5,433 products added recently
Elementary Art Lesson Plans
Introduce your elementary students to the world of art with lesson plans designed for their age group. These activities focus on fundamental art concepts and techniques, fostering creativity and confidence. Implement these resources to support artistic growth and enrich your students' educational experience.
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables
5 PAGES OF EXERCISES OF ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION THEMED: DINO THEMED INTRODUCTION: HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? As is known, educational material helps students build their knowledge autonomously and, above all, in an unforgettable way. 2. What is the name of this document? This document is titled "Educational material for children" 3. What topic will be addressed in this resource? This document will address an educational topic that every child should learn in a basic way. 4. For what ages is it recommended? This set of educational sheets is recommended for children in general who are in the learning age and these sheets will be of great help to them. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author, who was in charge of producing and compiling this educational material, is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this set of educational sheets according to your criteria, in the corresponding area. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of primary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. 11. How to apply it in class? You can apply this document individually or also in a group, it all depends on the criteria of the educator who is going to apply this sheet. 12. Will they need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, perhaps the students when using this sheet will need pencils, colors, or perhaps scissors, eraser. It all depends on the point of view of the educator.
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Early Learning, Elementary, Adult Education, High School, Homeschool Resources, Middle School, Not Grade Specific, Pre-K, Teacher Tools, Classroom Decor, Activities
20 FREE FLASHCARDS OF ANIMALS FREE RESOURCE INTRODUCTION: Hello! I thank you infinitely for your interest in my educational store! I am a teacher who strives every day to produce these great educational resources for children, so I thank you because with your downloads you are helping a lot to promote my personal and professional work. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document
ELA, Writing, Handwriting, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic 20 puzzles to cut out! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic 20 puzzles to practice cutting out. A. WHAT IS THIS PRODUCT ABOUT? Yes, to make the decision to download this product, please carefully read the following information regarding the product: 1. Product name: The title of the product is "10 pages of line drawings with the theme of means of transportation" 2. Number of pages: The educational document is made up of 10 pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational resource is not editable, so you can print it more easily since it is available in PDF format, and you will not have problems with movements in the figures and/or elements of the document. 4. Theme: The topic to be developed is graphomotor skills. 5. Document version: This document is available in PDF version. B. SECONDARY AND/OR COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 6. Color or white/black: Designed in colors. 7. Aimed at children of ages: For children from 3 to 6 years old. 8. Area: Graphomotor skills 9. Keywords: lines, line drawings, drawing exercises, lines worksheets, lines to review 10. How do I print it? Print it in A4 format, horizontal and in color. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply it individually or in pairs. 12. Will you need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, you will need pencil, colors or markers to make your lines. 13. Standards: It was not prepared based on any specific standard.
Tags Tracing Lines, Tracing Lines Worksheets, Tracing Lines For Kids, Tracing Lines Activities, Free Resources
Nature Chant Package Gr. K-1
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Nature Chant Package Gr. K-1 The Nature Chant Package Gr. K-1 presents an engaging and interactive resource perfect for educators aiming to boost both their art and music lessons. It also enhances reading skills and vocabulary expansion, specifically tailored for children in Kindergarten to Grade 1. Wacky Animal Rebus Rhymes Begins with exploring Canadian animals portrayed in a fun manner through rhymes. Rhymes integrate humor related to each animal's characteristics. Incorporates traditional rhyme forms that children are already familiar with. The Learning Format of Rebus Rhymes All words featured in the rhyme are displayed within informative borders, creating a visual link between spoken and written vocabulary words. This approach aids memory retention as well as boosts reading comprehension skills among learners. Colour Chants component: Included is the Colour Chants section containing unique little book patterns for every color chant. The narrative structure used is repeated across all color chants, encouraging predictability of word sequences thereby strengthening early-reading proficiency. Chants & Classifications Component: A comprehensive section further divided into separate modules: An educator's guide complete with detailed lesson plans . Student activities those includes interactive rebus rhymes. Last but not least,, an exhaustive guide on organizing big book assembly events. This teaching resource incorporates language arts, music, and nature themes under one umbrella fostering overall educational development in students. All resources in Nature Chant Package Gr.K-1 are readily accessible on multiple devices, coming as downloadable PDFs for easy planning and task assignment.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Rebus Chants A to Z Gr. K-1
