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Writing Activities

Encourage your students to express themselves with a variety of writing activities designed to enhance creativity and skill. This collection includes prompts, storytelling exercises, and collaborative writing projects. By incorporating these resources into your curriculum, you can help students develop their writing abilities and find joy in the process of creating written works.

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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables

5 PAGES OF EXERCISES OF ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION THEMED: DINO THEMED INTRODUCTION: HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? As is known, educational material helps students build their knowledge autonomously and, above all, in an unforgettable way. 2. What is the name of this document? This document is titled "Educational material for children" 3. What topic will be addressed in this resource? This document will address an educational topic that every child should learn in a basic way. 4. For what ages is it recommended? This set of educational sheets is recommended for children in general who are in the learning age and these sheets will be of great help to them. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author, who was in charge of producing and compiling this educational material, is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this set of educational sheets according to your criteria, in the corresponding area. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of ​​primary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. 11. How to apply it in class? You can apply this document individually or also in a group, it all depends on the criteria of the educator who is going to apply this sheet. 12. Will they need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, perhaps the students when using this sheet will need pencils, colors, or perhaps scissors, eraser. It all depends on the point of view of the educator.



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Foreign Languages, Spanish, Early Learning, Elementary, Adult Education, High School, Homeschool Resources, Middle School, Not Grade Specific, Pre-K, Teacher Tools, Classroom Decor, Activities

20 FREE FLASHCARDS OF ANIMALS FREE RESOURCE INTRODUCTION: Hello! I thank you infinitely for your interest in my educational store! I am a teacher who strives every day to produce these great educational resources for children, so I thank you because with your downloads you are helping a lot to promote my personal and professional work. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of ​​knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of ​​learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document



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ELA, Writing, Handwriting, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic 20 puzzles to cut out! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic 20 puzzles to practice cutting out. A. WHAT IS THIS PRODUCT ABOUT? Yes, to make the decision to download this product, please carefully read the following information regarding the product: 1. Product name: The title of the product is "10 pages of line drawings with the theme of means of transportation" 2. Number of pages: The educational document is made up of 10 pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational resource is not editable, so you can print it more easily since it is available in PDF format, and you will not have problems with movements in the figures and/or elements of the document. 4. Theme: The topic to be developed is graphomotor skills. 5. Document version: This document is available in PDF version. B. SECONDARY AND/OR COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 6. Color or white/black: Designed in colors. 7. Aimed at children of ages: For children from 3 to 6 years old. 8. Area: Graphomotor skills 9. Keywords: lines, line drawings, drawing exercises, lines worksheets, lines to review 10. How do I print it? Print it in A4 format, horizontal and in color. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply it individually or in pairs. 12. Will you need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, you will need pencil, colors or markers to make your lines. 13. Standards: It was not prepared based on any specific standard.


Tags Tracing Lines, Tracing Lines Worksheets, Tracing Lines For Kids, Tracing Lines Activities, Free Resources

Reading Comprehension Fiction Set 3 Sample: Funland (PPT)
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Reading Comprehension Fiction Set 3 Sample: Funland (PPT)
ELA, Reading, Writing, Common Core, Reading Comprehension, Creative Writing, ESL, Language Development, Vocabulary, Literature, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Assessments, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Activities

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 3 Sample Overview No prep reading comprehension lessons, with enjoyable stories and topics. Each lesson has a blend of post-reading activities. Mixed questions to check overall understanding. Vocabulary activities, plus a writing section. Lessons also contain a bonus extension exercise at the end. Some you may like, some you may not, either way they are there if you wish to use them. Full answer keys are provided. Passage Included 5.Funland: Not such a fun day at Funland for the author in this story. PPT Version This is the PPT editable and fillable (when not in presentation mode) version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 4/5 Links Fiction Set 1 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 5 - Sea Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 4-5 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five comprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Two or three of the questions will be MCQs and other questions will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 4-5 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Activities include: spelling games, sentence match-ups, mixed-up text and decoding words from the lesson. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Just for Fun Each lesson will have a bonus extension exercise. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. You can find these at the end of each lesson, titled Just for Fun. Just for Funs are optional. Some you may like, some you may not. Either way, they are there to do with as you wish. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 2 (Google Slides)

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 2 (Google Slides)
ELA, Reading, Writing, Common Core, Resources for Teachers, ESL, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Grade 6, 7, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Assessments, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Activities

