October is the time when the leaves fall, the harvest is brought in and the world turns golden. It is the time of pumpkins, richly-colored leaves and Halloween. You can use a bulletin board dedicated to October to reflect what is going on around your class. The October Bulletin Board can also involve the students in interactive tasks.
In this post, you will encounter a range of October bulletin board ideas, which I have put together with some ideas about how to use each one. I have also suggested what should go into making a good October bulletin board.
Table of Contents
Elements To include in an October bulletin board
Like any bulletin board, there should not be too much going on when it comes to creating a good October bulletin board. You should have a heading or slogan that characterizes the October Bulletin Board. Make sure everything on the board is relevant to that, then the board will remain focused.
A good October bulletin board should show what makes the month special. The obvious things here are Fall, the harvest and Halloween. You don’t have to fit into a stereotype. Think about the warm weather before the coming winter, the richness of the air and the colors all around.
You should allow an October bulletin board to show the students what events take place in October. Of course, there is Halloween. There are other dates that will be important in your school, town or state. You can include those too. Don’t forget to mark any students’ birthdays in the month too.
October is usually breast cancer awareness month, so you may want to include something about that on a bulletin board. For school, I don’t suggest creating a whole October bulletin board about awareness. It is something you could feature on a calendar bulletin board, though.
An October bulletin board should include interaction with the students. They can create and/or paint parts of the board. They can also make their own leaves, pumpkins, apples, scarecrows etc, to add to the board.
It is also a good place to display pictures of the students in your class and information about them. Perhaps they could share one important thing about themselves, which could be written on a leaf and put on the October bulletin board.
Ideas for October Bulletin Boards
- We’re Thankful For From Little Learning Corner
What better way to begin a month than by encouraging the students to look around them and find what they are grateful for? Encourage them create their own turkey and add a new feather every day. You can encourage your students to continue the process throughout the month.
- Autumn Fun From The Classroom Creative
This October bulletin board is just sheer fun. Imagine how your kids would enjoy it if you created the board with no leaves in the barrow and they could make leaves and fill it throughout the month. They would slowly cover the figure.
- Let’s Harvest Good Character From We Are Teachers
I like the October bulletin board that bring together the theme or month with character-building ideas. The illustrations and idea of harvest are what October is about, while the character traits that are listed should last forever for the students.
- 17 Little Pumpkins Sitting On A Fence From Little Learning Corner
This is a cute idea for a October bulletin board for you students, the ‘little pumpkins’. It’s a great opportunity for you to give the students the chance to let their creativity out as they decorate their own pumpkins. They can write their names on them, or even stick a picture of themselves onto the pumpkins. The bulletin board will make your students feel special in October.
- Fall Into A Good Book From Talkdecor
You will find a lot of bulletin boards using cute puns on a key word. It’s not that easy to pun on ‘October’, but ‘Fall’ is a good option. This should attract the attention of some grades, while the image of the cute tree will definitely appeal to lower grades.
- Welcome To Our Pumpkin Patch From Little Learning corner
- Apple Tree From Around The Kampfire
You will find bushels of fruit all over in October, just as they are on this October bulletin board. You can add labels to the fruit and bushels to teach, as has been done here. You can also task the students with creating their own apples and writing short poems about October on them. They could also create fruit of the harvest onto which they write words to do with the season.
- The Apples Of My Eye From Rainbows Within Reach
This is a beautifully simple, but effective bulletin board about apples. You just have to give your students the materials to create large, beautiful apple frames for their names or photos. They can choose where to stick them on the board.
- An A-Peeling Bunch By Mary Ann White
There are two basic choices for this bulletin board. Your students can color cutouts of apples and stick them on the board, or they can draw, color and cut out their own apples, which would make them more varied.
- Pumpkin Harvest From Talkdecor
This October bulletin board is a work of art on its own. It is the type of board that needs more than one type of input. It would be a valuable and creative process for the students to work in groups to create the board in various stages.
- Scarecrow Fun From Hotcore
I really like the sense of peacefulness in this bulletin board. The elements are relatively simple, but together create their own rich image. This board gives the opportunity for students to work individually on flowers, leaves and birds, to create the background for the 3D scarecrow.
- Trick Or Pete From California Casualty
It’s always fun when students can ‘meet’ old friends in school. If your kids know Pete the Cat, then this would be a great bulletin board for them in October. You can do the same thing with any other familiar or cherished characters from stories, movies or songs that they are familiar with. You will need to be a little creative to bring the character into the season, as has been done here between October and Halloween.
