5,495 products added recently
Writing Prompts For High School
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables
5 PAGES OF EXERCISES OF ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION THEMED: DINO THEMED INTRODUCTION: HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? As is known, educational material helps students build their knowledge autonomously and, above all, in an unforgettable way. 2. What is the name of this document? This document is titled "Educational material for children" 3. What topic will be addressed in this resource? This document will address an educational topic that every child should learn in a basic way. 4. For what ages is it recommended? This set of educational sheets is recommended for children in general who are in the learning age and these sheets will be of great help to them. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author, who was in charge of producing and compiling this educational material, is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this set of educational sheets according to your criteria, in the corresponding area. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of primary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. 11. How to apply it in class? You can apply this document individually or also in a group, it all depends on the criteria of the educator who is going to apply this sheet. 12. Will they need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, perhaps the students when using this sheet will need pencils, colors, or perhaps scissors, eraser. It all depends on the point of view of the educator.
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Early Learning, Elementary, Adult Education, High School, Homeschool Resources, Middle School, Not Grade Specific, Pre-K, Teacher Tools, Classroom Decor, Activities
20 FREE FLASHCARDS OF ANIMALS FREE RESOURCE INTRODUCTION: Hello! I thank you infinitely for your interest in my educational store! I am a teacher who strives every day to produce these great educational resources for children, so I thank you because with your downloads you are helping a lot to promote my personal and professional work. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document
ELA, Writing, Handwriting, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic 20 puzzles to cut out! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic 20 puzzles to practice cutting out. A. WHAT IS THIS PRODUCT ABOUT? Yes, to make the decision to download this product, please carefully read the following information regarding the product: 1. Product name: The title of the product is "10 pages of line drawings with the theme of means of transportation" 2. Number of pages: The educational document is made up of 10 pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational resource is not editable, so you can print it more easily since it is available in PDF format, and you will not have problems with movements in the figures and/or elements of the document. 4. Theme: The topic to be developed is graphomotor skills. 5. Document version: This document is available in PDF version. B. SECONDARY AND/OR COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 6. Color or white/black: Designed in colors. 7. Aimed at children of ages: For children from 3 to 6 years old. 8. Area: Graphomotor skills 9. Keywords: lines, line drawings, drawing exercises, lines worksheets, lines to review 10. How do I print it? Print it in A4 format, horizontal and in color. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply it individually or in pairs. 12. Will you need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, you will need pencil, colors or markers to make your lines. 13. Standards: It was not prepared based on any specific standard.
Tags Tracing Lines, Tracing Lines Worksheets, Tracing Lines For Kids, Tracing Lines Activities, Free Resources
Literary Devices Creative Writing Prompts
ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Reading, Strategies, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Writing Prompts, Worksheets & Printables
Provide your students with the power to improve their creative writing skills through engaging exercises focused on five of the most important literary devices (DETAILS, DICTION, IMAGERY, POINT OF VIEW, and TONE). Designed as a tool for targeted writing practice, these prompts ask students to break down complexities into manageable exercises that will build confidence in their creative writing without overwhelming them. The unit includes five unique exercises, each centered around a specific device, with clear directions, prompts, examples, and rubrics for easy comprehension. These exercises serve as foundational stepping stones, fostering strong creative writing skills and empowering students to create impactful narratives. Assigning these writing prompts could not be easier! Simply print out the prompt for the literary device you want your students to practice and let the simple directions and clear examples do the rest. The only work for you is grading, and the included rubrics make that step as easy as essay grading possibly can be! This packet of writing prompts includes: - An introductory page that collects the definition of each of the 5 literary devices covered in this resource - An prompt that addresses the literary device of DETAILS, along with an example essay and rubric - A second prompt that addresses the literary device of DICTION, along with an example essay and rubric - A third prompt that addresses the literary device of IMAGERY, along with an example essay and rubric - A fourth prompt that addresses the literary device of POINT OF VIEW, along with an example essay and rubric - A fifth prompt that addresses the literary device of TONE, along with an example essay and rubric Although this resource can be fitted for any secondary Language Arts classroom, it has been carefully designed to work best in grades 6 through 10. The included activities are subtly but specifically tied to Common Core ELA Standards for Writing (3 and 4). This resource is provided in print-ready, bookmarked, and adjustable PDF files and PowerPoint Show files. This resource contains 7 pages.
Author The Language of Educational Art, LLC
Tags Literary Devices, Writing Prompts, Imagery, Tone, Diction, Point Of View, Details
ESL Novel Study - "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul" - Jeff Kinney
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Library, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Writing Prompts, Worksheets, Novel Studies
ESL Novel Study Worksheets on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul" by Jeff Kinney In this fantastic ESL teaching resource it is offered a comprehensive novel study worksheet activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) focused on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul" by American author Jeff Kinney. Ideal for post reading activities, this English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) teaching resource can be more than great to enhance students' overall understanding of this coming of age novel by American author Jeff Kinney. The English Second or Foreign Language Novel Study activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) can be ideal for ESL EFL TESOL learners in middle and high school (from 6th grade to 9th grade, teen students). In this Novel Study on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul" (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets), English Second or Foreign Language teachers (ESL EFL) can find the following ESL novel study activities: 1 part on general information (author's name, genre, and publishing date) 1 part related to New Vocabulary Learned (1 space where to write 10 new words they learned and 1 space where students can write their related meaning) 1 part related to the story timeline (story timeline where learners set in a chronological order the most important moments during the narration) First writing activity on students' review on the novel Second writing activity (imagining to write a letter to Greg Heffley, the main character, and to give him some advice) Third writing activity (pretending to be a character, other than Greg Heffley, and describing a scene of the book from his/her point of view + space where students can draw with comic bubbles the scene they described) This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Novel Study Activity on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul" by American author Jeff Kinney (3 PDF Printable Slides; worksheets) can be suitable for ESL EFL learners from 6th grade to 9th grade to study this coming of age novel Learning with Alan is a Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating learning and teaching environment. Remember. Learning is Fun. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Teens, Books, Book Companion, Comprehension, Writing Activity, Novel Study
