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8th Grade Word Problems

Provide eighth graders with word problems that involve geometry, functions, and complex algebraic concepts. These worksheets bridge the gap to high school mathematics. Use them to ensure readiness and build confidence.

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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables

5 PAGES OF EXERCISES OF ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION THEMED: DINO THEMED INTRODUCTION: HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? As is known, educational material helps students build their knowledge autonomously and, above all, in an unforgettable way. 2. What is the name of this document? This document is titled "Educational material for children" 3. What topic will be addressed in this resource? This document will address an educational topic that every child should learn in a basic way. 4. For what ages is it recommended? This set of educational sheets is recommended for children in general who are in the learning age and these sheets will be of great help to them. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author, who was in charge of producing and compiling this educational material, is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this set of educational sheets according to your criteria, in the corresponding area. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of ​​primary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. 11. How to apply it in class? You can apply this document individually or also in a group, it all depends on the criteria of the educator who is going to apply this sheet. 12. Will they need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, perhaps the students when using this sheet will need pencils, colors, or perhaps scissors, eraser. It all depends on the point of view of the educator.



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Foreign Languages, Spanish, Early Learning, Elementary, Adult Education, High School, Homeschool Resources, Middle School, Not Grade Specific, Pre-K, Teacher Tools, Classroom Decor, Activities

20 FREE FLASHCARDS OF ANIMALS FREE RESOURCE INTRODUCTION: Hello! I thank you infinitely for your interest in my educational store! I am a teacher who strives every day to produce these great educational resources for children, so I thank you because with your downloads you are helping a lot to promote my personal and professional work. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of ​​knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of ​​learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document



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ELA, Writing, Handwriting, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic 20 puzzles to cut out! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic 20 puzzles to practice cutting out. A. WHAT IS THIS PRODUCT ABOUT? Yes, to make the decision to download this product, please carefully read the following information regarding the product: 1. Product name: The title of the product is "10 pages of line drawings with the theme of means of transportation" 2. Number of pages: The educational document is made up of 10 pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational resource is not editable, so you can print it more easily since it is available in PDF format, and you will not have problems with movements in the figures and/or elements of the document. 4. Theme: The topic to be developed is graphomotor skills. 5. Document version: This document is available in PDF version. B. SECONDARY AND/OR COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 6. Color or white/black: Designed in colors. 7. Aimed at children of ages: For children from 3 to 6 years old. 8. Area: Graphomotor skills 9. Keywords: lines, line drawings, drawing exercises, lines worksheets, lines to review 10. How do I print it? Print it in A4 format, horizontal and in color. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply it individually or in pairs. 12. Will you need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, you will need pencil, colors or markers to make your lines. 13. Standards: It was not prepared based on any specific standard.


Tags Tracing Lines, Tracing Lines Worksheets, Tracing Lines For Kids, Tracing Lines Activities, Free Resources

Critical Thinking: Math in the Media: Finding Errors

Critical Thinking: Math in the Media: Finding Errors
Social Studies, History, Psychology, Math, Statistics, Place Value, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities

Critical Thinking: Math in the Media: Finding Errors Witness your students transform into math detectives with this fun educational tool! Students can practice both math skills and media literacy at the same time as they read real headlines and try to decide if they make sense mathematically. This unique teaching resource uses real headlines and quotes taken directly from various media sources. It presents learners with an opportunity to scrutinize these bits of information for mathematical inaccuracies. How to Use: Teachers can project these pages on an interactive whiteboard or print them out as worksheets—providing flexibility to adapt the delivery according to classroom needs or personal preferences. Allow students to work together in small groups or pairs to look at the headlines and decide if there are any math errors. Students need to explain what the error is if they find one. Topics covered include large numbers, percentages, and large number multiplication (in the millions). Come back together as a class to discuss and share ideas. You could have individual students come up to the board to explain their thought process and strategies. You could use several headlines in one lesson, or use them one at a time as a warm-up or hook for your math class. An extension is provided for students to find (or create) their own headlines. You could have each student do this and present one each day for several weeks. Grades to Use With: These are designed to be used in middle school classrooms in grades 6-9 to enhance media literacy, critical thinking skills, and application of math skills. Math skills used include percentages, large numbers, and decimal millions. What's Included: A total of 10 pages: Title Page Instruction Page 6 Headlines (one per page): 4 have errors and 2 do not Extension Page: Find your own headline! Answer Key

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Critical Thinking, Percentage, Large Numbers, Word Problems, Math, Media, Media Literacy, Applied Math, Real World Math, Math Prompt

Percent Word Problems: Tipping & Gratuities- Real World Math Worksheet

Percent Word Problems: Tipping & Gratuities- Real World Math Worksheet
Life Studies, Home Economics, Special Resources, Life Skills, Math, Multiplication, Multiplication and Division, Percentages, Money, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans

Tipping is becoming more and more common and the amount you are expected to tip is increasing too. Make sure your students understand what tipping is and how to calculate a tip- useful life skills! Here’s a ready-to-print real-life percent math lesson for middle school students (in grades 6-9) or special education or life skills classes in a high school setting. Teach your class all about tipping culture and tips in both Canada and the United States. Why do people tip or give certain people a gratuity? What places do we tip? What places do we not? Has tipping been increasing recently ("tip-flation")? Show students how the math skills and concepts that they have been learning in class (percentages, decimals, division, fractions) can be useful in their everyday lives! How to Use: 1. The first page is a handout that you complete with your students (with fill-in-the-blanks) to teach them the ins and outs of tipping: where and when you do it, etc. 2. The second page teaches students two simple methods of calculating tips (using well-known percentage benchmarks OR multiplying the price by a percentage written in decimal form). Encourage your students to determine a third method they could use. 3. After that, there are 7 practice word problems of realistic tipping situations that your students can complete. From tipping for a meal to paying at a salon, or even calculating tax AND tip together, your students will get a lot of real-life practice completing these problems in small groups or own their own. 4. To finish, you can have a class discussion about tipping in general and what your students think about our system. What's Included: 6 Page PDF - Teacher Instructions - Handout with Fill-in-the-Blanks about Tipping - 3-Page Worksheet and Written Reflection - COMPLETE ANSWER KEY INCLUDED If you want more practice working with tips try these two products: Fractions for Calculating Taxes, Tips and Sales Percents for Calculating Taxes, Tips, and Sales

