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Kindness Activities For Kids
Nurture a positive classroom environment with activities that encourage kindness and empathy. This collection includes service projects, collaborative exercises, and reflective discussions. By integrating these kindness activities into your teaching, you can help students develop social-emotional skills and build strong relationships.
Bee Kind Kindness Tracker-SEL FREEBIE!
Special Resources, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Foster kindness with this free Bee Kind kindness tracker. Printer ready for black and white and students color in the honeycomb hexagons based on the type of kindness act! Color the honeycomb with each act of kindness. Use this color code: Blue-kind to a friend Green-kind to the earth Red-kind to a family member Yellow-kind to an animal Pink-kind to yourself Purple-kind to your community This resource can be used to reinforce kindness in students, crucial for their social emotional learning (SEL) development. School counselors can benefit from using this resource with students, as well as tutoring, centers , or class work for them to display.
Author Jennifer Moyer Taylor
Tags Kindness, Social-emotional Learning, School Counseling, Community Building, Sel, Unity Day, Bee Tracker
Kindness Around the World Flip Book
Special Resources, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Grade 3, 4, 5, Activities, Projects
Kindness Around the World Flip Book This is a fascinating teaching resource specifically designed for third, fourth, and fifth grade students. Aim The main spurs are to align with World Kindness Day commemorated on November 13th each year. This material is focused on promoting the understanding and appreciation of kindness within global contexts. It is supplied as a digital PDF bearing wide-ranging content delimited to inclusivity and empathy ideals. Countries Covered: The flip book covers eight different countries, each characterized by unique acts of kindness that draw from their respective rich cultural backgrounds. As an exclusive bonus feature, two more countries have been included. Specially Designated Pages: The resource boasts allocated pages for specific events like World Kindness Day which celebrates and encourages worldwide acts of generosity. Keeping interactive learning in mind and not merely imparting basic information, it also includes two bonus activity pages. Aiding Independent Research: To make it engaging as well as informative, blank pages are methodically incorporated into the teaching guide thus fostering independent research amongst learners allowing them to articulate thoughts theoretically through writing exercises. Educators Support System: A pre-completed activity example page is provided aiding educators during classroom instruction or while provoking discussion jointly. Promoting Flexibility: The resource masters flexibility aiming comprehensive engagement across different situational learning environments – be they whole group sessions or small committee activities. A Collective Resource: Encompassing 27 digital pages that when assembled by students, forms an 8-page cohesive flip book. This exhaustive guide offers educators an engaging tool to effectively promote social emotional learning amongst upper elementary school students. Implications: Teaching empathetic behavior linked to kindness could bring about notable positive changes in student engagement both within academic settings and outside these environments accentuating the significance of communal goodwill transforming classrooms into spaces acknowledging diversity and promoting respect.
Author Classroom Of Kindness
Tags Kindness, Global Contexts, Cultural Diversity, Social Emotional Learning, Empathy
February Kindness Love Challenge
Holiday & Seasonal, Holidays, Valentine's Day, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, Activities
If you are looking for a way to spread class love, look no more. This is aFebruary Kindness Love Challengethat is sure to promote kindness! Use these love challenge cards on your calendar and flip over each day to reveal a new challenge. Create a bulletin board with the love challenge cards to flip over each day. Put the love challenge cards in envelopes to open each day. Print front to back to be flipped over each day. What You Get: -- Kindness Task for each day in February that comes in multiple color options Examples of some of the tasks include things like: Ask someone new to play with you at recess today. Help someone get packed up today. Share your supplies with a friend today. How To Use the February Kindness Love Challenge: There are many ways you can choose to implement this Love Challenge: HANG AS A BANNER AND FLIP THE CARD EACH DAY USE ON CLASS CALENDAR PUT INSIDE DAILY ENVELOPES DRAW AT RANDOM FROM A JAR I hope you enjoy! Here’s A Look at Some of My Best Sellers: Finish the Story: St. Patrick’s Day Writing Prompts Grammar Go Fish: Parts of Speech (Summer Edition) Fall Grammar Word Search Packet Spring Season Student Activity Packet Finish the Story: Winter Writing Prompts Verbs Animal Mysteries Activity You Can Find My Store Front Here: Blooming with Blake
