Friendly Versus Hurtful Teasing Boom Cards, Reflection Sheet and Teasing Strategy Wheel

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About This Product

Friendly Versus Hurtful Teasing Boom Cards, Reflection Sheet and Teasing Strategy Wheel

Overview: This comprehensive teaching resource is designed to educate students on differentiating between friendly and hurtful teasing. Suitable for all grades, this product employs interactive activities, practical scenarios, and engaging assignments to aid the development of critical life skills.

Resource Components

  • Boom Cards: These are made up of 25 real-life situations where learners use thumbs-up or thumbs-down responses to understand the nuances of friendly vs. hurtful teasing. Note that these require a level of internet connectivity and compatibility with modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge) or Android devices.
  • Reflection Sheet: Available in PDF & Word Doc formats allowing easy integration into Google Classroom environment. The flexibility adds an extra layer of convenience making it perfect for regular school teachers as well as home educators.
  • 'Teasing Strategy Wheel' Project:This hands-on project allows learners to creatively explore potential strategies applicable in different social situations. This can be colored by the students themselves which helps connect them with the learned material in a fun way.

In conclusion,this activity-based resource promotes active engagement from students leading to real-time assessment opportunities for teachers. The flexible design allows educators to use it across whole-group instruction or small study groups aside from utilizing it as homework assignments further enriching its value as an all-rounded teaching asset focused on developing essential life skills among learners.

What's Included

This product contains a ZIP file with a PDF with an image that has the embedded paid link for the Boom deck, A Teasing Strategy Wheel, and a reflection sheet in the forms of a PDF as well as a Word Doc that can be converted into a Google Doc seamlessly to send to students via Google Classroom.

Resource Tags

teasing friendly hurtful critical thinking life skills

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