middle grades students (in grades 5-8). The math project incorporates useful personal finance and financial literacy skills along with realistic budgeting. Each student in your class is going to plan their purchases for a summer camping trip with friends! How to Use: You will assign each student in your class a budget (I recommend between $400-$1,750). A $400 budget will be challenging, and the student might only be able to bring one friend and buy mainly low-cost items. On the other hand, a $1,750 budget will be much more luxurious, and that student will be able to more friends and choose many fancy items. Students work within their budgets, picking a low, middle, or high-cost choice for each category (tent, sleeping bag, cooler chairs, food and more). Certain items must be multiplied by the total number of campers while others (like a stove) do not. Students will add up their eleven choices and make sure they stay within their budget. They might need to make a few trade-offs and skip desired items to ensure they have the things they can't camp without. Finally, your students will calculate how much money they have left, and they will answer reflection questions shopping within a budget, earning more money, or buying things used. What's Included: 5 Page PDF It's Ready to Print and Go! - Title page/teacher instructions - 2 page budgeting worksheet: This includes all of the item choices and their prices. - 1 page reflection: This is a great way to start a class discussion about budgeting- an important life skill. - COMPLETE ANSWER KEY that includes a completed sample budget so you know exactly how to assess this project Math skills required: - adding, subtracting, and multiplying with whole numbers (up to the thousands): no decimals! This project could also be a great addition to a high school life skills classroom!
Author Grace Under Pressure
Tags Budget Project, Budget Worksheet, Camping Budget, Math Project, Financial Literacy, Personal Finance, Budget, Money Math, Life Skills, Multiplication
Reading Comprehension on Properties of Earth Materials (Google Drive)
Science, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences, Common Core, ESL, Language Development, ELA, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Reading, Grade 2, 3, 4, Centers, Activities, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Diagrams, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables
Reading Passages on Properties of Earth Materials for Earth Science Properties of Earth Materials: Reading Passages Earth Science: Enhance your teaching arsenal with these captivating science reading lessons. Aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and encompassing high-interest topics paired with diverse question types, these materials make introducing your students to science reading a breeze. With most of the groundwork laid out for you, delve into fascinating subjects such as minerals, the rock cycle, and fossils, ensuring an enriching and streamlined educational experience. What's inside? Part 1 - Properties of Earth Materials Reading Passage 1: Earth Science and Earth Materials Reading Passage 2: Earth Materials and Their Uses Reading Passage 3: Minerals Reading Passage 4: Rocks and the Rock Cycle Reading Passage 5: Soils Reading Passage 6: Fossils Product Info: 35 PAGES (Docs Version: US English with Answers) 6 FORMS (Self-Grading) 170 SLIDES Teaching Duration: 2 Weeks Science Reading Comprehension Outline: Targeted for students in 3rd and 4th grades, these reading passages are enhanced with illustrations and graphs to elucidate critical points. Each lesson aligns with the Common Core State Standards, allowing you to integrate science reading practice effortlessly, knowing that minimal preparation is needed on your part. Each passage comes with a variety of questions in different formats, including multiple-choice formats, data analysis, and fill-in-the-blanks. The topics covered strike a balance between engaging content and core curriculum-based science subjects. Versatile in application, these lessons are suitable for a variety of settings such as whole-class instruction, morning activities, independent desk work, small group discussions, contingency plans for substitute teachers, homework assignments, or even special holiday-themed tasks. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 3/4 Links: Physical Science Part 1 - Properties of Objects and Materials Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Physical Science Part 2 - Position and Motion of Objects Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Physical Science Part 3 - Light, Heat, Electricity, Magnetism Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Life Science Part 1 - Characteristics of Organisms Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Life Science Part 2 - Life Cycles of Organisms Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Life Science Part 3 - Organisms and Environments Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Earth Science Part 1 - Properties of Earth Materials Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Earth Science Part 2 - Changes in the Earth and Sky Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Earth Science Part 3 - Objects in the Sky Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos For similar products and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple .
Author Cored Education
Tags Science, Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Physics, Physical Science, Ccss, Common Core
Wild Cats Know-It-Alls! Audio Book
Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Grade 2, 3, 4, Read Alouds, Activities
As part of the unique, science Know-It-Alls! Series that features interesting science facts, this audiobook puts the spotlight on Wild Cats! Did you know that lions are the only cats, that live in family groups called prides? Children will learn about the lion, tiger, jaguar, cheetah, leopard, clouded leopard, and snow leopard. Awesome narration and sound effects plus many interesting facts, makes this audiobook fun and exciting for young science enthusiasts age 4 and up! Titles in the Know-It-Alls! Series include: Butterflies, Crocodiles, Dinosaurs, Farm Animals, Safari Babies, Snakes, Sharks, Spiders, Whales, Wolves, Puppies, Wild Cats, Bugs, Birds of Prey, Fish, Frogs, Apes, Seals, Bats, Bears, Predators, Mummies, Volcanoes, Lizards, Kittens and Horses.
