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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables

5 PAGES OF EXERCISES OF ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION THEMED: DINO THEMED INTRODUCTION: HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? As is known, educational material helps students build their knowledge autonomously and, above all, in an unforgettable way. 2. What is the name of this document? This document is titled "Educational material for children" 3. What topic will be addressed in this resource? This document will address an educational topic that every child should learn in a basic way. 4. For what ages is it recommended? This set of educational sheets is recommended for children in general who are in the learning age and these sheets will be of great help to them. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author, who was in charge of producing and compiling this educational material, is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this set of educational sheets according to your criteria, in the corresponding area. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of ​​primary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. 11. How to apply it in class? You can apply this document individually or also in a group, it all depends on the criteria of the educator who is going to apply this sheet. 12. Will they need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, perhaps the students when using this sheet will need pencils, colors, or perhaps scissors, eraser. It all depends on the point of view of the educator.



Free Download

Foreign Languages, Spanish, Early Learning, Elementary, Adult Education, High School, Homeschool Resources, Middle School, Not Grade Specific, Pre-K, Teacher Tools, Classroom Decor, Activities

20 FREE FLASHCARDS OF ANIMALS FREE RESOURCE INTRODUCTION: Hello! I thank you infinitely for your interest in my educational store! I am a teacher who strives every day to produce these great educational resources for children, so I thank you because with your downloads you are helping a lot to promote my personal and professional work. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of ​​knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of ​​learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document



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ELA, Writing, Handwriting, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic 20 puzzles to cut out! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic 20 puzzles to practice cutting out. A. WHAT IS THIS PRODUCT ABOUT? Yes, to make the decision to download this product, please carefully read the following information regarding the product: 1. Product name: The title of the product is "10 pages of line drawings with the theme of means of transportation" 2. Number of pages: The educational document is made up of 10 pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational resource is not editable, so you can print it more easily since it is available in PDF format, and you will not have problems with movements in the figures and/or elements of the document. 4. Theme: The topic to be developed is graphomotor skills. 5. Document version: This document is available in PDF version. B. SECONDARY AND/OR COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 6. Color or white/black: Designed in colors. 7. Aimed at children of ages: For children from 3 to 6 years old. 8. Area: Graphomotor skills 9. Keywords: lines, line drawings, drawing exercises, lines worksheets, lines to review 10. How do I print it? Print it in A4 format, horizontal and in color. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply it individually or in pairs. 12. Will you need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, you will need pencil, colors or markers to make your lines. 13. Standards: It was not prepared based on any specific standard.


Tags Tracing Lines, Tracing Lines Worksheets, Tracing Lines For Kids, Tracing Lines Activities, Free Resources

The Computer Game: Write A Play Script (9-13 years)

The Computer Game: Write A Play Script (9-13 years)
ELA, Writing, Grade 4, 5, 6, Games, Activities

The Computer Game: Write A Play Script (9-13 years) Complete a play script on the title 'The Computer Game'. Use details in the stage directions to show how the characters feel. Prompts and examples are included in this pack. An essential series of themed prompts to help children aged 9-12 years to practise their creative writing skills. The packs include an outline to help the child plan his or her own story, article, letter or play script and examples to build on, using harder more challenging vocabulary to stretch more able pupils.

Author Guinea Pig Education

Tags Play Script, Information Writing, Creative Writing, Writing Prompts, Character Study, Script Writing Games, Script Writing For Games, How To Write A Game Script

How to Write An Essay: Memory Match Game - FLASH-MAC

How to Write An Essay: Memory Match Game - FLASH-MAC
ELA, Writing, Common Core, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Activities, Games

How to Write An Essay: Memory Match Game - FLASH-MAC This innovative teaching tool is designed with educators in mind. It simplifies complex essay writing techniques into a captivating memory match game , primarily targeting students from grade 5 to grade 8. This product covers six significant topics related to drafting an insightful essay. The highly effective learning tool uses the concept of pairing. Six corresponding pairs of key essay writing elements and their definitions are cleverly concealed within the game , promoting retention through meaningful practice and repetition. Thesis statements Topic sentences Supporting details Transitional words or phrases, Conclusions This module is adaptable for diverse classroom settings such as whole-group instruction or small group learning stations, it also works well as a differentiated learning activity for individual students struggling with specific areas of essay writing. Teachers’ Companion Tool "How To Write An Essay: Memory Match Game - FLASH-MAC” can be heavily relied upon not only in direct instruction but also when assigning homework or review tasks.This interactive resource aims at making sure every student gets the opportunity and support they need to master academic composition. Educational Standards Alignment The software aligns with Common Core State Standards emphasizing proficiency in language arts—specifically on enhancing students’ skills surrounding written expression. Moreover, its content reflects Blooms Taxonomys pedagogical principles prioritizing higher-order thinking skills rather than pure memorization. Please Note: This product is provided exclusively as Mac software (confirm compatibility before download). Users get one full product file upon purchase. Experience the Revolution in Learning Find out how “How To Write An Essay: Memory Match Game - FLASH-MAC” reimagines language arts instruction by synthesizing essential concepts into engaging gaming moments!