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Rebus Chants A to Z Gr. K-1 Rebus Chants A to Z Gr. K-1 is a meticulously designed teaching resource aimed at instilling reading habits and enhancing reading skills in young learners of kindergarten and Grade 1. The Concept behind the Product The central concept underpinning this resource is 'repetition fosters achievement'. With well-composed chants, learners have an opportunity to demonstrate 'reading like' behaviour while experiencing a sense of accomplishment. Diverse Learning Approaches The repetition embedded within the chants augments understanding, enhances memory recall, and reinforces the familiarity of letters. An innovative teaching method encourages students to trace each chant with their fingers serving dual purposes - word recognition and pacing with picture words depicted in each lesson. Key elements like double letters, phonics rules, punctuation marks, repeated words or line beginnings serve multiple objectives such as engaging oral comprehension initially followed by written identification using underlining, circling or colouring mechanisms. Tailored for Teachers’ needs A crucial feature is including teacher notes which ensures educators are equipped with all necessary information while carrying out activities that provide unique interactive learning experiences.Furthermore, the big book assembly allows for smooth comprehension and knowledge-sharing making it appropriate for whole group sessions yet adaptable enough for small group projects or homework assignments – versatility at its best! Ease-of-use across platforms All files come optimised as PDFs making its use seamless across various digital platforms thereby expanding its reach amongst home-schoolers alike. Comprehensive Coverage This comprehensive Lesson Plan unit adeptly covers the core subject areas notably Art & Music thereby incorporating a creative touch into daily teaching sessions enhancing focus and participation. Rebus Chants A to Z Gr.K-1 is an innovative approach that provides tried-and-tested strategies encapsulated in easy-to-implement teachings. It is geared towards achieving desired outcomes by reinforcing literacy skills among early learners.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Reader's Theatre: Tall Tales Gr. 4-6
Creative Arts, Art, Drama, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Reader's Theatre: Tall Tales Gr. 4-6 This teaching resource offers a captivating approach to introduce students to significant characters from the tall tales genre, which has its roots during the 1820s in North America. The textual module draws from this rich lore and reshapes these celebrated tales into enactable plays, thereby providing students a chance to comprehend literature more intricately while honing key skills. Main concepts: Reader's Theatre: An innovative reading method that wonderfully merges learning with theater. Vocal Modulation & Body Language: Students need to use their expressive abilities to bring characters alive through their performances. Creative Writing Exercises: Besides theatrical scripts, there's a plethora of creative writing tasks aimed at refining writing abilities of the learners. From vocabulary testing word searches and crossword puzzles to answer keys for material revision – this teaching asset guarantees comprehensive literary learning. Pertinence: Grade 4-6 students studying Art & Music or specifically Drama as a sub-subject will find these lesson plans particularly useful as they touch upon several crucial areas in core education like reading comprehension and expression plus creativity development. User-friendly PDF Format The provisioned PDF format makes it handy for public school teachers or homeschooling parents alike. It can be employed flexibly by educators for whole-class oral readings or directing small group performances; alternatively assigning theatrical roles as homework can also make engaging home tasks! Add-on Benefit: The Reader's Theatre: Tall Tales Gr. 4-6 essentially revitalizes classroom learning by amalgamating literature study with drama practices - enabling young minds towards multi-faceted appreciation!
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Da Vinci Unit Study
Creative Arts, Art, Grade 4, 5, 6, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
This unit study book is a compilation of nine individual mini units I wrote as I taught a hands-on science class based on Leonardo da Vinci over the course of a year and a half
Author Creative Learning Connection
Tags Da Vinci, Activity, Unit
Storybook Art Gr. K-2
Creative Arts, Art, Fine Arts, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
The Storybook Art Gr. K-2 An inspiring teaching resource designed to integrate art education with beloved storybooks for kindergarten to second grade students. This manual paves the way for learners to experiment with various art mediums and styles found within their favorite storybooks. This progressive teaching resource extends beyond conventional art lessons by analyzing not just the artwork in children's books, but also investigating the artists behind them. It ignites pupils' imagination, highlighting the significant contribution of illustrators in crafting enchanting worlds within books. Students set off on an informative expedition unveiling a range of illustrators' personal lives and unmasking their creative drive points. A key revelation from this journey is understanding that artwork essentially serves as a form of expression - an idea integral in fostering an appreciation for any branch of fine arts. Detailed Activities A plethora of detailed activities accompanied by step-by-step instructions bridge theory with practice, bringing theoretical insights to life. Creating unique artwork based on learnt illustration techniques Organizing extraordinary classroom art exhibit Versatile Usage The resources can be easily adapted across entire class instruction or smaller groups promoting cooperative learning experiences. They can also be used as impactful homework assignments offering continuous learning experience outside school environment enhancing parent-child bonding over shared creative activities. Furthermore, students receive certificates acknowledging successful knowledge absorption about different aspects throughout this module's journey at its conclusion. center ">The Storybook Art Gr. K-2 Packaging Contents: One user-friendly PDF file that comes chock-full with 46 pages ready-to-print activities simplified and yet engaging. center ">Get set to unlock new avenues of creative learning with your young learners - they will perceive every illustration in their storybooks from a fresh perspective!