Author Blooming with Blake
Tags February Activity, Love Challenge, Kindness Challenge, Task Cards, Bulletin Board, Calendar Cards, Seasonal Activities
Kids Yoga Stories: Kindness Yoga Cards for Kids
P.E. & Health, Yoga, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, 3, Activities
Teach kindness throughyour thoughts, words, and actions. This is a collection of yoga poses for kids which will serve to inspire children to move, have fun, and learn all at the same time! Included in this book are 40 colorfulpages with: A detailed description of 10 yoga poses 10 corresponding affirmations The listing index of all kindness and affirmation poses Tips for teaching yoga This collection can be used in your home, classroom, or studio. The index indicates the order in which the yoga poses are to be used to flow from one pose to the next. There is multicultural representation featured in yoga kids! Ways in which you can use these cards as homeschoolers or in the classroom include: -For transition times -Morning routines or circle times -Brain breaks to calm their minds and bodies -Physical education -Occupational and/or physical therapy -With one child, small, or large groups Benefits of Yoga for kids include: -Increased strength -Increased flexibility -Improves sleep -Promotes positive interactions amongst adults and children -Develops self-confidence -Improves self-expression -Improves body awareness -Promotes a lifestyle that is active and healthy.
Author Kids Yoga Stories
Tags Kids Yoga Stories, Kindness Yoga, Yoga Cards, Kids Yoga, Yoga Poses
Kindness and Empathy Challenge - Top Secret: Mission Possible
Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Special Resources, Social Skills, Community Building, Resources for Teachers, Reading, ELA, Elementary, Activities, Projects, Graphic Organizers, Teacher Tools, Worksheets & Printables
Perfect for revitalizing classroom relationships after winter break, the Top Secret: Mission Possible Kindness and Empathy Challenge encourages students to practice empathy, build social-emotional skills, and foster a supportive classroom environment through fun and meaningful activities. Why You Need This Resource: Designed for January and February, this kindness and empathy challenge is perfect for reviewing classroom expectations, teaching positive interactions, and helping students act with character. Students will develop and choose secret missions, completing tasks that spread positivity in and around their school and home, while reinforcing key social-emotional learning (SEL) skills. What’s Included in This Mission: Mission Statement for Your Agents: A top-secret introduction that gets students engaged and ready to take on their roles as agents of kindness. Idea List for Secret Tasks: A variety of creative and impactful kindness missions they can accomplish in secret. Blank Planning Organizer: A space for your students to brainstorm and design their own missions for added creativity and ownership. Nonfiction Reading Passage: A thoughtfully crafted passage, complete with discussion questions to deepen understanding and spark conversations. How This Resource Benefits Your Classroom: Builds a positive classroom culture through team-building activities and SEL-focused challenges. Encourages students to practice empathy and kindness in real-life scenarios. Helps review and reinforce classroom rules and expectations post-winter break. Supports academic skills with nonfiction reading, comprehension, and discussion opportunities. Perfect For: Classroom team-building activities in January and February Social-emotional learning lessons Reviewing classroom rules and expectations after winter break Teachers looking for engaging SEL resources that make a real impact Keywords: Kindness Activities for Kids, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Resources, Empathy Lessons for Elementary, Kindness Challenge for Students, Classroom Team-Building Activities, Post-Winter Break Activities, Character Education, Nonfiction Reading with Discussion Questions, February Kindness Activities, Kindness Missions for Elementary Classrooms. Equip your students with the tools they need to create a supportive and empathetic classroom environment while keeping them excited and motivated. Mission Possible: Accepted!