ESL Novel Study - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway - Jeff Kinney
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Library, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Novel Studies, Writing Prompts, Worksheets
ESL Novel Study - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway - Jeff Kinney In this fantastic ESL teaching resource it is offered a comprehensive novel study worksheet activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) focused on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway" by American author Jeff Kinney. Ideal for post reading activities, this English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) teaching resource can be more than great to enhance students' overall understanding of this coming of age novel by American author Jeff Kinney. The English Second or Foreign Language Novel Study activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) can be ideal for ESL EFL TESOL learners in middle and high school (from 6th grade to 9th grade, teen students). In this Novel Study on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway" (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets), English Second or Foreign Language teachers (ESL EFL) can find the following ESL novel study activities: 1 part on general information (author's name, genre, and publishing date) 1 part related to New Vocabulary Learned (1 space where to write 10 new words they learned and 1 space where students can write their related meaning) 1 part related to the story timeline (story timeline where learners set in a chronological order the most important moments during the narration) First writing activity on students' review on the novel Second writing activity (imagining to write a letter to Greg Heffley, the main character, and to give him some advice) Third writing activity (pretending to be a character, other than Greg Heffley, and describing a scene of the book from his/her point of view + space where students can draw with comic bubbles the scene they described) This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Novel Study Activity on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway" by American author Jeff Kinney (3 PDF Printable Slides; worksheets) can be suitable for ESL EFL learners from 6th grade to 9th grade to study this coming of age novel Learning with Alan is a Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating learning and teaching environment. Remember. Learning is Fun. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Novel Study, Books, Teens, Book Companion, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Writing Activity, Worksheets
ESL Novel Study - "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Diper Överlöde" - Jeff Kinney
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Library, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Novel Studies, Worksheets, Writing Prompts
ESL Novel Study Worksheets on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Diper Överlöde" by Jeff Kinney In this fantastic ESL teaching resource it is offered a comprehensive novel study worksheet activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) focused on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Diper Överlöde" by American author Jeff Kinney. Ideal for post reading activities, this English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) teaching resource can be more than great to enhance students' overall understanding of this coming of age novel by American author Jeff Kinney. The English Second or Foreign Language Novel Study activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) can be ideal for ESL EFL TESOL learners in middle and high school (from 6th grade to 9th grade, teen students). In this Novel Study on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Diper Överlöde" (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets), English Second or Foreign Language teachers (ESL EFL) can find the following ESL novel study activities: 1 part on general information (author's name, genre, and publishing date) 1 part related to New Vocabulary Learned (1 space where to write 10 new words they learned and 1 space where students can write their related meaning) 1 part related to the story timeline (story timeline where learners set in a chronological order the most important moments during the narration) First writing activity on students' review on the novel Second writing activity (imagining to write a letter to Greg Heffley, the main character, and to give him some advice) Third writing activity (pretending to be a character, other than Greg Heffley, and describing a scene of the book from his/her point of view + space where students can draw with comic bubbles the scene they described) This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Novel Study Activity on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Diper Överlöde" by American author Jeff Kinney (3 PDF Printable Slides; worksheets) can be suitable for ESL EFL learners from 6th grade to 9th grade to study this coming of age novel Learning with Alan is a Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating learning and teaching environment. Remember. Learning is Fun. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Novel Study, Worksheets, Printable, Books, Book Companion, Teens
Writing Prompt Journal, 45-Days Warm-Up, Editable #3
Special Resources, ELA, Holiday & Seasonal, Writing, Creative Writing, Grammar, Seasons, Summer, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Writing Prompts, Worksheets & Printables
Ready to get your learners working in a more gentle on-ramp to your class time? Maybe your homeschool already includes instruction, but a gentle warm-up to your learners' writing instruction is a great way to keep them motivated to learn more! It's recommended kids get 30 minutes of writing practice each day. Sometimes this seems overwhelming for the adults in the room, as it requires planning, formatting, and thoughtful composition. This resource has you covered! Choose to print or use the digital version. Objective: Provide done-for-you writing prompts for both younger and older learners. Formats: Use the provided PowerPoint format, or upload the PPT to Google Slides and have students respond by typing their responses. This is a great motivator for students who enjoy typing more than writing by hand. It also provides a more streamlined checking feature for teachers and supervising adults. Grades: Designed for native speakers in grades 2-5, but applicable for learners in grades 6-12 who are beginning their English-learning journey. Variations: This resource is also available in French and Spanish. What you'll get: This resource contains a PowerPoint file with 64 pages. It also has instructions, spaces for writing, and a certificate of completion. What people are saying: "Fun writing prompts. They really encouraged my child to keep writing beyond the first simple sentence! Great resource. Thank you!" -Jessica P. Looking for more English resources? Be sure to check out my debate activities, critical thinking games, and vocabulary lessons and games on Teach Simple! Topics include: -A Superhero's Toolbox -"Bigger & Better" debate -"I Have, Who Has" card game and vocabulary lesson on: food & drink, weather & landforms, numbers, colors, and patterns, Christmas, calendar, and school & classroom vocabulary. Got a request? Feel free to get in touch on socials @melissaisteaching . Happy teaching!
