Are you having trouble coming up with free bulletin board ideas? March is a month of spring growth, St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, and wind! It’s a month of high levels of activity at school with track meets, baseball games, and tennis. Everything is fresh and green outside, making students hard to calm down to get to the business of learning.
The challenge is in how you present material that will draw them in and capture their attention. If you have a fun and exciting March bulletin board, you might be able to have a starting place in keeping kids’ attention during the “wanna go outside” months.
Table of Contents
- What to Include in a Great March Bulletin Board
- 17 Marvelous March Madness Bulletin Board ideas
- March Bulletin Board Ideas FAQS
- March Bulletin Board Summary
What to Include in a Great March Bulletin Board
So, what should you include in your March bulletin boards? First, think about the things the March reminds you of: kites, windy days, St. Patrick’s Day, boating trips on the weekends, spring break at school, and sports activities. Then decide which ones are the most important to you and your class.
Be sure to also include anything that is relevant to school events and activities and find symbols or mascots that will go with that theme so that it is easily recognizable to passersby as well.
17 Marvelous March Madness Bulletin Board ideas
Bee Amazing From Hiken Dip
This bulletin board idea for the month of March was posted by Hiken Dip and features a bunch of bees buzzing around a group of sunflowers. This bulletin board idea brings out the nature element of the season and adds a “busy element” to the classroom environment.
March Into Spring From Hiken Dip
This spring-centered bulletin board idea was posted by Hiken Dip. You can visit his website at He posts information that will help teachers (and others) find the information they need to improve their way of life. March is a great month to talk about nature in science classes and other classes. Why not use it to its fullest with this spritely board idea?
More Than Gold By The Teacher Wife
This March bulletin board idea begs the question: “Who is worth more to you than gold?” This is a great bulletin board idea because it focuses on what true value is. Some students created a board on their own showing how their mom was worth more than gold because she cooks great food. It gets kids to thinking about the real value of something and how it is not always measured in real monetary value. This idea was posted by Lindsey, a licensed educator from Utah.
I’m Lucky Because By A Cupcake For The Teacher
This March bulletin board idea comes to us from Teri, an educator who has her own blog known as “A Cupcake for the Teacher.” She likes to share unique bulletin board ideas for her fellow teachers. This one is a great because of its simplicity and the fact that every student can participate by putting down why they feel lucky.
Welcome Sunny Days From Preschool Activities
This March bulletin board idea is great because it focuses on the weather of March as it welcomes sunny days again. After the long winter, most kids are glad to get outside again and enjoy the sunshine. A great poem that could go well with this is Robert Frost’s, “To the Thawing Wind,” in which he is writing a poem about the snowy winter weather while longing to be outside in the spring sun! Look it up. It’s perfect.
Supplement To March Bulletin Boards From Teach Simple

A bulletin board is only as good as the supplemental materials that you provide. Once you have your bulletin board up, now what? Students will want to talk about it (and they should) with you and discuss why what you have up as a class is important. When students ask these questions, you can turn to Teach Simple to get more materials to help supplement your theme. Check out the link above to get a great book on writing prompts for the month of March. Then students could add their writing ideas to the March board.
Lucky to Be In By Alexandra Perrotta Small
This beautiful bulletin board can be created using the old “chain link” method like students used to do to create a Christmas chain to go around the tree. Make one in every color of the rainbow and string it along your bulletin board or entire classroom wall if you like from a pot of gold with the words, “Lucky to Be in Room # ____” then put your classroom number. This is a great way to affirm the importance of your classroom and the fact that every student is significant.
Lucky Family Project By Sunny Days In Second Grade
Lisa Johnson, a second grade teacher, posted this one to share with teachers that allows kids to create their own 4-leaf clover and then paste pictures of their families and tell reasons why they are “lucky” to have the family they do.
Where Does Your Rainbow Lead? By Ashley Inks
Here is a pretty bulletin board idea for March that includes many of the positive traits we want kids to adopt for themselves, including honesty, caring, respect, and responsibility. There are many ways to teach these values without being “preachy.” Try putting one of the characteristics on each strand of the rainbow and start a class discussion about why they are important. As an extra perk, why not create stars with students’ names on it to place along the strand that students exhibit on a daily basis?
Books Bring Good Luck By Erica Nunez
Here’s another Reading-focused idea woven into the March bulletin board theme. It features a collage of books by Irish authors or books about St. Patrick’s Day but it could include any kind of books students love to read. The idea is to inspire kids to read more and to embrace whatever season we are in with a good read.
Spring Bulletin Board Ideas By Easy Peasy And Fun