Author Kel's Klass
Tags Kindness Activities, Social And Emotional Learning Resources, SEL, Empathy Activities, Kindness And Empathy Challenge, Nonfiction Reading, Post-winter Break Activity, February Kindness, February Empathy
Kindness Activities for Kids - 1,000 Acts of Kindness Challenge
Life Studies, Coaching, Leadership, Community Building, Resources for Teachers, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Special Resources, Grade 5, Activities
Kindness matters.. whether it is a big act or small. Use this creative bulletin board idea to incorporate kindness into your classroom or school. Students will work together to complete ONE THOUSAND acts of kindness. Students will recognize the small acts of kindness that they do every day or go out of their way to do for the purpose of this challenge. They will also see their friends' acts of kindness which is HUGE! It helps students to realize that everyone in the world is constantly doing acts of kindness for other people, whether they are seeing it or not. Get some of the teachers in your school involved too and spread the love and kindness this year! It is amazing to see 1,000 tiny boxes hanging on the wall filled with color and good deeds. Allow it to inspire others and spread the love that is needed in this world. What will you get with this resource? Printable cards for every student pages to print for the bulletin board a parent letter explaining the program pictures of the example from my school full teacher directions on how to set up Have fun being kind!
Author Big Apple Teaching
Tags Kindness Activity, Kindness For Kids, SEL, Be Kind, Social Emotional Learning, Life Skills, Kindness Challenge, Kindness Awareness Month
Class Kindness Activities, Community Building, Random Acts of Kindness
Special Resources, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills, Life Skills, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Activities
Class Kindness Activities, Community Building, and Random Acts of Kindness This resource is a vibrant collection designed to nurture empathy and foster a positive classroom atmosphere. It introduces students to the joy of benevolence, aiding fundamental social-emotional development while creating an inclusive learning space where altruism becomes second nature. Applicability: The resource is relevant across kindergarten to grade 5 levels. It's especially useful for teaching units on Social Skills or Life Skills within Special resources. Diverse and Engaging Activities in PDF Format The PDF comes filled with activities that are both engaging and easy-to-implement for any educator or homeschooling parent. These include: "I am kind" crowns - crafting activity . Acts of Kindness Challenge Game.DDIMS_Reference/ISP_GEAR_UP_Nevada!_ProjectYear11_withSGRecipients_02!04!14(2).pdf "Who has?" Kind Acts Bingo game. 'Random Acts of Kindness Fortune Tellers' activity ..docx.htm#main-content' Additional Aspects: We also have kindness challenges designed for individual or group participation along with low prep foldable kindness letters for practical applications. Suitability for Special Education Teachers & Speech/Language Pathologists This resource could be beneficial due to the SEL integration suitable for early learners' specific needs. Also noteworthy is its applicability in home-based learning scenarios focused on life-skills foundations and emotional well-being awareness evolution alongside academic growth. Ultimately, regardless of educators’ experience levels, this resource's simplicity ensures educators can smoothly introduce these concepts into daily teaching practices and witness changes in students' attitudes towards each other. This makes it an invaluable tool for inculcating that kindness becomes more than just a word in their students' daily lives.
Author Socializing with Sprouts
Tags Kindness Activities, Community Building, Empathy, Positive Classroom Atmosphere, Social-emotional Development
"Kindness" Character Traits Song
Special Resources, Creative Arts, Art, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills, Music, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, Songs, Activities
"Kindness" Character Traits Song is an informative music video for elementary students that teaches about the character trait of kindness through explanations and examples. Educators can use this 4-minute video MP4 file to introduce and reinforce the concept of kindness. Students will learn to identify kindness in themselves and others. The catchy song played over colorful animations will help students retain the traits of good character. This resource can be implemented in a variety of ways - as an introduction activity played for the whole class, in small groups for discussion, or even assigned for at-home viewing. Use across multiple lessons on character education for repeated exposure. Check out similar character-building song resources at MathDog Media like "Do The Verb" and "PrimeTime Math."