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Percent Word Problems, Tip, Tipping, Gratuity, How To Tip, How To Calculate A Tip, Financial Literacy, Life Skills, Personal Finance, Word Problems

Systems of Equations Word Problems Worksheet: Using Substitution

Systems of Equations Word Problems Worksheet: Using Substitution
Math, Algebra, Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

This engaging math activity allows high school students in grades 8-11 to gain a realistic understanding of solving systems of equations (with two variables and even three variables) using the substitution method. Using real-life examples including shopping, basketball scores, and even YouTube videos, your students learn a simple algebraic method of solving a system of equations: the substitution method. They also gain practice writing simple equations with variables to represent real-life word problem scenarios. There is even a more challenging system of equations with three variables included for your students who can handle an extra challenge: this one is so satisfying once they figure out how to solve it! A step-by-step sample problem that you can use as a teaching aid and a complete answer key are also included so that this lesson requires no prep! Grades to Use With: This lesson is designed for students in grades 8-11 in regular middle or high school math classes. It may also be used with students in high school special education classes who are able to access some algebra topics. Standards: CCSS8.EE.C.8b Algebraically solve systems of equations with two equations and two variables. CCSS8.EE.C.8c Solve realistic and mathematical problems involving two linear equations with two variables. CCSSHSA-REI.C.6 Solve systems of linear equations exactly (focusing on pairs of linear equations with two variables). What's Included: A total of 5 pages in PDF Format: 3 page worksheet with step-by-step sample question 2 page answer key If you enjoy this math assignment, check out other real-world math activities in my store: Household Budget Project: Taxes, Insurance, Loans, Groceries, and More! Decimal Operations Assessment: Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide Financial Literacy: Vacation Math Project Two Step Equations Worksheet: Real-World Two Step Equations Exponent Board Game: A Great Way to Practice Using Exponents Algebra: Modelling Equations Visual Balance Scale Worksheet

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Systems Of Equations, Algebra, Solving Equations, Real-life Equations, Substitution, Substitution Method, Algebra Substitution, Systems Of Equations Word Problems, Systems Of Equations Worksheet

Surface Area Worksheet and Volume Calculations: Real-Life Math

Surface Area Worksheet and Volume Calculations: Real-Life Math
Math, Geometry, Fractions, Measurements, Common Core, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Word Problems

Here's a fun and engaging lesson that helps students apply the geometry skills they are learning in the classroom to a real world mathematical situation: painting a doghouse. It is designed to address the Common Core State Standards 6.G.A.2 and 6.G.A.4: Finding volume and surface area and drawing nets. Students will: Determine how many faces there are on a compound three dimensional shape (including a rectangular prism & a triangular prism). Sketch the faces/create a net on the grid provided (one face includes a fractional length of ½ inch). Use a table to help calculate the surface area of all of the faces. Calculate the volume of this compound shape using a table to organize the information. Answer the provided discussion questions. These are provided to get students thinking about the concepts of geometry and include the questions: Explain why you didn’t calculate the area of the base of the doghouse. If each container of paint covers 200 inches², how many containers should you buy? Why would it be useful to know the volume of the doghouse? Students are also asked about the formulae for volume of a rectangular prism and triangular prism. Grades to Use With: This lesson is designed to target Common Core State Standards for 6th grade geometry. It could also be used for enrichment in 5th grade, review in 7th or 8th grades, or in a high school special education classroom. What's Included: 6 Page PDF Title Page Grid for Drawing Nets Extra Grid Paper Tables for Calculating Surface Area and Volume Discussion Questions Complete Answer Key If you enjoy this geometry activity, check out others in my store: Geometry Project: Park Design: Area, Perimeter, and Volume with Budgeting Middle School Math Stations or Centers: Triangles, Angles, Area Middle School Math Stations or Centers: Area, Perimeter, and Volume Relationship Between Area and Perimeter: Math Inquiry Prompt

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Surface Area, Volume, Geometry, 6th Grade Math, Grade 6 Math, 7th Grade Math, Grade 7 Math, Nets, Surface Area Worksheet, Volume Worksheet

Writing and Solving Multi-Step Equations Word Problems Pixel Art

Writing and Solving Multi-Step Equations Word Problems Pixel Art
Math, Algebra, Grade 8, 9, 10, Word Problems, Worksheets & Printables

Self-Checking, Multi-Step Equation Word Problems This engaging no-prep resource is designed for eighth grade students to provide them a way to practice writing and solving multi-step equations from word problems. There are twenty logic puzzles that are paired with a fun anecdote. While students work the problems, they will discover pixels of an image, this will keep them engaged and want to finish the work so they can see the picture. The self-checking function encourages independent work, allowing mistakes to bubble up and be corrected with less teacher involvement. This digital activity is designed to review linear equations and keep your students involved and willing to learn. Why you need it: Zero Prep: just copy the link and send it to your students. They will be ready to start working immediately. Self-Checking for Independent Learning: Students receive instantaneous feedback after each question; if the answer is wrong, nothing shows up, and they can't go to the next question. In other words, students learn independently, build confidence, and ask for help only when they really need it. Pixel Art Keeps Students Engaged: Every single correct answer reveals part of a pixel art image, making math practice a fun and interactive challenge. The idea of this visual reward system keeps students motivated. Humor Meets Learning: Each word problem is accompanied by a joke that makes the math practice not so boring. It is a perfect way to keep students entertained while working through challenging multi-step equations. Versatile for Any Learning Environment: Classroom use, homework, test review, or math centers-this binder-free resource smoothly transitions into any environment you see best. Moreover, it is perfect for sub plans; your kids are sure to learn something even when you're not there. What's Included: 20 Multi-Step Equations Word Problems: Thoughtfully designed for 8th grade. Printable Handouts and Task Cards: Insert these printables for independent activities, group work, or learning stations. The task cards are perfect to get your students moving while learning or working in centers. Detailed Solutions Included: Each problem has a detailed solution so the students can easily check their work or the teacher can quickly review answers. Interactive Digital Format: This resource is flexible to fit your classroom needs-printed or used digitally. This Multi-Step Equations Word Problems Pixel Art activity is designed to make life easier. With the self-checking format, students can work at their own pace and seek help only when they need it, freeing you to give targeted guidance as they master these foundational math concepts. Jokes, colorful pixel art, and the autonomy of self-checking tasks are sure to make this an enjoyable activity for students.