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Reading Lesson Plan, Reading Stories, Lesson Plan, Art Stories, Art Activity
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Grade 3, 4, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
The Canadian Mosaic Gr. 3-7 The Canadian Mosaic Gr. 3-7 is a comprehensive and accessible multifaceted teaching tool meticulously curated to navigate students through various aspects of Canadian culture, geography, literature, arts, and more. This educational resource caters to grades 3 through 7 while providing an immersive avenue for gaining knowledge on Canada. Focused areas Music: Improve musicality using Canadian songs while embedding cultural understanding. Mapping: Navigate the geography of Canada. Research: Learn about notable Canadians from different fields. Crafting: Explore creative expression with themes centered around Canada. Inventing:Nurture ideas on diverse topics related to Canada with hands-on exercises. This product's central concept is its fusion approach towards learning - encouraging brainstorming for in-depth knowledge building. Notably, it includes literature like reading local stories and writing assignments base don them which make this resource a well-rounded nurturing environment for pupils. Beyond mere Classroom Teaching Suggests setting up a permanent 'Canada Centre' filled with items such as: - Atlases - Blank maps -Fun activities like trivia games or themed dress-up days This encourages immediate access to relevant materials throughout the course, thus expanding beyond classroom teachings. The versatility of this resource allows varied scenarios - from individual project assignments or interactive group tasks up till full-spec class lessons ensuring maximum output irrespective of learner's style preference. An extensive Collection within one PDF Document An extensive collection packed into one PDF document offers 57 ready-to-print pages covering stimulating tasks for rewarding and enjoyable student involvement. Learners can journey through the colorful, informative pages perfect for lesson plans mixed with Art and Music thanks to this wonderful tool. Thus, learners get to have fun while channelling their creative instincts into becoming proud 'Creative Canadians!' All while learning of the vibrant mosaic that is Canada.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Mapping, Canada, Environment, Literature, Certificates
Reader's Theatre: Folktales Gr. 4-6
Creative Arts, Art, Drama, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Reader's Theatre: Folktales Gr. 4-6 The Reader's Theatre: Folktales Gr. 4-6 is an engaging teaching resource that balances both well-known narratives and lesser-known tales around the globe. This resource provides a unique interpretation of these stories through Readers Theatre, creating a captivating learning environment for students. Key features: Specially designed for educators handling grades 4 to 6. Aids in improving students' comprehension and oral reading skills. Brings literature to life by encouraging students to use facial expression, voice, and hand gestures to enact theatre scripts derived from the stories provided within this engaging unit. Increases interest among learners in global folktales along with instilling a deeper understanding of these timeless tales. Creative Writing Exercises: Besides unique and diverse script content, this unit harbors numerous creative writing exercises that accompany each tale designed to further sharpen your student's imaginative prowess. Puzzles & Games: In addition, various crossword puzzles and word searches are included throughout the material serving as enjoyable yet educational activities --strongly capturing the harmonious blend between learning and fun at play. Valuable Educational Tool! An array of teacher-student sections replete with instructions related each script exercise along with their corresponding solutions—provides an ideal support encompassing both teaching-learning ends effectively making lessons or assignments proceed smoothly. For drama-centric, art or music classes involving grade levels 4-6 classes —the Reader's Theatre: Folktales Gr. 4-6 seamlessly scales into lesson plans as a well-rounded, user-friendly resource provided within a readily accessible PDF file that can be used during group activities or for smaller study circles—leading confidently towards overall scholarly growth.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Animal Art Journal: Explore the Elements of Art through Animals
Creative Arts, Art, Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Discover the 7 elements of art through the 7 continents...and some of the amazing animals that live there! 🎨 This Animal Art Journal is a unique way to teach art elements to older kids (3rd-7th grade). The workbook-style adds a level of independent learning and ownership. Kids will love traveling to each continent, drawing animals from each, and journaling about their research. 🗺️ If you need an engaging, print-and-go way to teach the elements of art, THIS IS FOR YOU! 🐅 Use as a framework for your art curriculum, as supplemental worksheets, or as an independent workbook for your kids to draw through! 🎨 WHAT'S INCLUDED - 7 Units teaching the elements of art (line, texture, shape, color, value, space, form) - Exploration of 7 continents through 7 animals from around the world - In-depth explanation and practice of the 7 elements of art - Directed drawing guides of each highlighted animal (+ others!) - Hands-on activities - Journal pages filled with research-driven questions - Imagine it! Pages where kids create their own habitats - Instructions at the top of each worksheet - Example Pages with colored images for EVERY activity 🗺️ HOW TO USE -Full year art curriculum: This journal covers all elements of art with 7 activities per unit. -Supplemental Worksheets: If you're confident in teaching the elements of art but want to give some fun practice worksheets, you need to download this journal! -Independent Workbook: Need something your art students can work on when there's 5 minutes left of class? Print these journals for your students at the beginning of the year and have them ready to go whenever! -Field Trip Buddies: Heading to the zoo? This journal (especially the journal pages!) are perfect to throw onto a clipboard and explore different animals around the world with. 🐅 MY FAVORITE PART I absolutely love all the Imagine It! pages. Each page has an empty jar on it and is found at the end of the unit. Kids "fill" the jar with items that they liked learning to draw from that continent, the animal they learned to sketch, and some skills from the element of art. Check it out in the 3rd thumbnail! 🎨 Happy adventuring! -Abbey Allen ARTventurous Animals
