While we hope everyone has a great experience at Teach Simple, we recognize our platform isn’t for everyone, which is why we offer a full-access free trial.

Do You Offer Refunds?

We do not provide refunds to users who request cancellation of services, regardless of the reason for the request. This is stated in our Terms of Service, which all customers acknowledge before signing up.

Why Don’t You Offer Refunds?

As Teach Simple offers digital downloadable products, we do not provide refunds as there is no way to return digital products.

Do You Make Exceptions?

In general, no we do not make exceptions as we offer a free trial which can be cancelled at any time.

We do offer refunds on a case-by-case basis in the off-chance that a customer has experienced a bug in our service or there was an issue of over-charging such in the case they unintentionally signed up for multiple accounts. In this case please contact support@teachsimple.com and provide your name and the last 4 digits of the card on file along with an explanation of the issue you are experiencing.