Author Matemaths

Tags Matemaths, Algebra, Equations, Pixel Art, Word Problems, Multi Step

Math Project: Create your Dream Store: Decimal Calculations and Budgeting

Math Project: Create your Dream Store: Decimal Calculations and Budgeting
Life Studies, Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Decimals, Money, Finance, Business, Career, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities, Projects

This is an engaging math project that lets students apply math skills to a realistic situation: opening their own store! Grades to Use With: This project is perfect to use with your middle grades students in grades 5-8. It could also be a great addition to a high school life skills class studying finance, business, or careers. How to Use: Each of your students has won $2,000,000 in the lottery, and they are going to use it to open their very own store! They create a budget for a new business venture by considering the costs to rent a commercial storefront in your area, pay employees, and buy all of the supplies and stock they will need. They can do research on the internet to find out the prices of rental properties and the supplies they will need. They can do decimal calculations by hand or with a calculator. This will include adding decimals and multiplying decimals. Extension: Students who finish early can create an advertisement to attract customers to their new store. You could even have a day where each student presents their unique store idea to the class. Standards: CCSS5.NBT.B.7 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. CCSS7.NS.A.3 Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational numbers. If you enjoy this math project , check out some other options in my store: Math in the Real World: Personal Math Research Project for STEM, Enrichment, or Early Finishers Financial Literacy: Household Budget Project: Taxes, Insurance, Loans, Rent, Groceries and More!

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Math Project, Store Design, Budget, Decimal Calculations, Group Work, Financial Literacy, Applied Math, Money, Business, Project, Budgeting Project For Highschool Students

Percent Word Problems: Calculating Taxes, Tips, Sale Prices Worksheets

Percent Word Problems: Calculating Taxes, Tips, Sale Prices Worksheets
Special Resources, Life Studies, Life Skills, Math, Percentages, Decimals, Money, Fractions, Finance, Home Economics, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

Percent Math Lesson: Calculating Taxes, Tips, and Sale Prices Here's a ready-to-go lesson for your middle school math unit on percentages. It encourages students to use multiple methods and mental math when calculating the tax, tip, or sale price for everyday transactions. This is one of the times you can easily say to your students, "You will use this math regularly in your life!" How to Use: Start with the handout, which goes through three simple methods for calculating percentages. Benchmark: An easy calculation strategy using familiar percentages like 1%, 10%, and 50%. Decimals: Calculating involves multiplying the amount by its matching decimal form percentage. Fractions: Division based on fraction equivalents is used for identifying certain percentage amounts. Tell your students that certain methods work best for certain situations. For example, the fraction method is great for 50% or 25% off. The benchmark method is easy when calculating a 10% tip. The decimal method works great for calculating 12% tax. Next, students have six real world math problems to tackle involving taxes, tips, and sale prices. They can use any of the strategies to solve any of the problems- they should choose the one that is the easiest to use for each scenario! Students can work individually or in pairs or small groups collaboratively. Grades to Use With: This lesson is perfect for grade 7 classes that are working on Proportional Relationships to solve multistep problems. It could also be used for enrichment in grade 6 or for a review and lesson about multiple strategies in grades 8 and 9. Finally, it could be used in high school special education classrooms. What's Included: Ready-to-print 5 Page PDF with a title page, handout, 2 pages of practice questions, and a complete answer key! If you like this percentage activity, check out others in my store: Math Stations: Percent, Decimals and Fractions Visual Math: Percentages, Decimals, Ratios and Fractions Posters Grocery Store Shopping: Price Comparisons

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Percent Calculations, Real-world Math, Percentages, Financial Literacy, Mental Math, Fractions, Decimals, Budget, Percent, Percent Word Problems

Decimal Operations Assessment: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide

Decimal Operations Assessment: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Decimals, Multiplication and Division, Multiplication, Division, Subtraction, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Teacher Tools, Assessments

Decimal Operations Assessment : Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide (with answer key) Do you need a quick and valid assessment for your decimal operations unit? Do you want to encourage your students to estimate before they calculate? Here is the math quiz for you! This 2-page decimal operations math quiz assesses the following topics Addition of decimals Subtraction of decimals Multiplication of decimals Division of decimals How to Use: The first page requires students not only to complete computations, but also to estimate their solutions before starting out. Half of the marks are given for successful estimations. This encourages students to develop estimation skills which can greatly help in identifying potential calculation errors. The second page contains word problems (worth 10 marks) that increase in complexity. These cover real-world scenarios such as unit price computation, tax calculations, evaluating sale prices and dealing with multiple operations simultaneously. These word problems aim to assess deeper levels of comprehension and application of decimal operation skills. What's Included: 5 Page PDF ready to print! Teacher Instructions 2 page decimal operations quiz 2 page complete answer key for easy marking Grades to Use With: This math quiz is designed for students in grades 5-8 who are first learning about decimal operations or reviewing this skill. The word problems also tie in with grade 6 learning standards about unit rates. This activity could also be used in high school special education classes. If you enjoy this applied math activity, check out others in my store: Grocery Game: Estimating, Adding, Multiplying Decimals Grocery Shopping Price Comparisons: Financial Literacy and Money Math Wave Pool Problem: Pre-Algebra Skills: Expressions, Tables, and Graphs: Real-Life Application Butter Tart Recipe Activity: Multiplication and Addition of Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions Gingerbread Math: Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages Using Tenths Equivalent Fractions Practice in a set of 5 Stations or Centers

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Decimal Operations, Assessment, Problem Solving, Estimating, Multiplying Decimals, Adding Decimals, Math Quiz, Decimal Quiz, Decimal Operations Quiz, Unit Rate

Math Journals: 20 Intermediate and Middle School Math and Critical Thinking Prompts: Geometry, Percentages, Pre-Algebra, Probability, Place Value and More!