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags Software (Mac)

Word Study and Vocabulary Strategies Guided Reading Lesson Plans

Word Study and Vocabulary Strategies Guided Reading Lesson Plans
ELA, Reading, Writing, Elementary, Activities, Teacher Tools, Games, Projects, Assessments, Lesson Plans, Quizzes and Tests, Rubrics

Introduce or review (test prep!) your students’ word comprehension skills with this engaging 10-day mini-unit designed to make vocabulary learning interactive and effective! Perfect for upper elementary or middle school classrooms, this resource dives into Greek and Latin roots, word work strategies, guided reading and word comprehension through a variety of vocabulary activities and vocabulary games. What’s Included: Daily Lessons & Word Work: Explore prefixes, suffixes, Greek and Latin root words, dictionary and thesaurus skills, context clues, analogies, homophones, homonyms, homographs, synonyms, and antonyms through fun, hands-on activities, interactive notes, and creative projects. Vocabulary Activities & Games: Engage students with word work strategies like flashcards, sentence strip tasks, word art, creative writing and class sharing to reinforce understanding. Work Designed for Fun: Assignments (either classwork or homework) such as the “Make Your Own Word” Flip Book and creative writing tasks keep students motivated while reinforcing key concepts. Cumulative Test: Conclude the unit with a comprehensive Greek and Latin Roots Test (Day 11), complete with an answer key for easy grading or choose from different word part projects that include rubrics for assessment. Flexible Lesson Options: Expand the Unit: Add more practice, vocabulary games, or activities to focus on specific Greek and Latin roots or word comprehension strategies. Shorten the Unit: Focus only on Greek and Latin root words for a streamlined approach. Why Teachers Love It: Interactive & Fun: From word work activities to group study games, students will love the variety of vocabulary strategies and tools included. Adaptable for Every Classroom: Flexible design makes it easy to fit your schedule. Homework tasks can also double as in-class or center work for classrooms with limited homework policies. Prep Made Simple: Print-and-go packets, curated video resources, and minimal setup required! Teacher Prep Checklist: Print the “A Study of Words” packet for each student. Gather materials like sentence strips, index cards, and any required tech tools. Preview videos and websites from the Day-by-Day Plan. With this word work and vocabulary strategies mini-unit, you’ll empower students to unlock the meaning of words, improve their comprehension, and build essential vocabulary skills through fun and interactive word work strategies. Watch their confidence grow as they master etymology and the wonderful world of words!

Author Kel's Klass

Tags Greek And Latin Roots, Word Work, Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogies, Content Clues, Guided Reading Lesson Plans

How to Write a Paragraph: Memory Match Game - FLASH-MAC

How to Write a Paragraph: Memory Match Game - FLASH-MAC
ELA, Writing, Common Core, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Activities, Games

How to Write a Paragraph: Memory Match Game - FLASH-MAC This tool targets the development of writing skills in Language Arts for Grades 5 through 8. It encourages both individual and small-group learning, promoting an engaging interactive classroom environment. Unique Game Features A memory match game with 6 matching pairs each representing a different aspect of writing a paragraph. All elements are hidden within the puzzle adding an element of challenge keeping students engaged. The pairs consists of one term related to paragraph writing and its corresponding definition. This dynamic teaching aid could be effectively utilized in various ways based on your educational approach or students' needs: Addition to whole class participatory activities, Incorporation into small focused groups for collaborative learning, Possibility for enjoyable homework assignments. The product is based on Bloom's Taxonomy framework, encouraging higher-order thinking skills such as analyzing and evaluating various dimensions from constructing paragraphs effectively. It adheres strictly to Common Core State Standards ensuring alignment with nationwide curriculum requirements. Ease-of-Use Benefit: Fabricated onto MAC softwares, this pedagogic asset is easy-to-use enabling swift application straight out-of-the-box without needing any additional downloads. You’re not only gaming but also educating concurrently; characters become concepts embedding themselves naturally in young minds fostering learned success all while raising smiles!</blockquote }"

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags Software (Mac)

How to Write a Book Report: Memory Match Game - FLASH-MAC

How to Write a Book Report: Memory Match Game - FLASH-MAC
ELA, Writing, Common Core, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Activities, Games

How to Write a Book Report: Memory Match Game - FLASH-MAC The How to Write A Book Report: Memory Match Game - FLASH-MAC is an interactive and engaging approach to literary comprehension. This unique teaching resource uses the familiar concept of memory match games to teach, test, and reinforce crucial definitions and concepts related to book report writing. This game is specially designed for middle school students falling between grades 5 through 8. It comprises six pairs of matching cards which correspond with six essential topics from the commonly taught 'How to Write a Book Report' lesson plan. Each pair includes a topic card and its respective definition card. Whole group instruction: The game can easily be used as part of collective classroom teaching. Small group activity: It can also be tailored for use in collaborative small-group settings. Distant learning/homework:If necessary, it could be assigned as individual homework providing further reinforcement outside school hours. In line with Mac operating systems, this software-based educational product requires minimal technical input from teachers or parents facilitating at-home learning while strictly adhering the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) framework ensuring accurate content alignment along with compliance. The structure follows Bloom's Taxonomy vouching for graduated levels of complexity thereby promoting mastery over time so cognition occurs naturally. In conclusion, language arts instructors will find How To Write A Book Report: Memory Match Game - FLASH-MAC, not only innovative but also effective in utilizing modern technology's digital interface while maintaining all traditional pedagogical methodologies intact promising optimum literacy development results among learners.

