Grocery Shopping Price Comparisons: Financial Literacy & Money Math

About This Product

This real-life math lesson for students in grades 5-7 will help show your class how many of the skills they have been learning will come in handy in their everyday lives at the grocery store when they are trying to find the best deal and stick to a food budget.

With inflation rising and grocery prices sky-rocketing, help your students spot a good deal among all the confusing offers!

This lesson has four grocery store scenarios for your students to evaluate and find the best deal. They need to use the following skills:

  • Unit Price: What is the cost of one if it's 2 for $7 or 4 for $13?

  • % Discount: This item is normally $4, but with a store card, it's 20% off today.

  • Rounding: Most grocery items are .99- make sure to round up to a whole number for easier calculations.

  • Critical Thinking: Is it better to buy two to get the deal if you only need one?

  • Financial Literacy: Learning how to read all of these kinds of offers is an important part of sticking to a budget.

  • Life Skills: Grocery shopping is a crucial life skill!

Grades to Use With:

This lesson is designed for students in grades 5-7 who are learning about decimal place value, ratios and rates, and basic operations using decimals. It could also be used in middle or high school special education classrooms or family and consumer sciences classes.

What's Included:

4 Page PDF
Title Page

2 Page Student Worksheet

Answer Key

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Resource Tags

money math consumer financial literacy budget inflation decimals percent real life math grocery prices

1 Reviews

Liyana Azman | March 9th 2025

Great practical lesson

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