Math Journals: 20 Intermediate and Middle School Math and Critical Thinking Prompts: Geometry, Percentages, Pre-Algebra, Probability, Place Value and More!
Math, Percentages, Patterns, Decimals, Fractions, Geometry, Measurements, Place Value, Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems

Encourage your middle school/intermediate math students to clearly explain their ideas about concepts (like ratio, area, and algebra) in complete sentences using appropriate vocabulary and relevant diagrams . These open-ended questions require students to explain how they figured out their answers or to judge options using their mathematic understanding. They are a great review of math concepts learned earlier in the year or in previous grades, and they allow students to practice critical thinking skills too. This bundle includes 20 journal entry topics so you can use two a month for the entire school year. You and your students can track their progress and development. The journals are not numbered, so you can use them in whatever order works best for your class. This could be a fantastic addition to your math program for the new school year! A rubric for easy marking is also included. Students are assessed on their process, vocabulary, completeness, and visuals. This allows you to easily see student progress if you assess one or two journals per term. You could also use them as artifacts for parent-teacher conferences. Topics covered: - fractions and percent: equivalent fractions, fraction and decimal relationships, division of fractions, fractions to percent, percent discounts - probability and data collection: flipping coins, surveys, experiments - geometry: area and perimeter, triangles, rotations, - pre-algebra: one-step equations, membership rates - place value: large numbers, decimals to thousandths - factors and ratios For each topic, students are encouraged to write in complete sentences and explain all of their thinking clearly and explicitly. Don't assume the teacher knows what you are thinking! They should also draw some diagrams to support their thinking. This could include area and perimeter models, fraction models, t-charts and tables, and more.

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Journal, Math Journal, Intermediate Math, Word Problems, Pre-algebra, Middle School Math, Grade Six Math, Critical Thinking, Math, Percent

Absolute Value Worksheets:  Real World 6th Grade Math 6.NS.C.7.C

Absolute Value Worksheets: Real World 6th Grade Math 6.NS.C.7.C
Math, Number Lines, Numbers, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

Absolute Value can be a tricky topic to teach. It seems so easy and simple, but students actually need a strong, conceptual understanding of it for later years in middle school and high school math, so it definitely can't be skipped or glossed over! Here's a ready-to-go lesson all about absolute value for students in 6th grade. It is designed to meet standard CCSS 6.NS.C.7.c This lesson could also be a great review for students in grades 7 or 8 or could even be used in high school special education classrooms. First, there is a simple handout that explains what absolute value is using an easy, visual analogy: a dart board. Then, there are two pages of real-world questions for students to approach using an understanding of absolute value. From bank accounts, to elevation, to temperatures, to golf games, we actually use absolute value regularly in our number system without even noticing it! These questions require students to use number lines, integers, and absolute value proficiently. Students will notice how depending on the question, you may need to use an integer or an absolute value. They will start to see how absolute value can be helpful when calculating the difference between two numbers on a number line. A complete answer key is also included! If you enjoy this product, check out other grade 6 math number system lessons in my store: Middle School Math Stations or Centers: Fraction Operations: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide Multiplication and Division: Real Life Word Problems for Grades 4-6 Decimal Operations Assessment: Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide Middle School Math Stations or Centers: Factors, Multiples, Prime and Composite Integers and Plotting to Make Pictures in 4 Quadrant Cartesian Planes Combinations of Transformations in 4 Quadrants: Translation, Rotation, Reflection Real-Life Integers: Working with Integers and Number Lines Grade 6 Math

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Absolute Value, 6th Grade Math, Grade 6 Math, 7th Grade Math, Grade 7 Math, Number System, Number Lines, Real World Math, Word Problems, Absolute Value Worksheets

Geometry Project: Park Design with Area, Perimeter, and Volume (with Budgeting!)

Geometry Project: Park Design with Area, Perimeter, and Volume (with Budgeting!)
Math, Decimals, Multiplication and Division, Division, Money, Geometry, Measurements, Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities, Projects

This project allows students to apply their knowledge of perimeter, area, volume, and decimal calculations to a realistic and creative situation. They are tasked with designing a new park that includes areas for swimming, playing (skate park, playground, and grass), eating, and walking. They use their knowledge of perimeter when considering the size and shape of their park and the amount of fencing required. Every student is assigned the same perimeter. This constraint ensures your students can accurately calculate perimeter, it makes some of the marking easier for you, and it will help stimulate a discussion about the relationship between perimeter and area. Although all the perimeters are the same, the areas of your students' parks can be vastly different depending on the shape chosen! They use their knowledge of area when dividing the park up into sections for different activities. An understanding of volume is used when considering filling the pool. Finally, they use their knowledge of decimal calculations when determining the final price of the entire project. Each different section has a different cost (unit rate). For example, paths are much cheaper than a playground, and grassy areas cost less than a swimming pool. I asked my students to calculate by hand, but you could allow yours to use a calculator as well. This project requires students to use creative and logical thinking skills, organization, careful calculating methods, and neat drawing/colouring. It is a great project to use as a summative assessment or to show parents at conferences. Grades to Use With: This math project could work in grades 4-8 in regular math classes. It could also be used in high school special education classes. If you enjoy this math project, check out some others in my store: Transformation Design with Rubric Math Mini Unit: Converting Scores into Percentages Math Project: Create Your Dream Store

