Teaching for a living can leave you feeling a bit ambivalent. We all love our students, but they can be real energy vampires at times with silly questions repeated over and over again. Our classrooms may be our second homes, but there are days when we’d rather be anywhere but there.
When exhaustion strikes and you’re at your wits’ end, one thing left to do is laugh.
We’ve compiled a list of 50 funny teacher memes that will make you smile and make you forget about little Jimmy asking to go to the bathroom 195 times per lesson.
- Nothing hits closer to home than an exhausted teacher meme By Matthew R. Morris
- You just know a teacher appreciation meme is a meme From ImgFlip
- When the kid with a low grade gives a perfect answer From ImgFlip
- Some questions are just ridiculous From Bored Panda
- We’ve all made a face worthy of a teacher meme From America’s Best Pics And Videos
- Who knew kids could be scary? Teachers! From Teacher Memes
- Tired teacher memes are funny because they are true From Literature Daydreams
- Don’t you just love it when they ask questions too soon? From Winkgo
- Repetition is the mother of learning and the enemy of a teacher’s sanity From Mrs. Beattie’s Classroom
- It can be difficult to remain composed in front of students—sometimes for a good reason From Digital Mom Blog
- It’s always fun to recall your enthusiasm from the beginning of the year From Ifunny
- Being a teacher comes with its victories From Teacher Memes
- A good, old crazy parent meme for teachers always brings a chuckle From Meme Fun
- It’s a shame you can’t answer with “All of the above” From Digital Mom Blog
- Step one: go back in time and listen to your teacher From Monster Fish Keepers
- Lesson plans are only guidelines anyway, right? From Imgflip
- You can always give them something to complain about From Bored Teachers
- This is just a silly teacher meme, nothing to do with reality 😉 From Education To The Core
- We all know “that kid” From Sea Of Knowledge
- Do. Not. Touch. Teachers’ holy grail From Education To The Core
- Restrained by the bell From Mash Up Math
- The first two hundred No-s should be a clue From Teacher Memes
- You can hide it, but you’ve been there too From Bored Panda
- Et tu, Nerdus? From MashUp Math
- Nobody’s faster than teachers on a Friday—memes claim so From Distractify
- Is there a greater disappointment than asking for a bathroom break? From Express Publishing
- Sometimes, students just can’t read the room From Digital Mom Blog
- Another five days of hanging out with those dev… Angels From Ebaum’s World
- How to transform your classroom into a Birdbox scene in one step From Cheezburger
- What comes quicker—Friday or Halley’s Comet? From The Funny Beaver
- Who does Miss Johnson think she is, anyway? From Buzzfeed
- To be fair, this is always a valid question From Fatty McCupcakes
- “Teacher Evil” is a cool nickname, isn’t it? From Digital Mom Blog
- Hate something students do? Do it yourself and watch it magically disappear From Whooo’s Reading The Blog
- Sometimes students throw a Hail Mary even Tom Brady wouldn’t dare attempt From Mash Up Math
- Don’t you love it when completely avoidable issues spice up the day? From Cupcakes And Curriculum
- When you open a classroom door and get hit by millions of questions From The Adri Michelle
- The first lesson of the day: how to use a shower From Van Raub Elementary PTO

- You’re not a teacher if you haven’t asked yourself what the hell you’re doing From The Newsless Courier
- You could say you’re making the day more fun From Help A Teacher
- Don’t worry; this is a working-weekend-free zone From Bored Teachers

- Some habits never change From Ebaum’s World
- The jury’s still out if this is a genuine quote or a teacher meme From Spanish Plans
- One day you feel like Dora, the other like Sherlock From The Funny Beaver
- Seven periods is a loooong time in a teacher’s life From We Are Teachers
- May is high time kids picked up the slack From Education To The Core
- And why are you asking me questions? From Adventures In Kinder And Beyond
- That feeling when you realize “Groundhog Day” was a horror film From Hoppy’s Carwash
- Sometimes you feel what it’s like to be on the other side From Imgflip
- It makes it all worth it in the end From wallpapers