Author Melissa Is Teaching
Tags Writing, Homeschool, Writing Fluency, Writing Stamina, Daily Writing, Writing Prompts, Editing, Summer
20 End-of-the-School-Year Reflection Writing Prompts/Note-Taking Sheet
ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Holiday & Seasonal, High School, Middle School, Worksheets & Printables, Writing Prompts
With the school year winding down, it's a perfect time for students to really take a moment and reflect. That's exactly why I created these 20 end-of-year writing prompts , along with handy note-taking sheets . They're designed to help students look inward, understand themselves better, and grow from their experiences. By thinking about their successes and challenges, they can learn from the year and set goals for what's next. These prompts are meant to spark thoughtful responses, encouraging them to explore all the different facets of their school and personal lives. INCLUDED IN THIS RESOURCE: ✓20 distinct writing prompts designed for in-depth reflection. ✓Prompts covering academic achievements, personal growth, relationships, and goal setting. ✓20 corresponding note-taking sheets for brainstorming and organizing thoughts. ✓Structured space for transitioning from thinking to written responses. If you and your students/homeschoolers enjoyed this resource, please leave a review. Thank you for your support! Tina - Big Easy Homeschooling Mom
Author Homeschool with Big Easy Homeschooling Mom
Tags Creative Writing, Critical Thinking Exercises, End-of-the-School-Year Activities, Self-Evaluation, Student Reflection Activities, Middle & High School Writing Prompts
ESL Novel Study on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Meltdown" - Jeff Kinney
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Library, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Writing Prompts, Worksheets, Novel Studies
ESL Novel Study Worksheets on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Meltdown" - Jeff Kinney In this fantastic ESL teaching resource it is offered a comprehensive novel study worksheet activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) focused on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Meltdown" by American author Jeff Kinney. Ideal for post reading activities, this English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) teaching resource can be more than great to enhance students' overall understanding of this coming of age novel by American author Jeff Kinney. The English Second or Foreign Language Novel Study activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) can be ideal for ESL EFL TESOL learners in middle and high school (from 6th grade to 9th grade, teen students). In this Novel Study on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Meltdown" (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets), English Second or Foreign Language teachers (ESL EFL) can find the following ESL novel study activities: 1 part on general information (author's name, genre, and publishing date) 1 part related to New Vocabulary Learned (1 space where to write 10 new words they learned and 1 space where students can write their related meaning) 1 part related to the story timeline (story timeline where learners set in a chronological order the most important moments during the narration) First writing activity on students' review on the novel Second writing activity (imagining to write a letter to Greg Heffley, the main character, and to give him some advice) Third writing activity (pretending to be a character, other than Greg Heffley, and describing a scene of the book from his/her point of view + space where students can draw with comic bubbles the scene they described) This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Novel Study Activity on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Meltdown" by American author Jeff Kinney (3 PDF Printable Slides; worksheets) can be suitable for ESL EFL learners from 6th grade to 9th grade to study this coming of age novel Learning with Alan is a Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating learning and teaching environment. Remember. Learning is Fun. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Books, Book Companion, Teens, Novel Study, Writing Activity, Worksheets
ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity Worksheets on "Naruto"
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Worksheets & Printables, Writing Prompts, Worksheets
ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity Worksheets on "Naruto" This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Teaching Resource on "Naruto" (3 PDF Slides; Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity) can be ideal to train Language skills in English. Suitable participants for this ESL EFL TESOL Reading + Writing Activity are Foreign Students at middle and High School (7th-12th Grade; teens). Newcomers or any ESL Learner is also more than suitable for this ESL EFL TESOL Activity on "Naruto" (Japanese Manga and Anime; its origins and background, its plot, setting + characters + success). This Teaching Educational Resource Product can also be ideal for ESL EFL Centers worldwide or any English second language tutor. This ESL EFL TESOL Teaching Resource on "Naruto" (Worksheet; 3 PDF Printable slides) can be ideal for intermediate English as a Second Language (ESL) Learners. Within this English Second or Foreign Language Reading Comprehension + Essay Writing Activity Worksheet on "Naruto" (Manga and Anime franchise from Japan; its origins and background, its plot, setting + characters + success), ESL EFL TESOL teachers can find the following activities: 1 text on "Naruto" (Japanese Manga and Anime; its origins and background, its plot, setting + characters + success) 13 Questions related to the text (with space for answers) 2 Essay Prompts for an ESL Writing Activity (writing your own personal opinion on this Japanese Manga and Anime, whether you have ever watched it or not and whether you liked it + pretending to write a letter to the creator of "Naruto", Misashi Kishimoto and to give him some advice for the future of this Japanese comics) This ESL, EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Teaching Resource Reading + Writing Activity on "Naruto" (Japanese Manga and Anime; its origins and background, its plot, setting + characters + success) is great for Intermediate English as a second or foreign language learners (ESL- EFL). This English Second Language Worksheet on "Naruto" (Japanese Manga and Anime by Misashi Kishimoto; its origins and background, its plot, setting + characters + success) aims to train and Reading Comprehension + Writing Skills. "Learning with Alan" is dedicated to provide high-quality teaching resources and educational materials for ESL EFL TESOL teachers. It aims to support teachers, educators, and tutors in both online and offline environments, helping them achieve their teaching goals while creating a fun, stimulating atmosphere for learning English. Always remember. Learning is fun. So should English If you want to browse more PDF ESL, EFL, TESOL Teaching Resources and Educational Material click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, Reading Comprehension, Writing Activity, Naruto, Manga, Anime, Japan, Japanese, Comics
New Year's Writing Prompt
ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Writing Prompts, Worksheets & Printables
A great writing activity for the first few days back from winter break. Each number of the new year comes with a question. On the second paper, students answer the writing prompts. Then they can be put together and placed up on a bulletin board .