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 2 Overview Reading comprehension lessons, especially written for Grade 6-7, providing the chance to read interesting and engaging passages. Each lesson has a mix of questions to check understanding, a vocabulary or spelling activity to help remember key language introduced, and a writing exercise. Full answer keys are provided. Passages Include 1.Cooking Camp: Jason tries to make enough money to go to cookery camp. 2.Graduation: Matt helps prepare for his brother's graduation party. 3.No Internet- Sam and Klara discuss life in the past with their gran. 4.School Musical: Maiya and her concerns about the school musical. 5.My Key: Jon has the house to himself for once. Does he enjoy it though? 6.Creepy Well: Jo and some kids from school at a creepy well. 7.Bug Trip: The twins are driving Dad crazy with their science project. 8.Solo Flight: Sid gets his first solo flight in bizarre circumstances. 9.Summer at Gran's: Andrea trying to make the best of her time at Gran's. 10.Wild Wild West: Alec on the ranch with his dad. 11.Danger Mountain: Nath tries a dangerous ride down the mountain. 12.Math Queen: Rhonda doing her best at the Math competition. Google Slides Version This is the Google Slides editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 6/7 Links Fiction Set 1 Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 6/7 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. The majority of these short stories contain an important message - a way of developing these young learners further. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five to six comprehension, vocabulary and Math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Mixed questions require a written response (no MCQ's), full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 6/7 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. Activities provide clues to help assist students. Vocabulary activities include extra questions where students must write a synonym, an antonym or a sentence using a certain word. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. The main focus in this product, is the student. Prompts will require the student to relate to past experiences and encourage them to discuss feelings and ways to improve. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, Math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds (Docs)

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds (Docs)
ELA, Reading, Common Core, Reading Comprehension, ESL, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Writing, Resources for Teachers, Grade 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Writing Prompts, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Centers, Activities

Reading Comprehension Passages Nonfiction Set 1 Overview No prep reading comprehension lessons, with enjoyable articles and topics. Each lesson has a blend of post-reading activities. Mixed questions to check overall understanding. Vocabulary activities, plus a writing section. Lessons also contain a bonus extension exercise at the end. Some you may like, some you may not, either way they are there if you wish to use them. Full answer keys are provided. Passages Include 1.No Fly Zone: An article on birds that cannot fly. 2.Ostrich: Ostrich eggs are big enough to be used as make shift cups! 3.Chickadees: A small, but interesting bird, common to Canada and Northern U.S.A 4.The Owl: What do you know about this mysterious creature? 5.Turkeys: A popular food at Thanksgiving and Christmas. How do Turkeys live? 6.Oil Spill: How did the Deepwater Horizon oil spill effect local birds? Docs Version This is the Docs editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 4/5 Links Fiction Set 1 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 5 - Sea Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 4-5 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five comprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Two or three of the questions will be MCQs and other questions will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 4-5 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Activities include: spelling games, sentence match-ups, mixed-up text and decoding words from the lesson. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Just for Fun Each lesson will have a bonus extension exercise. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. You can find these at the end of each lesson, titled Just for Fun. Just for Funs are optional. Some you may like, some you may not. Either way, they are there to do with as you wish. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages

Reading Comprehension Fiction Set 1 Sample: Ola the Rabbit (Slides)
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Reading Comprehension Fiction Set 1 Sample: Ola the Rabbit (Slides)
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Common Core, Reading Comprehension, ESL, Children’s Literature, Literature, Creative Writing, Writing, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Activities, Assessments

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 1 Sample Overview No prep reading comprehension lessons, with enjoyable stories and topics. Each lesson has a blend of post-reading activities. Mixed questions to check overall understanding. Vocabulary activities, plus a writing section. Lessons also contain a bonus extension exercise at the end. Some you may like, some you may not, either way they are there if you wish to use them. Full answer keys are provided. Passage Included 7.Ola the Rabbit: Read about Darla's newest pet in this lesson. Slides Version This is the Slides editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 4/5 Links Fiction Set 1 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 5 - Sea Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 4-5 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five comprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Two or three of the questions will be MCQs and other questions will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 4-5 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Activities include: spelling games, sentence match-ups, mixed-up text and decoding words from the lesson. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Just for Fun Each lesson will have a bonus extension exercise. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. You can find these at the end of each lesson, titled Just for Fun. Just for Funs are optional. Some you may like, some you may not. Either way, they are there to do with as you wish. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 4 Sample: Best Season (Forms)
Free Download

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 4 Sample: Best Season (Forms)
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Common Core, Spelling, ESL, Reading Comprehension, Creative Writing, Writing, Resources for Teachers, Grade 4, 5, Centers, Activities, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests

Reading Comprehension Passages Nonfiction Set 4 Sample Overview No prep reading comprehension lessons, with enjoyable articles and topics. Each lesson has a blend of post-reading activities. Mixed questions to check overall understanding. Vocabulary activities, plus a writing section. Lessons also contain a bonus extension exercise at the end. Some you may like, some you may not, either way they are there if you wish to use them. Full answer keys are provided. Passage Included 1.Best Season: Is winter the best season? What activities do we do? Read more in this article. Forms Version This is the Forms editable and fillable/self grading version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 4/5 Links Fiction Set 1 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 5 - Sea Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 4-5 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five comprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Two or three of the questions will be MCQs and other questions will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 4-5 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Activities include: spelling games, sentence match-ups, mixed-up text and decoding words from the lesson. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Just for Fun Each lesson will have a bonus extension exercise. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. You can find these at the end of each lesson, titled Just for Fun. Just for Funs are optional. Some you may like, some you may not. Either way, they are there to do with as you wish. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects (Docs)

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects (Docs)
ELA, Reading, Common Core, Reading Comprehension, ESL, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Creative Writing, Writing, Grade 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Centers, Activities

Reading Comprehension Passages Nonfiction Set 2 Overview No prep reading comprehension lessons, with enjoyable articles and topics. Each lesson has a blend of post-reading activities. Mixed questions to check overall understanding. Vocabulary activities, plus a writing section. Lessons also contain a bonus extension exercise at the end. Some you may like, some you may not, either way they are there if you wish to use them. Full answer keys are provided. Passages Include 1.We Are Not Insects: Spiders ARE NOT insects! Read more in this article. 2.What a Smell: How does the stink bug protect its children? Find out in this lesson. 3.Queen: The ant queen. Sounds elegant. In fact, it isn't! It's a tough job. 4.Summer Singer: How do grasshoppers make noise and why? Read this passage to find out. 5.Fireflies: Why do fireflies flash? Read to learn about this, and more. 6.Bees: Worker bees, house bees. Collecting nectar, storing nectar. What exactly goes on in a bee hive? Docs Version This is the Docs editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 4/5 Links Fiction Set 1 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 5 - Sea Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 4-5 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five comprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Two or three of the questions will be MCQs and other questions will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 4-5 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Activities include: spelling games, sentence match-ups, mixed-up text and decoding words from the lesson. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Just for Fun Each lesson will have a bonus extension exercise. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. You can find these at the end of each lesson, titled Just for Fun. Just for Funs are optional. Some you may like, some you may not. Either way, they are there to do with as you wish. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 5 - Friends (Google Slides)

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 5 - Friends (Google Slides)
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Spelling, Common Core, Vocabulary, ESL, Reading Comprehension, Writing, Resources for Teachers, Grade 2, 3, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Activities, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Assessments

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 5 Overview Fascinating reading comprehension passages, each with an array of activities included. Stories are written for the modern classroom and topics are designed to promote enthusiasm from each student. Each lesson contains a mixed questions section to check understanding, a vocabulary or spelling activity to help remember key language introduced, and a writing exercise. Full answer keys are provided. For a more detailed overview, check the section under the links at the bottom of this description. Passages Include 1.Friends in Different Places: Molly is sad as her best friend is out of town. 2.Perfect Birthday: Everyone knows what Matt wants for his birthday! 3.Fun With Leaves: Can doing chores also be fun? Find out in this story. 4.Backyard Camp: Kelly and Brandy camp out in the backyard. But how does it go? 5.Best at Being a Friend: Second place again, but there is one thing Tara is best at. 6.Grant the Superhero: Join Grant and his dreams of being a superhero. Additional File: Grant the Superhero: Comic Template Google Slides Version This is the Google Slides editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 2/3 Links Fiction Set 1 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Food Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 6 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 7 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Technology Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Nutrition Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 2-3 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of fivecomprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Three of the questions will be MCQs and two will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 2-3 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Additional File One lesson will have an additional file. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 3 Sample: A Look at Skunks (PPT)
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Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 3 Sample: A Look at Skunks (PPT)
ELA, Reading, Writing, Common Core, Creative Writing, Reading Comprehension, ESL, Language Development, Vocabulary, Resources for Teachers, Grade 2, 3, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Assessments, Activities

Reading Comprehension Passages Nonfiction Set 3 Sample Overview Engaging nonfiction articles, each with a collection of different activities included. Articles are written for the modern classroom and topics are designed to promote enthusiasm from each student. Each lesson contains a mixed questions section to check understanding, a vocabulary or spelling activity to help remember key language introduced, and a writing exercise. Full answer keys are provided. Passage Included 4.A Look at Skunks: What do you do when you see a skunk hissing? Find out here. PPT Version This is the PPT editable and fillable (when not in presentation mode) version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 2/3 Links Fiction Set 1 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Food Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 6 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 7 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Technology Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Nutrition Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 2-3 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of fivecomprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Three of the questions will be MCQs and two will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 2-3 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Additional File One lesson will have an additional file. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 2 Sample: What a Smell (Docs)
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Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 2 Sample: What a Smell (Docs)
ELA, Reading, Common Core, Reading Comprehension, Creative Writing, Writing, ESL, Language Development, Resources for Teachers, Vocabulary, Grade 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Writing Prompts, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Centers, Activities