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags Software (Mac)

Writing Literary Analysis Classroom Game!

Writing Literary Analysis Classroom Game!
ELA, Literature, Strategies, Writing, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Activities, Games

This informative and fun classroom group game will help your students understand literary analysis essay writing while also getting up and moving around the room with their classmates. This resource works best as a companion activity with Writing Literary Analysis Step-by-Step Directions &amp; Outline Activity, which covers important topics like literary analysis thesis statements, claims and warrants, introductions, body paragraph formatting, quote embedding, analysis recommendations, and conclusion. Teaching literary analysis writing is so difficult; let this resource simplify it for you! This game is an excellent way for students to demonstrate their understanding of literary analysis writing while also getting up and being active. Simply place the definitions of the different parts of an essay around the room, then hand out the definitions to your students (you can use groups, partners, or individual handouts depending on class size) and see if they can match their terms to the correct definition. It's a perfect entry activity for a class period that involves the crafting of a formal literary analysis essay. Be amazed as your students actually enjoy learning about literary analysis writing! Included in your download is: - A page of directions that explain how to teach and introduce the activity - 12 important terms related to the writing of literary analysis (Thesis Statements, Introductions, Eye-catchers, Introductory statements, Narrative Summary, Direct Support, Analysis Part 1, Analysis Part 2, Concluding Statements, Revisit Claims, Revisit Warrant, and Revisit Eye-Catcher) - Corresponding definitions for each term Although this resource game can be fitted for any secondary Language Arts classroom, it has been carefully designed to work best in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12. These step-by-step guidelines are specifically tied to Common Core ELA Standards for Writing (1, 2, 4, and 9) and Reading Information (4). This resourceis provided as a print-ready, bookmarked, and adjustable PDF file. This resource contains 13 pages.

Author The Language of Educational Art, LLC

Tags Game, Literary Analysis, Writing

Mind Games Animated Writing Activity | Short Film

Mind Games Animated Writing Activity | Short Film
ELA, Writing, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, Games, Activities

Mind Games Animated Writing Activity engages students through a fun short film. Students watch an animated story called "Mind Games" then work through various writing exercises. These activities teach key skills like sequencing events, identifying main ideas and supporting details, summarizing plots, and differentiating fact from fiction. Educators can facilitate whole-class discussions analyzing the film or assign the printable slides for independent practice. This versatile resource builds essential writing abilities across grades 1-4 aligned to ELA standards. Presented in an animated PowerPoint, Mind Games sparks creativity and critical thinking through an immersive multimedia experience.

Author Teach Me This

Tags Mind Games, Short Film, Animated Film, Creative Writing, Writing Activity

Persuade People To Buy A Computer Game (9-13 years)

Persuade People To Buy A Computer Game (9-13 years)
ELA, Writing, Grade 4, 5, 6, Games, Activities

Persuade People To Buy A Computer Game (9-13 years) A compelling teaching resource designed to foster the persuasive writing skills of children aged 9-13. This learning tool works to engage students and spark their creativity, providing examples and prompts that instigate practical application of persuasive vocabulary. Key Features: Offers an invaluable guide for facilitating writing practice for students in Grades 4, 5, and 6 with a focus on the subject of Language Arts. Aims to enhance their proficiency in formulating clear arguments, expressive storytelling, crafting engaging letters or scripts. Exceptionally useful for educators seeking diverse approaches to teach writing - it can be manipulated flexibly within whole class instruction, smaller group work or assigned as a productive homework exercise. "Persuade People To Buy A Computer Game" situates learning in a relatable context by requiring students to write convincing advertisements for computer games - an appealing task that capably merges fun with education. As they immerse themselves into creating these persuasive pieces, they dive deeper into understanding how effective language use can sway perspectives. Included in the PDF format: Six pages filled with innovative prompts Rich examples that feature complex vocabulary aimed at more proficient learners; thus serving as an excellent challenge for expanding their lexicon further. All things considered, "Persuade People To Buy A Computer Game" , is an articulate educational resource adept at immersing students into the world of compelling written communication while nudging them step-by-step toward achieving excellence in creative writing pursuits all through strides made within familiar grounds.

Author Guinea Pig Education

Tags Persuasive Writing, Computer Games, Creative Writing, Language Arts, Vocabulary Enhancement

SAMPLE Grade 4 Vocabulary (McGraw-Hill Wonders) Week 1 of Units 1-6
Free Download

SAMPLE Grade 4 Vocabulary (McGraw-Hill Wonders) Week 1 of Units 1-6
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Spelling, Vocabulary, Writing, Grade 4, Activities, Teacher Tools, Assessments, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Games

Sample Grade 4 Vocabulary (McGraw-Hill Wonders) Week 1 of Units 1-6 Teaching Resource This comprehensive resource is a perfect fit for fourth-grade teachers or homeschoolers focusing on language arts- particularly ESL, spelling, vocabulary, and writing. It thereby ensures a balanced learning experience. Components: Vocabulary Lists: Each list includes the word’s definition, part of speech and an example sentence that ensures learners grasp not only the word's meaning but also its usage context. Vocabulary Test : This two-part test challenges students to write down vocabulary words based on definitions in Part1 and form sentences in Part2. Word Search:A fun engagement tool promoting interactive self-learning. An excellent addition to homework tasks or group activities! Answer Keys:Included for grading speed post- test administration. Remember when printing to only select pages one through three! The resource structure applies consistency across weeks one through six with changing unit themes thus stimulating continued interest amongst learners whilst aiding retention at smoother rates. The vocabulary includes varied terms such as 'brainstorm', 'flattened', 'jumble' - hence holistically nurturing the Grade 4 linguistic lexicon. We are open to all queries, comments & suggestions! Explore this valuable teaching resource that promises enriching sessions teeming with diverse language discovery.

Author Tom's Talk

Tags Vocabulary, Language Arts, ESL, Spelling, Writing

Online Astronaut Game Build-a-Mission Problem Solving Writing Extension Activity

Online Astronaut Game Build-a-Mission Problem Solving Writing Extension Activity
Special Resources, Life Studies, ELA, Life Skills, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Games, Activities

Online Astronaut Game Build-a-Mission Problem Solving Writing Extension Activity The Online Astronaut Game Build-a-Mission Problem Solving Writing Extension Activity is a resourceful teaching tool designed to engage students in children's writing and problem solving. Available for Grade 1 to Grade 5, this creative learning solution spans several subjects such as Special Resources, Life Studies, and Language Arts whilst targeting subsubjects including Life Skills and Creative Writing. About the Resource This fun educational resource is a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation which offers an exciting approach to capturing every student's attention. It enables them to learn by making choices while discovering new topics. With its total of nine interactive pages, it succeeds in interweaving fun with education. Purpose and Execution The elementary essence of this product can be found in both its purpose and execution—fostering imaginative brainstorming within pupil-friendly scenarios. Students are encouraged to ponder about how they can use different objects towards accomplishing specific objectives—a truly creativity-sparking exercise! In the Classroom: Teachers can create debates where students justify why one object might be more useful than another one for problem-solving enhancing their speech skills & critical thinking abilities simultaneously. Beyond Discussions: This activity also converts into a writing prompt generator where learners are presented with four open-ended possibilities during activities—thereby boosting their creative output while challenging logical thinking. Note: This versatile game works well as an extension aid accommodating ELL (English Language Learners), GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) learners due to built-in differentiation allowing response length complexity. Add-on Applications: It also serves beyond formal teaching sessions - whether it's used for group collaboration exercises to stimulate debate, or in STEM classes for engaging discussions on creative problem solving tactics—the potential is endless with the added fun element. The game's versions such as 'A Superhero's Toolbox', 'A Chef's Toolbox' allows even more intrigue and variety. Adaptable and unique, this game truly creates value in multifaceted learning environments.

Author Melissa Is Teaching

Tags Problem Solving, Writing, Creativity, Interactive Learning, Educational Resource

Storytelling Cards game - Travelling around Asia for ESL EFL TESOL

Storytelling Cards game - Travelling around Asia for ESL EFL TESOL
Social Studies, ELA, Language Development, ESL, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards, Activities, Games

Storytelling Cards game - Travelling around Asia for ESL EFL TESOL This Printable Teaching Material is great for ESL, EFL Students, mainly High Schoolers/ Middle Schoolers (Teens), Homeschooling Classes or ANY English Second Language School Around the world! This ESL, EFL Game is great to improve English as a Second Language Vocabulary and Speaking skills. This Teaching Resources can be employed by ESL, EFL Centers Abroad and TESOL TEFL Tutors or independent teachers, educators around the globe (online or offline). This ESL, EFL, TESOL Resource offers 80 Flashcards with Asia and Travelling Vocabulary + Sights (an airport, the Forbidden City, Tokyo Tower, the Taj Mahal, Mochi, Sushi, Hot Pot, Hong Kong, a Camera, a backpacker, BTS etc. …). These English as a Second or Foreign Language Storytelling Flashcards can be shuffled so students can pick their Flashcards to tell their own unique story. Teachers and Students can use storytelling cards in various ways. My personal advice is to do the following spreads: the MINI STORY: every Learner picks 3 Storytelling Flashcards and tries to create their Europe-themed story the "NEVER ENDING STORY": every student picks by turn a card and given the outcome of the previous fished flashcards, he tries to continue the story's narration These are only TWO of the many spreads ESL Teachers and Learners can come up with! Don't be Shy and use your creativity to teach/learn English! This ESL, EFL, TESOL, TEFL Teaching Resource (80 storytelling Cards on Asia; 10 pages) can be great for Intermediate Advanced English as a second or foreign language learners. Its aim is to make students exercise and/or improve their speaking, storytelling English as a second language Skills. ESL with Alan is a Brand New ESL, EFL, TESOL Store whose aim is to help English as a Second or foreign Language Teachers, Educators and Tutors (be it online or offline) to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating environment. Never Forget! Learning is fun, so learn the Italian Language! If you want to browse more of my PDF ESL, EFL, TESOL Teaching Resources, click here ESL with Alan!