Author Twin Sisters Digital Media
Tags Science, Learning, Ebook, Education, Wild Cats
Scientist: William Harvey Fact Sheet, Quiz, and Interactive Exercises
Life Sciences, Science, Biology, Physics, STEM, Human Body, History, Social Studies, Grade 7, 8, 9, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables, Quizzes, Quizzes and Tests, Teacher Tools, Projects, Activities
Discover William Harvey – The Scientist Who Unveiled the Circulatory System William Harvey is best known as the physician who discovered the circulation of blood, revolutionizing our understanding of the human body and laying the groundwork for modern physiology. This comprehensive teaching resource introduces your students in grades 6–8 to Harvey’s groundbreaking contributions to biology and medicine. Designed for a 45-minute lesson, it combines engaging informational content with interactive and creative tasks to ensure a memorable and educational experience. What’s Included: Concise Informational Text: A clear and engaging overview of William Harvey’s role in science. Fact Sheet Activity: Encourages students to organize knowledge and work creatively. Quiz with Solutions: Promotes fun, interactive learning and self-assessment. Additional Exercises: Students can create their own questions and collaborate in pairs to deepen their understanding. Flexible Formats: Includes a color and black-and-white printable PDF, as well as interactive H5P tasks for digital learning. Why You’ll Love This Resource: Time-Saving: Perfect for teachers who need a ready-to-go, well-structured lesson. Versatile Use: Ideal for biology, history of science, or cross-curricular lessons in English and science classes. Promotes Independence: Solutions are included, allowing students to check their work and explore the topic at their own pace. Interactive and Engaging: Tasks are designed to keep students actively involved while learning about William Harvey’s legacy. Whether you use it for a regular lesson, substitute teaching, or as part of a digital learning activity, this resource will make William Harvey’s contributions come alive for your students. Bring William Harvey’s fascinating world of science and medicine into your classroom and inspire your students to see history and science in a whole new light! Have fun exploring the world of science with your students! Warmly, Lernfitness Did You Know? I teach with a certified therapy dog, and together we focus on creating a positive and inspiring learning environment.
Author Lernfitness
Tags Science, Biology, Famous Scientists Lesson, H5P, Interactive Science Exercises, STEM, William Harvey, Circulatory System, Medicine, Physician
It's Time To Take A Bath Animated Song
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Preschool, Kindergarten, Songs, Activities
Title: "It's Time To Take A Bath Animated Song " Overview: "It's Time To Take A Bath Animated Song " is a charming and educative teaching resource designed for early learning, kindergarten, and preschool age children. The video turns the task of taking a bath into an interactive, fun-filled musical routine that enhances learning. Key Features: An original children’s melody demonstrating proper hygiene practices from head to toe. A wealth of colorful animations providing visual stimulation. The integration of music as an effective method to enhance learning. Promotion of crucial early literacy skills that form the foundation for future academic journeys. Application & Usability: The animated song video provides both education and entertainment, making it suitable for use both at home and in the school setting. Suitable for public school teachers or homeschoolers alike whether used in whole group instruction or individual learning sessions. The file is an easy-to-access Video format (MP4), ensuring compatibility with multiple devices while retaining high performance quality. Note: Education doesn't always have to be work—it can also be as enjoyable as tuning into catchy beats accompanied by friendly animations! Educational Benefits: "Teachers who are invested in engaging their students while teaching core concepts will find value in "It's Time To Take A Bath Animated Song ". It breaks away from traditional lecture-style lessons proving useful in reinforcing knowledge retention through rhythmic repetition—a stratagem that lands effectively with students at this developmental stage."