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Perimeter, Area, Volume, Math Project, Design, Budget, Decimals, Unit Rate, Applied Math, Sped, Geometry Project, Perimeter Area Volume Worksheets, Area Perimeter Volume Worksheets, Area Perimeter And Volume Worksheets, Geometry Projects For High School Math, Geometry Projects For High School, Geometry Project For High School, Geometry Area And Perimeter, Geometry Projects, Geometry Projects For Middle School Students, Perimeter Area And Volume Worksheets, Area Perimeter And Volume

Scale Drawing Word Problems Digital and Printable

Scale Drawing Word Problems Digital and Printable
Math, Geometry, Measurements, Grade 7, 8, 9, Activities, Worksheets & Printables, Task Cards, Word Problems

Engage your learners with this Scale Drawing Word Problems Activity: Digital and Printable, and drive the stress out of teaching and learning! Be it digital or paper-and-pencil classrooms, this resource will work in engaging your students, saving your preparation time, and offering them effective self-paced learning. This activity is both instructive and engaging, with 20 real-world problems involving scale drawings, area, and perimeter. With the self-checking features, students get immediate feedback and are free to work at their own pace, coming to you only when they need help. Why You Will Love This Resource ✅ No Prep Required Spend less time planning! Everything you need is ready to go, whether you're teaching online or in person. ✅ Digital and Printable Options Digital versions for online learners that are interactive. Printable worksheets and task cards for hands-on practice. ✅ Self-Checking Tools for Independent Learning Students receive immediate feedback, which builds confidence and limits disruptions. Great for stations, homework, or independent study. ✅ Engaging and Fun Real-world problems keep students engaged. Focused on practical challenges to be solved with scale drawings, measurements, and geometric concepts. What's Included? ???? 20 Word Problems Practice making scale drawings using imperial and customary measurements. Find area and perimeter of rectangles and triangles. Printable Worksheets & Task Cards Great for classroom activities, group work, or homework assignments. ✔️ Complete Solutions Clear, detailed answers for easy reference by students and teachers. Perfect for Your Classroom Grade Levels: Ideal for grade levels learning about scale drawings and the basics of geometry. Flexible Use: Great for digital, hybrid, or traditional learning environments Independent Learning: Self-paced design promotes student accountability while minimizing disruptions. Why Teachers Love It This resource is designed to make teaching easier and learning more effective. The no-prep format saves you time, while the self-checking features keep students on track. With both digital and printable options, you can tailor the activity to fit your unique teaching needs.

Author Matemaths

Tags Pixel Art, Interactive Activity, Digital Learning, Matemaths, Task Cards, Printable, Digital, Word Problems, Scale Drawing

High School Financial Literacy: Net Worth = Assets - Liabilities

High School Financial Literacy: Net Worth = Assets - Liabilities
Special Resources, Life Studies, Life Skills, Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Subtraction, Money, Finance, Home Economics, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

This 6 Page Financial Literacy PDF teaches your students about assets, liabilities, and net worth (equity). It is an easy way to get your high school students interested in personal financial literacy and building their wealth. 3 case studies are included with calculations to complete and questions to respond to. Each person has some assets and some liabilities. Students must add each of these categories up and find the difference to see how much net worth each person has. Then they need to think about what changes each person could make to their financial habits. Perhaps one person has too much debt or someone else isn't investing much even with a high income. Students can start to see how high income does not always lead to high net worth if the person spends more than they make and has debt. On the other hand, someone with a lower income can have a high net worth if they live a frugal lifestyle and save money in investments or property equity. Just because someone "looks" rich, doesn't mean that they are! Grades to Use WIth: The actual math in this assignment is quite simple: adding and subtracting numbers to the hundred thousands. Students could do the work by hand or with a calculator. Because of this, this assignment is accessible to students in grades 7-12 in regular math classes, adult education students, and high school special education students. How to Use: Introduce the vocabulary: Assets, Liabilities, and Equity on the first page and fill in the blanks together. You could do one of the case studies together as a class and assign the other two for students to complete on their own. What's Included: 6 page PDF: Title Page Introduction Page 3 Case Studies Answer Key If you enjoy this product, check out some of the other personal finance lessons in my store: Grace Under Pressure .

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Financial Literacy, Net Worth, Wealth, Assets, Budget, Finance, Personal Financial Literacy Worksheets, High School Financial Literacy, Net Worth Worksheets, Personal Finance

Percent and Decimal Word Problems: Property Taxes Life Skills

Percent and Decimal Word Problems: Property Taxes Life Skills
Life Studies, Home Economics, Finance, Math, Decimals, Percentages, Special Resources, Life Skills, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Word Problems

Property Taxes: What they are, rates around the world, what they are used for, and how to calculate them! A great way to practice percent to decimal conversions, decimal operations, and rate and ratio learning! This two-page life skills and math worksheet is a quick and easy personal financial literacy activity for your middle or high school students. The Handout portion introduces your students to: Important vocabulary and definitions: property tax and a home’s assessed value. A variety of global property tax rates (ranging from 0.08% – 2.64%) in locations in the United States, Canada, and even Europe. A prompt about why rates vary (lower rates where property is expensive and higher rates where property is cheaper) is also included. What the money collected from property tax revenues is used for: from schools to sewers and roads to emergency services including fire fighters. The Worksheet portion has real-world math practice for your class: Students are taught how they can calculate an annual property tax amount using percentages converted to decimals. First, they practice converting between percents and decimals. Then, they multiply a home's assessed value by the property tax percentage (written as a decimal) in the municipality. 10 practice math questions are included for your students to work on. Finally, they will research the local property tax rate in their area: great real-life learning! A COMPLETE ANSWER KEY INCLUDED- so there is no guesswork when marking! Grades to Use With: This lesson is designed for any students in grades 7-12 who understand percent to decimal conversions, ratios and rates, and decimal operations (specifically multiplying a large number by a decimal). It could be used in high school family and consumer science class, business or economics, applied math, or even life skills classes. If you enjoy this lesson, check out others in my store: Income Tax Sales Tax Capital Gains Tax

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Percent Word Problems, Decimal Word Problems, Taxes, Property Tax, Family Consumer Sciences, Financial Literacy, Life Skills, Personal Finance, Home Economics, Percent Worksheet