Author ARTventurousanimals
Tags Animal Art Journal, Animal Art, Art Journal, Animal Journal
Primarily Patterns Gr. PK-1
Creative Arts, Art, Fine Arts, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Primarily Patterns Gr. PK-1 is an exceptional teaching resource especially created for educators teaching primary and secondary patterns. Packed full of intriguing activities, it is designed to engage young learners' imaginations and stimulate their creative abilities. Thematic Design This pedagogical tool boasts a unique thematic design. The activities correspond with events and themes throughout the academic year, ensuring learners remain interested at every stage. Some of the creatively crafted themes include: "Back To School" "Autumn" "Halloween" "Christmas" Various creature-based themes like bears, dinosaurs, sea animals, etc. Inclusive Components The resource contains: Clip art elements perfect for pattern construction as well as classroom decoration Clearly instructed task cards for pattern-related exercises adaptable to various learner levels Included in the kit are also bookmark templates — an excellent way for students to combine their reading sessions with creative applications of patterns. Versatility & Delivery Methods No matter your instructional approach - whole group instruction or smaller groups; enrichment activities or supplementary homework assignments - this resource effortlessly adapts suiting your curriculum plan. The package composes 62 ready-to-print pages in PDF format targeting Preschoolers through Grade 1 pupils primarily studying Art & Music along with Fine Arts sub-subjects under lesson plans types. This thoughtful supplement perfectly combines academics and creativity, In conclusion, If you're a public school teacher meticulously planning each semester's syllabus or a homeschooler looking forward each morning crafting engaging lessons - Primarily Patterns Gr. PK-1 will fit well in your teaching tools arsenal.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Reading Lesson Plan, Reading Ebook, Clipart, Patterns, Art
Folkfest: Folktales From Around The World Gr. 4-6
Creative Arts, Art, Drama, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Folkfest: Folktales From Around The World Gr. 4-6 is an engaging teaching resource designed for educators interested in a comprehensive exploration of global folktales. This program, specially crafted for grade 4, 5, and 6 classrooms, can be adapted both for public school settings or homeschooling environments. In the Folkfest course, students will journey to distant lands through captivating folktales led by their teachers. They will engage with various subgenres including: Legends Riddles Trickster narratives An integral part of this product centers on creative writing activities where learners not only absorb but also create their own tales inspired by universal themes found in folklore. Folkfest material also provides optional activities allowing educators flexibility when planning according to specific goals or student needs. For instance: A smaller group can explore additional tales together Tackle one-on-one writing tasks during breakout sessions A significant highlight includes contributing towards crafting a "Folktale Booklet", an end-of-unit project that compiles each student's unique story—an artifact symbolizing their collective journey witnessed via folklore study. To complement the curriculum is an array of selected tales meant to enrich lessons further—a thoughtful addition augmenting understanding beyond provided information within lesson modules themselves. This educational package crafted in PDF format available online at Teach Simple's website brims with wonderful opportunities. With Folkfest: Folktales From Around The World Gr. 4-6, we can aspirenurture globally-aware students who appreciate cultural diversity as mirrored via enchanting world folklores.'
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Rebus Chants Volume 1: For All Seasons Gr. K-1
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Rebus Chants Volume 1: For All Seasons Gr. K-1 - Comprehensive Teaching Resource Rebus Chants Volume 1: For All Seasons Gr. K-1 is a well-rounded teaching resource designed to enhance 'reading-like' behaviors among early learners. The tool utilizes key elements such as repetition and a sense of achievement, proving extremely effective in nurturing the reading skills of kindergarten and grade one students. Daily Classroom Integration This package can be seamlessly integrated into everyday classroom activities, requiring only five to ten minutes each day. It provides a multitude of rebus chants which can be adjusted in size for different uses such as forming a class book or decorating a bulletin board . In addition, this versatile resource can also be photocopied for individual student use. The Rebus Chants Package includes: A variety of rebus chants. Cover patterns and border designs for students to create personalized chant booklets. A thematic approach based on seasonal aspects making it relatable for students with chants like "It Is Autumn", "School Time", "Haunted House", and "Snowmen". Comprehensive lesson plans spanning across subjects including Art & Music, emphasizing music studies. Note:All these resources are contained in an easily accessible PDF file format. An Indispensable Resource Suitable for both group sessions and individual assignments alike, this teaching tool displays adaptability while maintaining its core purpose—providing an engaging platform where young minds can cultivate their initial steps into the world of reading.Considered indispensable for public school teachers or homeschoolers alike, Rebus Chants Volume 1: For All Seasons is an asset in the educational field.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Van Gogh: A Troubled Genius: A Cross-Curricular Unit