Author Learning with Alan

Tags ESL, EFL, Asia, Teens, Storytelling, Game, Activity, English

Concept Nouns Naming and Definitions 4

Concept Nouns Naming and Definitions 4
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Vocabulary, Writing, ESL, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games

This series of PDF BUNDLE resources focuses on identifying noun concepts, with engaging visualizations ( pictures and graphic arrangements ) of vocabulary by topic. The activity materials in this assignment are designed to help students develop their vocabulary and reading comprehension skills through interactive activities and real-life examples. It includes clear names and definitions of words from common noun categories and can also serve as discussion prompts to encourage critical and analytical thinking, deepen your understanding of the language, and improve your communication skills . This resource is designed to be accessible and engaging to all students . Ideal for teaching English as a Second Language and intervention sessions on learning difficulties. Clear and concise language, visual aids and interactive activities help students easily understand and remember information, integrating visual and kinesthetic elements. You can choose from a variety of worksheets that suit your student's level, interests, and printing preferences. Each category topic includes : 2 sets of Flash cards ( definition sentence / image, image / definition sentence ) 2 sets of Flash cards ( definition word / phrase, definition phrase / word ) 3 anagram strings ( mixed letters of single words or in definition text ) 1 Crossword ( word definition ) 2 sets of linked activities Draw a Line ( definition / image, image / definition ) 2 sets of matching activities Draw a line ( word / definition, definition / word ) 2 series of Quizzes ( definition / image, image / definition ) 2 series of quizzes ( word / definition, definition / word ) 3 Wheels of Fortune ( words, definitions, images ) Search page for 1 word ( word definition ) 2 writing boards ( words, definitions ) 2 blank boards/artboards ( words, definitions ) Various puzzles and word games for naming noun concepts as well . * Use as-is or create your own board games, like Snap, Memory, Match to Sample, and Knowledge Races . Distribute it as morning exercises, quiet time and focus activities, independent workbooks, or fun homework . 65 PDF Pages


Tags Esl, Word Defining, Semantics, Word Search, Anagram, Flash Cards, Centers, Crossword, Definitions, Writing Expository

Animal Adaptations in the Woodland Habitat Activities and Worksheets

Animal Adaptations in the Woodland Habitat Activities and Worksheets
ELA, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Writing, Science, Life Sciences, Biology, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences, Grade 3, 4, Activities, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Games

Product Overview The product, Animal Adaptations in the Woodland Habitat Activities and Worksheets, targets educators particularly engaged in 3rd and 4th-grade teaching. The product encapsulates various aspects of learning including science, language arts and earth sciences to stimulate student engagement. A unique feature is the 'Print-and-go' worksheets that offer immense convenience. In addition to educational content, engaging games also form part of this resourceful toolkit. Key Features 'Print-and-go' worksheets: Facilitates ease of use for teachers during classroom sessions or at-home assignments. Critical Thinking: Encourages cognitive skill development with matching exercises and discrimination tasks related to woodland species adaptations. Vocabulary Building: Enhances dictionary skills through finding guide words for specific vocabulary terms along with synonyms or antonyms. Creative Writing: Inspires creativity through descriptive writing tasks about different woodland animals and their adaptations. Inclusive Content The toolkit boasts a robust assortment of inclusive content such as PowerPoint slides for visual educational support, comparative writing tasks allowing students to delve deeper into similarities/differences among animal adaptations. Additionally, each activity /task card is presented in both color as well as black & white versions while answer keys are provided where possible for greater ease of evaluation. Note: Identical in content, color & black and white versions are provided for your consideration.

Author Quail Trail Products

Tags Animal Adaptations, Woodland Habitat, Science Activities, Language Arts, Critical Thinking

Essay Writing Skills Game Show

Essay Writing Skills Game Show
ELA, Writing, Grade 6, 7, 8, Activities, Games

This Essay Writing Skills Game Show is a Jeopardy style review game. This game can be played in whole group, small group, in person and distance learning. Implementation tips are included for best use.

Author Mrs. Spangler in the Middle

Tags Game Show, Essay Writing, Text-based Activity, Jeopardy, Review Game

Storytelling Cards Game - My Travel around Europe for ESL EFL TESOL

Storytelling Cards Game - My Travel around Europe for ESL EFL TESOL
Social Studies, ELA, Language Development, ESL, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Games, Activities

Storytelling Cards Game - My Travel around Europe for ESL EFL TESOL This Printable Teaching Material is great for ESL, EFL Students, mainly High Schoolers/ Middle Schoolers (Teens), Homeschooling Classes or ANY English Second Language School Around the world! This ESL, EFL Game is great to improve English as a Second Language Vocabulary and Speaking skills. This Teaching Resources can be employed by ESL, EFL Centers Abroad and TESOL TEFL Tutors or independent teachers, educators around the globe (online or offline). This ESL, EFL, TESOL Resource offers 80 Flashcards with Europe and Travelling Vocabulary + Sights (an airport, the Big Ben, Kyiv, the Colosseum, Vienna, Polish Pierogi, a pirate ship, a suitcase, a passport, Budapest, Cracow, Hamburg Opera House etc. …). These English as a Second or Foreign Language Storytelling Flashcards can be shuffled so students can pick their Flashcards to tell their own unique story. Teachers and Students can use storytelling cards in various ways. My personal advice is to do the following spreads: the MINI STORY: every Learner picks 3 Storytelling Flashcards and tries to create their Europe-themed story the "NEVER ENDING STORY": every student picks by turn a card and given the outcome of the previous fished flashcards, he tries to continue the story's narration These are only TWO of the many spreads ESL Teachers and Learners can come up with! Don't be Shy and use your creativity to teach/learn English! This ESL, EFL, TESOL, TEFL Teaching Resource (80 storytelling Cards on Europe; 10 pages) can be great for Intermediate Advanced English as a second or foreign language learners. Its aim is to make students exercise and/or improve their speaking, storytelling English as a second language Skills. ESL with Alan is a Brand New ESL, EFL, TESOL Store whose aim is to help English as a Second or foreign Language Teachers, Educators and Tutors (be it online or offline) to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating environment. Never Forget! Learning is fun, So should English! Always If you want to browse more of my PDF ESL, EFL, TESOL Teaching Resources, click here ESL with Alan!

