Prevention and Control of Disease Health: 4th and 5th Grade Unit 6
P.E. & Health, Life Studies, Physical Education, Health, Life Skills, Special Resources, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills
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Prevention and Control of Disease Health: 4th and 5th Grade Unit 6
For 4th and 5th Grade Health, there are seven standards that students will practice and learn.
Through using this Prevention and Control of Disease Health: 4th and 5th Grade Unit 6 students will explore and learn to identify daily healthy habits.
In this unit, students will learn how to prevent illness and diseases. There is a sorting activity where students will learn basics of communicable and non-communicable diseases and decipher which category they fall under. Students will learn how to promote good health, and they will understand how to identify reliable health sources. Included in this unit, students will study the Coronavirus, its origin, how it spreads, and how to keep communities and people safe. This unit is a perfect way for students to learn about diseases and how students can be healthy and stay informed!
There are 44 pages included.
This unit meets Common Core Standards.
Included in this Prevention and Control of Disease Health: 4th and 5th Grade Unit 6
Worksheet on what is communicable and non-communicable diseases and sorting these diseases.
An understanding of pathogens and how they spread in communities.
Worksheets on four ways to promote good health and prevent illnesses.
Learn to write healthy goals and learn how to accomplish these goals.
There are harmful choices that could affect kids' health. Learning how to get enough sleep is good for their health.
Students will also learn where to get reliable health information when needed such as a school nurse or counselor.
Information about the Coronavirus is also included.
Questions that will be answered include:
What is Covid-19?
How did Covid-19 start?
How does it spread?
Who is WHO and the CDC?
What happens if you get Covid-19?
What can you do to be safe?
There is an assessment to check for understanding.
An answer key is included.
There are seven units that cover all the health requirements for 4th and 5th grade. Here are the links to other health units:
Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 1: Personal Health
Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 2: Growth and Development
Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 3: Nutrition and Physical Activity
Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 4: Substance Use and Abuse
Health |4th and 5th Grade Unit 5: Injury and Violence Prevention
Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 6: Prevention and Control of Disease
Health |4th and 5th Grade Unit 7: Environmental Consumer Health