Creative Arts, Art, Art History, Grade 3, 4, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Van Gogh: A Troubled Genius: A Cross-Curricular Unit This comprehensive resource is designed to bring the life and work of Vincent Van Gogh into the classroom. Specifically tailored for grade 3 and grade 4, it delves into art history within one of its most fascinating figures' context. The Core Teaching Resource The foundation of this teaching resource is an engaging nonfiction article on Van Gogh's life, from his humble beginnings to his struggles with mental health issues.This intimate exploration sheds light on how these elements influenced his distinctive style, offering students a profound understanding of not just an artist's craft but also their journey. Cross-curricular Worksheets In conjunction with this informative piece, cross-curricular worksheets stimulate broader learning!Apart from art history, these activities incorporate other subjects such as: Language Arts Social Studies This approach enhances comprehension and retention in young learners while fostering creativity and strengthening critical thinking skills. Additional Activity Ideas Included are activity ideas crafted to enrich students' grasp on both art history and Van Gogh himself. These are versatile enough for: All-group discussion Addition to small group activities or homework assignments +h6>Distribution Format This comprehensive unit arrives in PDF forger good ease iofdistribute –Perfect for classroom or homeschooling use. To sum up, 'Van Gogh: A Troubled Genius' fuses creative exploration with enriched academic content,Making art history come alive. WHether you aim to introduce learners to prom behaviors artists like Van Gogh, or enrich their understanding of art history against a backdrop of both artistic genius and personal struggles – this resource makes an excellent choice.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Going Places With Mrs. Munchkin Gr. K-1
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Going Places With Mrs. Munchkin Gr. K-1 An exciting educational resource perfect for Kindergarten or Grade 1 students. This material sparks interest with a fun transportation-theme, boasting a collection of: Rebus stories:Your storytelling sessions will never be the same again - watch as these read-along materials strike curiosity and thinking in your learners! Hands-on activities: Get ready for some active learning! Activities range from a vocabulary skill-building board game to visual discrimination exercises centered around transportation mechanisms such as balloons and cars. The "critical thinking activity on modes of transportation" is worth noting for its effectiveness in enhancing problem-solving skills through an entertaining format. A Comprehensive Learning Resource This packet ensures holistic learning by incorporating components that exercise various linguistic aspects, making this tool indispensable for your Gr. K-1 class's transport theme. The Chants & Classifications Lesson Plan Segment A standout feature that enhances the overall teaching experience comes with engaging reading passages, interactive activities, and invaluable bookmaking patterns - everything you need to design effectively-rounded lesson plans, bringing balance to both teaching & classroom dynamics. The PDF file is easy-to-use and caters well to whole groups while being effortlessly adaptable for small groups or individual tutoring sessions. Enjoy flexibility in every aspect of this resource’s weave - A genuine educator's aid. </p
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF, Going Places Basic Bundle
Growing Minds in Art: Lessons for Stimulating Thinking
Creative Arts, Art, Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Overview: Growing Minds in Art: Lessons for Stimulating Thinking An indispensable teaching resource particularly designed for Grade 4 to Grade 8 educators. This thoughtfully structured resource entails lessons that seamlessly infuse art and critical thinking skills, catering to an assortment of subjects such as Art & Music. Content Description The content encourages students to interpret abstract sketches, respond actively to differing styles and further develop a drawing. Each activity within this resource comes with several levels of student involvement, offering a versatile range of accessibility tailored perfectly for diverging ages and skill levels. Allows teachers flexibility in adapting the material according to their individual classroom needs. Incorporates teacher guides accompanying each lesson. Distinguishing Features What sets Growing Minds in Art: Lessons for Stimulating Thinking apart from other resources is the addition of teacher guides accompanying each lesson. These guides are meticulously designed with convenience in mind, simplifying lesson preparation significantly for busy educators. Tailored Application This teaching tool is notably perfect intended not only for whole-group teaching scenarios but just as effective when implemented within small group activities or even allocated as enriching homework assignments. Included Resources A total of 12 ready-to-print pages are included and shared via PDF format which embodies compatibility making it easily accessible using various devices at hand. In summary Growing Minds in Art: Lessons for Stimulating Thinking proves itself worthy by being fruitful material brimming full with comprehensive lessons that successfully blend art techniques coupled with crucial thinking skills development while maintaining straightforward preparations and easy execution. Tailored perfectly towards educational growth among budding learners regardless they be public-school goers or homeschooled individuals alike. Teachers needing interactive yet informative tools that stimulate cerebral expansion will no doubt find this product exceedingly beneficial inside every classroom landscape they may have before them.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Lesson Plans, Critical Thinking, Thinking Strategies, Growing Minds, Art Lessons
Pablo Picasso Unit
Creative Arts, Art, Art History, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
This is a Pablo Picasso Unit full of resources to use when teaching art students. The overarching objective is to provide an introduction of Pablo Picasso to elementary and middle school students. This bundle is complete with a presentation, student work, activities and Picasso's art work. A lesson plan is included to guide you.