Author Learning with Alan

Tags ESL, EFL, English, Europe, Cards, Flashcards, Activity, Storytelling, Teens

Free Interactive Memory Game to Practice Days of the Week
Free Download

Free Interactive Memory Game to Practice Days of the Week
Life Studies, ELA, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Writing, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, Games, Activities

Practice Days of the Week with this Interactive Memory Game Students will love learning and reviewing the days of the week with this engaging digital memory game. The game strengthens visual memory, short-term memory, concentration, and more as students flip over cards to find matches. To play, students first learn the words on the slides. Then they click on card coordinates to reveal pictures and words. If the cards don't match, students flip them back over and try again. When all cards are matched, press the circular "Start Again" button for another round! Use this 7-slide PowerPoint in whole group, small group, centers, or as a computer activity . The game entertains while building language arts skills. Check out more Spanish games and activities from ShapeUp-N-Matematicas y Lenguaje in our TpT store.

Author ShapeUp-N-Matematicas y Lenguaje

Tags Days Of The Week, Weekdays, Games, Memory Game, Small Or Whole Group, Interactive Activity, Week, Date, Days, Day

SAMPLE Grade 5 Vocabulary (McGraw-Hill Wonders) Week 1 of Units 1-6
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SAMPLE Grade 5 Vocabulary (McGraw-Hill Wonders) Week 1 of Units 1-6
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Spelling, Vocabulary, Writing, Grade 5, Activities, Teacher Tools, Assessments, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Games

SAMPLE Grade 5 Vocabulary (McGraw-Hill Wonders) Week 1 of Units 1-6 This is a comprehensive teaching resource that aids in the instruction and practice of word comprehension. It is designed specifically for fifth grade students, making it an excellent tool for public school teachers and homeschooling parents. This downloadable product provides an engaging way to introduce, prepare, and assess 'Words to Know' from the first week of each unit (Units 1-6) from McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders for Grade 5. The material's variety covers different learning styles: Vocabulary Lists: Suits visual learners with each word's definition, use in a sentence, and grammatical category. Word Searches games : Best suits more hands-on learners. To test their understanding, learners can use two-part vocabulary tests: The first part lets them articulate vocabulary words when provided definitions or words themselves. The second focuses on sentence completion tasks. Diverse Uses For Educators Educators have multiple ways to implement this useful resource across diverse teaching environments. They can effectively use it in whole groups or in small breakout sessions or even adapt homework assignments based on it. This way this product doesn't only save valuable preparation time but also ensures high-quality instruction. Answer Keys are included within the pack to make grading or quick reviews easy and efficient. It is advised that when printing these resources; only select pages fitting your existing curriculum framework at any given time so that irrelevant pages do not surface unnecessarily. Learners will encounter many common words like profit, union, deeds, and prospect, among others. These terms are presented in different contexts across various units, helping learners apply their knowledge outside of the academic scope. Contact Us Please feel free to reach out for any suggestions or questions you may have. We hope this resource aids inspired teaching and joyful learning in your educational setting.

Author Tom's Talk

Tags Vocabulary, Comprehension, Teaching Resource, Word Lists, Word Searches

ESL EFL Storytelling Cards Game -  Travelling around North America

ESL EFL Storytelling Cards Game - Travelling around North America
Social Studies, ELA, Language Development, ESL, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards, Activities, Games

ESL EFL Storytelling Cards Game - Travelling around North America This Printable Teaching Material is great for ESL, EFL Students, mainly High Schoolers/ Middle Schoolers (Teens), Homeschooling Classes or ANY English Second Language School Around the world! This ESL, EFL Game is great to improve English as a Second Language Vocabulary and Speaking skills. This Teaching Resources can be employed by ESL, EFL Centers Abroad and TESOL TEFL Tutors or independent teachers, educators around the globe (online or offline). This ESL, EFL, TESOL Resource offers 80 Flashcards with North America and Travelling Vocabulary + Sights + Famous people and local characters (an airport, the Statue of Liberty, Québec Ville, BBQ, the Navajo people, the Inuktitut people etc. …). These English as a Second or Foreign Language Storytelling Flashcards can be shuffled so students can pick their Flashcards to tell their own unique story. Teachers and Students can use storytelling cards in various ways. My personal advice is to do the following spreads: the MINI STORY: every Learner picks 3 Storytelling Flashcards and tries to create their Europe-themed story the "NEVER ENDING STORY": every student picks by turn a card and given the outcome of the previous fished flashcards, he tries to continue the story's narration These are only TWO of the many spreads ESL Teachers and Learners can come up with! Don't be Shy and use your creativity to teach/learn English! This ESL, EFL, TESOL, TEFL Teaching Resource (80 storytelling Cards on North America; 10 pages) can be great for Intermediate Advanced English as a second or foreign language learners. Its aim is to make students exercise and/or improve their speaking, storytelling English as a second language Skills. ESL with Alan is a Brand New ESL, EFL, TESOL Store whose aim is to help English as a Second or foreign Language Teachers, Educators and Tutors (be it online or offline) to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating environment. Never Forget! Learning is fun, So should English! Always If you want to browse more of my PDF ESL, EFL, TESOL Teaching Resources, click here ESL with Alan!

