The end of a school year seems lightyears away when you start teaching in August. Still, it never disappoints, and it always shows up. Teachers probably look forward to it more than students do. If your school year is coming to an end or you’re daydreaming about it, memes will make you laugh about it and remind you why you love teaching.
Check out our list of 40 last day of school memes for teachers and enjoy.
- Every year, you start off positive and full of energy, don’t you? From Digital Mom
- The only energy you have left is the one you invest in running the house—end-of-year teacher memes know FromTeach Smart With Me
- Is a “teachers-on-last-day-of-school meme” a meme if it’s true? From the Educator’s Room
- The difference in emotions is visible By The Educator’s Room From My no Guilt Life

- The best feeling ever is when you forget it’s the last day of school From Tenor
- This teacher’s-last-day-of-school meme knows From Better Bible Teachers
- No last-day-of-school memes for teachers hit home as much as the ones about teachers running away From Mashup
- “That day, for no particular reason, teachers decided to go for a little run.” From The Funny Bevear
- Teacher-end-of-year meme—more like Screecher-end-of-year meme, right? From Memes Monkey
- And some say teachers have it easy for not working over the summer From We got The Funk
- What’s more realistic—seeing a unicorn or a lesson plan in May? From Memeroid

- Slow and steady May makes teachers lose their mind From Loving Teaching Kids
- Silly questions never stop, do they? From Bored Teachers
- This and the next one get a bit religious, and for a reason From my No Guilt Life
- Praised be He who gave us the summer vacation From Meme Generator

- Did you know Psy’s “Gangnam Style” is actually about teachers’ last day of school? (It’s not) From classroom Chat Blog
- When they ask me how I’m holding up and May only began From picture Quotes

- This is something every teacher should hang in their office when the end of school is nearing From Top Notch Teaching
- Stay in your lane, nonteachers From Teacher Humour
- There’s not a teacher out there that won’t relate to this From Saying Images
- Teachers-running-out-of-school memes are popular, and rightly so From Mix And Match mama
- Some kids don’t respect the last day of school and don’t know when to stop From Bored Panda
- The first two weeks of summer are reserved for sleeping From Education To The Core
- Yeah, sex is cool, but have you tried waking up without an alarm? From Weebly
- Who doesn’t like Someecards? From Someecards
- Time for parents to pick up their end of the couch From Pop Sugar
- Nobody looks forward to summer more than teachers From Reddit
- The good thing about teaching in May is that it’s actually May By Bored Teachers From Bored Teachers
- A school year lasts longer than the trip from the Shire to Mordor on foot From Whooo’s Reading The Blog
- Have you noticed that The Sound of Music doesn’t have a song about teachers going on a vacation? Missed opportunity From Education To The Core
- The freaks come out at night—or when students leave, whichever comes first From Someecards
- Every teacher feels like a star on the last day of school From Imgflip
- Carlton Banks does a great summary of last-week-of-school memes for teachers From Hotcore
- Ready for some facts? From Good reads
- Let’s be honest—it is rewarding to see people go to work during the summer vacation From Reading Acts
- The last week is longer than others, but it too must end From Someecards
- Ever felt the need to raise your Oakeshott sword and yell at the Englishmen… Or students for the lack of a better adversary? From Sweat To Inspire
- “Dobby has heard of your greatness, Summer, but of your goodness, Dobby never knew.” From Cheezburger
- Keep calm; the summer is coming From Whooo’s Reading The Blog
- When the first day of summer arrives From Reddit