Author Mister G's Teacher Shop
Tags Art History, World History, Pablo Picasso, Art Unit, Artwork, Abstract Art, Cubism Art, Crafts, Bundle
Canadian Country Countdown Gr. 4-6
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Canadian Country Countdown Gr. 4-6 A dynamic learning resource tailored to introduce students, from grades 4 to 6, to the world of country and western music with a uniquely Canadian focus. This unit is divided into an engaging mix of structured learning experiences and more open-ended assignments offering ample scope for creativity and flexibility. Unit Structure The initial section focuses on Canada's rich country music history and famous artists. Students can expect a range of structured activities like reading passages about Canadian country music personalities or exploring musical sonorities via song analysis activities. Additional optional activities provide further opportunities for in-depth understanding. The latter part promotes expressive exploration where students can flourish their creative skills through acting, writing, drawing or dancing to lively western rhythms. They will love the line dance assignment which teaches rhythmic patterns and promotes teamwork. Besides these core components, included are various exercises such as: Image association tasks that strengthen cognitive links between visual stimuli and musical elements. Word searches and crossword puzzles that enrich vocabulary connected to musical concepts in an interactive manner. A Comprehensive Guide This integrative approach allows learners to appreciate how different aspects converge within diverse types of art forms providing wide knowledge about Art & Music fields while retaining focus on Subsubject: Music Pedagogical Support Included An essentially outlined teacher-student section within this plan assists educators with effective delivery instructions ensuring comprehensive understanding among all grade level(s). Ease for Teachers’ Planning To alleviate the planning burden PDF file has been included enhancing efficiency during tight schedules making it versatile across varied instructional settings An incredibly detailed answer key enhances teaching ease making it ideal tool for public school teachers homeschoolers alike This exciting Canadian expedition of country music promises both academic and artistic growth for learners fostering cognitive creative and physical development seamlessly merging knowledge with entertainment
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Reader's Theatre: Native Legends Gr. 4-6
Creative Arts, Art, Drama, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Reader's Theatre: Native Legends Gr. 4-6 The Reader's Theatre: Native Legends for students in grades 4 to 6 is a well-crafted teaching resource, loaded with content around the legends of native people from around the world. The main aim is to immerse students into authentic indigenous literature and oral traditions using engaging pedagogical methods. Feature Highlights Each module focuses on a legend from one of the world's native cultures, with a comprehensive set of ten lessons that cover diverse traditions and stories. It uses various learning strategies, presenting information in different styles to cater to diverse learning types. Creative Task Cards , designed for independent study, foster self-reliance among learners as they navigate their educational journey with minimal guidance from tutors. This resource encompasses multiple teaching materials, thematic discussions, reader's theatre scripts, answer keys, and recommended instructional techniques aimed at driving active participation among pupils while promoting cross-curricular understanding. Included Activities: Fundamental literacy skills reinforcement - With comprehension questionnaires and 'Fun With Words' segments which help develop effective communication skills necessary for later life stages. Inquiry-based Learning - Investigations instigate curiosity by engaging learners through hands-on experiences or probes into areas related to each story taught within this unit. Creative Writing exercises - These activities nurture inherent language talents among young scholars while simultaneously enhancing their overall writing skills across varied subject disciplines. Also incorporated are Art Activities aligning with Drama elements inherent in every story selected thus far. Who Is It For? Geared toward level learners in grades 4-5 primarily focusing on art & music, specifically the drama category, this package is comprehensive enough to be utilized by public school teachers as part of classroom instruction or homeschoolers seeking varied ways for home-based education. Whether implemented as part of a whole group study, in small peer-led exploration groups, or given as homework assignments, this resource is adaptable for various implementation methods. Availability Avaliable in PDF format,Reader's Theatre: Native Legends takes learners on a global journey through native legends with richly engaging activities across multiple subjects.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Figurative Language Gr. 4-6
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Figurative Language Gr. 4-6 This highly useful teaching resource, titled 'Figurative Language Gr. 4-6,' is designed to enhance student's writing skills by equipping them with a range of figurative language techniques such as metaphors, similes, alliteration and personification. The materials are tailored for students from grade 4 through 6. The resource provides teachers and students with: Multiple reading passages In-depth activities Meticulous student reviews An answer key All these aspects make it a perfect companion for classroom instruction in public schools or homeschooling setups. Key Concepts Explained: 1. Metaphors : These are explained as expressions where one thing is related to another. 2. Alliteration : Simplified by focusing on its facet of involving repetition of sounds at the beginning of words. 3.Personification : Alluded by showcasing how objects or notions can acquire human characteristics. 4.Simile : Illuminated through examples showcasing comparison between two unrelated elements using keywords like 'like,' 'as,' or 'than.' In addition to being a reference guide, this product also contains exercises that aim at reinforcing understanding. Versatility in Teaching Scenarios - A Standout Feature: The intuitive design accommodates different teaching scenarios – whole group session OR small study group sessions as per the class size requirement OR even parts could be assigned as homework for further practice and reinforcement). Beyond English Literature Classes: This resource is invaluable even outside English literature classes. Art & Music subject teachers can find valuable insights within music sub-subjects where lyrics often imbibe rich figurative expressions. Accessibility: The teaching resource is packaged into an easily accessible PDF format ensuring easy downloading and sharing for uninterrupted learning process. Conclusion : In all, the Figurative Language Gr. 4-6 provides a robust platform for teachers to equip their students with key elements of figurative language, giving them an edge in expressing themselves creatively and clearly in writing and during reading sessions.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Tall Tall Tall Tales Gr. 4-6
