Stay on Task- Interactive Book/Printable Behavior Support SEL

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Stay on Task- Interactive Book/Printable Behavior Support SEL

This tool is designed to foster focus and productive habits in students from grades 3 through 6. As a teaching resource, this interactive book/printable primarily serves as a remediation tool encouraging children to name instances when they are off-task, while simultaneously discussing strategies to maintain attention.

Students personify themselves into characters that are progressively learning how to stay focused.

Bundled resources include:
  • Social Story Explanation,
  • Full Book Print-out,
  • Half-Page Print-out,
  • Discussion Guide and Google Slides.

This resource shines in its versatility; it can be seamlessly adapted for whole class lessons or in smaller group settings, allowing educators flexibility based on specific behavior needs.

Ideally Implemented within Whole-Class Settings

Have each student individually complete books as discussions transpire about each page aided by the Discussion Guide. It also serves effectively as a calming corner strategy where students review expectations via their social story during challenging emotional times.

In Small Groups with School Counselors or Therapists

The product facilitates:

    • Curating tightly-knit groups based on behavioral needs,
    • Letting each student personally engage with the activity and ensuing discussions at hand.

Potential Applications of the Tool:

This teaching resource offers plentiful potential towards nurturing behavior intervention strategies catering directly towards developing consistent focus among young learners grappling with attention management challenges:

    • One on One Intervention Strategy: A useful aspect involves students keeping their book at arm's reach within classes which can be revisited when needed.
    • Homework Assignments or in small groups
    • Implemented within whole-class settings

Resource Tags

behavior support attention management focus skills student engagement SEL

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