Art students produce a lot of work; coming up with original art bulletin board ideas for displaying all that work, as well as other content material, can be a challenge. But creating a board doesn’t have to be time consuming. We’ve gathered a few of our favourite art bulletin boards and tips for inspiration.
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What makes a good art bulletin board?
Before talking about art bulletin boards, we should first discuss the purpose of school boards in general. While bulletin boards serve an important purpose in fostering a welcoming and pleasant school environment, they are also an extension of teaching – a way to turn wall space into opportunities for learning.
Art rooms present a unique challenge, as space is often at a premium due to an abundance of shelves, materials, and artwork; this means that bulletin boards or other displays should be well thought-out to give the maximum impact for the space used.
School bulletin boards typically serve one or more of three functions: display or decor, information-sharing/content, and interactive boards.
In art rooms, displaying student work is important, both for students’ self-esteem and as a demonstration of growth over time.
Although many art displays will fall into this category, there will certainly be times for using the other types. Seasonal decor keeps a room looking up to date and fresh (reducing boredom and zoning out), while interactive boards are a great way for students to develop independence and enjoy the discovery of new information on their own.
A bit of reflection and planning prior to creating bulletin boards can result in substantial time-savings in the long run.
A few questions to consider before creating a new board are:
What is the purpose of this display? How does the board supplement teaching or provide other value to students?
How often will the board be changed? Will it stay up all year? Can accents be changed out seasonally or to match new themes, if desired?
What is the budget for the board? What materials on hand can be used to create this board? What, if anything, needs to be bought?
Can students be involved in creating this display? Will the board be engaging to students?
Creating new bulletin boards from scratch can be a pricey proposition but there are numerous ways to save money on supplies, and art teachers are experts in that arena.
Ultimately, a good art bulletin board is one that works for the purpose that a teacher has set for it and integrates the needs and interests of students. Boards should be culturally competent and inclusive, and integrate well into the space. Bulletin boards are yet another chance for students and teachers alike to express their unique creativity in the classroom!
14 Top ideas for creative art bulletin boards
Visual Art Word Wall From Art With Mrs. Nguyen

Art with Mrs. Nguyen is packed with art and art history resources. We love this art word wall, which features definitions of art terms with pictorial examples. Students will be intrigued by the works of art, and the pleasing design makes a stylish year-round display for any art room. Simply add or change out words as needed.
What Do I Do When I’m Done Board By Shelly Gray Teaching
This site features not only the What to Do board, but a full tour of the rest of an elementary school art room. The What to Do board answers students’ questions by pointing them to art-based activities that they can complete independently.
Roy G Biv Board From Art Teacherin’ 101

We love this stunning display of all the colors of the rainbow! Best of all, it’s put together with nothing more than recycled paint brushes, colored duct tape, and wooden craft letters. The project includes an illustrated step-by-step guide and instructional video.
Art Mobile From Artful Kid

Take student art displays beyond the wall with a 3-D mobile. We love this easy-to-implement idea that uses stacked matte boards of various sizes to hang student art from the ceiling – a truly unique display perfect for showing off student projects.
Mystery Artist Board From Art Of Education
Here’s a sneaky-fun way to incorporate art history into your classroom. The Mystery Artist board showcases facts about an artist’s life, along with a few of their art pieces (make it more difficult for older students by showing only bits of artwork). Students do research and submit their guesses as to the mystery artist’s identity.
Why Is Art Important Board From Think Create Art

This interactive board idea encourages students to dig into what art is and why it matters, both in our own lives and to the larger society. Students’ research and responses on the subject are displayed on colourful sheets of cardstock.
Think, Talk, And Write About Art Board From Bulletin Boards To Remember
Help students find the words to critically analyze their reactions to art with this bulletin board idea. Questions such as “what do you like about it?” and “what don’t you like about it?” are displayed around art pieces to stimulate conversation about how we view artworks.
Art From Around The World Board From Woodlieft
This board design is a fantastic, visual way to introduce students to styles of artwork from all over the world. Art works from various cultures are anchored to a world map to show the diversity of creativity and introduce different styles and movements.
The Dot Interactive Board From Happily Ever After

This student-created art and bulletin board integrates reading and creativity into a stunning display. After reading the picture book, The Dot, this teacher had students create works inspired by the book and display them on a bulletin board and the surrounding wall.
An Earth Without Art Board From My Artful Nest

An earth without art is just “eh” is the theme of this clever board, which can be used to display student artwork or classic master works alike. Students can get involved in painting the earth at the centre of the board or in choosing artwork for display.
Art Room Rules Board From Chucks And Crayons

This bulletin board design keeps it simple with the number one rule: Remember to always be an artist. The letters of the word ARTIST spell out the rules of respect in the art room, focusing on trying your best, listening and being respectful of others.
Artist’s Birthday Board From Kinder Art
This bulletin board wishes a “Happy Birthday” to different artists each month, and celebrates them with pictures of their artwork – a terrific entryway to discovering new artists! Best of all, the board content stays fresh, as new birthdays are added each month!
Op Art Board From Kinder Art
This op artboard will have students looking twice! Green and orange shapes create an optical illusion to intrigue students and get them to talk about color, perspective, and how the brain perceives art. Complete instructions to create the design are included – we promise it’s easier than it looks!
Art Words Board From Kinder Art
Check out this simple way to display new art terms in the classroom. Vocabulary words are prominently displayed on brightly colored cardstock, and the board is easily put together with on-hand supplies like paper, scissors, and markers.
Art bulletin boards can serve a number of purposes in the art classroom. From teaching and reviewing art concepts or terms to displaying student art to art history, bulletin boards are a great way to turn blank classroom space into an extension of teaching and expand students’ knowledge and appreciation of art.