Author Tpete's Supply Store
Tags New Year, New Year Writing, Writing Prompt, Writing Prompts, January, January Writing
ESL Novel Study on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Deep End" - Jeff Kinney
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Library, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Novel Studies, Writing Prompts, Worksheets
ESL Novel Study Worksheets on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Deep End" - Jeff Kinney In this fantastic ESL teaching resource it is offered a comprehensive novel study worksheet activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) focused on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Deep End" by American author Jeff Kinney. Ideal for post reading activities, this English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) teaching resource can be more than great to enhance students' overall understanding of this coming of age novel by American author Jeff Kinney. The English Second or Foreign Language Novel Study activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) can be ideal for ESL EFL TESOL learners in middle and high school (from 6th grade to 9th grade, teen students). In this Novel Study on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Deep End" (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets), English Second or Foreign Language teachers (ESL EFL) can find the following ESL novel study activities: 1 part on general information (author's name, genre, and publishing date) 1 part related to New Vocabulary Learned (1 space where to write 10 new words they learned and 1 space where students can write their related meaning) 1 part related to the story timeline (story timeline where learners set in a chronological order the most important moments during the narration) First writing activity on students' review on the novel Second writing activity (imagining to write a letter to Greg Heffley, the main character, and to give him some advice) Third writing activity (pretending to be a character, other than Greg Heffley, and describing a scene of the book from his/her point of view + space where students can draw with comic bubbles the scene they described) This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Novel Study Activity on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Deep End" by American author Jeff Kinney (3 PDF Printable Slides; worksheets) can be suitable for ESL EFL learners from 6th grade to 9th grade to study this coming of age novel Learning with Alan is a Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating learning and teaching environment. Remember. Learning is Fun. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Novel Study, Worksheets, Printable, Activity, Writing Activity, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Teens
ESL Novel Study - "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days" - Jeff Kinney
ELA, ESL, Language Development, Reading, Library, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Writing Prompts, Worksheets, Novel Studies
ESL Novel Study Worksheets on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days" by Jeff Kinney In this fantastic ESL teaching resource it is offered a comprehensive novel study worksheet activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) focused on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days" by American author Jeff Kinney. Ideal for post reading activities, this English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) teaching resource can be more than great to enhance students' overall understanding of this coming of age novel by American author Jeff Kinney. The English Second or Foreign Language Novel Study activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) can be ideal for ESL EFL TESOL learners in middle and high school (from 6th grade to 9th grade, teen students). In this Novel Study on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days" (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets), English Second or Foreign Language teachers (ESL EFL) can find the following novel study activities: 1 part on general information (author's name, genre, and publishing date) 1 part related to New Vocabulary Learned (1 space where to write 10 new words they learned and 1 space where students can write their related meaning) 1 part related to the story timeline (story timeline where learners set in a chronological order the most important moments during the narration) First writing activity on students' review on the novel Second writing activity (imagining to write a letter to Greg Heffley, the main character, and to give him some advice) Third writing activity (pretending to be a character, other than Greg Heffley, and describing a scene of the book from his/her point of view + space where students can draw with comic bubbles the scene they described) This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Novel Study Activity on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days" by American author Jeff Kinney (3 PDF Printable Slides; worksheets) can be suitable for ESL EFL learners from 6th grade to 9th grade to study this coming of age novel Learning with Alan is a Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating learning and teaching environment. Remember. Learning is Fun. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Novel Study, Books, Book Companion, Comprehension, Teens, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Worksheets
ESL Novel Study - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hot Mess - Jeff Kinney
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Library, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Novel Studies, Worksheets, Writing Prompts
ESL Novel Study Worksheets on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hot Mess" by Jeff Kinney In this fantastic ESL teaching resource it is offered a comprehensive novel study worksheet activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) focused on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hot Mess" by American author Jeff Kinney. Ideal for post reading activities, this English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) teaching resource can be more than great to enhance students' overall understanding of this coming of age novel by American author Jeff Kinney. The English Second or Foreign Language Novel Study activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) can be ideal for ESL EFL TESOL learners in middle and high school (from 6th grade to 9th grade, teen students). In this Novel Study on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hot Mess" (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets), English Second or Foreign Language teachers (ESL EFL) can find the following ESL novel study activities: 1 part on general information (author's name, genre, and publishing date) 1 part related to New Vocabulary Learned (1 space where to write 10 new words they learned and 1 space where students can write their related meaning) 1 part related to the story timeline (story timeline where learners set in a chronological order the most important moments during the narration) First writing activity on students' review on the novel Second writing activity (imagining to write a letter to Greg Heffley, the main character, and to give him some advice) Third writing activity (pretending to be a character, other than Greg Heffley, and describing a scene of the book from his/her point of view + space where students can draw with comic bubbles the scene they described) This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Novel Study Activity on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hot Mess" by American author Jeff Kinney (3 PDF Printable Slides; worksheets) can be suitable for ESL EFL learners from 6th grade to 9th grade to study this coming of age novel Learning with Alan is a Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating learning and teaching environment. Remember. Learning is Fun. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Novel Study, Worksheets, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Teens, Book Companion, Writing Activity, Printable
14 Random Writing Prompts: Character, Situation, Prop, Setting, Phrase
ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, Writing Prompts, Worksheets & Printables
The Google Slideshow, 14 Random Writing Prompts : Character, Situation, Prop, Setting, and Phrase provides students with interesting and fun prompts for unique short stories and flash fiction. The prompts include ideas for writing realistic fiction, fantasy, science fiction, and mystery. stories Each prompt is structured with a character idea, a situation, a prop, a setting, and a phrase that they can seamlessly incorporate into their narratives and are designed to foster the development of compelling characters, gripping conflicts, vivid settings, and evocative moods. The prompts can be used in any order and can be customized to cater to the diverse needs of your students, whether they are Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)-identified, have Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), are second-language learners, or fall into the general education category. Each time we write, I share 3-4 slides . Sometimes students will choose to mix and match different elements from different slides to write a story.Over the course of 25-30 minutes, they write to one or two of the slides of their choice. The next time we write, I include the original 3-4 and I add 1 or 2 more slides . Eventually, they will see the whole slideshow. If my students aren’t inspired by the prompts, they can write whatever they feel like writing, work on a previous prompt to develop it, or work on something else they’ve been writing.Every few days, instead of writing, students break into small groups and choose one of their stories to share with their group members for feedback. Over time, your students will have one or more completed short stories or flash fiction pieces. I have produced a number of Creative Writing Slide Shows that you might be interested in: The Setting Sets the Mood: How to Write Effective Settings 24 Creative Writing Prompts to Inspire Your Students 24 Additional Creative Writing Prompts to Inspire Your Students Flash Fiction: 24 Creative Writing Prompts for Students Characterization: What It Is and How to Develop It Writing with Suspense: A Google Slideshow Contact me at gruenwaldy1@gmail.com if you have any questions. Check out my store: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/intentional-teaching-and-learning
Author Intentional Teaching and Learning
Tags Writing Prompts, Character Deveopment, Plot Development, Conflict, Creative Writing, Short Stories, Flash Fiction, SciFi And Fantasy, Realistic Fiction, Mystery
ESL Novel Study - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Big Shot - Jeff Kinney
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Library, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Novel Studies, Worksheets, Writing Prompts
ESL Novel Study Worksheets on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Big Shot" by Jeff Kinney In this fantastic ESL teaching resource it is offered a comprehensive novel study worksheet activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) focused on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Big Shot" by American author Jeff Kinney. Ideal for post reading activities, this English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) teaching resource can be more than great to enhance students' overall understanding of this coming of age novel by American author Jeff Kinney. The English Second or Foreign Language Novel Study activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) can be ideal for ESL EFL TESOL learners in middle and high school (from 6th grade to 9th grade, teen students). In this Novel Study on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Big Shot" (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets), English Second or Foreign Language teachers (ESL EFL) can find the following ESL novel study activities: 1 part on general information (author's name, genre, and publishing date) 1 part related to New Vocabulary Learned (1 space where to write 10 new words they learned and 1 space where students can write their related meaning) 1 part related to the story timeline (story timeline where learners set in a chronological order the most important moments during the narration) First writing activity on students' review on the novel Second writing activity (imagining to write a letter to Greg Heffley, the main character, and to give him some advice) Third writing activity (pretending to be a character, other than Greg Heffley, and describing a scene of the book from his/her point of view + space where students can draw with comic bubbles the scene they described) This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Novel Study Activity on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Big Shot" by American author Jeff Kinney (3 PDF Printable Slides; worksheets) can be suitable for ESL EFL learners from 6th grade to 9th grade to study this coming of age novel Learning with Alan is a Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating learning and teaching environment. Remember. Learning is Fun. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Novel Study, Worksheets, Printable, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Teens, Book Companion, Writing Activity
ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity Worksheets on Bagels
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Writing, Creative Writing, Formal Writing, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Worksheets & Printables, Writing Prompts, Worksheets
ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity Worksheets on Bagels This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Teaching Resource on "Bagels" (3 PDF Slides; Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity) can be ideal to train Language skills in English. Suitable participants for this ESL EFL TESOL Reading + Writing Activity are Foreign Students at middle and High School (7th-12th Grade; teens). Newcomers or any ESL Learner is also more than suitable for this ESL EFL TESOL Activity on "Bagels" (Bread roll originating from Jewish communities in Cracow, Poland + preparation + styles; New York City, Montreal, London etc). This Teaching Educational Resource Product can also be ideal for ESL EFL Centers worldwide or any English second language tutor. This ESL EFL TESOL Teaching Resource on "Bagels" (Worksheet; 3 PDF Printable slides) can be ideal for intermediate English as a Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Learners. Within this English Second or Foreign Language Reading Comprehension + Essay Writing Activity Worksheet on "Bagels" (Bread roll originating from Jewish communities in Cracow, Poland + preparation + styles; New York City, Montreal, London etc), ESL EFL TESOL teachers can find the following activities: 1 text on "Bagels" (Bread roll originating from Jewish communities in Cracow, Poland + preparation + styles; New York City, Montreal, London etc) 15 Questions (with space for answers) 3 Essay Prompts (writing an essay on bagels, whether you have ever tried them or not, whether you liked them or not and why and whether you would ever like to try them + pretending to make you customized bagel and to describe it + writing about another kind of bread which similarly like bagels, has spread around the world) This ESL, EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Teaching Resource Reading + Writing Activity on "Bagels" (Bread roll originating from Jewish communities in Cracow, Poland + preparation + styles; New York City, Montreal, London etc) is great for Intermediate English as a second or foreign language learners (ESL- EFL). This English Second Language Worksheet on "Bagels" (Bread roll originating from Jewish communities in Cracow, Poland + preparation + styles; New York City, Montreal, London etc) aims to train and Reading Comprehension + Writing Skills. "Learning with Alan" is dedicated to provide high-quality teaching resources and educational materials for ESL EFL TESOL teachers. It aims to support teachers, educators, and tutors in both online and offline environments, helping them achieve their teaching goals while creating a fun, stimulating atmosphere for learning English. Always remember: learning is fun, and so is English! If you want to browse more PDF ESL, EFL, TESOL Teaching Resources and Educational Material click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Reading Comprehension, Writing Activity, Worksheets, Bagels, New York, Bread, Bakery
ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity - Endangered Species
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Writing, Creative Writing, Formal Writing, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Worksheets & Printables, Writing Prompts, Worksheets
ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity Worksheets on "Endangered Species" This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Teaching Resource on "Endangered Species" (3 PDF Slides; Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity) can be ideal to train Language skills in English. Suitable participants for this ESL EFL TESOL Reading + Writing Activity are Foreign Students at middle and High School (7th-12th Grade; teens). Newcomers or any ESL Learner is also more than suitable for this ESL EFL (English as a Second or Foreign Language) Activity on "Endangered Species" (IUCN Red List + some examples of endangered species; black rhino, blue whale, orangutan etc. + reasons why some animals are endangered; climate change, human impact etc + efforts to prevent extinction + success stories and why it is important to save endangered species). This Teaching Educational Resource Product can also be ideal for ESL EFL Centers worldwide or any English second language tutor. This ESL EFL TESOL Teaching Resource on "Endangered Species" (Worksheet; 3 PDF Printable slides) can be ideal for intermediate advanced English as a Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Learners. Within this English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Reading Comprehension + Essay Writing Activity Worksheet on "Endangered Species" (IUCN Red List + some examples of endangered species; black rhino, blue whale, orangutan etc. + reasons why some animals are endangered; climate change, human impact etc + efforts to prevent extinction + success stories and why it is important to save endangered species), ESL EFL TESOL teachers can find the following activities: 1 text on "Endangered Species" (IUCN Red List + some examples of endangered species; black rhino, blue whale, orangutan etc. + reasons why some animals are endangered; climate change, human impact etc + efforts to prevent extinction + success stories and why it is important to save endangered species) 14 Questions (with space for answers) 2 Essay Prompts (writing an essay on an endangered specie; describing it, why it is endangered and consequences of its extinction + pretening to write a speech for the United Nations's General Assembly on endangered species and why it is important to prevent these species' extinctions) This ESL, EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Teaching Resource Reading + Writing Activity on "Endangered Species" (IUCN Red List + some examples of endangered species; black rhino, blue whale, orangutan etc. + reasons why some animals are endangered; climate change, human impact etc + efforts to prevent extinction + success stories and why it is important to save endangered species) is great for Intermediate Advanced English as a second or foreign language learners (ESL- EFL). This English Second Language Worksheet on "Endangered Species" (IUCN Red List + some examples of endangered species; black rhino, blue whale, orangutan etc. + reasons why some animals are endangered; climate change, human impact etc + efforts to prevent extinction + success stories and why it is important to save endangered species) aims to train and Reading Comprehension + Writing Skills. "Learning with Alan" is dedicated to provide high-quality teaching resources and educational materials for ESL EFL TESOL teachers. It aims to support teachers, educators, and tutors in both online and offline environments, helping them achieve their teaching goals while creating a fun, stimulating atmosphere for learning English. Always remember: learning is fun, and so is English! If you want to browse more PDF ESL, EFL, TESOL Teaching Resources and Educational Material click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Reading Comprehension, Writing Activity, Worksheets, Printable, Endangered Animals, Climate Change, Environment
ESL Reading Comprehenion + Essay - Chat GPT - Artificial Intelligence
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Writing, Creative Writing, Formal Writing, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Worksheets & Printables, Writing Prompts, Worksheets
ESL Reading Comprehenion + Writing Activity - Chat GPT - Artificial Intelligence This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Teaching Resource on "Chat GPT - Artificial Intelligence" (3 PDF Slides; Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity) can be ideal to train Language skills in English. Suitable participants for this ESL EFL TESOL Reading + Writing Activity are Foreign Students at middle and High School (7th-12th Grade; teens) . Newcomers or any ESL Learner is also more than suitable for this ESL EFL (English as a Second or Foreign Language) Activity on "Chat GPT - Artificial Intelligence" (chatbots and their origins, background, history and evolution + Chat GPT's training + features and limits + applications + issues and controversies). This Teaching Educational Resource Product can also be ideal for ESL EFL Centers worldwide or any English second language tutor. This ESL EFL TESOL Teaching Resource on "Chat GPT - Artificial Intelligence" (Worksheet; 3 PDF Printable slides) can be ideal for intermediate advanced English as a Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Learners. Within this English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Reading Comprehension + Essay Writing Activity Worksheet on "Chat GPT - Artificial Intelligence" (chatbots and their origins, background, history and evolution + Chat GPT's training + features and limits + applications + issues and controversies), ESL EFL TESOL teachers can find the following activities: 1 text on "Chat GPT - Artificial Intelligence" (chatbots and their origins, background, history and evolution + Chat GPT's training + features and limits + applications + issues and controversies) 18 Questions (with space for answers) 2 Essay Prompts (writing an essay on your own opinion on Chat GPT; whether you use it or not and why, what you use it for and how + writing an essay on the future of Chat GPT; whether it will eliminate jobs or change the way we work even more with new features) This ESL, EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Teaching Resource Reading + Writing Activity on "Chat GPT - Artificial Intelligence" (chatbots and their origins, background, history and evolution + Chat GPT's training + features and limits + applications + issues and controversies) is great for Intermediate Advanced English as a second or foreign language learners (ESL- EFL). This English Second Language Worksheet on "Chat GPT - Artificial Intelligence" (chatbots and their origins, background, history and evolution + Chat GPT's training + features and limits + applications + issues and controversies) aims to train and Reading Comprehension + Writing Skills. "Learning with Alan" is dedicated to provide high-quality teaching resources and educational materials for ESL EFL TESOL teachers. It aims to support teachers, educators, and tutors in both online and offline environments, helping them achieve their teaching goals while creating a fun, stimulating atmosphere for learning English. Always remember: learning is fun, and so is English! If you want to browse more PDF ESL, EFL, TESOL Teaching Resources and Educational Material click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Reading Comprehension, Writing Activity, Essay, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Chat GPT, Activity
ESL Movie Guide Worksheets on "Rise of the Guardians"
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Writing Prompts, Worksheets
ESL Movie Guide Worksheets on "Rise of the Guardians" This ESL teaching resource is a 3-page printable PDF movie guide for "Rise of the Guardians" (2012 DreamWork Animation film; Santa Claus, Bogeyman, Tooth fairy, Eastern Bunny, Sandman and Jack Frost) designed to support English as a Second Language (ESL) learners. This resource can be great for post-movie activities and is ideal for Middle School and High School students, ranging from 6th to 9th grade. It's a versatile tool suitable for newcomers and any English language learners, making it an excellent choice to use in ESL classrooms, language centers, or by tutors worldwide. This "Rise of the Guardians" (2012 DreamWork Animation film; Santa Claus, Bogeyman, Tooth fairy, Eastern Bunny, Sandman and Jack Frost) movie guide is ideal for intermediate ESL students. It provides a structured way for learners to engage with the film while developing their English language skills. The guide includes several activities that encourage students to interact with the movie's content in meaningful ways: A section for general information about "Rise of the Guardians" (2012 DreamWork Animation film; Santa Claus, Bogeyman, Tooth fairy, Eastern Bunny, Sandman and Jack Frost) such as the film's director, genre, and other key details. A space for new vocabulary learned while watching the movie, helping students expand their English lexicon. A part dedicated to describing the main characters, allowing students to practice descriptive language and character analysis. A movie timeline activity where students arrange scenes from the film in chronological order, enhancing their understanding of the narrative structure. A section for students to describe their favorite scene from the movie and explain why they liked it, fostering personal connection and critical thinking. A movie review segment where students can express their opinions about the film, practicing persuasive and evaluative writing. A creative writing task where students imagine themselves as one of the characters and write three diary entries from that character’s perspective, encouraging deeper engagement with the characters and plot. This "Rise of the Guardians" (2012 DreamWork Animation film; Santa Claus, Bogeyman, Tooth fairy, Eastern Bunny, Sandman and Jack Frost) movie guide is designed to create an enjoyable and stimulating learning experience for intermediate ESL learners. Learning with Alan is a Teaching Resources Store whose aim is to help English as a Second or foreign Language (ESL EFL) Teachers, Educators and Tutors around the world (be it online or offline) to achieve their teaching objectives while creating an enjoyable and stimulating learning environment. Never Forget! Learning is fun, So should English! Always If you want to browse more of my ESL, EFL, TESOL Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Movie Guides, Animated Films, Worksheets, Santa Claus, Jack Frost, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny
ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity Worksheets on Curling
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Writing, Creative Writing, Formal Writing, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Worksheets & Printables, Writing Prompts, Worksheets
ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity Worksheets on Curling This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Teaching Resource on "Curling" (3 PDF Slides; Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity) can be ideal to train Language skills in English. Suitable participants for this ESL EFL TESOL Reading + Writing Activity are Foreign Students at middle and High School (7th-12th Grade; teens). Newcomers or any ESL Learner is also more than suitable for this ESL EFL (English as a Second or Foreign Language) Activity on "Curling" (Winter Sport originating from Scotland; its origins, background and history + what it consists of + equipment + fame). This Teaching Educational Resource Product can also be ideal for ESL EFL Centers worldwide or any English second language tutor. This ESL EFL TESOL Teaching Resource on "Curling" (Worksheet; 3 PDF Printable slides) can be ideal for intermediate English as a Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Learners. Within this English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Reading Comprehension + Essay Writing Activity Worksheet on "Curling" (Winter Sport originating from Scotland; its origins, background and history + what it consists of + equipment + fame), ESL EFL TESOL teachers can find the following activities: 1 text on "Curling" (Winter Sport originating from Scotland; its origins, background and history + what it consists of + equipment + fame) 17 Questions (with space for answers) 2 Essay Prompts (writing an essay on your opinion on "Curling"; whether it is popular or not in your country, whether you would like to try it + writing an essay on another "odd" sport and comparing it to curling) This ESL, EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Teaching Resource Reading + Writing Activity on "Curling" (Winter Sport originating from Scotland; its origins, background and history + what it consists of + equipment + fame) is great for Intermediate English as a second or foreign language learners (ESL- EFL). This English Second Language Worksheet on "Curling" (Winter Sport originating from Scotland; its origins, background and history + what it consists of + equipment + fame) aims to train and Reading Comprehension + Writing Skills. "Learning with Alan" is dedicated to provide high-quality teaching resources and educational materials for ESL EFL TESOL teachers. It aims to support teachers, educators, and tutors in both online and offline environments, helping them achieve their teaching goals while creating a fun, stimulating atmosphere for learning English. Always remember: learning is fun, and so is English! If you want to browse more PDF ESL, EFL, TESOL Teaching Resources and Educational Material click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Reading Comprehension, Writing Activity, Worksheets, Printable, Curling, Sports, Winter
ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity Worksheets on Woodworking
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Writing, Creative Writing, Formal Writing, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Worksheets & Printables, Writing Prompts, Worksheets
ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity Worksheets on "Woodworking" This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Teaching Resource on "Woodworking" (3 PDF Slides; Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity) can be ideal to train Language skills in English. Suitable participants for this ESL EFL TESOL Reading + Writing Activity are Foreign Students at middle and High School (7th-12th Grade; teens). Newcomers or any ESL Learner is also more than suitable for this ESL EFL (English as a Second or Foreign Language) Activity on "Woodworking" (its origins, history, evolution over time, equipment + materials + more). This Teaching Educational Resource Product can also be ideal for ESL EFL Centers worldwide or any English second language tutor. This ESL EFL TESOL Teaching Resource on "Woodworking" (Worksheet; 3 PDF Printable slides) can be ideal for intermediate advanced English as a Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Learners. Within this English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Reading Comprehension + Essay Writing Activity Worksheet on "Woodworking" (its origins, history, evolution over time, equipment + materials + more), ESL EFL TESOL teachers can find the following activities: 1 text on "Woodworking" (its origins, history, evolution over time, equipment + materials + more) 21 Questions (with space for answers) 3 Essay Prompts (writing an essay on your opinion on "woodworking", whether you have ever tried it or not, whether you would ever like to try it or not and why + writing about another artisan activity; describing it and comparing it to woodworking + pretending to make your own wooden craft and to describe it) This ESL, EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Teaching Resource Reading + Writing Activity on "Woodworking" (its origins, history, evolution over time, equipment + materials + more) is great for Intermediate Advanced English as a second or foreign language learners (ESL- EFL). This English Second Language Worksheet on "Woodworking" (its origins, history, evolution over time, equipment + materials + more) aims to train and Reading Comprehension + Writing Skills. "Learning with Alan" is dedicated to provide high-quality teaching resources and educational materials for ESL EFL TESOL teachers. It aims to support teachers, educators, and tutors in both online and offline environments, helping them achieve their teaching goals while creating a fun, stimulating atmosphere for learning English. Always remember: learning is fun, and so is English! If you want to browse more PDF ESL, EFL, TESOL Teaching Resources and Educational Material click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Reading Comprehension, Writing Activity, Artisan, Woodworking, Wood, Activity, Printable
ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity Worksheets on Origami
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Worksheets & Printables, Writing Prompts, Worksheets
ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity Worksheets on Origami This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Teaching Resource on "Japanese Origami" (3 PDF Slides; Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity) can be ideal to train Language skills in English. Suitable participants for this ESL EFL TESOL Reading + Writing Activity are Foreign Students at middle and High School (7th-12th Grade; teens). Newcomers or any ESL Learner is also more than suitable for this ESL EFL TESOL Activity on "Origami" (Japanese art which consists in folding paper into decorative shapes and figures). This Teaching Educational Resource Product can also be ideal for ESL EFL Centers worldwide or any English second language tutor. This ESL EFL TESOL Teaching Resource on "Japanese Origami" (Worksheet; 3 PDF Printable slides) can be ideal for intermediate English as a Second Language (ESL) Learners. Within this English Second or Foreign Language Reading Comprehension + Essay Writing Activity Worksheet on "Origami" (Japanese art which consists in folding paper into decorative shapes and figures), ESL EFL TESOL teachers can find the following activities: 1 text on "Origami" (Japanese art which consists in folding paper into decorative shapes and figures) 15 Questions (with space for answers) 1 Essay Prompt (writing an essay on your opinion on Japanese origami; whether you like them or not and whether you have tried to make them) This ESL, EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Teaching Resource Reading + Writing Activity on "Origami" (Japanese art which consists in folding paper into decorative shapes and figures) is great for Intermediate English as a second or foreign language learners (ESL- EFL). This English Second Language Worksheet on "Origami" (Japanese art which consists in folding paper into decorative shapes and figures) aims to train and Reading Comprehension + Writing Skills. "Learning with Alan" is dedicated to provide high-quality teaching resources and educational materials for ESL EFL TESOL teachers. It aims to support teachers, educators, and tutors in both online and offline environments, helping them achieve their teaching goals while creating a fun, stimulating atmosphere for learning English. Always remember: learning is fun, and so is English! If you want to browse more PDF ESL, EFL, TESOL Teaching Resources and Educational Material click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Reading Comprehension, Writing Activity, Essay, Worksheets, Origami, Japan, Japanese