Author MathDog Media
Tags Videos, Music, Character Traits, Student Songs, Social Emotional Learning, Social Skills
Character Traits Kindness - Posters and Activities
, Grade 1, 2, Activities
Kindnessis such animportant character traitthat we all would like to see in our own children and our students. In order for children to show kindness they need to betaught what kindness is and how to spread kindness in their words and actions.Everyonewants their students and children tobe kind and show kindness in school and at home. At times it can be adifficult task, especially in a world where children are exposed to so much more than years ago. In order to bekind it is necessary to ignite thought patterns that encourage children to think beyond themselves and to think about others. It is almost like stepping into the shoes of others to understand how they might feel.When children read a book, we ask them to imagine how the main character might feel in a certain situation, but in most fictional literature, the characters are not real. So it is important to inspire children to use real life situations. For example, if they see a classmate crying, go over and ask if they are ok. This extensive resourcejammed packed with many activities, writing frames, task cards and ideas will support your students and/or children to understand and be aware of ways to spread kindness everyday! With Thanksgiving and other holidays right around the corner, I cannot think of a better time than NOW to empower your students to demonstrate kindness and be kind to others! ❤️10 posters about kindness ❤️An original poem or chant about Kindness(1 in color and 1 Black and White). ❤️4 different Kindness BINGO sheets...2 filled with ideas and 2 blank for the children to fill out on their own for acts of kindness they have chosen to do. Included for home and school use. This can be a BINGO Kindness Challenge! ❤️18 flags to create a kindness banner to hang in your classroom. ❤️48 Kindness task cards with Ideas to encourage kindness. ❤️20 cards with ideas to write on the blank BINGO cards although the task cards can also be used for this as well. These can also be used for ideas to use for the writing prompts. ❤️A 17 page PowerPoint to learn about kindness to use in your classroom or home, which includes ideas and vocabulary. ❤️4 different writing prompts. •1 worksheet sort to determine what is kind. ❤️16 blank Kindness Task Cards to add your own ideas.
Author Sunshine and Lollipops
Tags Character Traits, Kindness Posters, Character Posters, Character Traits Activities, Kindness Activities, Character Traits For Kind, Kindness Traits
Random Acts of Kindness during the Holiday Season
Holiday & Seasonal, Holidays, Christmas, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Activities
During this time of year, it's easy for students to get caught up in the receiving part of the Holidays instead of the giving! I love to encourage giving and how good it feels to be the one to bring others happiness. The Random Acts of Kindness Project gets kids excited about helping others and showing them that they care about them. Each year my kids get so much out of this. We begin right after Thanksgiving. I've done it several different ways. Sometimes students work in groups, sometimes they work individually, but my favorite is definitely doing it as a class. It means so much when they deliver sharpened pencils to the class next door, put decorative bookmarks in books at the library, and bring handmade cards to workers at the school. Our school staff is always so appreciative when we recognize them! I included Bingo cards to give students a little reward of their own! When they complete one, they mark it off their bingo card. Along the way as students get Bingo, I reward them with small prizes (lunch in the classroom, pajama day, switch seats for the day!) It adds even more to their excitement about the project .
Author Kerry Boles
Tags Random Acts Of Kindness, Christmas, RAK, Kindness, Holidays
Box of Kindness Valentine's Day Activity
Holiday & Seasonal, Holidays, Valentine's Day, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Activities
If you are looking for holiday crafts that are designed to let your students celebrate Valentine’s Day, look no more! This is a Box of Kindness Valentine’s Day Activity that will build confidence within your students and grow their relationships with each other. What You Get: -- Option One Pages (with premade boxes) -- Option Two Pages -- Option Three Pages (with individual chocolate pieces) How To Use the Box of Kindness Valentine’s Day Activity: The Box of Kindness Valentine’s Day Activity will give students a chance to celebrate one another! You will build classroom community with this kindness activity as students fill in the chocolates with compliments and spread the love. There are 3 options to choose from with no prep, low prep, and more prep. Once you choose the version that fits your needs, print what you need and you’re all set. I hope you enjoy! Here’s A Look at Some of My Best Sellers: 3rd Grade Language Mastery Quick Checks 4th Grade Language Mastery Quick Checks Grammar Go Fish: Parts of Speech (Summer Edition) Finish the Story: Back to School Writing Prompts Summer Grammar Word Search Packet Nouns Animal Mysteries Activity You Can Find My Store Front Here: Blooming with Blake 1 PDF with 21 usable pages
Author Blooming with Blake
Tags Box Of Kindness, Valentine's Day Activity, Valentine's Day Craft, Seasonal Activity, Holiday Crafts, Writing Templates
Be the Love Kindness Activity Packet
Special Resources, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Activities
This resource is a Be the Love Kindness Activity Packet. This packet is jam-packed with activities to instill kindness in young learners any time during the school year. There are coloring printables, songs, brain breaks and so much more. All you have to do is display this presentation and print what students need for coloring and writing.
