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Historical Fiction Genre Study Book Report

About This Product

The 34-page Historical Fiction Genre Study Book Report is designed for grades 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th, but it can easily be modified for lower or higher grades. This book report is an excellent supplement to a unit on a particular historical period. Through reading historical fiction, students can gain a deeper appreciation for historical periods and how they relate to the present day. The goal of this lesson is to introduce students to the genre of historical fiction and to help them understand its importance and significance. By the end of the lesson, students should have a good understanding of what historical fiction is. Students will read a historical fiction novel, analyze its characters, plot, and author's craft, and present their findings to a small group.

The book report includes a detailed lesson plan on the historical fiction genre, objectives and learning targets aligned to the Common Core standards, directions for the book report with handouts and worksheets for students, a student self-evaluation, and a grading sheet for teachers.

Many students enjoy reading historical fiction, especially if they are learning about the period in their History/Social Studies class.  If you do the genre study component of this resource, the book report offers a high-quality culminating project. In addition, if you teach a Language Arts/History Core or plan with a History/Social Studies partner-teacher, this is an excellent resource for both classes and provides students with a different way to engage with history.

Historical fiction is an essential genre for students for a variety of reasons because it makes the study of history more engaging and interesting and it brings the past to life. Students gain a deeper appreciation for historical periods and how they relate to the present day, It also improves critical thinking skills by giving students opportunities to think critically about the events and people from the past, analyze and interpret historical events, understand different perspectives, and it encourages empathy, tolerance, and respect because students learn to see history through the eyes of characters from different time periods and cultures


Historical Fiction Genre Study Book Report includes the following:

  • 2 comprehensive and interactive lesson plans:

    • Book Browse lesson plan

    • Historical Fiction Genre lesson plan with common core standards, objectives, and learning targets

  • easy-to-follow student directions

  • Note taking Guide

  • Note taking Guide Chart

  • Spoke Diagram

  • Plot Diagram

  • Character Chart

  • Sensory Description Chart

  • Other Elements in Historical Fiction Chart

  • Storyboard

  • Presentation in Small Groups Directions

  • Self-Evaluation of Historical Fiction Book Report

  • Check-Off and Grading Sheet

Resource Tags

historical fiction book report research assessment story elements analysis history author's craft critical thinking self-evaluation

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