Statistics Word Problems: Compare Two Data Sets of Annual Salaries

Statistics Word Problems: Compare Two Data Sets of Annual Salaries
Math, Graphing, Measurements, Statistics, Grade 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Word Problems

This middle school math lesson allows your students in grades 6-8 to apply the statistical skills they have been learning in class to a real-world financial literacy scenario: the annual salaries of workers who have a college degree compared to those who do not have one. It is a real world math activity that includes five worksheets all ready to go! Your students will: - Make two dot plots to display two data sets (that are included with the lesson): wages for people with a college degree and those without - Share observations about the distribution of data in each set - Calculate the mean, median and interquartile range for each data set - Draw inferences about whether there is an effect of a college education on someone's annual salary - Consider if the sample that was used is representative This lesson was designed to specifically address 7th Grade Common Core Math Standards for the Statistics and Probability strand: 7.SP.A.1 7.SP.B.3 7.SP.B.4 What's Included: 7 Page PDF- Ready to Print and Use! - Title Page with Teacher Instructions - Student Handout that has Two Data Sets (with 20 items each) - Dot Plot Worksheet (for students to graph and compare two dot plots) - 2-Page Measures of Central Tendency and Variation Worksheet - Reflection Worksheet - Answer Key If you enjoy this statistics lesson, check out other fun options in my store: Middle School Math Stations or Centers for Statistics and Probability: 5 Math Centers that are a great way to prepare for a unit test! Create Dot Plots and Histograms: 6th Grade Statistics and Graphing Practice: Students create and carry out their own survey and then graph it two ways! Identifying and Writing Statistical Questions for 6th Grade Math: Help your students learn ways to collect data and try it out!

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Statistics, Compare Data Sets, Financial Literacy, Dot Plots, Statistics Word Problems, Compare Data Distributions, Mean, Median, Interquartile Range, Graphing Data

Financial Literacy: Bank Statement and Credit Card Bill Practice Activity

Financial Literacy: Bank Statement and Credit Card Bill Practice Activity
Special Resources, Life Studies, Life Skills, Math, Percentages, Decimals, Money, Finance, Home Economics, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities

Financial Literacy: Bank Statement and Credit Card Bill Practice Activity A useful teaching resource, this activity is designed to arm students with necessary skills around reconciling bank accounts and managing monthly expenses. This hands-on lesson promotes the understanding of financial literacy through realistic practice with everyday financial documents - namely credit card bills and checking account statements. Grades to Use With: This lesson is suitable for students in grade 7 through grade 12, depending on your situation. It can be utilized in a variety of subjects such as Career and Personal Planning, Life Skills, Home Economics, and Math. The math skills required are adding and subtracting with money amounts up the the thousands of dollars. How to Use: Students are given a sample VISA bill with entries for one month's spending. They add up their total spending, reflect on if they should pay off the entire bill each month, add up their spending in specific categories (groceries, gas), and transfer their VISA spending to their checking account to pay off the bill. Next, students are given a sample checking account for one month of spending. They must complete a math operation for each entry. Sometimes that involves adding a deposit to the balance, subtracting a withdrawal from the balance, or figuring out a transaction amount based on a given balance. You can do several entries together as a class, and then assign the rest for your students to complete. Finally, students answer questions about the monthly spending as a whole, and they decide if this person has good financial health. A complete answer key is included. What's Included: A total of 7 pages: Title Page, 3 page assignment, 3 page answer key If you enjoy this real-wold financial literacy lesson, check out others in my store! Taxes, Tips, Sales: Using Percentages in Real Life Inflation: What is it and why does it matter? Financial Literacy: Interest Rates: Lending and Borrowing Money Renting vs Buying a Home: Real-Life Math Project Income Tax: Notes and Practice Calculations Household Budget Project

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Bank Statement, Financial Literacy, Money Management, Personal Finance, Credit Card, Budget, Money, Real World Math, Life Skills, High School Life Skills

Financial Literacy: Vacation Math Project: Budgeting, Percentages, Time Zones, and More!

Financial Literacy: Vacation Math Project: Budgeting, Percentages, Time Zones, and More!
Life Studies, Math, Time, Decimals, Money, Measurements, Finance, Home Economics, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities, Projects

This Financial Literacy: Vacation Math Project will get students excited about using math in everyday life to plan something fun: a vacation! They will plan a personal vacation including a flight, hotel, transportation, food, attractions, shopping and insurance. You can assign students different budgets, start dates, and durations to differentiate, or give everyone the same constraints. Students will have to practice making trade-offs to stick to their budget. Six problem solving questions involving time zones suitcase weight, taxes & fees, timeline, and travel speed are also included. Student Instructions: First, choose your destination: _______________________ How far from your hometown is it? ____________________ How many time zones away from you is it? _________________ Now, research all of the costs involved in your vacation. Make sure to be specific and include all of the taxes and fees in each category too. Grades to Use With: This project is great for the middle grades (5-8) when students are learning about decimal operations, percentages, time zones, and basic speed calculations ( unit rate). It could also work well in a high school special education classroom. Standards: CCSS5.NBT.B.7 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. CCSS6.RP.A.3c Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100 (e.g., 30% of a quantity means 30/100 times the quantity); solve problems involving finding the whole, given a part and the percent. CCSS6.RP.A.3d Use ratio reasoning to convert measurement units; manipulate and transform units appropriately when multiplying or dividing quantities. CCSSMP4 Model with mathematics. Mathematically proficient students can apply the mathematics they know to solve problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace. In early grades, this might be as simple as writing an addition equation to describe a situation. In middle grades, a student might apply proportional reasoning to plan a school event or analyze a problem in the community. For similar resources and other engaging resources, you can visit my store here!

