Welcome to our guide about distributive property worksheets. If you’re a student or a teacher looking for ways to understand the distributive property in math, you’re in the right place. We’ve put together a large collection of worksheets that are designed to help you.

This article will help you understand what makes a good distributive property worksheet. We’ll also share some of the best worksheets we’ve found. Plus, we’ll tell you where you can find more worksheets online.

Whether you’re learning in a classroom or at home, these worksheets make multiplication easier and more fun. Let’s start exploring these resources together.

Table of Contents

Things to look for when choosing a distributive property worksheet

Choosing the right worksheet for the distributive property is important. Here’s what to look for:

  1. Problem Variety: Find worksheets with different types of problems. They should include multiplication, division, and combination of terms. This gives students lots of practice.
  2. Whitespace: Look for worksheets with lots of whitespace. This gives students room to show their work. It helps them understand each step.
  3. Answer Keys: Worksheets should have answer keys. These let students check their work. They also make grading easier for you.
  4. Substitute Teacher-Friendly: Answer keys are also useful for substitute teachers. They can also be used in digital classrooms, like Google Classroom.
  5. Difficulty Level: Make sure the worksheet matches your students’ level. Start with easy problems. Then, gradually increase the difficulty.
  6. Real-World Applications: Worksheets should show how the distributive property is used in real life. This makes learning more interesting.
  7. Clear Instructions: Instructions should be easy to understand. This lets students work on their own without getting confused.

Remember, the goal is to teach a key concept. When two or more numbers are added and then multiplied by a third number, the result is the same as if each addend was multiplied individually and then the products were combined. The

Best distributive property worksheets

The Distributive Property Guided Notes + Homework Set by Eddie McCarthy

The worksheet is available on Teach Simple. It is a non-editable PDF with an answer key. The worksheet has plenty of white space and is organized from simple to more complex operations. It’s a good fit for high school or college students.

Distributive Property Intro by Dressed in Sheets

This worksheet is for students in grades 8 to 12. It has examples and can be used for self-study or guided learning. It helps students understand the distributive property and its real-life uses. Students will learn to solve different problems, including those with variables. It also comes with an answer key for checking answers.

Distributive Property & Combining Like Terms Partner Activity By The Math Cafe

Take this activity as a way to assess understanding between partners. Each partner solves a different expression and needs to arrive at the same simplified answer. If discrepancies occur, partners must defend their respective answers through proof-based arguments. An ideal opportunity for checking one’s knowledge on integer rules or fraction distribution! The set includes two partner activities that focus on Distributive Property and Combining Like Terms, along with various answer keys. With these engaging worksheets, you’ll be able to provide meaningful instruction with minimal prep time.

Distributive Property with Rational Numbers NOTES & PRACTICE is By The Math Cafe

This worksheet helps meet the 7th Grade CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.NS.A2 standard. This standard covers multiplication of fractions and rational numbers, including the distributive property. It explains rules like (-1) (-1) = 1 and how to multiply negative numbers. It also helps students understand how rational numbers are used in real life.

The worksheet includes a review, examples, activities, practice work, and a quiz. It helps students understand and practice the distributive property with rational numbers. An answer key is also included

Using The Distributive Property From Kuta Software

This worksheet from Kuta Software provides a comprehensive set of problems for practicing the distributive property. It includes both numerical and algebraic expressions.

Distributive Property Worksheet From Math Monks

Math Monks offers a variety of free and printable worksheets that test your knowledge of the distributive property as you perform basic mathematical operations like multiplication and addition.

Where to find distributive property worksheets online

As a teacher, you know that textbook worksheets can get boring. That’s why many teachers buy creative materials to inspire their students. But finding the right algebra worksheets can be hard. Once you find good ones, you can save time and use them again in the future.

Finding reliable math worksheets, especially for hard topics, can be tough. As math gets more complex, it’s harder to find free resources online. But don’t worry! We’ve made a list of links from our Teach Simple database. It has many types of worksheets and other resources that could help you.

Buying paid worksheets that match your lesson plan and look good can be hard. You often can’t see the sheet before you buy it. And you have to think about whether high school or adult students will like the design. Thumbnail previews and blurred screenshots make it hard to see how the visuals will look.

But don’t let the cost of teaching materials stop you from getting great content. With Teach Simple’s subscription plan, you can access thousands of educational items every month for a lower price than buying them individually. You can explore and use all our resources for one low monthly fee.

Try Teach Simple’s resources with our free trial and unlimited downloads. You’ll get lots of tools, and your fellow teachers will benefit too. Teach Simple gives half its earnings back. And there’s no commitment needed for a free trial or paid subscription. So sign up now!

We hope this list of distributive property worksheets will help you reach your teaching goals. We appreciate your time in checking out our selection.