Reading Comprehension Passages Nonfiction Set 2 Sample Overview No prep reading comprehension lessons, with enjoyable articles and topics. Each lesson has a blend of post-reading activities. Mixed questions to check overall understanding. Vocabulary activities, plus a writing section. Lessons also contain a bonus extension exercise at the end. Some you may like, some you may not, either way they are there if you wish to use them. Full answer keys are provided. Passage Included 2.What a Smell: How does the stink bug protect its children? Find out in this lesson. Docs Version This is the Docs editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. Grade 4/5 Links Fiction Set 1 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Questions (Coming Soon) Fiction Set 2 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Questions (Coming Soon) Fiction Set 3 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Questions (Coming Soon) Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Questions (Coming Soon) Fiction Set 5 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Questions (Coming Soon) Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Questions (Coming Soon) Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Questions (Coming Soon) Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Questions (Coming Soon) Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Questions (Coming Soon) Nonfiction Set 5 - Sea Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Questions (Coming Soon) Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 4-5 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five comprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Two or three of the questions will be MCQs and other questions will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 4-5 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Activities include: spelling games, sentence match-ups, mixed-up text and decoding words from the lesson. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Just for Fun Each lesson will have a bonus extension exercise. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. You can find these at the end of each lesson, titled Just for Fun. Just for Funs are optional. Some you may like, some you may not. Either way, they are there to do with as you wish. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 2 Sample: Hoatzin (Slides)
Free Download

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 2 Sample: Hoatzin (Slides)
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Spelling, Common Core, Reading Comprehension, Writing, Creative Writing, ESL, Resources for Teachers, Grade 6, 7, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Assessments, Activities, Tests, Quizzes and Tests

Reading Comprehension Passages Nonfiction Set 2 Overview Reading comprehension lessons, especially written for Grade 6-7, providing the chance to read interesting and engaging passages. Each lesson has a mix of questions to check understanding, a vocabulary or spelling activity to help remember key language introduced, and a writing exercise. Full answer keys are provided. Passage Included 2.Hoatzin: This loud creature has roots stretching back 36 billion years! Google Slides Version This is the Google Slides editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 6/7 Links Fiction Set 1 Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 6/7 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. The majority of these short stories contain an important message - a way of developing these young learners further. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five to six comprehension, vocabulary and Math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Mixed questions require a written response (no MCQ's), full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 6/7 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. Activities provide clues to help assist students. Vocabulary activities include extra questions where students must write a synonym, an antonym or a sentence using a certain word. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. The main focus in this product, is the student. Prompts will require the student to relate to past experiences and encourage them to discuss feelings and ways to improve. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, Math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages

Reading Comprehension Fiction Set 2 Sample: On the Coaster (Slides)
Free Download

Reading Comprehension Fiction Set 2 Sample: On the Coaster (Slides)
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Common Core, Vocabulary, Children’s Literature, Literature, Creative Writing, Writing, Resources for Teachers, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Assessments, Activities

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 2 Sample Overview No prep reading comprehension lessons, with enjoyable stories and topics. Each lesson has a blend of post-reading activities. Mixed questions to check overall understanding. Vocabulary activities, plus a writing section. Lessons also contain a bonus extension exercise at the end. Some you may like, some you may not, either way they are there if you wish to use them. Full answer keys are provided. Passage Included 7.On the Coaster: Sid talks about his experience on a roller coaster. Slides Version This is the Slides editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 4/5 Links Fiction Set 1 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 5 - Sea Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 4-5 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five comprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Two or three of the questions will be MCQs and other questions will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 4-5 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Activities include: spelling games, sentence match-ups, mixed-up text and decoding words from the lesson. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Just for Fun Each lesson will have a bonus extension exercise. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. You can find these at the end of each lesson, titled Just for Fun. Just for Funs are optional. Some you may like, some you may not. Either way, they are there to do with as you wish. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 3 - Friends (Google Docs)

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 3 - Friends (Google Docs)
ELA, Reading, Common Core, Reading Comprehension, ESL, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Literature, Writing, Grade 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Centers, Activities

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 3 Overview No prep reading comprehension lessons, with enjoyable stories and topics. Each lesson has a blend of post-reading activities. Mixed questions to check overall understanding. Vocabulary activities, plus a writing section. Lessons also contain a bonus extension exercise at the end. Some you may like, some you may not, either way they are there if you wish to use them. Full answer keys are provided. Passages Include 1.A Friend's Promise: Josh's brother makes sure he keeps his promise to a friend. 2.The Rumor: April feels sad that Selena is getting attention from everybodynow. 3.Finishing Together: Fernando helps a teacher by taking part in a fundraiser. 4.Seniors Acting: Brooke is doing shows at the senior center. Will her friend find out? 5.Funland: Not such a fun day at Funland for the author in this story. 6.Back to School: The author hates the first day back. She doesn't know what to wear! Google Docs Version This is the Docs editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 4/5 Links Fiction Set 1 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 5 - Sea Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 4-5 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five comprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Two or three of the questions will be MCQs and other questions will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 4-5 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Activities include: spelling games, sentence match-ups, mixed-up text and decoding words from the lesson. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Just for Fun Each lesson will have a bonus extension exercise. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. You can find these at the end of each lesson, titled Just for Fun. Just for Funs are optional. Some you may like, some you may not. Either way, they are there to do with as you wish. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Digital Centers