Author Learning with Alan

Tags ESL, EFL, Teens, Cards, Flashcards, Game, North America, Storytelling

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ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Grammar, Reading, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES STORE OF EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS! We are a publisher dedicated to the development of fabulous resources for children in the areas of literacy, mathematics, Spanish and even some for the areas of brain exercises or intelligence development. INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: Now please read the following information carefully so that you know what this product is about and make the decision to download it now. 1. Why should teachers use educational materials in the classroom? Teachers should use as many educational products and resources in the classroom because it will help students obtain better learning and build their learning better. 2. What is the name of this document? The title of this educational resource is "Game of WHO HAS, I HAVE" 3. What topic will you address in this resource? They will address 10 vocabulary words through a didactic game. 4. For what ages is it recommended? Recommended for students of all ages 5. Who is the author of this document? The author of this educational resource is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this resource in learning Spanish. 7. Should I apply it individually or in groups in my class? It is preferable that this game be applied as a group, in groups of 2 to 3 children. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This educational document is available in A4, PDF format. 9. Do I need some extra elements to apply it? Yes, you will need a color printer and scissors to cut the cards. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This game has been made in color. 11. Is this resource free or do I have to pay to use it? This resource is available for free. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



SAMPLE Grade 2 Vocabulary (McGraw-Hill Wonders) Week 1 of Units 1-6
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SAMPLE Grade 2 Vocabulary (McGraw-Hill Wonders) Week 1 of Units 1-6
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Spelling, Vocabulary, Writing, Grade 2, Activities, Teacher Tools, Assessments, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Games

Contained here is a comprehensive set designed to familiarize, practice, and evaluate the "Words to Know" from the inaugural week of each unit (1-6) within the McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders curriculum for Grade 2. Like what you see? Get the FULL Grade 2 practice set right HERE! The file includes: ⭐️ Vocabulary Lists Each list includes the word, its meaning, its part of speech, and a sample sentence incorporating the word. ⭐️ Vocabulary Examinations, consisting of two sections: Section 1: Vocabulary Words. Spaces are allocated for students to write the vocabulary words based on the provided definitions or the words themselves. Section 2: Sentence Completion. Students are tasked to fill in the blanks to finish the sentence. ⭐️ Word Hunt Activities This engaging activity provides a unique way to practice all the vocabulary words. Simply print the worksheets and let your students explore these words in a dynamic, self-guided way! ⭐️ Solution Guides This page offers the solutions to both sections of the vocabulary examination. Be sure to select only pages 1-3 when printing to prevent including this page. THIS RESOURCE INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING WORDS Unit 1, Week 1 actions afraid depend nervously peered perfectly rescue secret Unit 2, Week 1 adapt climate eager freedom fresh sense shadows silence Unit 3, Week 1 amazing force measure objects proved speed true weight Unit 4, Week 1 eerie growth layers lively location region seasons temperate Unit 5, Week 1 champion determined issues promises responsibility rights volunteered votes Unit 6, Week 1 appeared crops develop edge golden rustled shining stages For any questions, comments, or suggestions feel free to email us at: . Click HERE to visit my store page if you are interested in other resources on the topics of vocabulary, sight words, phonics, and grammar. Wishing you lots of fun with this resource!

Author Tom's Talk

Tags Wonders, McGraw-Hill, Reading Wonders, Vocabulary, PDF, Printable, Handout, Word Search, Test, Vocab

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ELA, Special Resources, Writing, Handwriting, Life Skills, Speech Therapy, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games

20 DINOSAUR PUZZLES FOR CHILDREN HELLO, thank you very much for being part of EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS! On this occasion I bring you these fantastic 20 dinosaur puzzles for children. SO DOWNLOAD THESE 20 DINOSAUR PUZZLES COMPLETELY FREE NOW SO THAT YOUR CHILDREN START CUTTING NOW. 1. KEYWORDS OF THIS RESOURCE: Puzzles, puzzles for children, puzzles to cut out, cut-out puzzles, cut-outs for children, cut-out tiles for children. 2. INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: Now please read the following information carefully to find out what this product is about and decide to download it now. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this resource is "20 dinosaur puzzles for children" B. This document contains this number of pages: 5 pages C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. We are a corporation dedicated to making puzzles for children. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: - CLASSROOM: If you are a preschool teacher or a teacher of young children, these cutting activities will be very useful for developing the areas of graphomotor skills, as well as motor skills for your children. - HOME: If you have small children, these activities can be very useful, both during your little ones' leisure time and if your children are interested in dinosaurs. 3. SECONDARY OR COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: E. Is this document in black and white or color? Document available in colors. F. For what ages is this document recommended? Apply this document to children ages 3 to 6 who benefit greatly from fine motor skills activities. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others. 4. OTHER FREE RESOURCES THAT MAY INTEREST YOU AND THAT YOU CAN DOWNLOAD COMPLETELY FREE: ADDITION WORKSHEETS : SUBTRACTION WORKSHEETS: DIVISION WORKSHEETS: MULTIPLICATION WORKSHEETS: NUMBERS CARDS: NUMBERS FLASHCARDS: PAINT AND FUN: NUMBERS TRACING:


