Responsible Decision-Making -An SEL Lesson Learning About Mental Time Travel
About This Product
Responsible Decision-Making Learning About Mental Time Travel is a great resources to have students explore the process of decision-making in a responsible manner!
This resource includes the lesson to walk students through the process of decision-making through “mental time-travel” as a way to “see” the future and hence the consequences of their choices.
The lesson includes engaging questions to encourage students to critically think about their choices. Additionally, students can be presented with 10 different comic strips for them to complete as examples of decision-making. Students can then share and discuss the different options presented to the characters on the comic strips. These comic strips can be handed out at random or to form groups of the same comic strip.
Furthermore, students can be presented with the High 5 Handout included in this resource so that each of them write down a goal in the circle provided. To reach that goal the class may engage in a discussion on how to get to that future goal. Teachers and students can also talk about the little things they can do to reach simple goals so students can think of a goal as steps to take in the future. To end the lesson, students can use the High 5 Handout to write down 5 different things they can do to achieve that goal to exemplify how to get to the goal as their “future.”
This resource is presented in a PPT (which includes the lesson and comic strips) and a PDF which includes the handout. All slides, comic strips, and handouts are ready to use and to print!
What's Included
1 zip file with: