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Pre Reading Presentations

Enhance comprehension by using pre-reading presentations that introduce key concepts, backgrounds, and vocabulary. These resources help students approach new texts with confidence. Use them to build anticipation and connect existing knowledge to new material.

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The Frog Life Cycle Unit - Tadpole Cut and Paste
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The Frog Life Cycle Unit - Tadpole Cut and Paste
Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools

This download includes 1 cut and paste to depict the 5 steps in the growth of the tadpole.

Author Kindergarten Cafe

Tags Frogs, Tadpoles, Cut And Paste, Life Cycle, Science, Frog Life Cycle Kindergarten, Tadpole To Frog Life Cycle, Tadpole Cycle

A-E Phonic Game To Develop Phonemic Awareness
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A-E Phonic Game To Develop Phonemic Awareness
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games

Here is a fun, print 'n play phonic game for the split digraph a-e! Help your pupils to grasp the tricky split digraph concept as they play! Who is the a-e game suitable for? All learners of phonics, including young children, SEN/special needs, ESL etc... Aims and Objectives Some children, when starting to learn about the long /a-e/ sound will start to make every /a/ into a long /a-e/ sound. While this is common among all children, some children need more help to overcome this difficulty. Therefore, this game has two aims: 1.To help children to be able to hear the long vowel sound a-e in words 2.To help children understand that some words have a short /a/ and some have a long /a-e/; the child must listen to hear which word has which - not guess. How to play: This is a game for two ore three players, one of which should be an adult. The game can be played with either pictures or sounds. Each player takes a game board (either pictures or sounds) which will indicate whether the player should listen for words with a short /a/ sound or a long /a-e/ sound. The adult reads a word on the word card, and the pupils must listen for 'e' or no 'e'? If the pupil has the sound/ picture on his/her board, she/he covers up a space. the winner fills hi/her board first. Teaching tips: Help children to hear the vowel sound by emphasizing it and stretching it out. Help the child to do this as well. Have fun - as this eases children over those tricky spots! What is included? 1 PDF with 2 game sound boards, 2 picture boards, squares to cover up and a word (readers) card. See more fun phonic games in the Lilibette's Resources store! Find: AR Game A-E Game Games for initial/final sounds and much MORE!

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags A-e, Print N Play Phonic Games, Split Digraph, Split Digraph A-e, Phonics, Phonics Games, Special Needs, ESL, Phonics For ESL, Phonics For Special Needs

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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Elementary, Early Learning, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables

3 FREE PAGES OF ADDITIONS THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS We are an educational corporation that is dedicated to the development of fabulous resources for mathematics, literacy, as well as resources for teaching Spanish and brain exercises. MAIN INFORMATION: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of ​​knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of ​​learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY INFORMATION: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document has been designed mostly in color so that it is highly attractive to students. 11. Is this resource free or do you have to pay to use it? This document is available for free, so take advantage of the opportunity to download it now. 12. Does it have an answer key attached? No, it does not contain an answer key attached. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



IR Phonics Lesson
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IR Phonics Lesson
ELA, Reading, Phonics, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Special Resources, Special Education Needs (SEN), Kindergarten, Teacher Tools, Presentations

Here is taught lesson for the r-controlled digraph IR. Suitable for all, but especially written for the special needs pupil, this lesson is short, clear, to the point, has no distracting background music, has no distracting imagery, so helping the child to focus on the sound to be learned. The lesson begins by developing phonemic awareness of the new sound IR and a picture 'key' is provided to help the child remember the sound, one of the main difficulties when starting to learn the sound IR. The lesson then progresses to help children to read words, by sounding them out first. Learning to read through spelling is a helpful way to concentrate the pupil's mind on the lesson and to engage the pupil. We not only use words with which the child is familiar, but include some less well known IR words in order to help the child spot IR in words and sound them out. This is important as many children with a need will sound a word out accurately, but then, if they do not recognise the word, try to change it into something they do recognise. The lesson closes with an engaging task. One of the crucial tasks for the learner of IR is to spot the new sound in words and differentiate it from previously taught R - controlled words, such as AR and OR. For some children with special needs this is very hard. Therefore, this final activity asks the child to say which digraph each word contains as it floats onto the screen. The child is not required to read the words, but I find they like to! Of course, this is to be encouraged! What is included: One taught video lesson MP4 33 frames Instructions: an adult should sit with the pupil for best effect - this is not an entertainment but specialist phonics instruction. The video should be stopped as necessary and restarted when the pupil is ready to go on.

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags IR Phonics, R Controlled, Phonics Video, Teaching Phonics, For Teachers, Phonics, Special Needs, IR Video Lesson

Ready to Read -ag Word Family Active Instruction Lesson 6

Ready to Read -ag Word Family Active Instruction Lesson 6
ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Preschool, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Activities

Ready to Read – Word Family -ag - Reading with Picture Reinforcement. Multi-Sensory Instruction with Letter and Sound Review, Auditory Drill, Blending Drill, Decodable Reading, Word Dictation, and a Phonemic Awareness Activity : Rhyme. Lesson 6 in a series. -AG. These lessons were created to use with whole group blended learning (virtual and in-person students) for kindergarten and beginning First Grade. They were so successful that once all students returned to in-person instruction, I continued using them. All students can easily see the Smartboard, and it is so much easier than if I have to juggle letter cards, books, and different materials. I can easily save different versions of the presentation, and edit each one to fit the needs of various students for additional work with a tutor or in small group. It also works well with small groups, RTI, Resource, and SPED. Sequential - These lessons build on each other, and last about 30 - 45 minutes depending on changes you make, the size of your group, and the pace. Of course, some students/classes go through quicker, some slower, so adapt as needed. Lesson 6 (-ag) consists of 192 slides - available in Microsoft PowerPoint and in Google Slides. You will download a zip file that contains a PowerPoint Presentation, a note to read first, a file with extra slides if you need to change or add slides, AND a PDF that has a link to make a copy in Google Slides if you do not use PowerPoint. The presentation start out with a quick attention-getter, followed by letter review - say letter, say sound, and keyword (" B, ball, /b/"). All letters are included in alphabetical order. I typically start in alphabetical order - but then rearrange as my students are ready, especially in later lessons. Use as is, or delete or move slides around based on the needs of your class. IF you teach qu instead of q you can find that option in the file with extra slides - simply click slide 23, select "format background," select "picture or texture fill," and from the included file, select "qu option." Next, auditory drill. IF you have letter tiles or magnetic letters, this is a great time to get those out. If not, just use the letter tiles on the SmartBoard without additional student material or have them air write the letters or write with crayons, pencil and paper, or simply say the letter. For this, there are letter tiles on the slide. The teacher says the sound of one of the letters. The students repeat the sound and then identify the letter. For example, teacher says /b/. Students repeat /b/ and then say B. If they have letter tiles or magnetic letters they can pull those, or point to them. Then we move to blending. Students say the sound of the letter the car is beneath. For example, On one slide, the car is beneath the letter s, so the students say /s/. On the next slide, the car is beneath the letter a tile and students will make the /a/ sound, when the car is beneath the letter g, the students make the /g/ sound. Finally, the car "drives" beneath all three letters and the students read "sag." This continues through multiple -ag word family words. Time to Read - this starts with reading the words we just blended. A picture of the word on the following slides reinforce the correct answer, and really helps out some of the students who struggle more. Sight Words. Slides for High Frequency Words, Red Words, and Trick Words are included in an additional file, so you can easily use the term that correlates with your preference or curriculum. Add any other words you are working on. I have a few basic ones, and what the students will need to read the next slides. Sentence Reading - a few very basic sentences using only the letter sounds we have learned in this and previous lessons and a few sight words. The presentations will build on each other, so students constantly review what they have learned and build on it. We then review rhyme - Thumbs up or down with rhyming pairs. Typically phonemic awareness activities are done prior to a lesson like this, but for the past couple of years, my students had so much trouble with rhyme, and when I put the rhyming activity after all the word family work, they are more successful than if I start with it. Of course, you can move the rhyme slides to the beginning of the presentation if you want to stick with traditional format. Finally, there is the Exit Ticket or Dictation - slides show pictures from earlier in the lesson plus one from a previous lesson (always reviewing). They will write each word on their paper (or if you have your letter tiles or magnetic letters you can easily use them). Written work is important, and it will help show progress, allow you to examine which students need help and hopefully see their misconceptions, and it helps you to give grades if required. Orton-Gillingham, IMSE, Wilson Reading System, and FUNdations curriculums influenced the way this is put together. If you have access to Hooked on Phonics Videos, they work well to plug into these lessons prior to the blending drill. They are quick little "brain brakes" of sorts, or sometimes attention getters, but always educational and catchy, and my students loved them.

Author Just SO - Sharon Oliver

Tags Ready To Read, Word Family, Active Instruction, Letter-Sound Cards, Blending Drill, Learn To Read, Early Reading, Beginning Reading

Food & Drink Vocabulary Game "I Have Who Has" for 2+ players

Food & Drink Vocabulary Game "I Have Who Has" for 2+ players
P.E. & Health, ELA, Physical Education, Language Development, Pre-Reading, ESL, Reading, Vocabulary, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Activities, Games

Vocabulary practice made fun! This English #vocabulary #game practices 16 high-frequency #food and #drink words. Editable pages make it easy to add in extra words your learners are working on. Learners will practice reading the sentence and question, "I have _____. Who has _____?" Then classmates will search their cards to see if they have the food or drink in question! Repeated exposure is necessary for vocabulary retention. In addition, a QR code has been provided in the instructions. Simply point your phone or computer camera at the code to open a link to the Google Slides presentation. Pull up the corresponding photo for each vocabulary word to expose learners to 2+ photos of the object in question. It's common knowledge that while tangible objects are best, realistic photos are next-best when teaching vocabulary. No more clip art or cartoons here! Use the realia presentation to introduce the vocabulary words as well as to support learners during the game. Play multiple rounds, and shuffle well to give extended practice! With a minimum of 2 players, this game is perfect for pairs, small group, or whole-class practice with up to 16 players! Words included in this pack are: cheese, hamburger, juice, salad, carrot, avocado, popcorn, milk, corn, pineapple, banana, strawberry, apple, bread, chocolate, and egg. This PDF download includes game instructions, the easy to use QR code link to the realia presentation, two pages to print, as well as a blank page for you to add in additional vocabulary words and drawings! Be sure to check out additional "I Have, Who Has" vocabulary games in English, French, and Spanish: School and Classroom, Calendar: Days, Months, & Seasons, Food & Drink, Numbers 1-10, Colors, and Patterns, Weather & Landforms! Got questions or a request? Let me know! Get in touch on socials at @melissaisteaching.

Author Melissa Is Teaching

Tags English Vocabulary, Vocabulary Games, Ell Games, Esl Games, Vocabulary Practice, Food Vocabulary

Uppercase Letter Match, Snowman Theme Slide Deck

Uppercase Letter Match, Snowman Theme Slide Deck
ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Not Grade Specific, Presentations, Teacher Tools

This is a Snowman-themed uppercase to uppercase slide deck activity for letter recognition. It includes 26 interactive drag and drops slides where the student must match the letter and place the hat on the snowman's head. It is perfect for letter recognition and practice. This is appropriate for Pre-K, Kindergarten, First Grade, and Special Ed.

Author My Kind of Crazy

Tags English Language Arts, Special Education, Winter, Snowman Theme

The Outsiders Introduction PowerPoint

The Outsiders Introduction PowerPoint
ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Presentations, Teacher Tools

StudyingThe Outsiders? Looking to give students some context for the novel ? Then this product is for you! Introduction power point includes: •S.E. Hinton •Context •Themes •Symbols •Essential Questions

Author Educate and Create

Tags Outsiders, Hinton, Novel Study, Introduction, Background, Introducing The Outsiders, Outsiders Introduction, The Outsiders Essential Questions, Introduction Of The Outsiders, The Outsiders Introduction Activities, How To Introduce The Outsiders

Uppercase Letter Match, Winter Theme Slide Deck for Special Ed

Uppercase Letter Match, Winter Theme Slide Deck for Special Ed
ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Presentations, Teacher Tools

Product Overview Uppercase Letter Match, Winter Theme Slide Deck for Special Ed offers a modern and engaging approach to teaching the alphabet to children in kindergarten, preschool, and first grade. This tool is effective in both regular education settings as well as those adapted for special needs. Digital Format And Interactive Learning Approach The product hosts its content on twenty-six individual Google Slides, each representing one letter of the alphabet. The primary task is to match uppercase letters which serves not only for recognition but also practice. Incorporationof Seasonal Theme This educational package employs a winter theme that brings an added element of fun to learning sessions. Associating letters with familiar winter symbols enhances students' engagement levels and makes lessons more lively. Versatility & Flexibility This slide deck can be used effectively in group activities within classrooms or homeschooling environments promoting collaborative learning opportunities. The resource allows learners to work individually at their pace and time offering additional practice options or homework avenues. Saves educators time by replacing multiple physical resources with this single electronic tool that can be easily distributed among learners. Applicability To Language Arts Curriculum An essential part of pre-reading activities involves recognizing uppercase letters which lays foundational skill groundwork needed later on in academic progress lines making this language arts resource highly applicable across literacy development goals scenarios. In Summary: "The Uppercase Letter Match Winter Theme Slide Deck for Special Ed captures convenience and efficiency due to its digital format while stimulating student interest via engaging seasonal themes - leading towards the comprehensive delivery of key language art components within curriculum pillars."

Author My Kind of Crazy

Tags Alphabet, Winter Theme, Special Education, Interactive Learning, Language Arts

FL Consonant Blend PowerPoint

FL Consonant Blend PowerPoint
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Presentations

Here is a fun, animated PowerPoint to help teach the consonant blend 'fl' with supporting resources including a follow-up worksheet. Your consonant blend lesson is all ready for you! The FL consonant blend PowerPoint enables teachers and parents to introduce consonant blends in a fun way. Aims: To help children to blend the sounds 'f' and 'l' to make 'fl'. To help children to hear and feel the 'fl' blend at the beginning of words. Go on an adventure with FLAPPY FLY as she FLIES over the FLOWERS. the FLATS, the FLAG. But then, Oh no! A FLASH of lightning. Flappy Fly flies for cover under a FLOPPY leaf. She sees the FLOOD and hangs on tightly not wishing to FLOAT away! But out comes the sun and Flappy FLY flies off again! What is included in the fl consonant blends PowerPoint? A 9-slide animated PowerPoint telling the story of Flappy Fly: Please play with the PowerPoint before using it with your class to see how the animation works. Click to activate the animations or progress to the next slide (you will find out what happens as you click!) 9 slides focusing on the blending of the sounds 'F' and 'R' and looking at FR words in the story and retelling the story 1 slide: Find the words that begin with FL - the pictures spin if correct. 1 fun worksheet to use as a follow-up activity - colour the things that begin with 'fl'. A PDF transcript of the story, slide by slide. This story is also written under each slide to be viewed in presentation mode (Go to slide show and click three dots at the bottom left to go to presentation mode.) Who is the FL consonant blend PowerPoint for? All children of any age Special needs children Who can use the FL Powerpoint? Teachers Parents Home educators Private tutors Anyone who is teaching consonant blends to anyone! I created this FL consonant blend PowerPoint to engage the attention of a late-speaking 8-year-old, who is having difficulty hearing consonant blends. He had already studied phonics before and failed, so was disillusioned. It worked. He loved it! Find more, coming soon, in my shop: Lilibettes Resources.

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Fl Powerpoint, Fl Consonant Blend, Consonat Blends, Consonant Blends, Phonics, Spelling, Special Needs, Phonics Special Needs

Introduction to Archetypes Powerpoint

Introduction to Archetypes Powerpoint
ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Presentations, Teacher Tools

A power point which serves as an introduction to archetypes. This goes over character archetypes, situational archetypes, and symbolic archetypes. A great addition to any unit on literary archetypes.

Author Educate and Create

Tags Archetypes, Introduction, Literary Analysis, Archetypes In Fahrenheit 451

Autumn Reading Fluency Slides: Animated and Editable!
Free Download

Autumn Reading Fluency Slides: Animated and Editable!
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Kindergarten, Preschool, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards, Activities, Games

Presentation: Autumn-themed Editable Reading Fluency Slides These editable, animated, fun, autumn reading fluency PowerPoint slides are a must-have for anyone who needs to give children an incentive to practice reading over and over again - be it letter sounds, CVC words, or digraph words to sound out - you choose as these slides are fully editable! These autumn, editable, animated reading fluency PowerPoint slides take the drudgery out of learning - and help children want to tackle those things they find hard - better than plain flashcards! If you read the word - you can watch the leaf fall from the tree! Editable? Yes - change the text to meet the needs of your pupil/s. Some ideas include practising letter sounds, sight words, phonemes/digraphs, phonic words etc.... It is advised to make a copy of the slides as a base resource so that you can easily rectify any mistakes. Animated? Yes! The slides give instant feedback to the child that s/he was right! Nothing boosts a child's confidence more than to get it right and have visual feedback. Let autumn start as the leaves fall from the trees! Made for real children and proven to work! I use these slides in my autumn lessons as I teach phonics, privately online. You can use them: In class At home - for home education For online teaching in any form Who can you use them with? Young children learning letter sounds or phonic digraphs SEN children ESL/EFL students What is included in the set? 4 fully editable, animated PowerPoint slides for the practice of sounds/words - be they words to sound out or high-frequency words. There are 2 activities with 2 backgrounds each - one less cluttered for any child who may find one too confusing. There is a spin and read activity : Each player chooses a colour – brown or gold. Decide who will start. Click on the spin button. Click again to stop. The player whose colour the spinner lands on chooses a word to read. Once read, click on the extreme of the word to see the leaf fall and the word disappear. If you like these slides, please see more here.

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Reading Fluency, PowerPoint, Powerpoint Activities, Online Teaching, Tutoring, Phonics, Sounds, High Frequency Words, Autumn

Lowercase Letter Match Valentine Theme - Google Slides, Special Ed

Lowercase Letter Match Valentine Theme - Google Slides, Special Ed
ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Preschool, Kindergarten, Presentations, Teacher Tools

Lowercase Letter Match Valentine Theme - Google Slides, Special Ed Immerse your learners in a Valentine-themed educational experience that is not only fun but also effectively promotes language literacy. The Lowercase Letter Match Valentine Theme Resource is an interactive learning tool, perfectly tailored for Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First Grade educators including those assisting with Special Ed requirements. This engagement tool utilises Google Slides in order to facilitate a lowercase to lowercase letter recognition activity . The student-friendly interface inspires learning while exploring 26 drag-and-drop slides. With a theme reflecting the vibrant and inviting holiday of seasonal love—Valentine’s Day—this resource captures students’ enthusiasm compelling them to thoroughly engage and actively participate in the exercises. Each slide consists of an artistic representation of a snowman wearing a hat showcasing different letters of the alphabet. Underneath these figures are various hats imprinted with corresponding letters which need to be dragged onto their correctly matching positioned lower-case alphabets onto the snowman’s head—a simple concept which nonetheless deeply instils foundational understanding of alphabets in young learners. This content can be implemented flexibly according to individual teaching styles or as per students' learning needs—whole group lessons for collective mastered competencies or small group activities for focused attention on struggling students; it could even serve as homework assignments for continued practice at home. The Lowercase Letter Match - Valentine Theme resource serves as an indispensable part of Language Arts inventory for Early Learning educators.It beautifully amalgamates elements essential for any progressive classroom: technology-integrated instruction through Google Slides format; provision for inclusive education courtesy its compatibility with special education standards; and literally adding colour to day-to-day lessons by way of its captivating theme rooted around one glory-filled day associated with warmth and affection. With this unique resource within your instruction toolkit, you will embark upon fostering early language literacy equipped with engaging activities!

Author My Kind of Crazy

Tags Interactive Learning, Language Literacy, Lowercase Letters, Valentine Theme, Special Education, Valentine Google Slides

FR Consonant Blend PowerPoint

FR Consonant Blend PowerPoint
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Presentations

Here is a fun, animated PowerPoint to help teach the consonant blend 'fr' with supporting resources including a follow-up worksheet. Your consonant blend lesson all ready for you! The FR consonant blend PowerPoint enables teachers and parents to introduce consonant blends in a fun way. Aims: To help children to blend the sounds 'f' and 'r' to make 'fr'. To help children to hear and feel the 'fr' blend at the beginning of words. Go on an adventure with Freddy Frog! What will happen today? Will he find some bugs to eat? No, he only finds fruit. But a friendly blackbird pulls a worm out of the soil for him and all goes well until a lady comes out of the house with her frying pan! This makes Freddy Frog very frightened! Listen out for the FR words: FR WORDS: FREDDY FROG FRESH FRUIT FREE FRIENDLY FREEZE FRIDAY FRYING FRY FRIED FROWNED FRIGHTENED FRONDS What is included in the fr consonant blends PowerPoint? A 10-slide animated PowerPoint telling the story of Freddy Frog: Please play with the PowerPoint before using it with your class to see how the animation works. Click to activate the animations or progress to the next slide (you will find out what happens as you click!) 8 slides focusing on the blending of the sounds 'F' and 'R' and looking at FR words in the story and retelling the story 1 slide: Find the words that begin with FR - the pictures spin if correct. 1 fun worksheet to use as a follow-up activity - colour the things that begin with 'fr'. A PDF transcript of the story, slide by slide. This story is also written under each slide to be viewed in presentation mode Who is the FR consent blend PowerPoint for? All children of any age Special needs children Who can use the FR Powerpoint? Teachers Parents Home educators Private tutors Anyone who is teaching consonant blends to anyone! I created this FR consonant blend PowerPoint to engage the attention of a late-speaking 8-year-old, who is having difficulty hearing consonant blends. He had already studied phonics before and failed, so was disillusioned. It worked. He loved it! Find more: FL Consonant Blend PowerPoint SL Consonant Blend PowerPoint

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Fr Blend, Fr Consonant Blend, Phonics, Consonant Blends, Special Needs, Fr Consonant Blend Powerpoint, Spelling, Reading

How to say the Initial Sounds
Free Download

How to say the Initial Sounds
ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Preschool, Teacher Tools, Presentations

This is a video that teaches how to correctly pronounce the 26 initial (or beginning) sounds of the alphabet. Where necessary tips are given as to the production of the sounds. Comparisons are made with like letters: p/b, f/v, p/b Who can use this video? Any who need to learn how to pronounce the initial/beginning sounds. Teachers, parents, classroom assistants It can be used fo staff training, It can be made available to parents to help them with their children's school work, private tutors who wish to help a parent understand their work and anyone else who needs it! Why is this initial Sound video necessary? The correct pronunciation of the beginning/initial sounds is essential as it is upon these that a child must learn to both segment words to spell and blend to read. It is often when reading that a child who has not learned to say the initial sound correctly finds it harder to learn to blend. Many parents and teachers, often unknowingly, add an extra schwa sound to the pure phonic sound. Instead of 'p', they say 'puh' or huh or juh. This means that when the child comes to sound out the word, s/he says puh-a-tuh and understandably cannot hear the words /pat/. This video can help to ensure that children learn correctly, right from the start.

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Initial Sounds, Beginning Sounds, Phonics, How To Say The Initial Sounds, How To Say The Beginning Sounds

English Numbers 0-10, Colors, and Patterns Vocabulary Game

English Numbers 0-10, Colors, and Patterns Vocabulary Game
Life Studies, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, ESL, Reading, Vocabulary, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Activities, Games

Vocabulary practice made fun! This English #vocabulary #game practices 24 high-frequency #number #color and #pattern words. Editable pages make it easy to add in extra words your learners are working on. Learners will practice reading the sentence and question, "I have____. Who has?" Then classmates will search their cards to see if they have the number, color, or pattern in question! Repeated exposure is necessary for vocabulary retention. In addition, a QR code has been provided in the instructions. Simply point your phone or computer camera at the code to open a link to the Google Slides presentation. Pull up the corresponding photo for each vocabulary word to expose learners to 2+ photos of the object in question. It's common knowledge that while tangible objects are best, realistic photos are next-best when teaching vocabulary. No more clip art or cartoons here! Use the realia presentation to introduce the vocabulary words as well as to support learners during the game. Play multiple rounds, and shuffle well to give extended practice! With a minimum of 2 players, this game is perfect for pairs, small group, or whole-class practice with up to 24 players! Words included in this pack are: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, brown, black, white, dots, stripes, and zig zags. This PDF download includes game instructions, the easy to use QR code link to the realia presentation, three pages to print, as well as a blank page for you to add in additional vocabulary words and drawings! Be sure to check out additional "I Have, Who Has" vocabulary games in English, French, and Spanish: School and Classroom, Calendar: Days, Months, & Seasons, Food & Drink, Numbers 1-10, Colors, and Patterns, Weather & Landforms! Got questions or a request? Let me know! Get in touch on socials at @melissaisteaching.

Author Melissa Is Teaching

Tags Vocabulary, Colors, Numbers, Patterns, English Vocabulary, ELL Vocabulary, Esl Vocabulary

SL Consonant Blend PowerPoint

SL Consonant Blend PowerPoint
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Presentations

Here is a fun, animated PowerPoint to help teach the consonant blend 'SL' with supporting resources including a follow-up worksheet. Your consonant blend lesson all ready for you! The SL consonant blend PowerPoint enables teachers and parents to introduce consonant blends in a fun way. Aims: To help children to blend the sounds 's' and 'l' to make 'sl'. To help children to hear and feel the 'sl' blend at the beginning of words. Go on an adventure with Slimmy Slug! What will happen today? He finds a fun slide to slip up and slide down - leaving a slimy trail! He finds a sledge and what fun he has! Feeling hungry has finds a slice of pizza and finds a cozy slipper in which to slip...until.... Listen out for the SL words: SL WORDS: SLIMMY SLUG SLIMY SLIDE SLIPS SLEDGING SLEDGE SLED SLICE SLEEPY SPIES SLIPPER What is included in the SL consonant blends PowerPoint? A 10-slide animated PowerPoint telling the story of Freddy Frog: Please play with the PowerPoint before using it with your class to see how the animation works. Click to activate the animations or progress to the next slide (you will find out what happens as you click!) 8 slides focusing on the blending of the sounds 'F' and 'R' and looking at FR words in the story and retelling the story 1 slide: Find the words that begin with FR - the pictures spin if correct. 1 fun worksheet to use as a follow-up activity - colour the things that begin with 'fr'. A PDF transcript of the story, slide by slide. This story is also written under each slide to be viewed in presentation mode Who is the SL consent blend PowerPoint for? All children of any age Special needs children Who can use the SL PowerPoint? Teachers Parents Home educators Private tutors Anyone who is teaching consonant blends to anyone! I created this FR consonant blend PowerPoint to engage the attention of a late-speaking 8-year-old, who is having difficulty hearing consonant blends. He had already studied phonics before and failed, so was disillusioned. It worked. He loved it! Find more, coming soon, in my shop: Lilibettes Resources.

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Phonics, Consonant Blends, Special Needs, Spelling, Reading, Sl Blend, Sl Consonant Blend, Sl Consonant Blend Powerpoint

English Weather & Landform Vocabulary Game 2+ Players

English Weather & Landform Vocabulary Game 2+ Players
Life Studies, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, ESL, Reading, Vocabulary, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Activities, Games

Vocabulary practice made fun! This English #vocabulary #game practices 16 high-frequency #weather and #landform words. Editable pages make it easy to add in extra words your learners are working on. Learners will practice reading the words saying "I have ____. Who has _____?". Then classmates will search their cards to see if they have the weather or landform in question! Repeated exposure is necessary for vocabulary retention. In addition, a QR code has been provided in the instructions. Simply point your phone or computer camera at the code to open a link to the Google Slides presentation. Pull up the corresponding photo for each vocabulary word to expose learners to 2+ photos of the object in question. It's common knowledge that while tangible objects are best, realistic photos are next-best when teaching vocabulary. No more clip art or cartoons here! Use the realia presentation to introduce the vocabulary words as well as to support learners during the game. Play multiple rounds, and shuffle well to give extended practice! With a minimum of 2 players, this game is perfect for pairs, small group, or whole-class practice with up to 16 players! Words included in this pack are: hot, cold, thunderstorm, windy, rainy, partially cloudy, cloudy, snowy, mountain, lake, ocean, river, hill, valley, cave, and desert. This PDF download includes game instructions, the easy to use QR code link to the realia presentation, two pages to print, as well as a blank page for you to add in additional vocabulary words and drawings! Be sure to check out additional "I Have, Who Has" vocabulary games in English, French, and Spanish: School and Classroom, Calendar: Days, Months, & Seasons, Food & Drink, Numbers 1-10, Colors, and Patterns, Weather & Landforms! Got questions or a request? Let me know! Get in touch on socials at @melissaisteaching.

Author Melissa Is Teaching

Tags ESL Vocabulary, Esl Vocab, Vocab Games, Weather Vocab, Landform Vocab, Accidentes Geologicos

Consonant Blends PowerPoint BUNDLE!

Consonant Blends PowerPoint BUNDLE!
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Spelling, Strategies, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Activities

Here are 3, fun, animated PowerPoints to help teach the consonant blends 'fl', 'sl' and 'fr' with supporting resources including a follow-up worksheet for each PowerPoint . Your consonant blend lessons are all ready for you! The Consonant Blend PowerPoint BUNDLE enables teachers and parents to introduce consonant blends in a fun way. Aims: To help children to blend the sounds, e.g. 'f' and 'l' to make 'fl'. To help children to hear and feel the consonant blend at the beginning of words. Go on an adventure with Flappy Fly, Freddy Frog and Slimmy Slug as they find things that begin with their blend. What is included in the consonant blends PowerPoint bundle? 3 animated PowerPoinat telling the stories of Flappy Fly, Freddy Frog and Slimmy Slug: Please play with the PowerPoints before using them with your class to see how the animation works. Click to activate the animations or progress to the next slide (You will find out what happens as you click!) Each Powerpoint also has: Slides focusing on the blending of the sounds 'F' and 'R' and looking at FR words in the story and retelling the story 1 slide: Find the words that begin with the blend - the pictures spin if correct. 1 fun worksheet to use as a follow-up activity - colour the things that begin with the blend being studied A PDF transcript of the story, slide by slide. This story is also written under each slide to be viewed in presentation mode (Go to slide show and click three dots at the bottom left to go to presentation mode.) Who is the consonant blend PowerPoint bundle for? All children of any age Special needs children Who can use the consonant blend PoweRPoint bundle? Teachers Parents Home educators Private tutors Anyone who is teaching consonant blends to anyone! I created these consonant blend PowerPoints to engage the attention of a late-speaking 8-year-old, who is having difficulty hearing consonant blends. He had already studied phonics before and failed, so was disillusioned. It worked. He loved it and they worked. I hope they work for you too!

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Consonant Blends, Phonics, Consonant Blends Powerpoint, L Blends, R Blends, Special Needs Phonics, Remedial Phonics, Phonic Intervention

Lowercase Letter Match Winter Theme Google Slides, Special Ed

Lowercase Letter Match Winter Theme Google Slides, Special Ed
ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Presentations, Teacher Tools

Lowercase Letter Match Winter Theme Google Slides , Special Ed Educators seeking effective and engaging educational resources for language arts lessons will find the Lowercase Letter Match Winter Theme Google Slides ideal. This product offers a unique way of improving letter recognition skills among Kindergarten, Preschool and Grade 1 students, specializing in lowercase letters. The incorporation of a winter theme makes learning both educational and fun for children by connecting it with their everyday winter experiences. The package includes a series of 26 interactive slides that require students to match lowercase letters using an engaging drag-and-drop method, actively involving learners. This resource is particularly useful for Special Ed classes, simplifying new concept introductions. This easy-to-understand approach aids these learners in understanding language arts tasks without causing unnecessary strain while meeting their unique learning requirements. User-Friendliness Built on the widely-used interface of Google Slides , this teaching tool is user-friendly for both teachers and students. Each slide features different sets of matching exercises set against colorful graphics on a white background to ensure maximum retention by making every task visually appealing. Versatility & Flexibility In-Class Usage: Teachers can project these slides within classrooms whether they're conducting whole-class teaching or small group instruction sessions. Homework Assignments: They can also assign it as homework assignments allowing independent studying amongst students playing an important part in promoting self-learning habits. Last Thoughts, Serving as an incredibly valuable teaching resource the Lowercase Letter Match Winter Theme Google Slides enables education to be coupled with entertainment during cold winter days - successfully maintaining high student engagement levels while consistently stimulating academic growth!

Author My Kind of Crazy

Tags Lowercase Letters, Letter Recognition, Winter Theme, Google Slides, Special Education

Letter Match - Halloween Theme Slide Deck for  Special Ed

Letter Match - Halloween Theme Slide Deck for Special Ed
ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Presentations, Teacher Tools

Letter Match - Halloween Theme Slide Deck for Special Ed As educators, we understand the need for engaging and interactive resources, especially for students in special education programs. Our Halloween-themed lowercase to lowercase slide deck activity is such a resource that serves this purpose. Identified as a practical teaching tool, applicable in Kindergarten, Preschool, and First Grade classes, it forms an essential part of the Language Arts curriculum. The Significance of our Product in Your Teaching Program? Co-aligning the learning process with popular seasonal events like Halloween can enhance students' receptivity towards learning—making it fun yet valuable. This nine-slide interactive drag-and-drop activity emphasizes building letter recognition skills—a significant precept of pre-reading development. Presentation and Accessibility? Each appealing slide showcases clear visuals that promote basic language skills while captivating the kids with its festive theme. The deck is formatted both for PowerPoint presentations as well as Google Slides, thus maintaining its accessibility across platforms. Versatility? Rather than just adhering to classic methods such as whole-group or single student strategies—this product offers flexibility: You can implement it while conducting group activities to instil values of collaborative learning amongst children. You could also use it individually with each child during homeschooling sessions or homework assignments—accordingly modifying the educational experience based on personal capacity and progress rates observed among pupils. The Letter Match – Halloween Theme Slide Deck for Special Ed demonstrates how learning can be fun without sacrificing effectiveness. This offering is a unique combination of formative education and a medium that appeals to student interests right from early childhood years. So, whether you're teaching an enthusiastic classroom or navigating through homeschooling challenges, this resource could be just the asset your language arts lesson plans needs!

Author My Kind of Crazy

Tags Interactive Activities, Letter Recognition, Halloween Theme, Special Education, Language Arts

Frankenstein Background Powerpoint

Frankenstein Background Powerpoint
ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Presentations, Teacher Tools

A powerpoint going through some background information on the novel Frankenstein. Includes information about the author, historical context, story behind the creation of Frankenstein, themes, symbols, and characters. Great before reading activity or as a review.

Author Educate and Create

Tags Frankenstein, Literature, Background, Power Point, Frankenstein Background, Frankenstein Google Slides Template