Tags Puzzles, Puzzles For Kids, Free Puzzles, Dinosaur

Metaphor Writing Infographic Game

Metaphor Writing Infographic Game
ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Games, Activities

The Metaphor Writing Infographic Game Targeted towards educators, especially those in traditional classrooms or homeschooling settings teaching grades 4 to 8. This game is designed to enhance linguistic skills and creativity in students with a primary focus on metaphor writing. Features: Presents easy-to-follow Don'ts Editable Google table version Vibrant hues enhancing visual appeal and attention span Incorporates video links alongside each Don't for auditory reinforcement Includes links to four different Quizizz games reinforcing taught information through practice. This infographic game can be integrated within various classroom models - collaborative group sessions, smaller individualised objective focus before reconvening back or as independent homework assignments. Add-ons: A printable version available for flipcharts or class anchors All resources conveniently accessible via a single PDF containing necessary editable Google doc links. To summarize, the Metaphor Writing Infographic Game encapsulates crucial aspects of metaphor writing through engaging teaching methodologies making it an ideal support resource for both early learners and seasoned students alike. </div

Author Room2Ruminations

Tags Metaphor Writing, Infographic Game, Language Skills, Creativity, Teaching Tool

SAMPLE Grade 6 Vocabulary (McGraw-Hill Wonders) Week 1 of Units 1-6
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SAMPLE Grade 6 Vocabulary (McGraw-Hill Wonders) Week 1 of Units 1-6
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Spelling, Vocabulary, Writing, Grade 6, Activities, Teacher Tools, Assessments, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Games

SAMPLE Grade 6 Vocabulary (McGraw-Hill Wonders) Week 1 of Units 1-6 Primarily designed to facilitate vocabulary acquisition and reinforcement specific to Grade 6, it concentrates on the first week across units one through six, utilizing words from McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders. This resource becomes an essential tool for whole group instruction or smaller break out sessions, individual homework assignments or independent studies. It includes comprehensive vocabulary lists where each word is defined, its part of speech identified, and used in example sentences to provide context. Vocabulary Tests To enhance learning and improve retention rates, a two-part test is provided for each unit week. These tests can be used by students to note down prompted vocabulary words from given definitions or fill in missing words in sentences thereby applying their newly gained knowledge practically. Fun Learning Activity : Word Search An appealing feature of this product is the word search activity that adds elements of fun while improving vocabulary skills. Each word search houses all vocabulary words from the respective week's unit serving as a brilliant tool for both class activities and homework assignments. Included Answer Keys For Effective Evaluation Educators are assisted with handy answer keys that provide solutions for both sections of the vocabulary test thus saving invaluable time while ensuring accuracy. The SAMPLE resource contains pertinent terms such as 'consolation', 'threshold' (Unit 1), ‘artifact’, ’yields’ (Unit 2) up till Unit six featuring key words like 'commodity', 'significant'. These varied terms cut across multiple themes allowing students attain a well-rounded understanding correspondent to grade level language arts essentials. While this resource is primarily aimed at Language Arts educators with goals focused on Spelling and Vocabulary development, it is equally serviceable across ESL teaching paradigms as well as for any educator in need of sturdy tools to enhance student writing practices. To conclude, educators armed with SAMPLE Grade 6 Vocabulary (McGraw-Hill Wonders) Week 1 of Units 1-6 can be assured that they are equipped with an extensive, practical and easily accessible tool to achieve Grade 6 foundational vocabulary targets effectively. .

Author Tom's Talk

Tags Vocabulary Acquisition, Vocabulary Reinforcement, Language Arts Instruction, Vocabulary Test, Word Search

Assessments and Games with Literary Terms

Assessments and Games with Literary Terms
ELA, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Literature, Language Development, Vocabulary, Writing, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Activities, Games, Teacher Tools, Assessments

Assessments and Games with Literary Terms: A Comprehensive Teaching Resource Assessments and Games with Literary Terms is specifically designed for high school students from grades 9 to 12. It offers a concrete foundation in Literature, Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Writing. Included Material Two different quizzes on literary terms relevant to American literature. A unique game for enhancing retention skills amongst students. A comprehensive Word Document containing all necessary information. Flexibility of Quizzes The quizzes are not carbon copies of each other. Quiz One focuses on definitions specific to American literature whereas Quiz Two uses more examples within its definitions. Teachers have the freedom to modify the quizzes according to the need of their class or individual students. The Role of The Game In Learning Process: The included game aims at making learning a fun process while strengthening memory recall amongst the learners. Educational Value: This package aligns not only with state-mandated tests but also encourages active engagement in classrooms making it an effective learning tool while preparing students proficiently for potential exams. Type & Format Of Content: The document totalling 13 pages includes answer keys and can be used both as whole group exercises or small group activities even homework assignments. In conclusion, Assessments and Games with Literary Terms serves as an effective aid for educators while ensuring an immersive education experience filled with substantial knowledge intake along wit enjoyable interaction.

Author The Education Lab

Tags Assessments, Games, Literary Terms, American Literature, Interactive Learning