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Behavior Chart Definition and Meaning

Educationally and pedagogically written and reviewed by Academic Writer Maryna Polishchuk, MA, and Academic Writer & Researcher Dr. Maryam Iftikhar, Ph.D.

Behavior Chart in Overall Educational Settings

A behavior chart is a systematic approach to encouraging good behaviors and discouraging bad ones. It assists people, mostly children, in understanding expectations and motivates them to engage in positive behaviors and avoid negative ones.

The behavior chart is a method used by educational and parenting institutions to track, monitor, and modify the behavior of children of different age groups. It consists of a visual presentation in the form of a chart or a table. In behavior charts, the desired behaviors are mentioned in one column along with the rewards or consequences in another column. 

Types of Behaviour Chart

There are many types of behavior charts, the basic ones are classified as:

Reward Chart

Reward charts can be used to reward or praise your child when he/she exhibits positive behavior and it is also a way of helping him/her follow simple instructions. Your child collects the stickers or tokens every time they show positive behavior, and they then trade the stickers or tokens for a reward later on.

The Consequence Flow Chart

The consequence flow chart is a visual method for teaching children the results of their words and actions, whether positive or negative.

Goal setting charts

Objective charts track progress toward behavioral and academic goals, helping students set and track achievable goals such as improving grades or conducting social skills.

Self-monitoring charts

Self-monitoring graphs allow people to track and review their behavior, set goals, and examine progress. These self-reflection charts encourage the development of self-awareness and self-regulation skills, which are essential for behavior change.

Benefits of Behavioural Chart

Behavior charts are a perfect method for achieving specific learning goals and tracking students’ behavior. They tend to keep order in class or at home without the need for verbal reminders all the time. They provide children with signals about what is acceptable and what isn’t, how they should act in a certain situation, and what is morally right or wrong. The chores behavior chart is an effective tool that helps to develop a sense of responsibility and teamwork in children.

Drawbacks of Using a Behavioural Chart

Behavior charts have been proven to be an effective tool for behavior management. However, there are also concerns about their suitability and demerits. Researchers may claim that they are unable to give the whole picture of a child’s development, as they might concentrate on certain behaviors only.

Moreover, they can also fail to understand the value of bonding and direction in groups of friends. In addition, people posting their progress online might damage self-esteem and participation. This kind of progress indicator might not enhance the motivation of intrinsically motivated children. Individual motivations are the most important thing to understand before using behavior charts to ensure their effectiveness in promoting children’s positive development.

Strategically Implementing Behavior Charts:

Behavior charts have proven to be effective for a short period of time. However, some researchers believe that through rewards, children may lose their motivation to study unless they always get the prizes.

It is all about motivation, whether it is extrinsic or intrinsic. By using charts and a reward system, you are encouraging your child to use extrinsic motivation, which means that when a person feels motivated to do something or to change their behavior, it is from the outside. However, some children might need intrinsic motivation, i.e., change for their own sake.

Take note of your use of the behavior charts to ensure that you are not relying too much on them or using them unnecessarily to fulfill chores. Consider removal of the charts when the children have mastered a particular behavior. In the end, the effectiveness of behavior charts depends on the nature of each child.

Behavior Chart: Teach Simple’s Perspective

At Teach Simple, we believe that behavior charts work as a structured strategy for encouraging good health behaviors and tracking the progress in managing bad behavior. By defining specific targets and tracking the fulfillment of aspired objectives, behavior charts can improve student/children engagement and obligation.  We are aware that the approach should be adjusted to individual requirements and capabilities, considering factors such as intrinsic motivation and the complexity of behavior. Also, a behavior chart should complement, not replace, the nurturing relationship between the children’s parents and teachers.


  • Gunaretnam, V. (2021). A study on increasing positive behaviors using positive reinforcement techniques. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 05(07), 198–219. https://doi.org/10.47772/ijriss.2021.5706
  • Are There Benefits of Behavior Charts for Children? (2023, April 18). WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/parenting/are-there-benefits-of-behavior-charts-children