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Kids Yoga Stories: Would you Rather... ? A Choice Game for Kids eBook

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Grade 2, 3, 4, 5





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About This Product

Kids Yoga Stories: Would you Rather...? A Choice Game for Kids eBook

The Kids Yoga Stories: Would you Rather...? A Choice Game for Kids eBook is a tool specially designed for primary school teachers, children's yoga instructors, parents, caregivers and health & recreation staff. It lends an interactive approach to teaching yoga, mindfulness & meditation principles to children.

Beyond Traditional Yoga Instruction

The eBook incorporates a thought-provoking game inspired by the Yamas and Niyamas of yoga. The game gives students an easy understanding path towards these ancient teachings while promoting critical thinking and nurturing communication skills.

Adaptability & Usability

This resource can be used in various settings like whole group discussions during class periods or small groups during extracurricular activities. It's also ideal for independent study or homework assignments due to its user-friendly structure.

  • Tailored specifically for grades 2 through 5 but equally enjoyable and useful across almost all age groups.
  • Ideal conversation starter within educational lessons or household environments.
  • 66-page comprehensive guide; making it versatile pedagogical tool.

Benefits of Early Age Yoga Learning

  • Increase in strength , flexibility & improved sleep quality.
  • Fosters positive interactions amongst adults & children.
  • Helps kids build self-confidence and improve self-expression.
  • Promotes improved body awareness
  • Nurtures advocacy towards living an active-healthy lifestyle

Note:While these questions are primarily designed for third through fifth graders; they could serve as amusing conversation starters for almost any age group.

Access your copy today of the Kids Yoga Stories: Would you Rather... ? A Choice Game for Kids eBook, and take the first step in making learning fun with fitness & mindfulness.

What's Included

A total of 66 pages

Resource Tags

yoga instruction mindfulness game ethical principles communication skills physical well-being

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