We found this cool page with lots of ideas for March and spring season bulletin boards. You may get some inspiration from some of these. Our favorite one was the one that features a tree with various shades of green balloons to serve as leaves. Lots of butterflies are scattered about, of course. What a great way to bring in the Spring season.
Celebrate Yellowstone National Park By
You may not know this but Yellowstone National Park was founded on March 1, 1872. What a great way to celebrate the month of March and learn about some of our most intriguing natural formations, as well. This page tells you how you can create a bulletin board in commemoration of the event or to brainstorm your own ideas on similar themes. (Contributed by
March Bulletin Board Ideas By Classroom Freebies

The site at Classroom Freebies is dedicated to offering free ideas to teachers. Here you can find another selection of March bulletin board ideas to choose from. Remember to always select ideas that are most suitable for your students’ age and ability level, as well as the projects most closely akin to what you are focusing on in your room.
More Spring Theme By Preschool Ideas, Enjoy Learning
Check out this video on YouTube that takes you through a lovely spring bulletin board tutorial a step at a time. It includes lots of colorful butterflies, birds, and flowers, and even a birdhouse kids can paint, and is sure to delight kids as you enter a new season.
Never Stop Growing By Reading With Mrs. D.
Here is a cute flower-themed bulletin board for March and spring to get kids excited about learning and nature.
Friends Are Flowers By OCCOA
What better way to illustrate the power of spring than to use this bulletin board theme about flowers and friendship. Best of all, it introduces a metaphor (which is a comparison not using like or as). English teachers can point to the bulletin board whenever someone has a problem understanding what a metaphor is or how to use it in their writing. It states, “Friends are Flowers in the Garden of Life,” and is a lovely metaphor for how friends brighten our way, much like the flowers of spring do.
Spring Bulletin Board Ideas From Teach Simple

Here is a collection of more bulletin board ideas to get your students into the Spring season. At Teach Simple, we love being a part of the educational system and sharing some of our best resources with teachers across the country. If you’re looking for materials to use in your instructional units or working on your next bulletin board, we are there to offer tips and resources to help you succeed.
March Bulletin Board Ideas FAQS
There is no right or wrong answer to this. The right bulletin board for you is the one that gets kids inspired to think, read, and write and to grow as a person. Think about what is important to them and plan accordingly.
No. Nothing says that you have to focus on a particular month. However it is traditional, especially in the younger grades, to focus on the time of year and seasons as this helps to enforce it with younger children. Some teachers focus on books of the month instead but they still usually put the name of the current month up for students to reference. Having a sense of time and the point of the school year being experienced is important to students. But if you can figure out another way to create the same motivation using another technique, feel free to share it with us!
Yes and no. It is customary to use bulletin board with younger kids (from Preschool to Middle School grades) because younger kids are more visual learners and need the colors and visual representation to learn more effectively. Older students are more abstract learners and can use other means to learn and retain information. Still, older students can benefit from posting units or other supplemental information about the units you are covering on a bulletin board. It may add to the learning experience.
For younger kids, you should include them as much as possible. This helps them be more creative when working on any visual project and may also give them a sense of teamwork and achievement when working with peers.
March Bulletin Board Summary
If you want to build a March bulletin board that students will connect with, start with the basics. Use one of the many ideas we have shared in this post about St. Patrick’s Day, the spring weather, flowers and birds, or whatever you decide is best for your class. You can always add to your bulletin board throughout the month as you think of new things. Let students post their writings alongside the board or share book reports from some of the Irish authors as a culture study. There are many different ways to share ideas about March and the springtime. The only limit if your imagination.