Are you searching for a top-notch set of area of composite figures worksheets? Look no further! Our collection of sheets is perfect to instruct your students on how to calculate the area of composite shapes. Jump start their learning journey with these exemplary practice exercises and put an end to those doubts today!
Table of Contents
- Things to look for when choosing area of composite figures worksheets
- 9 Best Area of Composite Figures Resources
- Where to find composite figures worksheets
Things to look for when choosing area of composite figures worksheets
When looking for the perfect area of composite figures worksheet to use in your class, it is essential to find one that aligns with your lesson. Look for worksheets with plenty of room for your students to draw each part of the figure separately and show their calculations. Ideally, there will even be room to check their work.For ultimate ease, search for worksheets that come with answer keys; these are the perfect fit!
9 Best Area of Composite Figures Resources
- Area of Composite Figures For Partner Practice By The Math Cafe
This worksheet challenges students to discover the area of composite figures, some requiring them to only find the shaded portions area. Each form contains nine questions for a total of eighteen different challenges. This resource excludes circles, as the standard specifically does not incorporate them. This worksheet is free with a Teach Simple membership and includes an answer key.
- Area, Surface Area, & Volume Of Composite Figures REAL-WORLD SITUATIONS By The Math Cafe
This worksheet contains 12 questions based on to give students practice finding the area and volume of composite figures. Two options are available – either a PDF that you can print or an Google Form for Google Classroom. Only figures explicitly listed in the standard are included in this practice so there are no circular composite figures. This worksheet is free with a Teach Simple membership and includes an answer key
- Area Of Compound Shapes Worksheets From Math Worksheets 4kids
This worksheet from Math Worksheets for Kids includes circles and half circles. It has limited whitespace, but the figures and measurements are clearly drawn. This is a free version, but two additional worksheets with similar problems are available for a fee. The answer key is included.
- Area Of Composite Figures Worksheet From Mathematical
This is a free worksheet from Mathematical Worksheets. There are 8 composite figures for students to practice finding the area. It contains an answer key.
- How To Calculate The Area Of A Composite Or Compound Shape (Rectangles, Triangles, Circles) From Baamboozle
This free worksheet can be used as a guided lesson or students can take it home as a review packet. It contains rectangles, squares, and triangles – no circles or semicircles. It is cluttered with advertisements and has very little white space. However, the examples are detailed and walk students through the process of finding the area of a composite figure.
- Find Area Of Complex Figures From Tutoring Hour
This is a clever worksheet from Tutoring Hour. The shapes get progressively more complicated and include rectangles, triangles, semicircles, and circles. There is limited white space and the free download does not include an answer key.
- Calculating The Area Of Composite Shapes Worksheets From
This set of several worksheets gives students plenty of practice finding the area and perimeter of composite shapes.There is limited whitespace.There is a fee for the worksheets or you can get them as part of a premium Twinkl membership. Each sheet has an answer key.
- Microsoft Word – 8.2 Worksheet.docx From WSFCS

This is a free download from Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools in North Carolina. It is a Word document, so you can edit the questions to ask students to find the area, perimeter, or both. It has plenty of whitespace to show work. The answers are at the end of the worksheet, but you can add a page break if you don’t want the class to see it.
- Finding The Area Of Composite Figures By Cindy White
Cindy White posted this one page worksheet on her blog. It has beautifully complicated figures. It is a good worksheet for bonus points or to challenge more advanced students. She included an answer key.
Where to find composite figures worksheets
As a math educator, you are cognizant of the limits posed by traditional textbooks. This is why many teachers eagerly invest significant amounts each year on additional learning materials that add creativity and enthusiasm to their classrooms! Worksheets are one of these highly-sought supplemental teaching resources as they can help invigorate students’ interest in mathematics.
Unfortunately, most paid worksheets are kept behind a paywall and all you can see is an unclear thumbnail or blurred out screenshots. You cannot be certain of what you’ll get until the payment’s been made, potentially leaving your lesson plan with no suitable material – even if it appears to be high quality!
With Teach Simple, you don’t have to worry about the costs of each download. Instead, we provide a cost-effective subscription plan that will give you access to our entire library (which expands by thousands every month!) all in one go! Plus, with this affordable package deal – there’s no limit on how much content can be accessed and downloaded.
As a teacher, we know you want resources you can put to use immediately. We hope this list of area of composite figures worksheets gives you the resources you need to create inspiring and fun lesson plans.