Author The Music Suite
Tags Character Education, Classroom Community, Kindness Activities, Brain Breaks, Mindfulness
Self Love Friendship Jar - Valentine's Day Craft
Creative Arts, Graphic Arts, ELA, Language Development, ESL, Vocabulary, Holiday & Seasonal, Holidays, Valentine's Day, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Activities, Crafts, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Coloring Pages
This Self-Love Friendship Jar craft is the perfect way to celebrate kindness, self-esteem, and friendship this Valentine’s Day! Instead of just exchanging candy and cards, students will fill their jars with positive affirmations, kind words, and reasons to appreciate themselves and their friends. Who needs Cupid when you have self-love and encouragement? Students will decorate their own jars and fill them with sweet messages—because sometimes, the best Valentine is a reminder of how awesome you already are! It’s a fun, interactive craft that boosts confidence, promotes kindness, and encourages gratitude all in one activity. Ways to Use: 💌 Self-Love Boost – Students write things they love about themselves. 💌 Friendship Notes – Classmates share kind words and compliments. 💌 Morning Motivation – Pull a note each morning for a daily dose of positivity. 💌 Classroom Kindness Project – Fill a class jar and read together! 💌 Sub Plans – A meaningful, low-prep activity that keeps students engaged. Advantages: ✔ Encourages Positivity – Builds self-confidence and appreciation. ✔ Hands-On & Creative – A craft with purpose! ✔ No Prep, Just Print & Go! ✔ Perfect for All Ages – Because everyone deserves a little self-love! This Valentine’s Day, let’s spread love in the best way—one uplifting message at a time!
Author Ponder Palette Plazza
Tags Valentine, Valentines Day, Valentines Day Craft, Valentines Day Jar, Valentine Craft, Jar Craft, Fine Motor Skills, Valentine Bulletin Board, Kindness
1000 Days Smarter: Fifth Grade Celebration for 100 Days of School
ELA, Creative Arts, Special Resources, Elementary, Activities, Classroom Decor, Worksheets & Printables
It’s that special time of year again! Don’t let this amazing chance to commemorate a magical milestone with your class slip by! Your students have officially spent 100 days in school since the start of the year—100 days of learning, growing, and becoming even smarter! That’s definitely something worth celebrating! And the best part? There are countless ways to make it fun and memorable! In addition to this resource, be sure to check out my inspiring activity, "100 Positive Pieces of Me," a fantastic SEL experience that encourages self-reflection and positivity. If you’re a 5th-grade teacher, you get to take this celebration even further! The 100th day of school is extra special because, for 5th graders, it also marks their 1,000th day of school since starting Kindergarten! Can you believe it? By the time they reach 5th grade, your students will have spent 1,000 days learning and growing—an incredible milestone! My students absolutely love celebrating this achievement each year, and you can too! This resource is designed for yearly use, and the excitement in your students' eyes when they realize they are 1,000 days smarter is truly priceless! This resource is packed with engaging activities, covering reading, writing, games, and challenges, all designed to make the 1,000th day of school unforgettable. Students will take part in: Reading about life 1,000 years ago Writing a creative piece imagining what the world will be like 1,000 years from now Playing games with a "1,000" theme Taking on the 1,000 Acts of Kindness Challenge Brainstorming what they would do with $1,000 Coloring and decorating to mark this exciting occasion This teacher-friendly resource is designed for a simple PRINT & GO experience, making it easy to implement, whether for a full day of celebration or as an engaging lesson plan left for a substitute. You can even invite parents to join in or keep it as a classroom-only event! The coloring pages can be used to brighten up your classroom or hallway, and the 1,000 Acts of Kindness Challenge makes for a stunning bulletin board display that will impress the entire school. Imagine seeing 1,000 acts of kindness in action—it’s truly heartwarming! Join in the excitement as we honor this incredible achievement—your students have officially attended 1,000 days of school! Let’s make it a celebration to remember!