Creative Arts, Art, Drama, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Tall Tall Tall Tales Gr. 4-6: A Dynamic Teaching Resource Tall Tall Tall Tales Gr. 4-6 is an exceptional teaching resource which has been designed for educators who are eager to imbibe amusement and understanding in students regarding the vibrant world of folktales. This unique unit effectively marries reading comprehension and creative writing, serving as an exciting new perspective for public school teachers as well as home-based education mentors. Comprising lessons that are appropriate for learners from grade 4 to grade 6, these narratives draw from a diverse collection of lighthearted tall tales rooted in various cultures all around our globe. Alongside providing insight into key characteristics that shape these stories, the narrative framework also equips students with a richer understanding of global storytelling patterns. Bespoke Activities & Additional Tools Inclusive approach: The package includes bespoke activities that enhance its adaptability – it can be used across whole-group learning environments; split among smaller clusters; or some exercises can be made into individual homework assignments. American tall tales: Supplement this lesson plan with numerous American tall tales – each one brings its own unique set of comprehension questions that test student grasp on study material while sparking interest in folktales more broadly . Diverse disciplines: In addition to bolstering reading skills and cultivating creativity via structured writing activities, the methods enclosed within this product also introduce younger minds to related sub-disciplines such as Art & Music alongside Drama – key elements aimed at escalating appreciation levels among learners towards creative disciplines. Flexible format: All resource files are available in user-friendly PDF format thereby ensuring quick access regardless of geographical constraints or diverse technological resources – making it a practical choice even when education shifts from classroom to outdoor study or transitions across multiple schooling environments.. Review assistance: Included is an answer key that facilitates quick review of student comprehension thus optimizing efficiency during lesson implementation. Educational AND fun: The availability of additional tools such as crossword puzzles, word searches and even coloring books introduces fun elements into the learning process while fortifying concepts in a subtle yet impactful manner. In Conclusion The Tall Tall Tall Tales Gr 4 - 6, transforms teaching folktales into an captivating experience whereby learning becomes intuitive rather than repetitive. It fosters an interactive environment where core educational objectives harmoniously intertwine with cultural appreciation and creative expression.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Boomerang Dot Paintings - An Aboriginal Art Lesson
Creative Arts, Art, Art History, Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Boomerang Dot Paintings This project combines art and Australian history in a fun lesson focused on Aboriginal art of dot painting. Students will get to create their own boomerang-shaped artworks using dot painting, giving them a hands-on way to learn about Indigenous Australian culture. This resource includes a 15-slide PowerPoint presentation that explores Australia, including its Aboriginal peoples, native animals, the importance of boomerangs, and the art of dot painting. This presentation also walks you and your students through the art project , with step-by-step visual instructions to help students create their own boomerang dot paintings. Two printable PDFs are included to help your students. The first is a boomerang stencil that students can use to help them with the shape of their paintings. The second is a reference sheet featuring silhouettes of 13 different Australian animals, allowing students to customize their boomerang painting with their choice of animal. This resource is designed to promote class discussions about Australian culture and art while guiding students through the fun process of making their own Aboriginal inspired artwork. Recommended grade level: Third through Sixth grades Length of lesson: Approximately three 50-minute sessions Media/Materials required: Pencil Sharpie Poster board or heavy weight paper Scissors Paintbrush Tempera or acrylic paint Your purchase includes: 15-slide PowerPoint Presentation 1-page PDF - Boomerang stencil 1-page PDF - Australian Animal Silhouettes
Author The Art Ninja
Tags Australia, Australian, Aboriginal, Aborigines, Boomerang, Dot Painting
Flash Mob Choreography: "We Are Stars"
Creative Arts, Art, Dance, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Flash Mob Choreography: We Are Stars A practical teaching resource tailored to educators, specifically those teaching in the domain of Art & Music. This valuable educational tool engages students from Grade 5 through Grade 8 in an active, invigorating learning experience involving dance. Innovation and creativity gracefully merge within this supplemental handbook which extends from the successful Flash Mob Dancing in Education. It offers a captivating means to introduce students to the dynamics of Flash Mob dancing. About the Handbook: Presents easy-to-follow choreography moves for renowned song We Are Stars by Virginia to Vegas featuring Alyssa Reid. Covers content spanning across twelve informative pages. The details enclosed meet the needs of different teaching methods and learning environments providing educators with added flexibility. Versatility: Educators have at their disposal enriched lesson plans catering towards diverse levels of learners for whole group instruction or small peer groups off-campus homework assignments. User-friendly Language: The beginner-friendly yet nuanced language makes 'Flash Mob Choreography: We Are Stars' easily decipherable even by grade 7-8 reading level students while maintaining effectiveness in relaying necessary information concisely without diluting vital content inside them. In conclusion: If you're an educator striving to provide your pupils with an engaging Art & Music learning experience centered around dance—particularly flash mob choreography—with ease while ensuring comprehensive coverage spanning basic principles up until complex concepts then opt for Flash Mob Choreography: We Are Stars.