- We Are Nuts About Learning From Bulletin Board Ideas
This bulletin board is an example of what you could do with your students. Without the heading, the bulletin board still tells us about October. It is the slogan that brings it together with school and gives it a larger meaning.
- Legs And Leaves From Talk Decor
This bulletin board has no words, but we just know it’s about October. With the middle to higher grades, ask your students to suggest headings for this board. The class can vote on the words to be added to the board.
- Harvesting Knowledge From QuotesGram
This is another example of a bulletin board that brings together October and learning. The image of the produce overflowing the barrow is appealing. I’d suggest you could get the kids to write words on each vegetable and create a pile of knowledge on the board.
- We’re The Cream Of The Crop From The Applicious Teacher
Corn is definitely on the menu in October. This is a very cute bulletin board and the perfect opportunity for your students to put themselves on the board. You should create a template of the corn cob and the leaves. Print them on separate sheets, so that the students can cut them out and decorate them for the bulletin board.
- Harvesting Knowledge From Hotcore
This bulletin board just screams to be about you and your class. Each student can create their own corn cob on the plant and write their name on it. It would be fun to ask your students to suggest what to include in the figure of the scarecrow ‘teacher’.
- We have Lots To Crow About From Terrific Preschool Years
The scarecrow on this bulletin board is cuddly and cheerful. You can make it a bit of a competition amongst your learners to design the perfect scarecrow outfit. Then, you can give your students a fun art project, making the corn cobs and leaves.
- October: School Is A Barrel Of Fun From Quotes Gram
This is a very simple, almost geometric bulletin board for October. The colors are brought through the sign, the bushel and the apples themselves. Your students can make their own apples, which will go into the bushel.
- Corn Star From Real life, One day At A Time From 1 Pure Heart
This is not a bulletin board – yet. It would make the greatest center piece of an October board, or even just a motif to use. You could use it to feature the students’ photos. They could make these in groups, then attach them to a bulletin board, which would make it 3D.
- Happy Harvest From Preschool Activities
This is a preschool October bulletin board and has the cute look the students will enjoy. The paper plate pumpkins are perfect for them to create. You can write their names on their pumpkins.
- Scarecrow Bulletin Board From PreK Perfection
I’ve included this bulletin board for a bit of fun. Scarecrows are part of many October decorations, what with the harvest and crops that come in during the month. This board uses orange and black, which are often ‘October colors’, but each scarecrow uses other colors too. The effect is cheerful and fun.
- October From Talkedecor
These are my absolute favourite pumpkins! They are just so unusual. The slits give them the pumpkin look and they are the correct shape, but are a clever feature on a wonderfully funky board.
- Fun pumpkins From Better Homes And Gardens
Then there are these! The concertina pumpkins can be draped across the top or bottom of your October bulletin board. You can use pumpkins and lettering of different sizes.
- Is It October 31st yet? From Teachers Mag
The question says it all, doesn’t it? There’s the sense of ‘We just can’t wait for all that fun!’
- Halloween Fun From The Teachers Corner
The candy striped awning along the top of the board is unexpected for October, but it definitely gives it a festive look. There are plenty of opportunities for your students to create their own cats, pumpkins or other Halloween images to add to this board.
- Hocus Pocus Everybody Focus From Creatively Taught Etsy
This is a kit of resources to decorate your October bulletin board. The combination of their muted green with the orange and black is unusual and effective. Note that there are nametags you can use to make sure your students make their mark on the board.
- Bewitching Artwork From Tinyartroom

It’s the use of color that really makes this bulletin board stand out. The overall impression is of the orange and black one expects from October, but there are other colors to make it unusual. You could do a wonderful adaptation of this and replace the images of the witches’ feet with pictures of your students, or even of their feet!
- Where Do The Good Books Hide? From The Teacher Librarian
The focus of this bulletin board is on reading, but the theme is purely October. It uses simple colors, which give emphasis to the eyes looking from the dark. The yellow writing stands out against the background. You could get your students to produce their own October creatures to add to it.
- Weave Me Alone In Reading From Smells Like Library
This bulletin board is aimed at reading, using images that talk about October. There is a pun for the older kids, a cute spider for the younger grades, and the reproduction of the vintage scarecrow in the center for everyone.
Final Thoughts
Each of the resources in this post should give you more than one idea for your own October bulletin board. You can use your imagination to create something that is about the month and also about your students.