Author Big Apple Teaching
Tags 1000 Days, 5th Grade, 100 Days Of School, Acts Of Kindness, Celebrate, Creative Writing, Games, 1000 Days Of School Activities, Bulletin Board
Valentine's Day Writing activity - Draw and Write
Creative Arts, Graphic Arts, ELA, Language Development, ESL, Writing, Creative Writing, Holiday & Seasonal, Holidays, Valentine's Day, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Coloring Pages, Activities, Crafts, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Assessments
Love is in the air… and so are creative writing skills! This Valentine’s Day Draw and Write activity is the perfect way to get students excited about writing while adding a touch of artistic fun. With a mix of drawing and storytelling, this resource helps students express their ideas in a fun, engaging, and heart-filled way—because nothing says “true love” like a well-written sentence (right, grammar teachers?). Students will draw a Valentine’s-themed picture and then write about it—whether it’s a love letter to their pet, a funny Valentine’s Day adventure, or a heartfelt message to their favorite snack (because, let’s be honest, chocolate deserves some appreciation too). Ways to Use: ❤️ Creative Writing Centers – A fun, low-prep station activity! ❤️ Morning Work – Start the day with imagination. ❤️ Valentine’s Day Lesson – Themed writing fun that keeps students engaged. ❤️ Fast Finishers – A great extension activity. ❤️ Sub Plans – Because even Cupid needs a backup plan. Advantages: ✔ Encourages Creativity – A mix of art and storytelling! ✔ Perfect for All Writing Levels – Even reluctant writers will love it! ✔ No Prep, Just Print & Go! ✔ Builds Fine Motor Skills – Drawing + writing = skill-building magic! Let’s make writing as sweet as Valentine’s candy with this fun and engaging activity!
Author Ponder Palette Plazza
Tags Valentine, Valentines Day, Writing, Writing Craft, Valentine's Day Writing , Valentine's Day Writing Craft, Kindness Writing, Valentines Day Activities
Middle School Social Emotional Choice Boards
Special Resources, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Special Education Needs (SEN), Social Skills, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Activities
In this resource, you will receive 3 different middle school social emotional choice boards. The handout is designed for students to try and get a tic tac toe or multiple tic tac toes, depending on which sel activities they choose. There are 9 categories; 5 of which come from the CASEL framework. The categories are; self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, relationship skills, decision-making skills, mindfulness, kindness, gratitude, and giving. Some of the examples are; text or write a gratitude note to 3 different people, what are the things you are most passionate about, name a time you had to wait for something you really wanted-what helped you wait, go on a walk in nature and look for all of the colors of the rainbow, bake or cook for someone else-perhaps to a friend or neighbor in need, name 3 types of peer pressure-how can you respond responsibly, write down or draw all of the things necessary to actively listen to someone, draw how you feel right now, sit with someone new at lunch-ask 3 open-ended questions, think about your own community-what is something that needs to change, write down 3 strengths and personal goals, name 3 ways you can be safe and responsible on social media, this week tell your parents 3 things you are grateful about them, if you were to choose an animal that is like you-which one would you choose and why, name 3 ways you managed strong emotions this week, what are 3 responsible decisions you have made this week, donate to an organization of your choice-which one was it and what did you donate, give up one hour of your time to help someone out-what did you do, name 5 things you see, 4 things you hear, 3 things you feel, 2 things you smell and 1 thing you tast, and many more activities. Middle schoolers love choices and this product is a wonderful addition to any school counselor's resources or any middle school teacher's classroom activities.
Author Jennifer Moyer Taylor
Tags Sel, Social Emotional Learning, Choice Boards, School Counseling, Classroom Climate, Kindness, Social Skills, Activities, Tic Tac Toe