Everything great comes to an end—so does the summer break. Nobody enjoys going back to school, and you’ll need a laugh to get you through the first day back. Check out our list of first day of school memes for teachers to lighten the mood.
- Like your expectations, these first-day-of-school teacher memes will start off positive From We Are teachers
- If only the kids could eat the berries of silence From Sea Of Knowledge
- There’s always that one overzealous kid From America’s Best Pics And Videos
- Back-to-school teacher memes are not only about kids—you know exactly why From Sea Of Knowledge
- There’s nothing worse than an enthusiastic colleague on the first day of school FromTeach Starter
- The worst feeling is when you try to forget that school is starting, and reminders are everywhere FromThe Funny Beaver
- We’ll never forget you, fallen comrades From Buzzfeed
- Counselors like to keep everything organized… For a couple of days From Buzzfeed
- This teacher night-before-school meme couldn’t be any truer From Jimmy Joe
- You should cherish the small victories on your first day back From Romper
- This is a first-day-of-school meme for teachers and students, united against the common foe From Mommy R+r
- They say there are two types of teachers on the first day From Cafe Mom

- The first day back is always the longest From Bored Panda
- It’s the little things that kill you From The teacher Next door
- Don’t you love it when your plans go out the door on the first day From Know Your meme
- Here’s a great teaching-during-covid meme to joke with on the first day back in classrooms From ImgFlip
- This one is self-explanatory From We Are Teachers
- A classic teachers-the-night-before-school-starts meme From Whooo’s Reading The Blog
- Sometimes it’s hard to let go (sometimes meaning always) From Fairy God Boss
- The first week back really does hit differently From Buzzfeed
- Dear friend, you will not be easily forgotten From Seventeen
- Nine months of teaching is a loooooooooong period From Quotes Gram
- “Resist the devil(‘s bathroom requests), and he will flee from you!” From Buzzfeed
- Don’t you just love to see kids enjoying the first day? From Buzzfeed
- When you hear a kid saying teachers love it From Srta Spanish
- How it feels going to school and seeing parents packing their children From Momtastic
- Having a great first day doesn’t happen often, but when it does…From We Are Teachers
- Did you know—Welcome-back-to-school memes for teachers are made From tears of a dying vacation
- Just having a great time (who said anxiety?!) about tomorrow From Ah See It
- It can be hard to mask your feelings From Buzzfeed

- Ever wonder when you will end up being a back-to-school teacher meme? From Education To The Core
- This is a meme we can all relate to From Cheezburger
- COVID-teacher-memes are there to remind you it could be worse From California Casualty
- When you pretend someone could say “no,” and you’d be able to skip From The Soldier’s Wife
- It did sound great not having to go to school every day From Guide for geek moms
- We all give them a chance in the beginning From Sea Of Knowledge
- Nobody talks about the first day of school in education classes From Teaching Online
- Even the equipment doesn’t like going back to work From Quick Meme
- You can’t have a pencil, Timmy, they didn’t give me a discount From We Are Teachers
- We all dare to dream every now and again From Catawba County News And Weather