Tags Flash Mob Choreography, Dance Education, Art & Music, Interactive Lessons, Student Engagement
How to Make Comics
Creative Arts, Art, Fine Arts, Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
How to Make Comics: An Educational Resource 'How to Make Comics' is a comprehensive teaching tool tailored for educators. This resource, suitable for Grade 4 through 12, bridges the gap between fine arts and sequential storytelling, providing an engaging lesson about creating comics. Inspiring imaginative potential in students can be challenging, requiring innovative teaching methods. 'How to Make Comics' comes with an art project and a PowerPoint presentation , effectively guiding students into the vibrant world of comic creation. This lesson plan has been successfully implemented amongst fifth-grade students who thoroughly enjoyed both learning about comics and creating their own stories. Key Features of the Toolkit Your class will go through each step essential for making comics. Instructional guidance on forming their storylines with focus on character development, dialogue crafting, panel designing and more are provided enthusiastically. The toolkit includes seven printable comic layout pages in PDF format as well as material requirements like sharpies and colored pencils. The concise 14-slide PowerPoint presentation offers not just instructions but educative content about the history of comics and sequencing art forms while establishing clear learning goals. Boldly scattered critical thinking questions encourage interaction within guide points complemented with success criteria bullet points throughout the journey for clear progression tracking. The adaptable 'How To Make Comics' framework fits effortlessly into varying settings – be it large classrooms or smaller studying groups - its flexibility also lends itself well to independent student homework tasks allowing freedom to explore artistic aptitude at leisure. This handy toolkit serves as a creative booster within art & music curriculums; moreover cultivating understanding on visual narratives across literature subjects - instilling an appreciation of storytelling elements fittingly framed within sequential artwork grids independently executed by your students. In conclusion, 'How To Make Comics' offers a valuable addition to the tools of any educator: simplifying complex concepts without compromising interactive fun. This all-inclusive kit means you're covered with visually stimulating and engaging presentations ready to go!
Author The Art Ninja
Tags Comic Creation, Sequential Storytelling, Art Project, Lesson Plan, Visual Narratives
Health 1st Grade Unit 1: Personal Health
P.E. & Health, Creative Arts, Art, Health, Physical Education, Social Skills, Special Resources, Life Skills, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Grade 1, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
For 1st Grade Health there are seven standards that need to be taught. Unit 1 Personal Health Unit 2 Growth and Development Unit 3 Nutrition and Physical Activity Unit 4 Substance Use and Abuse Unit 5 Injury/ Violence Prevention Control and Safety Unit 6 Prevention/Control of Disease Unit 7 Environmental Consumer Health These units can be taught out of order. They are only numbered for your convenience. At the end of each unit, there is an assessment to test students’ understanding. Through using this Health 1st Grade Unit 1: Personal Health students will explore and learn to identify daily healthy habits. Included in this unit: * Understanding what active verses unactive movements and activities. * Being physically active and choosing which activity is healthy vs unhealthy. * Identifying healthy foods in a fun wordsearch. * How to understand your emotions and when to talk to someone to get help. At the end of the unit, there is an assessment to check for understanding. Included in this unit is an assessment with answer key. A total of 10 pages for Health 1st Grade Unit 1: Personal Health. There are seven units that cover all the health requirements for first grade. Here are the links to other health units: Health 1st Grade Unit 1: Personal Health Health 1st Grade Unit 2: Growth and Development Health 1st Grade Unit 3: Nutrition and Physical Activity Health 1st Grade Unit 4: Substance Use and Abuse Health 1st Grade Unit 5: Injury / Violence Prevention and Safety Health 1st Grade Unit 6: Prevention / Control of Disease Health 1st Grade Unit 7: Environmental / Consumer Health You can also teach your students about keeping yourself safe by studying about the Coronavirus, where and when it started and facts that plagued our world with this virus. 1st grade Coronavirus / Covid-19 Facts by Teach Simple This unit meets Common Core Standards.
Author K-5 Treasures
Tags Personal Health, Health Unit , Healthy Habits, Self-care, 1st Grade Health, First Grade Health, Healthy Foods, Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, Personal Development
Rebus Chants Volume 2: Popular Themes Gr. K-1
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Rebus Chants Volume 2: Popular Themes Gr. K-1 Rebus Chants Volume 2: Popular Themes Gr. K-1 is an exceptional teaching tool packed with rebus chants, effective in developing reading habits among students in Kindergarten and grade 1. The unique rebus chants are designed to provide growing readers with repetition, enhancing their reading abilities and fostering a sense of achievement. The package includes: Chants that can be enlarged for class big books or bulletin board content, The flexibility to photocopy chants for individual children. Students will find it engaging to create their own chants booklet with the cover and border patterns provided. Diverse Thematic Contexts: All the chants revolve around various themes such as "Dinosaurs", "Pets", "Bears", "Community Helpers", "Fairy Tales" enabling adaptability across learning contexts. A Daily Dose of Learning: Sparing just five to ten minutes each day enhances students' engagement with subjects through these innovative chant formats. Fitting Into Any Lesson Scenario! This resource serves ideally for whole group activities or homework assignments by teachers and parents alike. Art & Music educators will find it easy-to-use across various classroom scenarios whether at school or homeschool setups. It supports lesson plans providing appealing reading passages, fun activities, catchy chant themes - a perfect fit for music lessons! Nurturing Avid Readers! Inspire your learners on becoming avid readers while exploring diverse themes! These PDF-based chants coincide early reading milestones with enjoyable thematic contexts put forward in rhythmic tunes - making learning a joyous journey!
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF