Winter Hygge Digital Planner Stickers

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About This Product

Winter Hygge Digital Planner Stickers: A Creative Teaching Resource

Adding a splash of aesthetics to your traditional teaching materials can now be achieved through the use of Winter Hygge Digital Planner Stickers. This compact but inspiring hand-drawn doodle package can significantly enhance your digital planners, journals and notepads. It is an excellent fit for savvy educators across different grade levels who want to add a fun twist in their lessons, especially for subjects like art and music.

Fresh Approach to Classroom Materials

  • This unique collection contains 30 beautifully illustrated sticker designs that you can infuse into any digital platform like slide presentations, documents and many more. They can quickly transform group discussions into lively learning sessions or serve as motivational tokens in small group activities.
  • What's notable about these stickers is their high quality regardless of how much you resize or rotate them according to preference – a feature that ensures they are reusable!
  • Your purchase includes two formats: individual PNG files and a pre-cropped GoodNotes file ready for easy importation into any preferred digital planner or journal tool.

A Breeze To Use For Teachers

Each PNG file is designed with clear identification making it hassle-free when matching design with related content. This translates into an easy user experience as teachers integrate these visually pleasing resources within various learning strategies throughout different seasons.

In the world of graphic art education, injecting creativity while cultivating learners’ appreciation towards the subject has never been this effortless! With Winter Hygge Digital Planner Stickers on hand, achieving such goals becomes absolutely possible.

What's Included

There are 30 stickers included, which come in 2 different formats:

- 30 Individual PNG files

- Pre-cropped GoodNotes file (in a horizontal planner page ready to import into your favorite journal or planner!)

Resource Tags

digital stickers winter hygge artistic resources teacher tools creative learning

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