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals (Forms)

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals (Forms)
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Vocabulary, Common Core, Spelling, ESL, Writing, Resources for Teachers, Grade 4, 5, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Centers, Activities

Reading Comprehension Passages Nonfiction Set 3 Overview No prep reading comprehension lessons, with enjoyable articles and topics. Each lesson has a blend of post-reading activities. Mixed questions to check overall understanding. Vocabulary activities, plus a writing section. Lessons also contain a bonus extension exercise at the end. Some you may like, some you may not, either way they are there if you wish to use them. Full answer keys are provided. Passages Include 1.Lions: Read about the second largest wild cat in this article. 2.Tiger Time: Tigers are such solitary creatures. Find out more in this lesson. 3.All About Horses: How is the author preparing to become a vet when she gets older? 4.All About Beavers: Here's all you need to know about 'nature's engineers'. 5.The Canadian Lynx: Canadian Lynxes look unique, and truly are amazing animals. 6.All About Cheetahs: The cheetah is the earth's fastest mammal. It can run as fast as 70 miles an hour! Forms Version This is the Forms editable and fillable/self grading version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 4/5 Links Fiction Set 1 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 5 - Sea Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 4-5 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five comprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Two or three of the questions will be MCQs and other questions will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 4-5 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Activities include: spelling games, sentence match-ups, mixed-up text and decoding words from the lesson. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Just for Fun Each lesson will have a bonus extension exercise. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. You can find these at the end of each lesson, titled Just for Fun. Just for Funs are optional. Some you may like, some you may not. Either way, they are there to do with as you wish. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Digital Centers

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 1 - Nature (PPT)

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 1 - Nature (PPT)
ELA, Reading, Writing, Common Core, Resources for Teachers, ESL, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grade 2, 3, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Assessments, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Activities

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 1 Overview Fascinating reading comprehension passages, each with an array of activities included. Stories are written for the modern classroom and topics are designed to promote enthusiasm from each student. Each lesson contains a mixed questions section to check understanding, a vocabulary or spelling activity to help remember key language introduced, and a writing exercise. Full answer keys are provided. For a more detailed overview, check the section under the links at the bottom of this description. Passages Include 1.Bring on the Snow: Kellie wants to make it snow. How does she try? 2.Walk through the Woods: A walk in the woods turns into a huge adventure. 3.Nature Photographer: Donna get some amazing snaps in this story. 4.Nature's Beautiful Colors: Rusty enjoys finding out about the colors in nature. 5.Flower Fun: Learn about flower names and colors in this fun lesson. 6.Picking Cherries: Ross spends his day picking cherries but is it worth it? Additional File: Nature Photographer: Drawing Nature Printable PPT Version This is the PPT editable and fillable (when not in presentation mode) version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 2/3 Links Fiction Set 1 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Food Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 6 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 7 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Technology Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Nutrition Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 2-3 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of fivecomprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Three of the questions will be MCQs and two will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 2-3 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Additional File One lesson will have an additional file. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Speling, Writing, Passages

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 7 - Sports (Google Slides)

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 7 - Sports (Google Slides)
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Spelling, Common Core, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Children’s Literature, Literature, Writing, Grade 2, 3, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Assessments, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Activities

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 7 Overview Fascinating reading comprehension passages, each with an array of activities included. Stories are written for the modern classroom and topics are designed to promote enthusiasm from each student. Each lesson contains a mixed questions section to check understanding, a vocabulary or spelling activity to help remember key language introduced, and a writing exercise. Full answer keys are provided. For a more detailed overview, check the section under the links at the bottom of this description. Passages Include 1.Catch It, Dan: Dan is at the ball game and wants to catch a foul ball. 2.Feeling Left Out: Polly isn't invited bowling by her friends and wants to knowwhy. 3.Ian's Friday Nights: Ian wants to be anywhere but the bleachers on Friday nights. 4.Aimee's Dilemma: Soccer or cheerleading? That is the question. 5.A Great Team: Adam & Justin both want to play first base. How will they sortit? 6.Ana's Swimming Party: Jodie can't swim and doesn't want her friends to find out. 7.Touchdown Pythons: Serena loves her first football game. 8.Sam's Passion: Sam talks about his passion for Karate in this passage. 9.Where's My Board: Kerry spends all the story looking for her skateboard. 10.Lacey the Runner: Lacey has dreams to run in the Olympics. Read to find out more. Additional File: Ana's Swimming Party: Invitation Templates Google Slides Version This is the Google Slides editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 2/3 Links Fiction Set 1 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Food Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 6 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 7 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Technology Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Nutrition Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 2-3 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of fivecomprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Three of the questions will be MCQs and two will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 2-3 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Additional File One lesson will have an additional file. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages

How to Make an Apple Pie | Writing and Sequencing Activity

How to Make an Apple Pie | Writing and Sequencing Activity
ELA, Writing, Grade 1, 2, 3, Activities

How to Make an Apple Pie | Writing and Sequencing Activity | Informational or Expository Writing This is a valuable resource for educators, ideal for engaging kindergarten through grade 3 students. It provides plentiful materials for crafting delightful learning experiences in writing and sequencing while teaching how to bake an apple pie. Features: Variety of printables, worksheets, and writing prompts designed to spark creativity and enhance logical thinking skills among young learners. How-to writing anchor chart that can be easily used across multiple lessons along with transition words anchor chart. Inclusive approach with sample writings on how to make apple pie and editing checklists tailored at two different ability levels ensuring inclusivity. Critical Thinking: To ease understanding the concepts further among children, this resource offers: Color sequencing cards: Both blank cards and those labeled with words teams up perfectly well with associated worksheets which are intriguingly simple yet thought-provoking aid children in enhancing their critical thinking abilities. Add-Ons: A readily available envelope template bundler up for safekeeping all sequence card - underlining its usability even after multiple uses. An inclusive range: A full-page booklet of pictures ready-to-color complements primary lines where sequences could be written out by kids. And yes! You get half-versions too! A variety of writing prompts and cut-out topped final draft edition! Focusing on Core Skills: With its meticulously curated 1st through 3rd grade content, this activity is geared towards the development of essential language arts skills. This includes sequential thinking, informational writing, and even art – via coloring activities embedded within. All neatly arranged in a convenient 57-page PDF format. Finally, a worthwhile addition irrespective of an educator working from a traditional classroom setting or homeschooling scenario. This resource will help to enrich your students' repertoire thereby contributing positively towards the overall intellectual growth and development of their students.

Author Simply Schoolgirl

Tags Apple Pie Recipe, Sequencing Activity, Informational Writing, Writing Prompts, Anchor Charts

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 2 Sample: What a Smell (Forms)
Free Download

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 2 Sample: What a Smell (Forms)
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Vocabulary, Common Core, ESL, Reading Comprehension, Writing, Literature, Children’s Literature, Grade 4, 5, Centers, Activities, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests

Reading Comprehension Passages Nonfiction Set 2 Sample Overview No prep reading comprehension lessons, with enjoyable articles and topics. Each lesson has a blend of post-reading activities. Mixed questions to check overall understanding. Vocabulary activities, plus a writing section. Lessons also contain a bonus extension exercise at the end. Some you may like, some you may not, either way they are there if you wish to use them. Full answer keys are provided. Passage Included 2.What a Smell: How does the stink bug protect its children? Find out in this lesson. Forms Version This is the Forms editable and fillable/self grading version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 4/5 Links Fiction Set 1 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 5 - Sea Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 4-5 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five comprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Two or three of the questions will be MCQs and other questions will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 4-5 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Activities include: spelling games, sentence match-ups, mixed-up text and decoding words from the lesson. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Just for Fun Each lesson will have a bonus extension exercise. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. You can find these at the end of each lesson, titled Just for Fun. Just for Funs are optional. Some you may like, some you may not. Either way, they are there to do with as you wish. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages

The Computer Game: Write A Play Script (9-13 years)

The Computer Game: Write A Play Script (9-13 years)
ELA, Writing, Grade 4, 5, 6, Games, Activities

The Computer Game: Write A Play Script (9-13 years) Complete a play script on the title 'The Computer Game'. Use details in the stage directions to show how the characters feel. Prompts and examples are included in this pack. An essential series of themed prompts to help children aged 9-12 years to practise their creative writing skills. The packs include an outline to help the child plan his or her own story, article, letter or play script and examples to build on, using harder more challenging vocabulary to stretch more able pupils.