ESL Movie Guide - Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Writing Prompts, Worksheets
ESL Movie Guide Worksheets on "Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again" This ESL teaching resource is a 3-page printable PDF movie guide for "Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again" (2022 Disney+ film set at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, USA, with characters such as Theodore Roosevelt, Joan of Arc and way more) designed to support English as a Second Language (ESL) learners. This resource can be great for post-movie activities and is ideal for Middle School and High School students, ranging from 6th to 9th grade. It's a versatile tool suitable for newcomers and any English language learners, making it an excellent choice to use in ESL classrooms, language centers, or by tutors worldwide. This "Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again" (2022 Disney+ film set at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, USA, with characters such as Theodore Roosevelt, Joan of Arc and way more) movie guide is ideal for intermediate ESL students. It provides a structured way for learners to engage with the film while developing their English language skills. The guide includes several activities that encourage students to interact with the movie's content in meaningful ways: A section for general information about "Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again" (2022 Disney+ film set at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, USA, with characters such as Theodore Roosevelt, Joan of Arc and way more) such as the film's director, genre, and other key details. A space for new vocabulary learned while watching the movie, helping students expand their English lexicon. A part dedicated to describing the main characters, allowing students to practice descriptive language and character analysis. A movie timeline activity where students arrange scenes from the film in chronological order, enhancing their understanding of the narrative structure. A section for students to describe their favorite scene from the movie and explain why they liked it, fostering personal connection and critical thinking. A movie review segment where students can express their opinions about the film, practicing persuasive and evaluative writing. A creative writing task where students imagine themselves as one of the characters and write three diary entries from that character’s perspective, encouraging deeper engagement with the characters and plot. This "Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again" (2022 Disney+ film set at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, USA, with characters such as Theodore Roosevelt, Joan of Arc and way more) movie guide is designed to create an enjoyable and stimulating learning experience for intermediate ESL learners. Learning with Alan is a Teaching Resources Store whose aim is to help English as a Second or foreign Language (ESL EFL) Teachers, Educators and Tutors around the world (be it online or offline) to achieve their teaching objectives while creating an enjoyable and stimulating learning environment. Never Forget! Learning is fun, So should English! Always If you want to browse more of my ESL, EFL, TESOL Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Movie Guides, Films, Animated Films, Museums, New York City, Disney, Worksheets
ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity - Stand-Up Comedy
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Worksheets & Printables, Writing Prompts, Worksheets
ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity Worksheets on "Stand-Up Comedy" This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Teaching Resource on "Stand-Up Comedy" (3 PDF Slides; Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity) can be ideal to train Language skills in English. Suitable participants for this ESL EFL TESOL Reading + Writing Activity are Foreign Students at middle and High School (7th-12th Grade; teens). Newcomers or any ESL Learner is also more than suitable for this ESL EFL TESOL Activity on "Stand-Up Comedy" (its origins, genres, what it consists of and relation with audiences). This Teaching Educational Resource Product can also be ideal for ESL EFL Centers worldwide or any English second language tutor. This ESL EFL TESOL Teaching Resource on "Stand-Up Comedy" (Worksheet; 3 PDF Printable slides) can be ideal for intermediate advanced English as a Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Learners. Within this English Second or Foreign Language Reading Comprehension + Essay Writing Activity Worksheet on "Stand-Up Comedy" (its origins, genres, what it consists of and relation with audiences), ESL EFL TESOL teachers can find the following activities: 1 text on "Stand-Up Comedy" (its origins, genres, what it consists of and relation with audiences) 12 Questions (with space for answers) 2 Essay Prompts (writing an essay on your opinion on "stand-up comedy", whether you like it or not and whether you would like to attend a show + pretending to be a stand-up comedian and to prepare your very first show and describing it) This ESL, EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Teaching Resource Reading + Writing Activity on "Stand-Up Comedy" (its origins, genres, what it consists of and relation with audiences) is great for Intermediate Advanced English as a second or foreign language learners (ESL- EFL). This English Second Language Worksheet on "Stand-Up Comedy" (its origins, genres, what it consists of and relation with audiences) aims to train and Reading Comprehension + Writing Skills. "Learning with Alan" is dedicated to provide high-quality teaching resources and educational materials for ESL EFL TESOL teachers. It aims to support teachers, educators, and tutors in both online and offline environments, helping them achieve their teaching goals while creating a fun, stimulating atmosphere for learning English. Always remember: learning is fun, and so is English! If you want to browse more PDF ESL, EFL, TESOL Teaching Resources and Educational Material click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Reaading Comprehension, Worksheets, Printable, Writing Activity, Comedy, Show, Theatre
ESL Novel Study - "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Wrecking Ball" - Jeff Kinney
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Library, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Novel Studies, Writing Prompts, Worksheets
ESL Novel Study Worksheets - "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Wrecking Ball" - Jeff Kinney In this fantastic ESL teaching resource it is offered a comprehensive novel study worksheet activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) focused on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Wrecking Ball" by American author Jeff Kinney. Ideal for post reading activities, this English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) teaching resource can be more than great to enhance students' overall understanding of this coming of age novel by American author Jeff Kinney. The English Second or Foreign Language Novel Study activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) can be ideal for ESL EFL TESOL learners in middle and high school (from 6th grade to 9th grade, teen students). In this Novel Study on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Wrecking Ball" (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets), English Second or Foreign Language teachers (ESL EFL) can find the following ESL novel study activities: 1 part on general information (author's name, genre, and publishing date) 1 part related to New Vocabulary Learned (1 space where to write 10 new words they learned and 1 space where students can write their related meaning) 1 part related to the story timeline (story timeline where learners set in a chronological order the most important moments during the narration) First writing activity on students' review on the novel Second writing activity (imagining to write a letter to Greg Heffley, the main character, and to give him some advice) Third writing activity (pretending to be a character, other than Greg Heffley, and describing a scene of the book from his/her point of view + space where students can draw with comic bubbles the scene they described) This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Novel Study Activity on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Wrecking Ball" by American author Jeff Kinney (3 PDF Printable Slides; worksheets) can be suitable for ESL EFL learners from 6th grade to 9th grade to study this coming of age novel Learning with Alan is a Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating learning and teaching environment. Remember. Learning is Fun. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Novel Study, Books, Teens, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Writing Activity, Worksheets, Printable