Author Twin Sisters Digital Media
Tags Bath Time, Hygiene, Animated Song, Early Learning, Preschool
Science Reading Passage 40: Ocean Exploration (Google Slides)
Science, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences, Common Core, Language Development, ELA, ESL, Reading Comprehension, Reading, Resources for Teachers, Grade 5, 6, 7, Presentations, Teacher Tools, Activities, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Assessments
Free Reading Passage on Ocean Exploration for Earth Science What's inside this free product? Science Reading Comprehension Passage: Ocean Exploration Independent Google Slides Version: This is the independent Google Slides version containingone lesson. Science Reading Comprehension Outline: Introducing a comprehensive resource tailored for 5th and 6th graders, this product offers an enriching reading passage supplemented with illustrative pictures and graphs to clarify key concepts. Aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), it offers a hassle-free approach to teaching, given that the bulk of the preparation is already done for you. The passage presents a diverse set of questions – from multiple choice to data analysis and fill-in-the-blanks. This ensures a rich blend of high-interest content and fundamental curriculum -based science themes. With its versatility, you can seamlessly integrate this lesson into various classroom settings, whether it's whole class discussions, morning exercises, independent desk tasks, small group engagements, contingency plans for substitute teachers, regular homework assignments, or even themed activities for holidays. Product Info: 44 SLIDES (US English with Answers) Google Slides Version Teaching Duration: 90 Minutes FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 5/6 Links: Physical Science Part 1 - Physical and Chemical Properties Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Physical Science Part 2 - Motion and Energy Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Physical Science Part 3 - Electricity and Magnets Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Life Science Part 1 - Cells, Reproduction and Genetics Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Life Science Part 2 - Human Body Systems Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Life Science Part 3 - Plant Parts and Ecosystems Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Earth Science Part 1 - Plate Tectonics and Rock Cycle Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Earth Science Part 2 - Ocean Exploration and Natural Resources Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Earth Science Part 3 - Weather and Solar System Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos For similar products and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple .
Author Cored Education
Tags Science, Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Physics, Physical Science, Ccss, Common Core
Sentence Structure Supplementary Materials Grades 3-4 (PDF)
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Grammar, Common Core, Resources for Teachers, Grade 3, 4, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Quizzes and Tests, Teacher Tools, Tests, Assessments, Activities, Lesson Plans
Sentence Structure Supplementary Materials Note: This download DOES NOT include the tests themselves. You can still make use of these materials without them but they are recommended. Download in a format of your choice in the "Links" section below. Outline Ice Breaker (5-10 minutes) Engaging, interactive activity to introduce the lesson’s theme. Examples: Matching games, sentence races, charades, or storytelling challenges. Guided Practice (10-15 minutes) Teacher-led exercises to reinforce the concept. Examples: Sorting sentences by tense, sentence transformations, or fill-in-the-gap exercises. Group or Partner Task (15 minutes) Collaborative activity to practice the lesson’s focus in a fun and engaging way. Examples: Role-play, storytelling, sentence-building games, or small-group discussions. Independent Worksheet (15 minutes) Individual written activity to solidify understanding. Examples: Sentence corrections, verb conjugation drills, or tense identification exercises. Exit Task (5 minutes) Quick reflective activity to assess understanding before students leave. Examples: Writing a sentence using the target concept, identifying a tense, or explaining a rule. Links: Includes: Declarative Sentences lnterroative Sentences Exclamatory Sentences Imperative Sentences Sentence Fragments End Punctuation Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 3/4 Links: Adjectives Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Adverbs Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Conjunctions Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Nouns Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Pronouns Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Verbs Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Sentence Structure Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Present Tense Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Past Tense Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Future Tense Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Context Clues Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Defining Words Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Fill the Blanks Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Homophones Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack Synonyms Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Materials Pack ELA Review Questions Overview Questions have three answer choices. There are a handful of pictures on each test for aesthetic purposes, as well as a review sheet covering most of the topics covered in the product. Introduction or Example Sheet Each topic will include an introduction or example sheet to go through first with your students. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! In the Supplementary Pack Interactive Ice Breakers: Fun, hands-on activities that get students thinking about adjectives right from the start. Guided Practice: Teacher-led exercises that reinforce the day’s lesson, ensuring students can confidently identify and use adjectives. Group and Partner Tasks: Collaborative activities that allow students to work together to solve problems, categorize adjectives, and create descriptive sentences. Independent Worksheets: Structured worksheets that provide individual practice and help solidify understanding of key concepts. Exit Tasks: Quick, reflective activities at the end of each lesson that assess understanding and encourage students to apply what they’ve learned. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.
Author Cored Education
Tags Elementary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Grammar, Tests, Test Prep, Grade 3, Grade 4, Lesson Plan
Mystery in the Library | Lucas Detective Animated Video
, Not Grade Specific, Read Alouds, Activities
Mystery in the Library follows young detective Lucas as he works to solve a puzzling case set in a library. This six-minute animated video will capture students' attention as they join Lucas in gathering clues, interviewing witnesses, and eventually revealing the culprit behind the library mystery. Educators can utilize this stand-alone video to teach critical thinking skills, model perseverance in problem-solving, or prompt creative writing assignments where students imagine their own mystery scenarios. Whether presented to an entire class or assigned for individuals/small groups, the vivid visuals and engaging storyline provide an entertaining springboard for developing deductive reasoning, inference making, and other vital skills in a memorable way. This video requires no prep and can be flexibly used across elementary grade levels. Join amateur sleuth Lucas on his adventure while cultivating students' curiosity and cognition at the same time.
Author Educational Voice
Tags Mystery, Library, Detective, Animated, Video