Author Guinea Pig Education

Tags Play Script, Information Writing, Creative Writing, Writing Prompts, Character Study, Script Writing Games, Script Writing For Games, How To Write A Game Script

God Created Vegetables

God Created Vegetables
ELA, Writing, Handwriting, Reading, Kindergarten, Activities

Biblical Facts Married to Education! This is the latest in my growing, "God Created..." series and I'm excited to share this with you. First of all, as a dietitian, I think giving kiddos hands-on activities related to vegetables will encourage them to eat more healthily. Also, I was inspired by the story of Daniel and his friends who went on a "vegetable" only diet and proved to the Babylonian king that their diet was healthier than the Babylonians' diet. So, I thought it would inspire kids by combining biblical teachings with hands-on learning about vegetables. My God Created Series, including this God Created Vegetables workbook, is ideal for homeschooling families, Sunday schools, or family Bible studies! It is also appropriate for classroom use and multi-age families as there is something for everyone, regardless of reading level! I design my products to enhance children's understanding of God's creation while improving their literacy and cognitive skills. I believe this activity pack and Bible study will foster appreciation for the natural world and God's design. My activity pack is perfect for all ages, but particularly for students who are in grades Kindergarten through 3rd grade, which makes it ideal for younger learners. The activities can be used in many settings, including the home, for Sunday school, or even family Bible study. All of my products are flexible and can be used for children with different learning styles, whether hands-on or not. I've provided answer keys for all activities, to make assessment of student progress and understanding as easy as possible. Inside, you will find: Handwriting & Reading Practice: Exercises to improve students' handwriting and reading skills, with the focus being vocabulary of vegetables. Memory Matching Game: To increase engagement and add variety to your students' school day. Bible Study Activities: These activities help students connect what the Bible says about vegetables with the importance of eating healthy. Assessment: As mentioned above, I've included answer keys to simplify student evaluation.

Author Homeschooling Dietitian Mom

Tags Vegetables, Reading, Writing, Bible

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 1 - Animals (Forms)

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 1 - Animals (Forms)
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Vocabulary, Common Core, ESL, Spelling, Creative Writing, Writing, Resources for Teachers, Grade 4, 5, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Centers, Activities

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 1 Overview No prep reading comprehension lessons, with enjoyable stories and topics. Each lesson has a blend of post-reading activities. Mixed questions to check overall understanding. Vocabulary activities, plus a writing section. Lessons also contain a bonus extension exercise at the end. Some you may like, some you may not, either way they are there if you wish to use them. Full answer keys are provided. Passages Include 1.Donny's Glasses: Donny is being chased by a monster. Or so he thinks! 2.Hare & Bear: Hare & Bear have a cup of tea together in the warmth. 3.Maggie's Turtle: Maggie is desperate to win the fishing competition. 4.New Pup: Hugh finds out a new puppy isn't as fun as he hoped. 5.Naughty Cat: Lizzie can't find any of her stuff. Read this story to find outwhere it is. 6.Ella's Baseball Bat: Ella's dad is scared of bats, and now there is one in the house! 7.Ola the Rabbit: Read about Darla's newest pet in this lesson. 8.Ethan and the Puppies: Ethan gets ready for the puppies to arrive. 9.Endangered Animals: Sam learns all about endangered animals in this passage. 10.Chinese New Year: Jessie and Sally talk about the upcoming Chinese New Year. Forms Version This is the Forms editable and fillable/self grading version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 4/5 Links Fiction Set 1 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 5 - Sea Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 4-5 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five comprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Two or three of the questions will be MCQs and other questions will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 4-5 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Activities include: spelling games, sentence match-ups, mixed-up text and decoding words from the lesson. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Just for Fun Each lesson will have a bonus extension exercise. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. You can find these at the end of each lesson, titled Just for Fun. Just for Funs are optional. Some you may like, some you may not. Either way, they are there to do with as you wish. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Digital Centers

Reading Comprehension Fiction Set 1 Sample: Ola the Rabbit (Docs)
Free Download

Reading Comprehension Fiction Set 1 Sample: Ola the Rabbit (Docs)
ELA, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Common Core, Children’s Literature, Literature, Vocabulary, Language Development, Creative Writing, Writing, Grade 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Centers, Activities

Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 1 Sample Overview No prep reading comprehension lessons, with enjoyable stories and topics. Each lesson has a blend of post-reading activities. Mixed questions to check overall understanding. Vocabulary activities, plus a writing section. Lessons also contain a bonus extension exercise at the end. Some you may like, some you may not, either way they are there if you wish to use them. Full answer keys are provided. Passage Included 7.Ola the Rabbit: Read about Darla's newest pet in this lesson. Docs Version This is the Docs editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 4/5 Links Fiction Set 1 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 5 - Sea Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 4-5 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five comprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Two or three of the questions will be MCQs and other questions will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 4-5 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Activities include: spelling games, sentence match-ups, mixed-up text and decoding words from the lesson. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Just for Fun Each lesson will have a bonus extension exercise. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. You can find these at the end of each lesson, titled Just for Fun. Just for Funs are optional. Some you may like, some you may not. Either way, they are there to do with as you wish. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature (Slides)

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature (Slides)
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Vocabulary, Common Core, Reading Comprehension, Spelling, ESL, Creative Writing, Writing, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Assessments, Activities, Tests, Quizzes and Tests

Reading Comprehension Passages Nonfiction Set 4 Overview No prep reading comprehension lessons, with enjoyable articles and topics. Each lesson has a blend of post-reading activities. Mixed questions to check overall understanding. Vocabulary activities, plus a writing section. Lessons also contain a bonus extension exercise at the end. Some you may like, some you may not, either way they are there if you wish to use them. Full answer keys are provided. Passages Include 1.Best Season: Is winter the best season? What activities do we do? Read more in this article. 2.Changing Leaves: This article explains how and why leaves change in fall. 3.Pesky Weeds: Love them or hate them, dandelions are more useful that you think. 4.All About Hurricanes: Here's all you need to know about hurricanes. 5.Earth Day: What can we do to help our world on a daily basis? 6.Caspian Sea: What? Where? How? Why? Learn about the history of the Caspian Sea in his lesson. Slides Version This is the Slides editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 4/5 Links Fiction Set 1 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 5 - Sea Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 4-5 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five comprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Two or three of the questions will be MCQs and other questions will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 4-5 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Activities include: spelling games, sentence match-ups, mixed-up text and decoding words from the lesson. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Just for Fun Each lesson will have a bonus extension exercise. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. You can find these at the end of each lesson, titled Just for Fun. Just for Funs are optional. Some you may like, some you may not. Either way, they are there to do with as you wish. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature (Docs)

Reading Comprehension Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature (Docs)
ELA, Reading, Common Core, ESL, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Creative Writing, Writing, Grade 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Centers, Activities

Reading Comprehension Passages Nonfiction Set 4 Overview No prep reading comprehension lessons, with enjoyable articles and topics. Each lesson has a blend of post-reading activities. Mixed questions to check overall understanding. Vocabulary activities, plus a writing section. Lessons also contain a bonus extension exercise at the end. Some you may like, some you may not, either way they are there if you wish to use them. Full answer keys are provided. Passages Include 1.Best Season: Is winter the best season? What activities do we do? Read more in this article. 2.Changing Leaves: This article explains how and why leaves change in fall. 3.Pesky Weeds: Love them or hate them, dandelions are more useful that you think. 4.All About Hurricanes: Here's all you need to know about hurricanes. 5.Earth Day: What can we do to help our world on a daily basis? 6.Caspian Sea: What? Where? How? Why? Learn about the history of the Caspian Sea in his lesson. Docs Version This is the Docs editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 4/5 Links Fiction Set 1 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Birds Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Insects Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Mammals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 4 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 5 - Sea Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 4-5 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five comprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Two or three of the questions will be MCQs and other questions will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 4-5 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Activities include: spelling games, sentence match-ups, mixed-up text and decoding words from the lesson. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Just for Fun Each lesson will have a bonus extension exercise. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. You can find these at the end of each lesson, titled Just for Fun. Just for Funs are optional. Some you may like, some you may not. Either way, they are there to do with as you wish. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Author Cored Education

Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Digital Centers

How to Write a Book Report: Proofreading the Form of a Book Report - FLASH-MAC

How to Write a Book Report: Proofreading the Form of a Book Report - FLASH-MAC
ELA, Writing, Common Core, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Activities

How to Write a Book Report: Proofreading the Form of a Book Report - FLASH-MAC FLASH-MAC is an instrumental teaching aid that assists in honing students' proofreading skills. It is tailored for 5th to 8th-grade learners, specializing in Language Arts and Writing. This resource provides an interactive approach, offering experiences on how to meticulously proofread and fine-tune a book report. This practical activity gets students hands-on experience by proofreading a fully composed book report on the beloved children's novel - 'Charlotte's Web'. As students engage with this exercise, they must tick off items from: An itemization list identifying elements that need revision in the book report format. The process taken by How to Write A Book Report aligns perfectly with both Bloom’s Taxonomy and Common Core State Standards further bolstering its credibility as an authentic educational resource alternatively used for solo or group work. Versatile Learning Techniques Whole-Group Instruction: Lessons can be projected allowing for broad interaction among learners. Small-Group Discussions: More personalized interaction between participants. Solo Work/Homework Assignment: Encourages individual, self-guided learning at home. This software doesn't only enhance their skills around writing high-quality reports but also boost their ability for consistent critical review of their own works over time. In addition, attractive visuals infused within these forms help stimulate interest and engagement among learners leading way for spectacular outcomes In essence,'How To Write A Book Report: Proofreading The Form Of A Book Reporting – FLASH MAC' moulds young learners into more independent thinkers and communicators. It runs exclusively on Mac platforms with only a single file included.

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags Software (Mac)