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Financial Literacy, Applied Math, Math Project, Word Problems, Time Zones, Finance, Budget, 6th Grade Math, Grade 6 Math, Budgeting Math, Plan A Vacation Project, Financial Literacy Project High School, Budgeting Word Problems

Math Journal: Experimental Probability with Two Independent Events

Math Journal: Experimental Probability with Two Independent Events
ELA, Math, Percentages, Fractions, Statistics, Writing, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities

Math Journal: Experimental Probability with Two Independent Events This resource serves as a helpful teaching tool for educators focusing on the concepts of experimental probability and theoretical probability of two independent events in middle school mathematics. It offers an engaging math journal entry exercise that allows students to explain their mathematical thinking in pictures, numbers, diagrams, and words. How to Use: Students are given the following question: You have a six-sided die and a penny. If you roll the die twice and flip the penny twice, which is more likely: to get two sixes on the die or two heads from the penny? Explain your thinking using pictures, numbers, and words. Can you figure out the percentage chance of each event happening? Give students dice, coins, and mini whiteboards to work with so they can start to test out their ideas and theories. Encourage students to tackle the penny first as there are fewer results when flipping two coins. Suggest that students work together in pairs or small groups and use a table or chart to record the experimental options that could occur. You may want to start by teaching a mini-lesson about the probability of two independent events: that one multiplies the probability of each event to determine the probability of BOTH events. Grades to Use With This resource is ideal for use with students in grades 5-9 but can also be used as special education material or enrichment content for gifted children aged between grades 4-6. Finally, it could be used in a high school special education classroom. What's Included: This two page PDF is ready to print and go! If you enjoy this math journal entry, check out my bundle of 20 Middle School Math Journal Entries or my Math Journal Rubric for easy marking. Or, explore other probability items in my store.

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Math Journal, Experimental Probability, Two Independent Events, Middle School, Probability, Dice , Coins, Chance, Middle School Math, Fractions

Ratios, Rates, Percentages Worksheets: Applied Math Housing Math

Ratios, Rates, Percentages Worksheets: Applied Math Housing Math
Special Resources, Life Skills, Life Studies, Home Economics, Finance, Math, Percentages, Fractions, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

Would you like to show your middle grades students in grades 6-9 how the ratio and rate math skills (percentages, fractions, ratios, and rates) that they have been learning in the classroom can be helpful in their real lives? Would you like to incorporate more useful life skills in your math class? Then, show your students all the ways math can be used in buying and/or renting homes! This makes math meaningful and helps engage reluctant learners! What's Included: 6 pages of worksheets that are ready to print and use (great to make a booklet or mini-unit) A Complete Answer Key is Included 1) Design Your Floorplan: Students will design a simple one-storey house that includes five rooms and hallways. They will calculate what percent of the home each room occupies. 2) Down Payments: Students will calculate the down payment & mortgage loan amount for different scenarios using whole-number percents or fractions. 3) Mortgage Payments: Students will use ratios, fractions, or percentages to help calculate how much of their monthly mortgage payment will go to interest & how much will go to paying down the loan/principal. 4) Interest Rates: Students will calculate a monthly interest payment using a variety of past interest rates. They will multiply the mortgage amount owing by the percent (written as a decimal) and then divide by 12. 5) Square Foot per Person: Students will practice calculating a simple real-world rate: square feet of living space for each person in a home. This can vary a lot in different cities and with different family situations. 6) Cost per Square Foot: Students will calculate another common rate: cost per square foot. They will compare four price points for buying and four more options for renting and determine the best deal for each situation.

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Ratio Worksheets, Rate Worksheets, Percent Worksheets, Percentage Worksheets, Ratios And Rates, Percent, Housing Math, Life Skills, Applied Math, Buy A House

Volume of Cylinders: Middle School Geometry Word Problem: Soup Cans

Volume of Cylinders: Middle School Geometry Word Problem: Soup Cans
Math, Geometry, Measurements, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

Here's a real world applied math example for your middle school geometry unit! It will have students calculating the area of circles, volume of cylinders, percentage reductions, and dimensions of labels (nets). Students are tasked to become a valued member of a soup company's management team. They have to determine the current volume of their soup cans, and whether an equivalent proportional reduction in height or diameter of the can will have a larger impact on the volume of soup inside. How to Use: This 3 page worksheet walks students through the process step-by-step. They sketch the current can and calculate its volume. They calculate a 10% reduction in height OR a 10% reduction in diameter of the can to see which one has a larger impact on the volume of soup inside. As an extension, they can measure out the reduced can's actual label size and design an appealing logo and image. All of the instructions are included, with space for sketches, explanations and formulae. A complete answer key is also included to eliminate any guesswork when marking! Grades to Use With: This lesson is designed for middle grades students in grades 6-9 who are learning about key geometry concepts: volume of 3D shapes, area of circles, ratios and proportional relationships, and creating nets from 3D shapes. It could also be used in adult education classes or some high school special education settings. What's Included: 5 Page PDF: Title Page, 2 Page Student Worksheet, Extension, Complete Answer Key If you enjoy this geometry activity, check out others in my store: Middle School Math Stations or Centers: Triangles, Area, Angles Middle School Math Stations or Centers for Area, Perimeter, and Volume Area of Triangles, Parallelograms, and Trapezoids: Jigsaw Journal Activity Relationship Between Area and Perimeter: Math Inquiry Prompt Park Design Project with Area, Perimeter, Volume, and Budgeting

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Geometry, Word Problems, Measurements, Volume Of Cylinders, Volume, Real World Math, Applied Math, Area Of Circle, Percent, Nets

Probability Word Problems Middle School Probability of Compound Events

Probability Word Problems Middle School Probability of Compound Events
Math, Statistics, Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Grade 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

