Are you looking for December bulletin board ideas? Bulletin boards are great for keeping your class décor fresh and inspiring. They can be adapted and upgraded to suit themes, current events, and times of the year. And what better month to go all out than December. The festive feeling that gathers momentum over the month can find its way into your classroom in countless ways and still be relevant and conducive to learning.
The first step in creating an exciting learning environment is coming up with creative bulletin board ideas. A boring classroom is hardly inspiring, and getting the décor right makes a big difference.
And, while bulletin boards bring your classroom to life, they are more than colorful wall decorations. They are a tool that can breathe life into your curriculum too. But, at the end of the day, the curriculum is a means to an end. It’s the valuable skills and critical thinking that is taught through the curriculum that really matters. So you want to make that content as engaging as possible to achieve your outcome.
Table of Contents
- What will make your December bulletin board stand out?
- Ideas for December bulletin boards
- Caroler’s Collage by a faithful attempt
- Arts and Crafts
- Be festive while encouraging reading
- This is us!
- Gingerbread and candy cane galore!
- Share the joy
What will make your December bulletin board stand out?
Bulletin boards can relay information to students, support lessons, exhibit students’ work, and more. So, if your goal is to invite your students to enter a winter wonderland of learning in December, here are some tips.
Make it clearly visible and visually appealing
Choose color schemes that are visually stimulating and don’t clash. For example, vibrant borders and multi-layer backgrounds can give your display depth, and your bulletin board should be easy for students to see and read.
Create some free space for new ideas and creativity
Sometimes, the curriculum can limit you and hold you and your students back from learning about the things that really excite them. Create a learning space for something not necessarily found in textbooks or tests.
Be creative and keep at it
Despite how magnificent your bulletin boards are, they will eventually become old hat. If, on the other hand, you keep them fresh and replace them from time to time, your students will look forward to whatever surprise is in store for them.
Involve your students
Allow your students to contribute and make the space interactive. Set aside a space for them to post their work. A great option is to keep an area open for a ‘student of the week.’ That student can be responsible for creating a bulletin board. It’s a great way to keep things fresh and allow students to share their interests.
Be inclusive
There is no escaping the Christmas vibes over December, and much of the décor ideas tie into the commercial side of the holiday season. Be aware of your student’s cultural backgrounds and ensure that everyone is covered. If you have a multi-faith class, perhaps have a display that can incorporate everyone’s traditions and most exciting celebrations.
Ideas for December bulletin boards
With each theme and season, teachers work hard to plan exciting activities and displays for students. It can often be challenging to come up with new ideas year after year. However, you don’t need to stress about how you will transform your classroom this December. Instead, why not take inspiration from us?
Seeing as though all the stores and malls are awash with the sounds of Michael Buble and Mariah, why not decorate your walls with a Christmas music theme? You can use old records and CDs or print out lyric sheets and sheet music for all the classic carols.
Mrs. Schiphoff’s music blog has a range of festive bulletin board ideas that capture the spirit of the holiday season.
Bulletin Boards Gallore by Mrs. Schiphoff

It’s a Snow Secret by the classroom creative
It’s time to create some indoor snowmen for our classroom decorations and bulletin boards.
Caroler’s Collage by a faithful attempt

A fantastic way to display Christmas carols and music, and you create these carolers out of construction paper
singing reindeer by Jennifer Eby
Singing reindeer is cute enough to make you want to burst into song.
Arts and Crafts
Plan crafts that double as display items for an interactive Christmas activity that will contribute to your décor. Students can create their own Christmas-themed masterpieces!
Torn Wrapping Paper Christmas Trees by this reading mama
This activity is great for younger students. Practice fine motor skills with these torn wrapping paper Christmas trees.
Paper Collage Christmas Present Art by Arty Crafty Kids

Make paper collage Christmas gift art – a simple but fun Christmas craft that repurposes scrap paper!
pop-up Christmas cards by Red Ted Art
Make some pop-up photo cards and create a class photo with a difference. These cute pop-up gift card printables are perfect for your December bulletin board.
Be festive while encouraging reading
Reading Lights up the Mind from the classroom creative
This magnificently beautiful bulletin board using string lights.
fireplace bulletin board
This detailed fireplace bulletin board promotes some good reading habits for the winter months.
Light Bulb Snowman By Smart School House
This beautiful snowman with festive bulbs to add to the holiday atmosphere.
Winter is Bearable by Lauren Oconnors
Lauren Oconnors made this cute class of cubs enjoying their storytime.
This is us!
Students love seeing their work on display and their faces too! Here are some very special ways to celebrate your class and feature them in a fun, festive way.
gingerbread cookies by Library Learners
Create cookie sheets out of foil and bake a new batch of creative cookies. If you want your children to make cookies that look like their favorite book characters, here is a free printable!
‘stocking’ of wishlist items by Rainbow within reach

Debbie Clement had her students create their own ‘stocking’ of wishlist items. The goodies were cut from ads and magazines.
elf craft activity by Lita Lita Teacher

This elf craft activity has a template for the elves and six choices for the activity page.
The Elf Craft By simple everyday mom

Turn your students into Buddy the Elf with this free printable template and step-by-step directions.
Paper Elf Craft By the best ideas for kids

Kids can make cherished crafts for loved ones throughout the Christmas season. This photo craft is incredibly simple to make and is a great way to create your own elves to decorate your home with.
Loco for Hot Cocoa! by Mrs. Sauer’s classroom
This is an unusual way to display tour students wring and perfect for chilly December.
Gingerbread and candy cane galore!
Gorgeous Gingerbread By Beth Vinson Wood
Transform your classroom into a gingerbread house by decorating your door. Georgina Arnold went all out with this one.
Gingerbread Door Decoration by A girl and A Glue Gun
A Girl with a Glue Gun is a page brimming with gingerbread décor ideas and features a cool classroom door design.
Share the joy
December themes often veer toward Christmas, or at least the décor and symbols we associate with it. So why not use the opportunity to look at how it is celebrated worldwide and the festivities that occur over the same period for other faiths?
Christmas Around the World Colouring Pages by adventure in a box

These coloring pages can be displayed with information cards to explain the context.
These December bulletin board ideas are interactive and adaptable for all elementary and middle school grades. They are a fantastic way to get yourstudents excited about the holiday season!