This middle school (grades 6-8) probability lesson and worksheet has three parts to help your class understand the probability of compound events (2 events that both occur but do not affect one another) and how to write probabilities as decimals and percentages. How it Works: There are two "casino games" presented. Each has two steps and specific rules. 1) Students first determine the theoretical probability (in fractions, decimals, or percents) of the casino game that has a spinner and a die and three different outcomes. 2) Students next determine the theoretical probability (in fractions, decimals or percents) of the casino game that has a penny and a die and three different outcomes. 3) Finally, students will compare the two games and pick which game they would choose to play using their math calculations as justification. Students can use fractions, decimals, or percents to figure out the theoretical probabilities from these two games. They will notice that all the outcomes in one game will always add to 1.00 or 100% This lesson is specifically created to target 7th Grade Statistics Learning Outcomes 7.SP.C.5 and 7.SP.C.8 What's Included: 5 Page PDF- Ready to Print and Use! - Teacher Instructions - 3-Page Student Worksheet with 2 Casino Games, Calculation Tables, and Written Reflection - COMPLETE ANSWER KEY INCLUDED If you like this activity, check out other probability options in my store! Middle School Math Stations or Centers for Statistics and Probability: Grades 5-8 These 5 math stations are a great way to help your students prepare for a unit test. They involve statistics and probability including working with dice, finding mode, median and mean, and creating simple graphs. Theoretical and Experimental Probability: Hands-On Math Task with Fractions and Percentages Here's a super low-prep probability experiment you can perform in your classroom, and easily tie into percentage math skills as well!

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Probability Word Problems, Probability Worksheet, Probability Of Compound Events, Probability, Compound Events, Middle School Probability, Fractions, Decimals

Life Skills: Nutrition Facts Math Percentages, Ratios, Rates

Life Skills: Nutrition Facts Math Percentages, Ratios, Rates
Special Resources, Life Skills, Home Economics, Life Studies, Math, Percentages, Multiplication and Division, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Word Problems

Healthy eating is a key life skill! Do you want to teach your class how to accurately read a nutrition facts label and determine the healthy and less healthy aspects of the food choices they make? Do you want to find a way to apply the math skills you have been teaching in your middle school classroom (percentages, rates, ratios) to a real-life engaging situation? This is the lesson for you! This ready-to-print lesson for students in 5th to 8th grades includes an eye-catching one-page handout to teach students the basic vocabulary and terms included on nutrition facts labels: - absolute amount in grams or mg or mcg & percent of Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) - suggested serving size (grams) - calories - fat, protein, carbohydrates - sodium - vitamins and minerals There are three different worksheets to allow students practice the following life skills: • Determining the number of servings in a package (you mean I'm not supposed to eat the whole tub of ice cream in one sitting!?). • Calculating the amount of nutrients and calories they would get if they ate several servings (which we often do!). • Comparing sugars that are naturally occurring vs. added. • Using simple percent calculations to determine the Recommended Daily Intake of vitamins. • Comparing two similar foods (frozen yogurt vs ice cream) to see which is a healthier choice and why. And more! What's Included: 6 Page PDF Ready to Print and Use! - Title Page and Teacher Instructions - Student Handout: The Basics of Nutrition Facts Labels - Potato Chip Nutrition Facts Label (with Math Questions) - Dried Apricots Nutrition Facts Label (with Math Questions) - Ice Cream vs. Frozen Yogurt Nutrition Facts Labels (with Math Questions) - Complete Answer Key If you like this lesson, check out other grocery lessons in my store: Grocery Shopping Price Comparisons Grocery Shopping on a Budget Grocery Game

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Word Problems, Life Skills, Real World Math, Nutrition Facts, Nutrition, Nutrition Facts Label, Percentage Word Problems, Rate Word Problems, Grocery Shopping, Family Consumer Sciences

Financial Literacy: Compound Interest

Financial Literacy: Compound Interest
Life Studies, Math, Decimals, Money, Finance, Home Economics, Business, Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities

This high school financial literacy lesson will show students why compound interest is so helpful to investors! The first page walks students through how to calculate compound interest step-by-step (year-by-year). Students need a basic understanding of writing percent as a decimal and multiplying to find the "percent of" a number. Students will be given an initial investment and a yearly interest rate. Each student in the class can have different values so they have to do their own work and so comparisons can be made. This allows for easy differentiation as well- give students who are struggling an easier interest rate (10%, 1%) and students who need a challenge a trickier one (6%, 4.5%) Students carefully calculate the amount of compound interest they would earn over ten years. They check their work using the compound interest formula. Then they can use the formula to calculate compound interest for longer periods of time. Your class can compare their results. I would recommend having a class discussion (prompt questions are included). Make sure to point out how compound interest is great for investing and saving and terrible for borrowing money. It works against you when you have a loan. Finally, students reflect on their learning by writing a paragraph after the lesson, and hopefully leave class wanting to start a saving account! This step-by-step lesson clearly shows students how compound interest works. They get practice doing calculations with precents written as decimals, exponents, and order of operations. It is the kind of math lesson that will stay with students long after the year is complete! Also check out my Financial Literacy Interest Rates: Lending and Borrowing Money Lesson!

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Financial Literacy, Compound Interest, Investment, Yearly Interest, Money, Personal Finance, Interest, Loans, Budget, Percent, Compound Interest Project, Compound Interest Lesson

Money Math Life Skills Worksheet: Reading Restaurant Menus Level 3

Money Math Life Skills Worksheet: Reading Restaurant Menus Level 3
Special Resources, Creative Arts, Art, Life Studies, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Special Education Needs (SEN), Life Skills, Math, Money, Grade 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities, Worksheets

Money Math Life Skills Worksheet : Reading Restaurant Menus Level 3 This 192-question Special Education life skills activity teaches grade 7-9 students to calculate tips, apply sales tax, and determine total meal costs using six standard restaurant breakfast and lunch menus. Students will: - Calculate meal costs with 2, 3, and 4 menu items - Apply sales tax to meal costs - Calculate tips Use this printable worksheet one-on-one or in special education classes to develop essential real-world math and money management abilities. It includes step-by-step instructions, questions, answers, graphics, and ideas for implementation. Excellent for IEP goal setting and measuring progress in money math. Engage students with this highly interactive life skills activity!

Author Adulting Life Skills Resources

Tags Life Skills Money Math, Special Education Money Math, Independent Living Skills, IEP Goal-Oriented Skills, Community-Based Instruction, Adulting On The Spectrum, Social And Emotional Learning, Life Skills For Adults, Life Skills For Teens, Autism And Money Skills